Janet Reno

American lawyer
Died on Monday November 7th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Janet Reno:

@justhefax_mam: Now that Janet Reno has passed... - 8 years ago

@LaloRoft1: Janet Reno: in on the joke, even when \'SNL\' played her in drag - 8 years ago

@TheRealToriNYC: RT @NARAL: Thank you, Janet Reno, for your commitment to support #reprofreedom & to #InvestigateClinicViolence: - 8 years ago

@Adevilza_: RT @billclinton: Janet Reno was an extraordinary public servant who never forgot about the lives of real people. - 8 years ago


@WordepicNews: RT @OkoheFebisola: Janet Reno, former US attorney general, has died - 8 years ago

@JurisDuqLaw: Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno passed away on Nov. 7. Natalia Holliday reflects on Reno's historic career. - 8 years ago

@Fernandltokrt: RT @haydenblack: David Bowie. Prince. Gwen Ifil. Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen. Janet Reno. Kevin Meaney. Gene Wilder. Etc. They didn't die… - 8 years ago

@JLOOVolcan: RT @RalphGMWorks: Janet Reno, The woman who pleased Fidel Castro by sending Elián González to #Cuba, the prison island, Dies At 78 - 8 years ago

@RoddlePunch: RT @haydenblack: David Bowie. Prince. Gwen Ifil. Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen. Janet Reno. Kevin Meaney. Gene Wilder. Etc. They didn't die… - 8 years ago

@Gen_Zed: RT @haydenblack: David Bowie. Prince. Gwen Ifil. Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen. Janet Reno. Kevin Meaney. Gene Wilder. Etc. They didn't die… - 8 years ago

@GoodniteBurbank: RT @haydenblack: David Bowie. Prince. Gwen Ifil. Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen. Janet Reno. Kevin Meaney. Gene Wilder. Etc. They didn't die… - 8 years ago

@AlexNSloan: I thought Janet Reno died. - 8 years ago

@bambamman12: @AP This is obviously a sexist nation, better dump her. Ever notice how Janet Reno was hated or Hillary or Elizabeth Warren? #sexismrulz - 8 years ago

@all1race1: RT @EqualRightsAdv: Today, ERA staff is celebrating groundbreaking firsts for women. In 1993, Janet Reno became the first woman Attorney… - 8 years ago

@haydenblack: David Bowie. Prince. Gwen Ifil. Leon Russell. Leonard Cohen. Janet Reno. Kevin Meaney. Gene Wilder. Etc. They didn't die; they escaped. - 8 years ago

@SnapeIsaac: Janet Reno, First Female US Attorney General, Dies At 78 - NPR - 8 years ago

@theflabar: Trailblazer Janet Reno left legacy in legal circles: - 8 years ago

@OArtistaDoDia: cc Janet Reno - 8 years ago

@KPetcovic: RT @innocence: Remembering Janet Reno’s efforts to end wrongful convictions: - 8 years ago

@ElisaRobeldo1: Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno Dead at Age 78 - 8 years ago

@SLGLawFla: SLG Partner Harry Shorstein talks about his relationship with Janet Reno. - 8 years ago

@3IN1AUDIOSET: when janet reno died i knew hillary was gonna lose - 8 years ago

@Jpat1952: RT @inmatemd: @Jpat1952 Janet Reno sent the FBI to Waco Tx then attacked a Religious compound burning up women and children, Yet Obama igno… - 8 years ago


@KimAnklin: RT @innocence: Remembering Janet Reno’s efforts to end wrongful convictions: - 8 years ago

@9fnfsbgx87W9iYq: Janet Reno, Former US Attorney General, Has Died at 78 - 8 years ago

@inmatemd: @Jpat1952 Janet Reno sent the FBI to Waco Tx then attacked a Religious compound burning up women and children, Yet Obama ignores this? - 8 years ago

@ScottySoleil: Janet Reno, the 1st woman to serve as U.S. attorney general, has died - 8 years ago

@KateCornell: @readjennymartin Did Janet Reno not die? - 8 years ago

@MaraLawPA: Trailblazer Janet Reno left legacy in legal circles: - 8 years ago

@Deplorable4L: RT @weh8hillary: Janet Reno #DNCLeak2 #DNCLEAKS2 #ElectionFinalThoughts - 8 years ago

