Jane Garrett

Australian politician.
Died on Saturday July 2nd 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Jane Garrett:

@MariaDy06461689: RT @309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Cur… - 3 years ago

@GaielleTalking: RT @309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Cur… - 3 years ago

@bunch1243: RT @309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Cur… - 3 years ago

@TrekkieTodd: RT @309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Cur… - 3 years ago


@HoskinsKaren: RT @309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Cur… - 3 years ago

@TheBigRed_One: RT @309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Jane Cur… - 3 years ago

@309Cobra69: @miles_commodore Gilda Radner, back when Saturday Night Live was great, and funny. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd,… - 3 years ago

@lakeshorepbs: Tonight at 10 PM | Lakeshore Classic Movies: The Outlaw (1943) Jane Russell stirs up trouble as the center of atten… - 3 years ago

@Joy48: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@noidea_hunt: RT @Milliganreports: This is terribly sad. 49 is too young. She was, in my personal experience, a decent woman. In my last conversation wit… - 3 years ago

@BuckeyePolitic1: RT @michigan_lion: The Michigan Governor Race Tudor Dixon = Jane Timken Garrett Soldano = JD Vance Kevin Rinke = Matt Dolan Ryan Kelley =… - 3 years ago

@7h3_6h05t: RT @michigan_lion: The Michigan Governor Race Tudor Dixon = Jane Timken Garrett Soldano = JD Vance Kevin Rinke = Matt Dolan Ryan Kelley =… - 3 years ago

@michigan_lion: The Michigan Governor Race Tudor Dixon = Jane Timken Garrett Soldano = JD Vance Kevin Rinke = Matt Dolan Ryan Kel… - 3 years ago

@GrinstedRowanne: RT @AdemSomyurek: driven by a strong sense of justice. Jane should have been our second female premier instead she was dis-endorsed, humili… - 3 years ago

@RMurtgh: RT @pauliec80859931: Take note @DanielAndrewsMP. The late Jane Garrett was poorly treated by the Premier. She had principles, he has none… - 3 years ago

@NR_Garrett: @lorriemeyer @citizengatsby Jesse hires Combo, Badger and Skinny Pete as dealers Skinny Pete get robbed by Spooge Jane introduced. - 3 years ago

@TomRU12: RT @ebatruth: When Jane Garrett's death was announced, l tweeted genuine condolences to her loved ones. In return someone angrily DM'd me t… - 3 years ago

@ebatruth: I am sincerely very sorry if I caused Jane Garrett emotional harm. However l cannot resile from the very purpose of… - 3 years ago

@ebatruth: When Jane Garrett's death was announced, l tweeted genuine condolences to her loved ones. In return someone angrily… - 3 years ago

@jasonsnakeblake: @djuwannamann @PoliBard Going on leave is a cover to avoid going to Jane Garrett’s funeral. - 3 years ago

@wendoureeswans: RT @KenMcAlpine: I'm not sure who looks worse here. Tim Smith for using Jane Garrett as an excuse for his drunk driving, or Aaron Patrick f… - 3 years ago

@UnicrnShtMttrs: I exclude Jane Garrett & Kimberley Kitching from my comments, they were fucking amazing politicians 🙏 - 3 years ago

@Waveline2shore: RT @KenMcAlpine: I'm not sure who looks worse here. Tim Smith for using Jane Garrett as an excuse for his drunk driving, or Aaron Patrick f… - 3 years ago

@melaleuca1000: RT @KenMcAlpine: I'm not sure who looks worse here. Tim Smith for using Jane Garrett as an excuse for his drunk driving, or Aaron Patrick f… - 3 years ago

@lovinglimbo: RT @ShazHaitch: Note that this "information" never came out while Jane Garrett was alive, & could refute his claim. If this was indeed true… - 3 years ago

@JennyForster7: RT @ShazHaitch: Note that this "information" never came out while Jane Garrett was alive, & could refute his claim. If this was indeed true… - 3 years ago

@SpiritwPJs: ♫ #NowPlaying “Sweet Jane” by Garrett Kato on #Anghami - 3 years ago

@VickiCo70455126: RT @KenMcAlpine: I'm not sure who looks worse here. Tim Smith for using Jane Garrett as an excuse for his drunk driving, or Aaron Patrick f… - 3 years ago

@drckarcher: @georgiecrozier This news of Jane Garrett’s death is particularly awful since it was you who gave false and dangero… - 3 years ago

@fuddlemark: RT @MsMountebank: What - 3 years ago

@ShazHaitch: @Aaronsmith333 @MSMWatchdog2013 If this were true, Tim would've rolled out the story for sympathy at the time. To o… - 3 years ago

@LorraineMunson2: RT @SBSNews: Jane Garrett's death was announced in a statement from her family, who praised her "contagious love of life and people". https… - 3 years ago

@HimalayaC7: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@TheMusikCube: RT @MusicVictoria: Music Victoria extends heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Jane Garrett. A friend of the music community,… - 3 years ago

@RosFinfarner: RT @ShazHaitch: Note that this "information" never came out while Jane Garrett was alive, & could refute his claim. If this was indeed true… - 3 years ago

@JobsenGroth: RT @FinancialReview: Jane Garrett, who died last week, complained to a journalist that Andrews didn’t support her in a dispute with an aggr… - 3 years ago

@ShazHaitch: Note that this "information" never came out while Jane Garrett was alive, & could refute his claim. If this was ind… - 3 years ago

@hcoin20211101: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@hcoin20211101: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@rachael_rose78: RT @VicIndyMovement: We are interested that this version of events that fateful night at Stuart Wood QC's house has come out months later v… - 3 years ago

@ABert1968: RT @netz_melb: Daniel Andrews & Labor are trying to keep secret a damning report on bullying and sexism in the state's fire services. The… - 3 years ago

@ozarabmedia: Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett dies from breast cancer, age 49 - 3 years ago

@bindigove: RT @fergusonjw: Steve Bracks statement on the passing of Jane Garrett, a former senior adviser to the popular Vic Premier. - 3 years ago

