Janet Asimov

American science fiction writer
Died on Saturday March 2nd 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Janet Asimov:

@rk70534: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@HUUmanistsAssoc: In Memoriam: Janet Jeppson Asimov, 1926 – 2019 - - 6 years ago

@grossonium: RT @Fantascienzacom: Editoria: È morta Janet Jeppson Asimov, autrice della serie del robot Norby - 6 years ago

@FabulaData: RT @Anticipation_FR: Psychiatre, écrivaine de SF, et veuve d'Isaac Asimov... voici notre portrait de Janet Asimov, ou "J.O. Jeppson". Un ho… - 6 years ago


@Justinabeth: RT @Marcus_DB: Il y a quelques jours Janet Asimov, psychiatre, écrivaine de SF, veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée. En son hommage j'ai fait… - 6 years ago

@LloydChery22: RT @Marcus_DB: Il y a quelques jours Janet Asimov, psychiatre, écrivaine de SF, veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée. En son hommage j'ai fait… - 6 years ago

@LeilaMarchand: RT @Marcus_DB: Il y a quelques jours Janet Asimov, psychiatre, écrivaine de SF, veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée. En son hommage j'ai fait… - 6 years ago

@Marcus_DB: Il y a quelques jours Janet Asimov, psychiatre, écrivaine de SF, veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée. En son hommage… - 6 years ago

@Anticipation_FR: Psychiatre, écrivaine de SF, et veuve d'Isaac Asimov... voici notre portrait de Janet Asimov, ou "J.O. Jeppson". Un… - 6 years ago

@Teresa_Kelly: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@danielaceravolo: 😢 - 6 years ago

@braviautori: - 6 years ago

@Fantascienzacom: Editoria: È morta Janet Jeppson Asimov, autrice della serie del robot Norby - 6 years ago

@GuteMonik: RT @wikimediaco: Lamentamos la muerte de Janet #Asimov, escritora de ciencia ficción, psicoanalista y esposa de Isaac Asimov, quien nos dej… - 6 years ago

@nmatthiasmoore: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@GretasenzaGarbo: RT @_IL_DIGA_: 💔 «Addio a Janet Opal Jeppson, vedova di Asimov: rivelò che il marito aveva l'Aids» - 6 years ago

@_IL_DIGA_: 💔 «Addio a Janet Opal Jeppson, vedova di Asimov: rivelò che il marito aveva l'Aids» - 6 years ago

@RutWirtz: RT @catedempsey: RIP to Janet Asimov - psychiatrist, author of really good sci-fi books and wife of Isaac Asimov. She was a brilliant woman… - 6 years ago

@jasonsnitker: RT @catedempsey: RIP to Janet Asimov - psychiatrist, author of really good sci-fi books and wife of Isaac Asimov. She was a brilliant woman… - 6 years ago

@TheTudorness: RT @catedempsey: RIP to Janet Asimov - psychiatrist, author of really good sci-fi books and wife of Isaac Asimov. She was a brilliant woman… - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: RT @locusmag: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@TheZebraBeat: RT @catedempsey: RIP to Janet Asimov - psychiatrist, author of really good sci-fi books and wife of Isaac Asimov. She was a brilliant woman… - 6 years ago

@sinbokukyapun: RT @TomitaKentaro: いまさらジャネット・アシモフの訃報を知る。アイザックの未亡人。92歳。ヒューマニスト協会のサイトなので、彼女が子供の頃に超自然的な存在を信じなくなり、大学生で宗教に頼らなくなった過程が紹介されている。なるほど。80代になっても精力的に活動し… - 6 years ago

@sampson305rw: @catedempsey Whilst I knew not of Janet Asimov, I did read some of Isaac Asimov books. Particularly one about a pla… - 6 years ago

@MiloWh007: RT @catedempsey: RIP to Janet Asimov - psychiatrist, author of really good sci-fi books and wife of Isaac Asimov. She was a brilliant woman… - 6 years ago

@DrPandrew: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@catedempsey: RIP to Janet Asimov - psychiatrist, author of really good sci-fi books and wife of Isaac Asimov. She was a brillian… - 6 years ago

