Jan Kuciak

Slovak investigative journalist
Died on Monday February 26th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jan Kuciak:

@chueyjr97: RT @JulianAssange: Second EU investigative journalist killed in five months. Ján Kuciak was murdered at his home in Slovakia (along with hi… - 7 years ago

@PeruNewsweek: #Mundo: La Eurocámara envía una misión a Eslovaquia para investigar la muerte del periodista Ján Kuciak - 7 years ago

@keesfiere485: RT @SophieintVeld: On my way to Bratislava for 2-day fact finding mission of @ep_justice following the murder of journalist #JanKuciak htt… - 7 years ago

@ojocallejero: RT @eldiarioInt: Los colegas de Ján Kuciak, periodista asesinado por investigar a bandas criminales, prometen continuar con su investigació… - 7 years ago


@pawouczech: - 7 years ago

@GustikPiestany: Live:Ján Kuciak, demokratka Tódová, demisia Kisku a ultimátum na Majdan ... - 7 years ago

@andrej_zachar: RT @Biztweeteu: Ján Kuciak nie je jediným žurnalistom koho posledné hodiny práce vzbudzujú otázky. Sú to tri roky od záhadného zmiznutia ed… - 7 years ago

@059906bc24f0435: @martindano @YouTube I like your video about Jan Kuciak, i will donate you. You are great investigative journalist. - 7 years ago

@peruenlanoticia: #Internacional: La Eurocámara envía una misión a Eslovaquia para investigar la muerte del periodista Ján Kuciak - 7 years ago

@seyawa2: RT @eldiarioInt: Los colegas de Ján Kuciak, periodista asesinado por investigar a bandas criminales, prometen continuar con su investigació… - 7 years ago

@Nurya1952: RT @eldiarioInt: Los colegas de Ján Kuciak, periodista asesinado por investigar a bandas criminales, prometen continuar con su investigació… - 7 years ago

@Therajomas: RT @EuroParlPress: Press release: Murder of journalist Ján Kuciak: EP delegation to visit Slovakia Thursday-Friday: - 7 years ago

@Therajomas: RT @EP_Justice: Murder of journalist Ján Kuciak: MEPs @EP_Justice @EP_BudgControl to visit Slovakia Thursday-Friday - 7 years ago

@grancocolio: RT @eldiarioInt: Los colegas de Ján Kuciak, periodista asesinado por investigar a bandas criminales, prometen continuar con su investigació… - 7 years ago

@eurotopics_fr: En #Slovaquie, où le journaliste #JanKuciak a été assassiné, #Fico s'en prend à #Soros, en vain @ujszo… - 7 years ago

@eldiarioInt: Los colegas de Ján Kuciak, periodista asesinado por investigar a bandas criminales, prometen continuar con su inves… - 7 years ago

@eurotopics_fr: En #Slovaquie, où le journaliste #JanKuciak a été assassiné, #Fico n'est pas près de jeter l'éponge @dennikN… - 7 years ago

@StellaIsabella3: RT @EP_President: The EU cannot accept that a journalist is killed for doing his job. I call on the Slovak authorities to launch a thorough… - 7 years ago

@D66_Europa: RT @SophieintVeld: On my way to Bratislava for 2-day fact finding mission of @ep_justice following the murder of journalist #JanKuciak htt… - 7 years ago

@SAOM96: RT @channeldraw: Nobody should pay the highest price for living in freedom! #JanKuciak #PressFreedom - 7 years ago

@BuongiornoSk: Milano, messa in memoria di Ján Kuciak e Martina Kušnírová il 15 marzo - 7 years ago

@Mia_Styles124: RT @mark_dekan: Jan Kuciak is dead but his last words have not yet been spoken. We will continue Jan’s investigative work. Jan Kuciak is de… - 7 years ago

@factcheckingmk: RT @EUinTransition: Slovak Bloggers and European Leaders Demand Justice for Slain Journalist Ján Kuciak #Slovakia… - 7 years ago

@EUinTransition: Slovak Bloggers and European Leaders Demand Justice for Slain Journalist Ján Kuciak - 7 years ago

@OccuWorld: Slovak Bloggers and European Leaders Demand Justice for Slain Journalist Ján Kuciak - 7 years ago

@zOstatniejChw: Z OSTATNIEJ CHWILI: Dziennikarz Ján Kuciak zamordowany z dziewczyną. Ringier Axel Springer: to może mieć skutki uboczne - 7 years ago

@gandygallery: Jan Kuciak ,Martina Kusnirova,Bratislava 🙏🇪🇺 - 7 years ago

@parameter_sk: Cseh kolléganője elárulta, pontosan mire jött rá Ján Kuciak a halála előtt - 7 years ago

@Amazingcharry1: RT @FTM_nl: Deze onderzoeksjournalist had het lef om onderzoek te doen naar de machtigste mensen van Slowakije. - 7 years ago

@GianMoise: RT @EaSTJournal: SLOVACCHIA: ‘Ndrangheta, business e politica, l’ultimo articolo di Ján Kuciak | di @GianMoise - 7 years ago