@davidserrasan: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@gaylewhatley1: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@CvetkovicPaul: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@MccarronWendy: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@Ramzana24327975: Jane Garrett Cause Of Death, What Happened To Jane Garrett, How Did Jane Garrett Die? - 3 years ago

@Kayakhan13: Jane Garrett Cause Of Death, What Happened To Jane Garrett, How Did Jane Garrett Die? - 3 years ago

@Hiba80889193: Jane Garrett Cause Of Death, What Happened To Jane Garrett, How Did Jane Garrett Die? - 3 years ago

@youngreborn2: Jane Garrett Cause Of Death, What Happened To Jane Garrett, How Did Jane Garrett Die? - 3 years ago

@xskinn: RT @ShingvWorld: Jane Garrett was witty, she was smart, and she had a presence about her that was all but unmatched. She shone - in so ma… - 3 years ago

@NWGLP: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@thebigStrawba: @DanielAndrewsMP @SonyaKilkenny Will you bully her out too when she doesn’t tow your putrid, #corrupt party line… - 3 years ago

@MareeDen1: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@Ann19851873: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@netz_melb: @librarian_musn @Tuttathehut @andojc @Aussie_Booma @_thomasparkes I find it remarkable that you have no issue with… - 3 years ago

@suzlette333: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@james_newhan: RT @_davidlimbrick: Terribly sad to hear of the untimely passing of Jane Garrett MP. She was one of the few MPs that caused a reaction in m… - 3 years ago

@FrankOzEpisodeV: RT @AaronDodd: Vale Jane Garrett: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 #auspol - 3 years ago

@geehall1: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@librarian_musn: @Tuttathehut @netz_melb @andojc @Aussie_Booma @_thomasparkes As I said, this whole issue is not about political com… - 3 years ago

@ChoicesBfree: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@The_Meeper: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@hammerofleft: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@librarian_musn: @Tuttathehut @netz_melb @andojc @Aussie_Booma @_thomasparkes It wasn't in context though. Jane Garrett sadly passed… - 3 years ago

@RaceyStacey96: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@Bev22008512: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@engdahl_erik: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@librarian_musn: @Tuttathehut @netz_melb @andojc @Aussie_Booma @_thomasparkes No, that's not the point at all. If you had bothered t… - 3 years ago

@Terri_1987a: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@kattrejones: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@james_newhan: RT @sackdanandrews: @DanielAndrewsMP Will you be attending Jane Garrett’s funeral? - 3 years ago

@DodgertheR: RT @HankMeyerNAPP: Vale Jane Garrett. A principled minister in an unprincipled Government. Andrews destroyed her career and tries to butter… - 3 years ago

@Janine_M1968: @DanielAndrewsMP Keep away from Jane Garrett’s funeral.. Between you and Marshall with your bullying and threats make me sick. - 3 years ago

@sackdanandrews: @DanielAndrewsMP Will you be attending Jane Garrett’s funeral? - 3 years ago

@Janine_M1968: @TasosManiatis1 @Matkins2021 It makes me sick how he bullied Jane Garrett and Marshall threatened to bash her with… - 3 years ago

@hey630: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@LeeHolly20: It's good to see other side speaking of Labor Jane Garrett passing but please don't use her death to pick in Labor.… - 3 years ago

@AlexMcleod8888: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@LesMiz2020: RT @netz_melb: Daniel Andrews & Labor are trying to keep secret a damning report on bullying and sexism in the state's fire services. The… - 3 years ago

@DawnOz100: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@Kingwarren20: RT @vanbadham: Incredibly sad news about Jane Garrett. My love to her family, friends and comrades who are grieving so deeply. She was an u… - 3 years ago

@boofifty: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@tyrelle123: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@Kazbro8: RT @RobertCawood2: Daniel Andrews you are a pathetic little man you put so much pressure on Jane Garrett through the industrial agreements… - 3 years ago

@Lozprinces: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@BuggaThe: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@VicGovDHs1: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@dlhsa18: RT @tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire services. That… - 3 years ago

@tonytardio: Jane Garrett was emergency services minister in 2015 and commissioned a review into the culture of Vics fire servic… - 3 years ago

@FranH66: @zwetschgen @DanielAndrewsMP Perfect place to call out Andrew's Jane Garrett is the only member of the Labor caucus… - 3 years ago

@FranH66: @CaptainAdvance1 @DanielAndrewsMP Google Jane Garrett Lucinda Nolan ... CFA board You'll get the gist... Jane had s… - 3 years ago

@paulwiggins: RT @Andy_Hazel: Jane Garrett was first ever political interview, she was so patient and generous and open with this first year journalism s… - 3 years ago

@InVinoV77616493: RT @netz_melb: Daniel Andrews & Labor are trying to keep secret a damning report on bullying and sexism in the state's fire services. The… - 3 years ago

@FranH66: @jeff_kennett Can anyone recall a more brave, honourable and action with integrity performed by the Victorian Labor… - 3 years ago

@JRM22622039: @aussiedutchman @DanielAndrewsMP If you do not know what courage and integrity Jane Garrett possessed in standing u… - 3 years ago

@FranH66: @jeff_kennett RIP Jane Garrett your advocacy for the CFA will never be forgotten Jeff Kennett, agree 100% - 3 years ago

@Andy_Hazel: Jane Garrett was first ever political interview, she was so patient and generous and open with this first year jour… - 3 years ago

@MusicVictoria: Music Victoria extends heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Jane Garrett. A friend of the music commu… - 3 years ago

@MediaCadetship: RT @annhyland101: @jeff_kennett I thought, oh lovely, Jeff Kennett is saying how sorry he is to hear of Jane Garrett’s death. Then wham! Ha… - 3 years ago