@Siriox: RT @wikimediaco: Lamentamos la muerte de Janet #Asimov, escritora de ciencia ficción, psicoanalista y esposa de Isaac Asimov, quien nos dej… - 6 years ago

@wikimediaco: Lamentamos la muerte de Janet #Asimov, escritora de ciencia ficción, psicoanalista y esposa de Isaac Asimov, quien… - 6 years ago

@ninjasnakes: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@ryo_ishii05: RT @TomitaKentaro: いまさらジャネット・アシモフの訃報を知る。アイザックの未亡人。92歳。ヒューマニスト協会のサイトなので、彼女が子供の頃に超自然的な存在を信じなくなり、大学生で宗教に頼らなくなった過程が紹介されている。なるほど。80代になっても精力的に活動し… - 6 years ago

@FreethinkersOf: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@Chronos_cat: RT @L3Fundacion: El pasado veinticinco de febrero falleció Janet Jeppson Asimov, según comunica Locus. - 6 years ago

@lisekimhorton: RT @locusmag: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@OldManAries: RT @locusmag: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@CanetheSutter: RT @locusmag: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@dereknason: RT @locusmag: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@locusmag: Janet Asimov (1926-2019) - 6 years ago

@Ladislife: Janet Asimov, auteure et veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée - 6 years ago

@familywhistle: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@gaby_wald: RT @letomtwitt: "Janet Asimov, auteure et veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée" - 6 years ago

@EdLaabes: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@ligue_ludique: RT @letomtwitt: "Janet Asimov, auteure et veuve d'Isaac Asimov, est décédée" - 6 years ago

@RMGalatea: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@SFbookclub: RT @kryptonradio: Post Edited: Remembering Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@SFbookclub: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@donnako1: The Norby the Mixed-up Robot stories by Janet Asimov were favourites of mine. - 6 years ago

@SFbookclub: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@gregg_tm: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@thetzvortex: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@JoshMLabelle: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@JodiesJumpsuit: RT @Asimovs_SF: We are very sorry to learn of the death of Janet Jeppson Asimov (August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019). Janet was was an auth… - 6 years ago

@expreacher: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@CampQuest: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@AHAedcenter: Janet Asimov was a dedicated advocate for uniting humanists, raising humanist children, and the AHA’s promotion of… - 6 years ago

@GodHere3: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@LinesideSE: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@steveothesane: RT @americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on #humanism… - 6 years ago

@americnhumanist: Janet Jeppson Asimov's generosity and contributions to the nontheist movement have made a lasting impact on… - 6 years ago

@georgethebeast: RT @Insane_Clock: Προχθές πέθανε κι η Janet Opal Asimov, χήρα του Isaac Asimov, φανταστική συγγραφέας και επισης ψυχίατρος με χρόνια έρευνα… - 6 years ago

@infmom: Why wasn't it all over the news when Janet Asimov died? - 6 years ago

@Insane_Clock: Προχθές πέθανε κι η Janet Opal Asimov, χήρα του Isaac Asimov, φανταστική συγγραφέας και επισης ψυχίατρος με χρόνια έρευνας. - 6 years ago

@mcnaughtongunn: Obituary Note: Janet Jeppson Asimov - 6 years ago

@evolnauj_: RT @CiFiccionarios: Murió Janet Asimov a los 92 años. Deja una obra de libros de ciencia ficción y varios textos sobre Isaac Asimov. Paz en… - 6 years ago

@Juliecwhan: 😞 - 6 years ago

@wodfan: RT @HillaryWarnedUs: Janet Opal Jeppson, psychiatrist and author, has joined her husband Isaac Asimov in death. She was 92. Asimov passed i… - 6 years ago

@HillaryWarnedUs: Janet Opal Jeppson, psychiatrist and author, has joined her husband Isaac Asimov in death. She was 92. Asimov passe… - 6 years ago

@keithbradley298: View JANET ASIMOV's Obituary on - 6 years ago

@ThatNeilGuy: RIP Janet Jeppson Asimov. Thanks to his autobiography, I felt like I was almost a witness to Isaac’s romance. And e… - 6 years ago

