Jane Juska

American writer.
Died on Sunday October 29th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Gay Caswell

Tweets related to Jane Juska:

@GlobeMetro: Jane Juska, 84, memoirist of later-life encounters - 7 years ago

@PolishFeminists: RT @p_palian: Before I turn 67... — I would like a lot of sex with a man I like. If you want to talk first,.. {RI… - 7 years ago

@Ivuoma: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@TriciaJarman: Jane Juska: memoirist of sex in later life - 7 years ago


@NYTObits: “I wanted to be the woman I was never able to be,” Jane Juska wrote in her best-selling memoir - 7 years ago

@otona_amazon: 洋書/ #3: A Round-Heeled Woman - 7 years ago

@p_palian: Before I turn 67... — I would like a lot of sex with a man I like. If you want to talk first,.. {RIP} #JaneJuska - 7 years ago

@p_palian: RT @GuerrillaGsOT: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@Petronella611: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@Petronella611: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@otona_amazon: 洋書/ #1: A Round-Heeled Woman - 7 years ago

@MisLibretos: Muere Jane Juska, autora del «best seller» sobre el sexo a los sesenta - 7 years ago

@femmemoran: RT @hofrench: This is great. "Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies" - 7 years ago

@waweru: RT @hofrench: This is great. "Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies" - 7 years ago

@macdonmg: RT @NYTObits: “I wanted to be the woman I was never able to be,” Jane Juska wrote in her best-selling memoir - 7 years ago

@otona_amazon: 洋書/ #2: A Round-Heeled Woman - 7 years ago

@orlandoferrand: Nobody but writers and artists have ever inspired me to create the life I've always wanted. Therefore, I never... - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “I wanted to be the woman I was never able to be,” Jane Juska wrote in her best-selling memoir - 7 years ago

@GuerrillaGsOT: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@branci13: RT @nytimes: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: Seeking to meet intelligent men, she bought an ad in the personals section of The New York Review of Books - 7 years ago

@enefa_a: RT @hofrench: This is great. "Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies" - 7 years ago

@hofrench: This is great. "Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies" - 7 years ago

@jorgegala1954: RT @abc_es: Muere Jane Juska, autora del «best seller» sobre el sexo a los sesenta - 7 years ago

@smoconsultfour: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@DialOforObits: RT @NYTObits: “She wants what women half her age want: She wants it all.” - 7 years ago

@DigitalPubLab: THE AGELESS ORGASM Do your characters over 60 have sexual fulfillment? #amwriting #sexuality #seniors #orgasm - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “She wants what women half her age want: She wants it all.” - 7 years ago

@MisLibretos: Muere Jane Juska, autora del «best seller» sobre el sexo a los sesenta - 7 years ago

@j_fuller: "Seeking to meet intelligent men, she bought an ad in the personals section of The New York Review of Books." - 7 years ago

@WomanLab_: RT @stacylindau: What about a @UMich education sparks an interest in #sexandaging? Alumna did interesting experiment - 7 years ago

@stacylindau: What about a @UMich education sparks an interest in #sexandaging? Alumna did interesting experiment - 7 years ago

@beatlesjad: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@oaklandtrib: Jane Juska, author of best-selling memoir, dies at 84 – Newsday - 7 years ago

@oaklandtrib: Jane Juska, who got famously frisky at 66, dies at 84 – Press Herald - 7 years ago

@marknyt: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@OaklandNerd: Jane Juska, author of best-selling memoir, dies at 84 – Newsday - 7 years ago

@OaklandNerd: Jane Juska, who got famously frisky at 66, dies at 84 – Press Herald - 7 years ago

@OaklandMedia2: Jane Juska, author of best-selling memoir, dies at 84 – Newsday - 7 years ago

@OaklandMedia2: Jane Juska, who got famously frisky at 66, dies at 84 – Press Herald - 7 years ago

@oaklandtrib: Jane Juska, author of best-selling memoir, dies at 84 – Newsday - 7 years ago

@oaklandtrib: Jane Juska, who got famously frisky at 66, dies at 84 – Press Herald - 7 years ago

@PeterLandau: Jane Juska, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex #obitpix #janejuska #sex #nyrb #personalads #aroundheeledwoman… - 7 years ago

@jatkowski: Me too~! Got a few more years to accomplish the feat than Jane Juska did when she wrote the ad! RIP - 7 years ago

@NYTNational: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like” - 7 years ago

@nancylevine: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@ReyXLP: RT @nytimesarts: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@AceRedBand1t: RT @nytimes: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@tendencias24: La historia de Jane Juska, la mujer que puso un anuncio para tener sexo a los 67 años - 7 years ago

@TheEarlofCloves: She was my freshman English teacher. RIP Ms. Juska. 😢 - 7 years ago

@edengodbee: RT @nytimes: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@love_umei: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@Jackrig: - 7 years ago

@HeiressMommy: Jane Juska, 84, Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@eurospanbooks: Jane Juska: late literary bloomer who broke taboo of sex and the older woman - 7 years ago