@glebbern: RT @TheblackTracker: R.I.P. 🌹🌹🌹 Labor MP Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@Leah_CBR: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@Ianjamesrobert1: RT @TheblackTracker: R.I.P. 🌹🌹🌹 Labor MP Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@fedupofpollys: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@brigiddonovan70: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @NStaikos: The Labor family is utterly heartbroken tonight. Jane Garrett’s passing is an awful, awful tragedy. I wish her family all the… - 3 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @vanbadham: Incredibly sad news about Jane Garrett. My love to her family, friends and comrades who are grieving so deeply. She was an u… - 3 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@ERN_Malleyscrub: RT @philipdalidakis: Tonight we have lost a good woman but her family has lost so much more. I had the privilege to serve with Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@ThePlumpkin: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@Hiba80889193: What Was Jane Garrett Cause Of Death? Victorian MP Jane Garrett Died At 49, Obituary & Funeral Live Updates - 3 years ago

@tcgong: RT @RobertCawood2: Daniel Andrews you are a pathetic little man you put so much pressure on Jane Garrett through the industrial agreements… - 3 years ago

@Ray4340: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@LIndaJo09311641: Andrew's shouldn't attend Jane Garrett's Funeral. He, Peter Marshall and his UFU Thugs bullied her to death! Jane… - 3 years ago

@SusieNoonan2: RT @netz_melb: Daniel Andrews & Labor are trying to keep secret a damning report on bullying and sexism in the state's fire services. The… - 3 years ago

@michaelpurvis64: RT @TimCostello: Very saddened to hear of the death of Jane Garrett. She came from a wonderful family and would remind me we shared Baptist… - 3 years ago

@Saskia1953: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@michaelpurvis64: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@michaelpurvis64: RT @HullsRob: In the labour movement we can work together, laugh together, have our blues, make up and then get on with helping others..but… - 3 years ago

@JennyForster7: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@EdwardJWHunter: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@paulch_6: RT @JmarrMarr: Rather than apologise for his earlier tweet politicising Jane Garrett’s death, Jeff Kennett has doubled down to take it furt… - 3 years ago

@1958_BestYear: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@TerriRy35919857: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@howardw46: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@election2122: RT @andrewjgiles: Such awful news about Jane Garrett. Devastating. I’m thinking of James, their kids, families and all those who loved he… - 3 years ago

@McClureRodney: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@Smizzy777: RT @TheblackTracker: R.I.P. 🌹🌹🌹 Labor MP Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @andrewjgiles: Such awful news about Jane Garrett. Devastating. I’m thinking of James, their kids, families and all those who loved he… - 3 years ago

@normboy562: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@election2122: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@anna_prole: RT @andrewjgiles: Such awful news about Jane Garrett. Devastating. I’m thinking of James, their kids, families and all those who loved he… - 3 years ago

@jaquix173: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@MatthewCoote: RT @johnerenmp: Very sad to hear the passing of Jane Garrett. My heartfelt condolences to her loved ones. Taken too soon. Fu🤬 Cancer! Vale… - 3 years ago

@bobstens: RT @fergusonjw: Steve Bracks statement on the passing of Jane Garrett, a former senior adviser to the popular Vic Premier. - 3 years ago

@jboyded: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@rodneycsmith1: RT @vanbadham: Incredibly sad news about Jane Garrett. My love to her family, friends and comrades who are grieving so deeply. She was an u… - 3 years ago

@ALOVEFarmer: RT @mark_gepp: My dear friend has left us way too soon. All my love and thoughts to James, Molly, Sasha, Max and the Garrett family. #valej… - 3 years ago

@thebear_52: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@outofhere4now2: RT @RobertCawood2: Daniel Andrews you are a pathetic little man you put so much pressure on Jane Garrett through the industrial agreements… - 3 years ago

@stephanypanhuy1: RT @TheblackTracker: R.I.P. 🌹🌹🌹 Labor MP Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@RMurtgh: RT @cellblock3138: Jane Garrett, a politician with integrity and honour deepest sympathy to her family. Unfortunately @DanielAndrewsMP is t… - 3 years ago

@RMurtgh: RT @Dee_Ryall: Jane Garrett was a passionate advocate for women. As part of her legacy, Daniel Andrews should release the Victorian Equal O… - 3 years ago

@17Prguy: RT @AdemSomyurek: driven by a strong sense of justice. Jane should have been our second female premier instead she was dis-endorsed, humili… - 3 years ago

@GREENAPPLELG: RT @Caley_Love: Eliza Jane Love is 1 year old today! She is a walking, singing, dancing little joy to be around and tries to mimick what ev… - 3 years ago

@veragaskell: RT @guardian: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@Bogo332: RT @OMGTheMess: State funeral won’t erase the stain Dan - 3 years ago

@OMGTheMess: State funeral won’t erase the stain Dan - 3 years ago

@LameLoonyLeft: Very sad but a State Funeral? Nepotism at its best State funeral to be held for Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@MareeDen1: Jane Garrett was the epitome of the original Labor party, what my family grew up with. They cared. And the reason w… - 3 years ago

@fmllolnews: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@Aussie_Booma: RT @netz_melb: @librarian_musn @andojc @Aussie_Booma @_thomasparkes Your feathers are ruffled only because the tragic death of Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@WeDo80443261: RT @mark_gepp: My dear friend has left us way too soon. All my love and thoughts to James, Molly, Sasha, Max and the Garrett family. #valej… - 3 years ago

@RosFinfarner: RT @JmarrMarr: Rather than apologise for his earlier tweet politicising Jane Garrett’s death, Jeff Kennett has doubled down to take it furt… - 3 years ago

@election2122: RT @KimWill91254108: Whats wrong with people in this state? The sad passing of Jane Garrett, and instead of recognition of who she was a pe… - 3 years ago

@Lins_Oz: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@Elise43881736: Rest in peace Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@pamurrell: RT @rwillingham: Former Premier Steve Bracks pays tribute to Jane Garrett #springst - 3 years ago

@Leo_Puglisi6: RT @6NewsAU: Independent MP Adem Somyurek: "Jane Garret should have been our second female premier, instead she was disendorsed, humiliated… - 3 years ago

@6NewsAU: Independent MP Adem Somyurek: "Jane Garret should have been our second female premier, instead she was disendorsed,… - 3 years ago

@VictoriaCree4: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@southwin28: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@jvab: RT @rwillingham: Former Premier Steve Bracks pays tribute to Jane Garrett #springst - 3 years ago