@Fred_Joubert667: Si tu as lu les intro et les préface d'Asimov, tu connaissais Janet. - 6 years ago

@WHEbe60165: RT @sfsignal: Sad news...RIP Janet Asimov - - 6 years ago

@sfsignal: Sad news...RIP Janet Asimov - - 6 years ago

@BookDivasReads: Obituary Note: Janet Jeppson Asimov - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: @guardianobits Janet Asimov the widow and collaborator of Isaac Asimov has died. Will she be added to the list of F… - 6 years ago

@CiFiccionarios: Murió Janet Asimov a los 92 años. Deja una obra de libros de ciencia ficción y varios textos sobre Isaac Asimov. Pa… - 6 years ago

@CiFiccionarios: RT @nevalalee: I've just heard through @PaulLev that Janet Asimov has passed away. I never met her, although I wish I had. She's a fascinat… - 6 years ago

@dd9000: RT @PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@whami: RT @nevalalee: I've just heard through @PaulLev that Janet Asimov has passed away. I never met her, although I wish I had. She's a fascinat… - 6 years ago

@jamietr: New Post: R.I.P. Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: RT @SarahGraves2011: JANET ASIMOV Obituary - New York, NY | New York Times - 6 years ago

@Heraldofcreatio: RT @AJArmstrong8: I just read that Janet Asimov, wife of Issac, psychologist and SciFi writer in her own right, has passed away. - 6 years ago

@see_venice: RT @Admore: “Janet Opal Asimov (née Jeppson; August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019), usually writing as J. O. Jeppson, was an American science… - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Janet Asimov, US-amerikanische Science-Fiction-Autorin und Psychoanalytikerin, am 25.02.2019 im Alter von 92 Jahren… - 6 years ago

@KirkjBarbera: RT @nevalalee: I've just heard through @PaulLev that Janet Asimov has passed away. I never met her, although I wish I had. She's a fascinat… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Janet Asimov (92) Author, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst - 6 years ago

@dsfpspacefl1ght: RT @PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@OgtheBeautiful: RT @nevalalee: I've just heard through @PaulLev that Janet Asimov has passed away. I never met her, although I wish I had. She's a fascinat… - 6 years ago

@Hugo_Book_Club: RT @nevalalee: I've just heard through @PaulLev that Janet Asimov has passed away. I never met her, although I wish I had. She's a fascinat… - 6 years ago

@nevalalee: I've just heard through @PaulLev that Janet Asimov has passed away. I never met her, although I wish I had. She's a… - 6 years ago

@FredKiesche: RT @PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@CoraBuhlert: RT @PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@AJArmstrong8: I just read that Janet Asimov, wife of Issac, psychologist and SciFi writer in her own right, has passed away. - 6 years ago

@PaulLev: RT @PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@ReligionProf: Janet Opal Asimov, 1926-2019 - 6 years ago

@captphilonline: Janet Opal Asimov, 1926-2019 - 6 years ago

@PaulLev: #RIP Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@harlemedic: Stanley Asimov's sister in law: - 6 years ago

@Admore: “Janet Opal Asimov (née Jeppson; August 6, 1926 – February 25, 2019), usually writing as J. O. Jeppson, was an Amer… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Janet Asimov - #JanetAsimov #Janet #Asimov #rip - 6 years ago

@SarahGraves2011: JANET ASIMOV Obituary - New York, NY | New York Times - 6 years ago

@gilibugg: RT @PublishersWkly: Janet Jeppson, widow of Isaac Asimov and the author of more than two dozen books, died February 25 at age 92 | @nytimes… - 6 years ago

@PublishersWkly: Janet Jeppson, widow of Isaac Asimov and the author of more than two dozen books, died February 25 at age 92 |… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Janet Asimov - 6 years ago

@D4NROID: @ToddHerzman Norby the Mixed Up Robot, by Janet and Isaac Asimov - 6 years ago

@bethduffy95: @FavoriteGoat No...I haven’t? I like Janet evanovich....a bounty hunter in love with 2 different type guys, Patters… - 6 years ago

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