Jane Brown Grimes

American Hall of Fame tennis executive
Died on Wednesday November 3rd 2021

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jane Brown Grimes:

@joefav: So sorry to hear this.. Jane Brown Grimes, tennis executive and Hall of Famer, dies #usta - 3 years ago

@_____PM______: Tennis exec, Hall of Famer Brown Grimes dies - 3 years ago

@NyamudaJoseph: RT @CamArtsHums: We’re very sorry to hear of the passing of our PhD student Jane Brown Grimes. A remarkable woman and a great friend of the… - 3 years ago

@educationsdotpk: RT @CamArtsHums: We’re very sorry to hear of the passing of our PhD student Jane Brown Grimes. A remarkable woman and a great friend of the… - 3 years ago


@Cambridge_Uni: RT @CamArtsHums: We’re very sorry to hear of the passing of our PhD student Jane Brown Grimes. A remarkable woman and a great friend of the… - 3 years ago

@CamArtsHums: We’re very sorry to hear of the passing of our PhD student Jane Brown Grimes. A remarkable woman and a great friend… - 3 years ago

@aheimert: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@eazeee2004: RT @TennisChannel: Our deepest condolences to Jane Brown Grimes’ family and friends. 🙏 Thank you for your dedicated service to our sport.… - 3 years ago

@Dymvue: RT @rogermosey: I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Jane Brown Grimes - an inspirational leader in sport, and most recently a bri… - 3 years ago

@Selwyn1882: RT @rogermosey: I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Jane Brown Grimes - an inspirational leader in sport, and most recently a bri… - 3 years ago

@rogermosey: I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Jane Brown Grimes - an inspirational leader in sport, and most recent… - 3 years ago

@hugotennisgolf: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@valsadie: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@006GK: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@004nino: RIP 24 689) #American #Jane #Brown #Grimes 80 , #tennis #executive #and #Hall #of #Famer , #dies #November… - 3 years ago

@Ringham7: RT @Ringham7: Tributes rightly pouring in from @ChrissieEvert @PHShriver & others for Jane Brown Grimes who has died at 80 in NY. A charmin… - 3 years ago

@Ringham7: RT @Kevin_Wensing: @Ringham7 @ChrissieEvert @PHShriver @usta Jane Brown Grimes, a wise, remarkable and skilled leader. She made the sport o… - 3 years ago

@JCPGATA: RT @JCPGATA: Tennis exec, Hall of Famer Brown Grimes dies: Longtime tennis executive and International Tennis Hall of Famer Jane Brown Grim… - 3 years ago

@blackbeauty691: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@LindaMJohnsonPR: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@LindaMJohnsonPR: RT @TennisHalloFame: The ITHF mourns the loss President Emerita and Hall of Famer Jane Brown Grimes. A transformative tennis leader, Jane… - 3 years ago

@EducatingGibbs: Very sad news - it was a privilege to attend a seminar on sports and history with Jane Brown Grimes in 2018, in whi… - 3 years ago

@ZennieAAbraham: Tennis Channel Live: Jane Brown Grimes - 3 years ago

@Kevin_Wensing: RT @Tennis: We express our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Jane Brown Grimes, who died at home in NYC on Nov. 2. She was in… - 3 years ago

@Kevin_Wensing: @Tennis @TennisHalloFame @sflinko Jane Grimes Brown led an amazing life & was a remarkably talented and gracious pe… - 3 years ago

@InsdataInter: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@rubengzz: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@olgiebear1: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@ATPtennis2002: RT @TennisChannel: Our deepest condolences to Jane Brown Grimes’ family and friends. 🙏 Thank you for your dedicated service to our sport.… - 3 years ago

@chrispilz: Jane Brown Grimes, tennis executive and Hall of Famer, dies - 3 years ago

@TennisChannel: Our deepest condolences to Jane Brown Grimes’ family and friends. 🙏 Thank you for your dedicated service to our sp… - 3 years ago

@SandersSeanergy: RT @jon_wertheim: "Jane Brown Grimes, a transformative tennis industry leader who held roles as President and CEO of the International Tenn… - 3 years ago

@Clem953: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@Kevin_Wensing: @Ringham7 @ChrissieEvert @PHShriver @usta Jane Brown Grimes, a wise, remarkable and skilled leader. She made the sp… - 3 years ago

@esteladelatorre: In Memoriam: Hall of Famer & ITHF President Emerita Jane Brown Grimes - 3 years ago

@probin5756: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@WINYRadio: FROM THE NEWSROOM: NEW YORK (AP) — International Tennis Hall of Fame inductee Jane Brown Grimes has died at age 80.… - 3 years ago

@robinsnewswire: "Tennis News: Jane Brown Grimes, tennis executive and Hall of Famer, dies - Daily Union #News": - 3 years ago

@kimreynolds045: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@Ken97109552: RT @Tennis: We express our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Jane Brown Grimes, who died at home in NYC on Nov. 2. She was in… - 3 years ago

@snitchseeker731: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@neoblaque: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@cabara: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@suptmoran: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@TennisHalloFame: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@potenspuella: RT @BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the women’s… - 3 years ago

@BillieJeanKing: I am saddened by the passing of Jane Brown Grimes, who was instrumental in the growth of tennis, especially the wom… - 3 years ago

@TumovaKlara: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@JCPGATA: Tennis exec, Hall of Famer Brown Grimes dies: Longtime tennis executive and International Tennis Hall of Famer Jane… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Jane Brown Grimes has passed away - #JaneBrownGrimes #Jane #BrownGrimes #rip - 3 years ago

@qctimes: NEW YORK (AP) — Jane Brown Grimes, a member of the International Tennis Hall of Fame for contributions to the sport… - 3 years ago

@IlBlogdiAndy: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@ATPtennis2002: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@Kevin_Wensing: RT @TennisHalloFame: The ITHF mourns the loss President Emerita and Hall of Famer Jane Brown Grimes. A transformative tennis leader, Jane… - 3 years ago

@dvieriu: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@RafalutionXX20: RT @christophclarey: American Jane Brown Grimes, who headed three major tennis organizations, including the USTA, and was one of the sport'… - 3 years ago

@cltorres73: RT @Tennis: We express our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Jane Brown Grimes, who died at home in NYC on Nov. 2. She was in… - 3 years ago

@GonzaloDSGer27: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@Ilovehimawful: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@argwntina: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@Ringham7: Tributes rightly pouring in from @ChrissieEvert @PHShriver & others for Jane Brown Grimes who has died at 80 in NY.… - 3 years ago

@PHShriver: RT @Tennis: We express our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Jane Brown Grimes, who died at home in NYC on Nov. 2. She was in… - 3 years ago

@PHShriver: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@_TennisCoaching: - 3 years ago

@christophclarey: American Jane Brown Grimes, who headed three major tennis organizations, including the USTA, and was one of the spo… - 3 years ago

@JLOHagans: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@Irina_LL: RT @jon_wertheim: "Jane Brown Grimes, a transformative tennis industry leader who held roles as President and CEO of the International Tenn… - 3 years ago

@RobeEscalante: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@JJlovesTennis: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

@BENJIZEE: RT @WTA: It is with deep sadness we announce the passing of ITHF hall of famer and president Jane Brown Grimes. Jane was also the former… - 3 years ago

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