@PippaHayes: RT @philipdalidakis: Tonight we have lost a good woman but her family has lost so much more. I had the privilege to serve with Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@AllanRaskall: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@jvab: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@KerryPe93467775: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: Former Vic Premier Steve Bracks has released a statement on the death of Labor MP Jane Garrett Garrett was an adviser to… - 3 years ago

@CultofJack: Vale Jane Garrett. #fuckcancer Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@PippaHayes: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@PCKJ3627: RT @vanbadham: Incredibly sad news about Jane Garrett. My love to her family, friends and comrades who are grieving so deeply. She was an u… - 3 years ago

@MorpheusBeing: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@Jasonsmumr: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@PCKJ3627: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@anneOkeefe7: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@cindygrahame: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@AlanJMitchell_: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@GeoffBarbour1: @DanielAndrewsMP As City of Yarra Mayor Jane's leadership was powerful. Her election as MP for Brunswick in late 20… - 3 years ago

@lilypilly33: @swan276_g @jeff_kennett I wouldn't have heard of Jane Garrett had it not been for her integrity in standing up to… - 3 years ago

@BarbHug45240937: RT @fergusonjw: Steve Bracks statement on the passing of Jane Garrett, a former senior adviser to the popular Vic Premier. - 3 years ago

@traverselife: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@MayneReport: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@matoots57: Jane Garrett stood up to the Firefighters Union without the Premiers support. An extremely strong Victorian woman w… - 3 years ago

@9breakingn: Labor MP Jane Garrett loses battle with cancer at age 49, just six months after retiring from politics - 3 years ago

@swallowmypill: RT @AdemSomyurek: driven by a strong sense of justice. Jane should have been our second female premier instead she was dis-endorsed, humili… - 3 years ago

@Vallie2625: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@9NewsMelb: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@Kate_Arnott: RT @rwillingham: Former Premier Steve Bracks pays tribute to Jane Garrett #springst - 3 years ago

@keith49truth: RT @vanbadham: Incredibly sad news about Jane Garrett. My love to her family, friends and comrades who are grieving so deeply. She was an u… - 3 years ago

@heidimur: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@sereneava: RT @FarrahTomazin: Just woke up in Washington to the news of Jane Garrett’s passing. Utterly devastated. Jane was of the kindest, bravest,… - 3 years ago

@c_s_wallace: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@heidimur: RT @fergusonjw: Steve Bracks statement on the passing of Jane Garrett, a former senior adviser to the popular Vic Premier. - 3 years ago

@tuba2tuba: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@sereneava: RT @danziffer: Devastated by the death of Jane Garrett. I’ll always remember her laugh - and so much of it! - her passion, her persistence.… - 3 years ago

@sereneava: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: Former Vic Premier Steve Bracks has released a statement on the death of Labor MP Jane Garrett Garrett was an adviser to… - 3 years ago

@rwillingham: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@KieranRooneyCM: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@sereneava: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@morgenstern28: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: This afternoon, Jane Garrett's family advised me they will accept the offer of a State Funeral. Details of a service… - 3 years ago

@IanPete61926315: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@jhoppe47: RT @rwillingham: Former Premier Steve Bracks pays tribute to Jane Garrett #springst - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @CliffordHayesMP: Very sad to hear of the passing of Jane Garrett. I met Jane when we were both serving as Mayors, she one of the best Y… - 3 years ago

@birdemergency: RT @AusGovICAC: Devastating news about Jane Garrett MP, the 49 year old Victorian Labor MP who has passed away. She had announced that she… - 3 years ago

@BaylyBruce: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @AusGovICAC: Devastating news about Jane Garrett MP, the 49 year old Victorian Labor MP who has passed away. She had announced that she… - 3 years ago

@aust_tl: @netz_melb You are spot on Netz, and we haven’t forgotten the fact that Dan Andrews tormented and bullied Jane Garr… - 3 years ago

@gerardbrody: Very sad to hear about Jane Garrett. She was an active and reforming Minister for Consumer Affairs for a period. I… - 3 years ago

@ausheadlinebot: Herald Sun altered a news headline: - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @RoseIser: Deeply saddened that Jane Garrett’s fierce spirit has passed. Here is the the EWL campaign team thanking her in 2015 for sav… - 3 years ago

@thesorehead: State funeral offer for Jane Garrett after Victorian MP dies from breast cancer aged 49: - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @KaushaliyaMP: Gone too soon. Jane was an extremely intelligent person & a politician with high integrity. I had utmost respect for this… - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @SBSNews: Jane Garrett's death was announced in a statement from her family, who praised her "contagious love of life and people". https… - 3 years ago

@BonnieIerino: @Emperors_Tailor Sad no one mentioned the passing of Jane Garrett maybe because they couldn't make it a headline.🥺 - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @CraigOndarchie: Jane Garrett was my friend. She had a beautiful spirit, a kind heart and a genuine care for people. My family & I will… - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @AusPolDotCo: Harriet Shing MP: Jane Garrett was witty, she was smart, and she had a presence about he… - 3 years ago

@xskinn: RT @mark_gepp: My dear friend has left us way too soon. All my love and thoughts to James, Molly, Sasha, Max and the Garrett family. #valej… - 3 years ago

@linda_chalming: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@anniethenigma: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @PeterKhalilMP: She will be dearly missed. We are also thinking of her husband and three children in their time of grief and loss. V… - 3 years ago

@Byrner1400: RT @melfyfe: What a devastating loss. Jane Garrett never hesitated to stand up for what she believed in. She was brave. Funny. Full of the… - 3 years ago

@MarkRichards_LV: RT @PeterKhalilMP: I am so very saddened to hear of the loss of Jane Garrett. Jane leaves a formidable legacy of service to the victorian c… - 3 years ago

@abcmelbourne: Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett dies from cancer, aged 49 - 3 years ago

@PeterJo44978454: RT @KaushaliyaMP: Gone too soon. Jane was an extremely intelligent person & a politician with high integrity. I had utmost respect for this… - 3 years ago

@LMChesters: Jane Garrett’s passing is incredible sad. Breast cancer is such a wicked disease. Vale Jane - 3 years ago