@real_vt16: @LotoSean @TheRealTD1 @ssteinbring @BernieSanders Janet Reno did. She deported that poor boy back to Cuba to be with his father...remember! - 8 years ago

@PMM_Twitch: RT @RetrogradeTom: Underrail continues in 30 minutes at 10AM ET/ 3PM UTC on @GOGcomTwitch with the stabby Janet Reno (it's like #Fallout 1… - 8 years ago

@ThaManu333: @WeltFakten Und ich dachte, eure Fakten würden stimmen... - 8 years ago

@BonusEruptus: @2dAmMuslim And Janet Reno's not around to fight dirty with him. - 8 years ago

@YourHeroVir: RT @enlightdark: Gwen Ifill AND Janet Reno in same week? God really does love us and wants us to be happy. - 8 years ago

@AprilAchoo: RT @weh8hillary: @hrhjmm @0HOUR1__ #ClintonBodyCount last week Donald Pogue Bill Clinton law school roommate & Janet Reno hid Vince Foster… - 8 years ago

@CarlBialik: Related - 8 years ago

@RetrogradeTom: Underrail continues in 30 minutes at 10AM ET/ 3PM UTC on @GOGcomTwitch with the stabby Janet Reno (it's like… - 8 years ago

@lexiplexed: RT @CJJRGU: Why I Want My Daughters To Know About Janet Reno - 8 years ago

@theevilwriter: RT @catmancatman864: Notable Deaths of 2016: David Bowie My Dad Prince Elie Wiesel Janet Reno Common Decency Obama's Legacy Joy - 8 years ago

@paperphotoyo: RT @catmancatman864: Notable Deaths of 2016: David Bowie My Dad Prince Elie Wiesel Janet Reno Common Decency Obama's Legacy Joy - 8 years ago

@JSLauderdale: The liberal left is dying like starving children in Africa. RIP Janet Reno - 8 years ago

@imperfectHuman5: what about health and human services under Janet Reno buying all the ammunition, and setting up sneak death camps. - 8 years ago

@VivianNesbitt: There have been some true highlights in my life. One of them was interviewing Attorney General Janet Reno. give... - 8 years ago

@ktwiss5: Janet Reno, Leonard Cohen, Gwen Ifill. Who steps up? Who fills their mighty big footwear? - 8 years ago

@dickwasp: @BarroldBonds wow, ya, we might have someone who'd be worse than Janet Reno. Wow. - 8 years ago

@3POINTGROTTO: It's unfortunate that Janet Reno didn't live long enough to witness the election of President Trump! - 8 years ago

@jessica1231u: RT @Cork_Hub: Last Top Stories: Janet Reno, First Female US Attorney General, Dies At 78 - 8 years ago

@darlingdogss: RT @RepHastingsFL: I join with so many around the nation in mourning the loss of Janet Reno - 8 years ago

@Christinekorda: Remembering Janet Reno: 4 #quotes to inspire #communicators - 8 years ago

@innocencewatch: Janet Reno Was Unafraid of Science That Could Exonerate the Innocent - 8 years ago

@Annefesto: @christinejgreen I know! I didn't want to tell mom the bad news. She is still upset about McLaughlin & Janet Reno,… - 8 years ago

@ndejackmo: Janet Reno, Leonard Cohen, and Gwen Ifill...what a sad week. - 8 years ago

@hmmngbrd508: RT @NatEnquirer: Janet Reno Dead At 78 — First Female Attorney General Was Caught Up In Clinton Scandals! #tcot - 8 years ago

@rdchain: # "Gwen Ifill" When that witch Janet Reno died I knew it was a bad season 4 witches! Hillary lost confirming that, now the trifecta Bye Gwen - 8 years ago

@max_turbo88: Oh shit! Janet Reno has a twin. - 8 years ago

@jahange90938729: Soros Sells Off Gold ETF, Scoops Up Energy and Emerging Markets #stocks #fx - 8 years ago

@MariolaPR: RT @ajplus: 5 things to know about Janet Reno, the first woman U.S. attorney general, who died this week. - 8 years ago

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