@aman199368: RT @nytimes: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@Jigsawqueen: Marked as to-read: A Round-Heeled Woman by Jane Juska - 7 years ago

@meifongwriter: I hope she came before she went. You go, girl. Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@alepinan: RT @nytimes: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@DramaCorner: Jane Juskan muistolle: Kevytkenkäinen nainen Työviksessä - 7 years ago

@WNBASFChapter: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@lothhammar: RT @nytimes: “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a personal ad, “I would like a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@Jackrig: - 7 years ago

@DragonTauro: RT @latercera: La historia de Jane Juska, la mujer que puso un anuncio para tener sexo a los 67 años (vía @biutcl) - 7 years ago

@veronicahurray6: Top story: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@write_awake: Long live the memory of Jane Juska! - 7 years ago

@csittenfeld: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@notix_cl: La historia de Jane Juska, la mujer que puso un anuncio para tener sexo a los 67 años (vía @biutc… - 7 years ago

@latercera: La historia de Jane Juska, la mujer que puso un anuncio para tener sexo a los 67 años (vía @biutcl)… - 7 years ago

@wilsontheory: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - A Round-Heeled Woman, the story of… - 7 years ago

@donnakaz: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@midtownNY: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@tkamtweets: #books - 7 years ago

@debraswank: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@jesusmanuel191: RT @AlMinuto: Muere Jane Juska, autora del «best seller» sobre el sexo a los sesenta - 7 years ago

@DailyMuseBooks: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@RawrrXeatMeX638: RT @The_News_DIVA: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a p... - 7 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies “Before I turn 67,” she wrote in a p...… - 7 years ago

@JRussBriley: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@australopythecu: Jane Juska: advert by 66-year-old woman for sex sparked bestseller - 7 years ago

@bizlunchbox: Jane Juska: advert by 66-year-old woman for sex sparked bestseller - 7 years ago

@worldnews_net: Jane Juska: advert by 66-year-old woman for sex sparked bestseller - 7 years ago

@CristiGaope: La historia de Jane Juska, la mujer que puso un anuncio para tener sexo a los 67 años - 7 years ago

@TopReadings: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@MrTerryDeacon: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@LiteratureTips: Jane Juska, 84, Who Drew Notice Writing of Late-Life Sex, Dies - 7 years ago

@bookthisbooks: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84. - 7 years ago

@grandmaking25: jane juska dead 84 - 7 years ago

@GuerrillaGsOT: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@DialOforObits: RT @DialOforObits: Ms Juska posted an ad: “Before I turn 67 — next March — I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like.” #obit htt… - 7 years ago

@MemoirBook: Memoir News: Obituary: Jane Juska, passionate advocate for the older woman - 7 years ago

@LexisWriting: Jane Juska: a fine role model for round-heeled women everywhere. #books #obituary - 7 years ago

@OTWOL: The ministry sends its prayers and condolences to the family of Jane Juska. - 7 years ago

@publishyoufree: FYI: Jane Juska, author who chronicled late-life search for love, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@beijingcalling: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@ShareenM: RT @nillunasser: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@Rxbun: Jane Juska, memoirist of later-life sexual pleasures, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@UnchartedIdeas: RT @WaitWhat_TV: Jane Juska, author who chronicled search for sex late in life, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@GoSTL: Jane Juska, who wrote about late-in-life sex, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@dariaibntamas: Jane Juska, who wrote about late-in-life sex, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@HillNadell: Jane Juska, author who chronicled search for sex late in life, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@Rxbun: Jane Juska, memoirist of later-life sexual pleasures, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@SteveChapman13: At least twice, she said, her heart was broken. “That experience is no easier at 67 than it is at 17.” - 7 years ago

@NormaSexologia: Jane Juska publicó un anuncio buscando hombres con los q acostarse. 63 le respondieron. Y después... - 7 years ago

@Keris: RT @Read_Women: “Before I turn 67 – next March – I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@Read_Women: “Before I turn 67 – next March – I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like.” - 7 years ago

@bspeed8: “Before I turn 67 – next March – I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like.” I love this obituary - 7 years ago

@newslivenetwork: Jane Juska: late literary bloomer who broke taboo of sex and the older woman - 7 years ago

@newsfakenews: Jane Juska, memoirist of later-life sexual pleasures, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@PaginaNuova: THE INDIPENDENT - Jane Juska: late literary bloomer who broke taboo of sex and the older woman - 7 years ago

@newsly: Jane Juska: late literary bloomer who broke taboo of sex and the older woman - 7 years ago

@ReporterCioffi: Jane Juska, memoirist of later-life sexual pleasures, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@nduley: "Like any dater, she had experiences..." - 7 years ago

@JoyceWilliams_: Jane Juska, author of bestselling memoir of sex as an older woman, dies at 84 - 7 years ago

@kwame70: Jane Juska, Who Wrote Best-Seller About Late-in-Life Sex, Has Died at Age 84 - 7 years ago

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