@brownstockings: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Eve5810: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@bon6911: RT @SimoLove: Statement from Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP on the death of Jane Garrett MP @SkyNewsAust #springst - 3 years ago

@DalalSmiley: @GabbyWilliamsMP So devastated to hear this news. RIP Jane Garrett. You were much admired for your courage and reso… - 3 years ago

@islandgirl268: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@MorpheusBeing: RT @philipdalidakis: Tonight we have lost a good woman but her family has lost so much more. I had the privilege to serve with Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@TimSmithMP: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @BrentHodgson: Sad news. - 3 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @EdwardJWHunter: Former Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@Lolaskeet: RT @netz_melb: Saddened to hear of the passing of VIC Labor MP Jane Garrett. She was a passionate emergency services minister until Daniel… - 3 years ago

@katienarrabeen: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: BREAKING: Statement from Vic Premier Dan Andrews: "Vale Jane Garrett." @6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@judyvw2: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@faully33: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@MaxAlexander201: RT @MarleneKairouz: I do not possess the words to express my sadness at the untimely death of Jane Garrett. My heart goes out to James, Mol… - 3 years ago

@MaxAlexander201: RT @JacintaAllanMP: Vale Jane Garrett - a hardworking MP, who fought for working people for her entire career. Thoughts are with her family… - 3 years ago

@MaxAlexander201: RT @BenCarrollMP: Heartbreaking news about Jane Garrett tonight. Jane would light up any room she walked into; she had that rare ability t… - 3 years ago

@MorpheusBeing: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@MargaretHollin1: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@Eve5810: RT @JacintaAllanMP: Vale Jane Garrett - a hardworking MP, who fought for working people for her entire career. Thoughts are with her family… - 3 years ago

@Circa1987v2: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@Eve5810: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@MatthewCoote: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@MatthewCoote: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@MatthewCoote: RT @TimRichardsonMP: Utterly devastated and heartbroken at the news of Jane Garrett’s passing. Such an incredible force for progressive pol… - 3 years ago

@MargaretHollin1: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@InStrangeDaze: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@MatthewCoote: RT @NStaikos: The Labor family is utterly heartbroken tonight. Jane Garrett’s passing is an awful, awful tragedy. I wish her family all the… - 3 years ago

@MargaretHollin1: 'Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins said Garrett served Victoria with integrity and commitment. “… - 3 years ago

@seabesento: Twitter: Great! Win: The time has come! Canada スメール #annkw Boks Geno Smith Itakura Sonego 渡辺麻友 Furia Lewan Wordle… - 3 years ago

@InStrangeDaze: RT @Milliganreports: This is terribly sad. 49 is too young. She was, in my personal experience, a decent woman. In my last conversation wit… - 3 years ago

@janettj777: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Eve5810: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @CreakyJoints_: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49. Too bloody young 😓 Condolences to Jane’s family and… - 3 years ago

@popcoin3: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@virgotweet: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@virgotweet: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@InStrangeDaze: Jane had also been our local government councillor.. Two genuinely decent Labor women have gone far too early this… - 3 years ago

@jane_wilson: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ausheadlinebot: The Age altered a news headline: - 3 years ago

@BelindaJones68: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@kazza264: @DanielAndrewsMP Vale Jane Garrett. My condolences to her family,friends and her colleagues. 💐😢 - 3 years ago

@retweetburner: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Narjen53: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@retweetburner: RT @michaelobrienmp: This is terrible news. Jane was principled, whip smart and had a sense of humour that literally made you laugh out lou… - 3 years ago

@retweetburner: RT @sab_original: Sincere condolences to Jane’s family. Especially her three children…🙏 🌹🌹🌹 Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from b… - 3 years ago

@JohnPerkins2011: ‘Jane would light up the room’: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 - 3 years ago

@dameladeedah: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Riian_Keito: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@NoEyeDeer69: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@usdaynews: On July 2, 2022, we received a piece of tragic news about #JaneGarrett's passing who was the former #Victorian emer… - 3 years ago

@MischelleCamill: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@platykitten: RT @sab_original: Sincere condolences to Jane’s family. Especially her three children…🙏 🌹🌹🌹 Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from b… - 3 years ago

@no_filter_Yamba: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@TJ__Brown__: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@JessicaPerthWA: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@KimHMcGrath: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@bronwyn20121: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@LyndaFrench19: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@auspol22: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: Victorian Independent MP Kaushaliya Vaghela on the death of Labor MP Jane Garrett: "I had utmost respect for this brave w… - 3 years ago

@GBTSocScientist: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @GuardianAus: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@25MMCC: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@madcatjo2point0: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@whateve55464160: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@RedJules4: RT @ShingvWorld: Jane Garrett was witty, she was smart, and she had a presence about her that was all but unmatched. She shone - in so ma… - 3 years ago

@TimQMLCNorthVic: RT @_davidlimbrick: Terribly sad to hear of the untimely passing of Jane Garrett MP. She was one of the few MPs that caused a reaction in m… - 3 years ago

@AzzuroMare1: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@wetherby2019: RIP Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@EdwardJWHunter: Former Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@HumanInGeneral: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@krypto8386: @DanielAndrewsMP Rest In Peace Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@HatApex_Oracle: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@election2122: RT @D_Melissa2: ‘Jane would light up the room’: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 - 3 years ago

@GraffitiExpert: “Unfortunately, Jane's cancer recently returned after some time in remission" - Jane Garret, member of Andrews regi… - 3 years ago

@CyberspaceOmeg6: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@fmllolnews: RT @SharnelleVella: Statement from the Premier on the passing of Jane Garrett. - 3 years ago

@whatevenisit: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Monstercoyliar: RT @randlight: - 3 years ago

@DocWSJames: RT @randlight: - 3 years ago

@skipselect1: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Liz_C4: RT @BLUEfingers2021: Vale. Jane Garrett MP. Gone way too young 😞 #FuckCancer - 3 years ago

@AusPolDotCo: Harriet Shing MP: Jane Garrett was witty, she was smart, and she had a presence about he… - 3 years ago

@flemington_jd: Jane Garrett 49, a beautiful girl full of personality and best intentions. Passed away today, a breast cancer victi… - 3 years ago