@peterhubinskyx: - 7 years ago

@EleniNumber5: RT @AFP: People gather in Bratislava to demonstrate against the murder of Jan Kuciak, a journalist who was probing alleged high-level polit… - 7 years ago

@DaniBrodcova: O podlomené důvěře, mafii, balících peněz na stole, prohnilém systému a vraždě dvou nevinných lidí. Rozhovor… - 7 years ago

@ajwillems: RT @FTM_nl: Deze onderzoeksjournalist had het lef om onderzoek te doen naar de machtigste mensen van Slowakije. - 7 years ago

@Rahma_TheRevert: RT @globalvoices: Murder of Investigative Journalist Ján Kuciak Shakes Slovak Society - 7 years ago

@visuele: RT @FTM_nl: Deze onderzoeksjournalist had het lef om onderzoek te doen naar de machtigste mensen van Slowakije. - 7 years ago

@louisembrookes: RT @globalvoices: Murder of Investigative Journalist Ján Kuciak Shakes Slovak Society - 7 years ago

@EleonoraTondon: Presidente Kiska: rimpasto governo o elezioni. Riaperte indagini su omicidio Kuciak - 7 years ago

@EaSTJournal: SLOVACCHIA: ‘Ndrangheta, business e politica, l’ultimo articolo di Ján Kuciak | di @GianMoise - 7 years ago

@CIMA_Media: RT @silviachocarro: On heels of Slovakia and Malta murders, European Commission urged to take the lead to protect journalists - IFEX https:… - 7 years ago

@scibidoo: RT @mark_dekan: Jan Kuciak is dead but his last words have not yet been spoken. We will continue Jan’s investigative work. Jan Kuciak is de… - 7 years ago

@BernardREYNAU11: RT @efoulon1: Comme Daphné à Malte, Jan Kuciak, journaliste d’investigation, a été assassiné cette semaine pour avoir enquêté sur la corrup… - 7 years ago

@dokmz: Slovak police release seven men arrested as part of investigation into the murder of Jan Kuciak -… - 7 years ago

@lgorhythmical: RT @lgorhythmical: #Slovak Prime Minister #Fico blames #Soros for provoking instability in Slovakia after murder of #investigative #journa… - 7 years ago

@ErolOnderoglu: RT @IFEX: On the heels of the Slovakia and Malta murders, IFEX and 16 other civil society organisations urge @EU_commission to take the lea… - 7 years ago

@lgorhythmical: #Slovak Prime Minister #Fico blames #Soros for provoking instability in Slovakia after murder of #investigative… - 7 years ago

@JThHadrossek: Wie gefährlich leben Enthüllungsreporter? Sie mussten mit ihrem Leben bezahlen, weil sie den Mächtigen das Handwer… - 7 years ago

@chrisdavids28: RT @zeitonline: Die #Mafia ist ein europäisches Problem, kein italienisches, schreibt @LadurnerUlrich über den Mord an Ján #Kuciak. https:/… - 7 years ago

@mfit: RT @mompontet: Il avait 27 ans et était journaliste spécialisé dans l'évasion fiscale et la corruption. Il s'appelait Jan Kuciak. Lui et s… - 7 years ago

@m_majchrzak: Updates about Jan Kuciak murder now in English on @Aktualitysk #AllforJan - 7 years ago

@joel_novavilla: RT @mompontet: Il avait 27 ans et était journaliste spécialisé dans l'évasion fiscale et la corruption. Il s'appelait Jan Kuciak. Lui et s… - 7 years ago

@AntiChemtrails: RT @paul_denton: Le journaliste d'investigation slovaque Ján Kuciak a été assassiné à 27 ans avec sa copine ce weekend. Il enquêtait sur de… - 7 years ago

@petra_jansa: RT @CAMECJustice: Prime Minister Fico refused to sack his ally, Interior Minister Robert Kalinak, as demanded by the opposition; whom the P… - 7 years ago

@ZanelloP: PRESSE-"L'illustré" revient cette semaine sur l'affreux assassinat du journaliste d'investigation Jan Kuciak (Axel… - 7 years ago

@petra_jansa: RT @holkadovetru: In some countries, critical journalists lose their jobs after political changes or are removed under state pressure to a… - 7 years ago

@petra_jansa: RT @marimardona: “No pueden matarnos a todos”: los periodistas eslovacos desafían a las mafias. Los colegas de Ján Kuciak, periodista ases… - 7 years ago

@petra_jansa: RT @freepressunltd: After the killings of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Ján Kuciak, 17 media organisations call upon @JunckerEU to protect jou… - 7 years ago

@Karolinushka: RT @freepressunltd: After the killings of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Ján Kuciak, 17 media organisations call upon @JunckerEU to protect jou… - 7 years ago

@clovislrclr: Meurtre de Ján Kuciak en Slovaquie : le Premier ministre sur la sellette - 7 years ago

@pressfreedompk: RT @freepressunltd: After the killings of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Ján Kuciak, 17 media organisations call upon @JunckerEU to protect jou… - 7 years ago

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