@BushDoc44: So very sad. Met her CFA north-central voluntary firefighters. She was in our corner. Hounded unrelentingly by Andr… - 3 years ago

@RobertC78726751: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@_Duck_Tweeting: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@AusPolDotCo: Ben Carroll: Heartbreaking news about Jane Garrett tonight. Jane would light up an… - 3 years ago

@enasharp52: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@bill_dobell: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@michaelpurvis64: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ausheadlinebot: The Age altered a news headline: - 3 years ago

@tunebytune1: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ChristineFothe6: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@RuddBott: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@JacquieMelb: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Trisha_is_Back: RT @BLUEfingers2021: Vale. Jane Garrett MP. Gone way too young 😞 #FuckCancer - 3 years ago

@paulieferrari: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@CBCANorthSyd: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@0bviousCaptain0: RT @_davidlimbrick: Terribly sad to hear of the untimely passing of Jane Garrett MP. She was one of the few MPs that caused a reaction in m… - 3 years ago

@election2122: RT @Milliganreports: This is terribly sad. 49 is too young. She was, in my personal experience, a decent woman. In my last conversation wit… - 3 years ago

@Liz_C4: RT @CreakyJoints_: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49. Too bloody young 😓 Condolences to Jane’s family and… - 3 years ago

@phony_tony: RT @joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Garrett’s… - 3 years ago

@DavidOBrien70: Vale Jane Garrett: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49. Condolences to her family and friends. Wonderful person… - 3 years ago

@nexus1111: Ahh crap, fuck cancer. My scant dealings with Jane Garrett I found her to be a good egg. Especially since the last… - 3 years ago

@MSNAustralia: Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett dies aged 49 - 3 years ago

@heidimur: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@jenkspl64: RT @iamnatehart: Even though she must have hated seeing Brunswick turn Green, she left the office we took over full of furniture, kitchen s… - 3 years ago

@SallyRMelb: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@Liz_C4: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@RuddBott: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@suzlette333: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@StephJaneHume: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ThisisRaysBlog: RT @_davidlimbrick: Terribly sad to hear of the untimely passing of Jane Garrett MP. She was one of the few MPs that caused a reaction in m… - 3 years ago

@krunchymoses: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@drng: ‘Jane would light up the room’: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 - 3 years ago

@Colleen18521230: RT @DannyHill_VAU: Sad to hear of the sudden death of Jane Garrett to cancer. I first worked with Jane in 2013 when Napthine reduced emerge… - 3 years ago

@FernandoLongoOZ: RT @BrentHodgson: Sad news. - 3 years ago

@No1MachopFanVGC: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@BConn39: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: lots of comments coming in from all sides of politics tonight following the death of Vic Labor MP Jane Garrett Matthew G… - 3 years ago

@bigtoes44: RT @6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @GeorgieCrozier: "Such awful news. Thoughts with Jane’s family & friends at this very sad time." | #6NewsAU htt… - 3 years ago

@cityofmimi: Rest In Peace Jane Garrett🕊 may we find a cure for breast cancer one day🎗🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@DazzaWhitmey: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@7NewsAustralia: RT @SharnelleVella: Statement from the Premier on the passing of Jane Garrett. - 3 years ago

@mark_melbin: Jeff Kennett politicises Jane Garrett's death, and Annika Smethurst cheers him along. #auspol - 3 years ago

@Lors1Lo: RT @GuardianAus: Jane Garrett, Victorian Labor MP, dies from breast cancer aged 49 - 3 years ago

@Srb1970Rita: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies aged 49 RIP - 3 years ago

@AnnMoorfield: RT @DannyHill_VAU: Sad to hear of the sudden death of Jane Garrett to cancer. I first worked with Jane in 2013 when Napthine reduced emerge… - 3 years ago

@DavisConcept: @rwillingham - such a lovely tribute to Jane Garrett. Yes, she was one of the decent ones. And yet, she was bullied… - 3 years ago

@DazzaWhitmey: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@SimoLove: RT @fergusonjw: Jane was a great woman, great company and a great political activist. Devastated for her family. RIP. Jane Garret: Labor MP… - 3 years ago

@SimoLove: RT @MarleneKairouz: I do not possess the words to express my sadness at the untimely death of Jane Garrett. My heart goes out to James, Mol… - 3 years ago

@creativecatjk: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@angelusKJT: RT @theheraldsun: Labor MP Jane Garrett has been remembered for her “intellect, wit and generosity” as her devastated family mourn her deat… - 3 years ago

@juliasilvertop: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@andrewfx_51: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@kingsGambit6: @DanielAndrewsMP Didn’t Dan bone “ that woman “ after Jane Garrett refused to be intimated by him. - 3 years ago

@evangelia0: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@joshburnsmp: In politics you can tell a bit about the character of a person by the way their staff talk about them. And Jane Gar… - 3 years ago

@peterc_150: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@manojkumar_alp: Very sad news! Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 Vale Jane Garrett 🙏🙏 My condolences to her family, loved o… - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: What type of cancer of cancer did Jane Garrett have? - 3 years ago

@newseachdayau: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@newseachdayau: RT @MatthewGuyMP: Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. She won’t be forgotten. May she Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@MattThompson: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@Harley62: RIP Jane Garrett - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Jane Garrett illness: What disease did Jane Garrett have? - 3 years ago

@NewtonMark: RT @6NewsAU: #BREAKING 🚨 Vic Opposition Leader @MatthewGuyMP: "Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. She wo… - 3 years ago

@stuartgrimleyMP: Condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Jane Garrett. Although I only knew Jane briefly while in Parli… - 3 years ago

@padubyatee: RT @6NewsAU: #BREAKING 🚨 Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett has died at the age of 49 | #6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@Rusty1808: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@LJPG_23: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@redemptiongiver: RT @rwillingham: Words here can’t do Jane Garrett’s life justice. She was principled, passionate and went out of her way to help others. Go… - 3 years ago

@vicenvironment: Very very sad - 3 years ago

@marty_thefish: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@PaulLenkic: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@Robin5400: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@benitakolovos: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@BobC3875: RT @lhilakari: Trades Hall sends its condolences to friends and family of Jane Garrett. Gone far too soon, had a lot more to give to build… - 3 years ago

@PercyKaren: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@GibberAUS: RT @6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @TimSmithMP: "Jane was one of the best people I've ever met. She could light up a room like no one else, and wa… - 3 years ago

@RedJules4: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@GarySwa14044217: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@jameseroyce: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@popcoin3: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ericn_3: RT @SouthwickMP: Terribly sad news to hear about the passing of Jane Garrett. No matter the side of politics, she stood by her principles… - 3 years ago

@kelseyrettino: RT @sumeyyailanbey: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 - 3 years ago

@Leo_Puglisi6: RT @6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @TimSmithMP: "Jane was one of the best people I've ever met. She could light up a room like no one else, and wa… - 3 years ago

@korstraw: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@KindaEnigmatic: RT @michaelobrienmp: This is terrible news. Jane was principled, whip smart and had a sense of humour that literally made you laugh out lou… - 3 years ago

@mrspearing: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@mrspearing: RT @SimoLove: Statement from Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP on the death of Jane Garrett MP @SkyNewsAust #springst - 3 years ago

@6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @TimSmithMP: "Jane was one of the best people I've ever met. She could light up a room like no one e… - 3 years ago

@JeremyFisher420: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@GarySwa14044217: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@KMarshallHACSU: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@tminear: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@paddybts: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@jcbible1: Vale Jane Garrett. Could this year become any more maudlin? The Cross is my refuge. @LysaghtSteph - 3 years ago

@Kate_Jenkins_: Jane Garrett served her community and our state with integrity and commitment. A loving, fun, caring and super smar… - 3 years ago

@jcbible1: Vale Jane Garrett. Could this year become any more maudlin? The Cross is my refuge. @VictoriaPolice - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @MartinPakulaMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by The Age - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @MartinPakulaMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by watoday - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @MartinPakulaMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by The Sydney Morning Herald - 3 years ago

@sophiejrigney: @swegen31 I am truly distraught to hear this. Jane Garrett lit up a room with her intellect and passion. I was just… - 3 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @MartinPakulaMP Your tweet was quoted in an article by Brisbane Times - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Jane Garrett cause of death - 3 years ago

@hi5connectgh: Jane Garrett net worth - 3 years ago

@redemptiongiver: RT @theheraldsun: Labor MP Jane Garrett has been remembered for her “intellect, wit and generosity” as her devastated family mourn her deat… - 3 years ago

@SamanthaRegione: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: BREAKING: Statement from Vic Premier Dan Andrews: "Vale Jane Garrett." @6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@D11Carmen: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@jcbible1: Vale Jane Garrett. Could this year become any more maudlin? The Cross is my refuge. @CaroDiRusso - 3 years ago

@rivenscythe: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@bornblonde0077: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@craig_sidey: So sad to hear about the passing of Jane Garrett. I don’t like politics much, but I liked Jane. She was brilliant,… - 3 years ago

@jcbible1: Vale Jane Garrett. Could this year become any more maudlin? The Cross is my refuge. @MayneReport - 3 years ago

@DeusExcess: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@mr_internet: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@stepht91xx: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@VictorianLabor: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@FloofyTyrant: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@PRS1611: @KleinRevd May peace be with Jane Garrett. RIP Jane. 😭💔🙏🏼 - 3 years ago

@nursereb: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@maztrev18: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@vvg26: @Leo_Puglisi6 @6NewsAU Vale Jane Garrett. RIP 🕊🤍 - 3 years ago

@agwalker01: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@LiangRhea: Such a loss to her family, her community and indeed the whole nation. #BreastCancer is such a scourge. 💔💔💔 - 3 years ago

@NickyArnall: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@claireseppings: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@notcherylkernot: Vale Jane Garrett. Another member of parliament taken far too early. #springst #vicpol - 3 years ago

@ShaunLeaneMP: Vale Jane Garrett Deepest and sincere Condolences to her family Too sad to comprehend - 3 years ago

@DanielleGreenMP: So sad at the passing of decade long colleague Jane Garrett aged only 49. Condolences to husband James, children Mo… - 3 years ago

@JasBell1123: RT @SharnelleVella: Statement from the Premier on the passing of Jane Garrett. - 3 years ago

@ARJ7X: RT @michaelobrienmp: This is terrible news. Jane was principled, whip smart and had a sense of humour that literally made you laugh out lou… - 3 years ago

@NorthCoastBlue: RT @AaronDodd: Vale Jane Garrett: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 #auspol - 3 years ago

@SharnelleVella: RT @michaelobrienmp: This is terrible news. Jane was principled, whip smart and had a sense of humour that literally made you laugh out lou… - 3 years ago

@sorceror43: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@AndyCh91: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@ShingvWorld: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@OzGayVoyeur: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@guytaur: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@apchundu78: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@KieranRooneyCM: Premier @DanielAndrewsMP says he is saddened to hear of Ms Garrett's death. "I hope Jane’s family accept a State Fu… - 3 years ago

@anniecmars: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@bookblog76: RT @theage: Victorian Labor MP and former minister Jane Garrett has died from cancer, aged 49. | @heyracheddie #springst - 3 years ago

@ChristyDanFan: RT @SimoLove: Statement from Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP on the death of Jane Garrett MP @SkyNewsAust #springst - 3 years ago

@ThanhViet86: RT @DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s family… - 3 years ago

@DancingDanB: I didn’t realise she had cancer. So very sad. Jane Garrett was a very committed Member of Parliament. RIP - 3 years ago

@criprights: RT @6NewsAU: #BREAKING 🚨 Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett has died at the age of 49 | #6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@DanielAndrewsMP: On behalf of the Victorian Government and the Parliamentary Labor Party, I offer our deep condolences to Jane’s fam… - 3 years ago

@7NewsMelbourne: RT @SharnelleVella: Statement from the Premier on the passing of Jane Garrett. - 3 years ago

@Repete_66: RT @BrentHodgson: Sad news. - 3 years ago

@giveoutmore: RT @theage: Victorian Labor MP and former minister Jane Garrett has died from cancer, aged 49. | @heyracheddie #springst - 3 years ago

@Frank_McGuire: Devastating news. Jane Garrett is dead. Vale to an MP and lawyer who fought to improve rights and opportunities. Co… - 3 years ago

@pully8: RT @GarryPThompson: Jane Garret MP - State MP for Eastern Victoria. Rest in Peace. Condolences to her family and friends . #tooyoung Labo… - 3 years ago

@joegarra61: RT @6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @GeorgieCrozier: "Such awful news. Thoughts with Jane’s family & friends at this very sad time." | #6NewsAU htt… - 3 years ago

@AusPolDotCo: Matthew Guy MP: Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. … - 3 years ago

@SimoLove: Statement from Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP on the death of Jane Garrett MP @SkyNewsAust #springst - 3 years ago

@JennyWeedon: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@Leo_Puglisi6: RT @6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @GeorgieCrozier: "Such awful news. Thoughts with Jane’s family & friends at this very sad time." | #6NewsAU htt… - 3 years ago

@suzlette333: RT @sumeyyailanbey: Victorian MP Jane Garrett dies, aged 49 - 3 years ago

@NStaikos: The Labor family is utterly heartbroken tonight. Jane Garrett’s passing is an awful, awful tragedy. I wish her fami… - 3 years ago

@SimoLove: Vale, Jane Garrett. @SkyNewsAust #springst - 3 years ago

@ViscusGaming: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@jimmyraynes: RT @lhilakari: Trades Hall sends its condolences to friends and family of Jane Garrett. Gone far too soon, had a lot more to give to build… - 3 years ago

@6NewsAU: Vic Liberal MP @GeorgieCrozier: "Such awful news. Thoughts with Jane’s family & friends at this very sad time." |… - 3 years ago

@Cannulator: We’ve touched by unforgiving impact of breast cancer. A terribly sad passing of Jane Garrett. Condolences to her fa… - 3 years ago

@Happycatdcl: RT @6NewsAU: More details ⬇️ | #6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@NoClassNoClass: @Leo_Puglisi6 Very sad for Jane Garrett's family. You do good work in shutting down disinfo Leo. - 3 years ago

@susanrat: RT @benschneiders: What terrible news about Jane Garrett; dying at just 49. She was a very impressive and engaging person. Thoughts with he… - 3 years ago

@JasBell1123: RT @lhilakari: Trades Hall sends its condolences to friends and family of Jane Garrett. Gone far too soon, had a lot more to give to build… - 3 years ago

@Jansant: RT @BrentHodgson: Sad news. - 3 years ago

@olivianicholl20: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@sir_alex52: RT @AndyMeddickMP: Tonight a friend has passed away. When I entered the Parliament it was Jane Garrett I was sat next to. She taught me pro… - 3 years ago

@NoClassNoClass: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@MsMountebank: RT @JennyMikakos: I’m greatly shocked and saddened that Jane Garrett has lost her battle with breast cancer at 49. She was a Labor warrior… - 3 years ago

@Margare93300645: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: already seen a tweet claiming this is because of the COVID vax SHE HAD CANCER - 3 years ago

@JenniferKanis: Very sad to hear this news. Jane was a remarkable woman who will be missed. Condolences to all who loved her. Vale… - 3 years ago

@BLUEfingers2021: Vale. Jane Garrett MP. Gone way too young 😞 #FuckCancer - 3 years ago

@DenisOKane3AW: RT @MatthewGuyMP: Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. She won’t be forgotten. May she Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Jane Garrett is no longer with us - #JaneGarrett #Jane #Garrett #rip - 3 years ago

@Cherie_L___: RT @Leo_Puglisi6: Awful news - 3 years ago

@newseachdayau: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@newseachdayau2: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@SuttersFC: So sad to hear about Jane Garrett. She was a great local member for Brunswick. RIP - 3 years ago

@lhilakari: Trades Hall sends its condolences to friends and family of Jane Garrett. Gone far too soon, had a lot more to give… - 3 years ago

@janecat60: RT @MatthewGuyMP: Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. She won’t be forgotten. May she Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@andrew_cleary12: RT @MatthewGuyMP: Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. She won’t be forgotten. May she Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@benitakolovos: RT @MatthewGuyMP: Jane Garrett’s passing is immensely sad news. She was bold and brave. She won’t be forgotten. May she Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@DavisConcept: Vale Jane Garrett. She was treated appallingly by the Labor Party and cronies. The factions in political parties ar… - 3 years ago

@powell_robs: What a sad loss. Condolences to Jane Garrett’s family and friends - 3 years ago

@mjfregon: So sad to hear the of the passing of our friend and colleague Jane Garrett. My sincere condolences to her family an… - 3 years ago

@Michael_Jongen: @frma_com - 3 years ago

@ViscountBrooky: Former Victorian government minister Jane Garrett has died aged 49. She leaves behind three children, Molly, 19, Sa… - 3 years ago

@heyracheddie: RT @theage: Victorian Labor MP and former minister Jane Garrett has died from cancer, aged 49. | @heyracheddie #springst - 3 years ago

@Leo_Puglisi6: @DOPGosling @6NewsAU she had cancer...since 2016 - 3 years ago

@firey81: RT @KieranRooneyCM: Jane Garrett: Labor MP and former minister dies from cancer, aged 49 #springst - 3 years ago

@glebbern: RT @6NewsAU: More details ⬇️ | #6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@SusanLa69642683: RT @6NewsAU: #BREAKING 🚨 Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett has died at the age of 49 | #6NewsAU - 3 years ago

@tulip_education: RT @AHaermeyer: Saddened to learn of the death of my friend, Jane Garrett, after a long battle with cancer. Jane went into politics to mak… - 3 years ago

@sistaspin: Vale Jane Garrett. So sad that we have lost another amazing Labor woman way too soon. My condolences to James and her children. - 3 years ago

@glebbern: RT @6NewsAU: #BREAKING 🚨 Victorian Labor MP Jane Garrett has died at the age of 49 | #6NewsAU - 3 years ago

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