James V. Hansen

American politician
Died on Wednesday November 14th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to James V. Hansen:

@lbsal1121: @realDonaldTrump I suggest you speak with this expert:: #Moron James Hansen: Why I must speak out about climate ch… - 6 years ago

@LilMsgss: RT @karlamoPA: #WednesdayWisdom @69news Adopt the carbon tax (with proceeds going to the public) to kill 3 devils (#SaudiArabia, Polluti… - 6 years ago

@karlamoPA: #WednesdayWisdom @69news Adopt the carbon tax (with proceeds going to the public) to kill 3 devils (#SaudiArabia… - 6 years ago

@karlamoPA: @WeDontHaveTime0 I trust this is part of it. A big part of it. A carbon tax (with proceeds going to the public) wo… - 6 years ago


@karlamoPA: A way to protect our children's future that conservatives and liberals can agree upon - that would build the econom… - 6 years ago

@stevekloscak: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@porridgeisgood: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@POd_Cdn: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@VincentJappi: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@drwaheeduddin: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@JaggerMickOZ: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@boggywood: RT @puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013 @NikolovScience… - 6 years ago

@puntanenyahoo: @priscian @3GHtweets @GillesnFio @boggywood @RJinBaltimore @L_Wallace718295 @PaulDOKidd @JamesAbbott2013… - 6 years ago

@aryanairtsua: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@wgugg: James Hansen & Michael Shellenberger: Nuclear Power? Are Renewables Enough? - 6 years ago

@wgugg: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@Jeweled_James: I liked a @YouTube video - 6 years ago

@catherine_v_n: RT @NewYorker: The climatologist James Hansen testified before Congress about the dangers of human-caused climate change thirty years ago.… - 6 years ago

@Okavangomick: On Contact: Climate Crisis with James Hansen - 6 years ago

@thecitizeness: RT @youthvgov: As James Hansen's granddaughter & Juliana v. US plaintiff Sophie prepares to stand before judicial branch to attest to gove… - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: American politician, James V. Hansen, Died at 86 - 6 years ago

@entbuz: American politician, James V. Hansen, Died at 86 - 6 years ago

@121reggae: American politician, James V. Hansen, Died at 86 - 6 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid James V. Hansen. - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: James V. Hansen (86) American politician - 6 years ago

@wardle_geoffrey: RT @Geoffrey_Wardle: Sad to hear about the passing of former Rep. James V. Hansen UT-1. I volunteered for his ‘86 and ‘88 campaigns and wo… - 6 years ago

@Geoffrey_Wardle: Sad to hear about the passing of former Rep. James V. Hansen UT-1. I volunteered for his ‘86 and ‘88 campaigns and… - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: James V Hansen, US-amerikanischer Politiker, am 14.11.2018 im Alter von 86 Jahren. - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: James V. Hansen - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: James V. Hansen, you will be missed - #JamesVHansen #James #V.Hansen #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP James V. Hansen, 86, American politician, Member of the House of Representatives (1981–2003). - 6 years ago

@yenyensss: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@yenyensss: Teaching Hansen - Jingle Bells by James Pierpont - Alfred Premier Piano Course Christmas 1B: - 6 years ago

@willowing: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist - 6 years ago

@thjr19: RT @totterdell91: James Hansen & Michael Shellenberger: #Nuclear Power? Are #Renewables Enough? - 6 years ago

@totterdell91: James Hansen & Michael Shellenberger: #Nuclear Power? Are #Renewables Enough? - 6 years ago

@rewtoetzi: Time to go nuclear. Call for an end of dogma about the options humanity has to meet the climate crisis. Open your e… - 6 years ago

@u_hardy: RT @trainspeedhump: @ausgeo @StrikeClimate For more details, listen to this talk by Dr James Hansen. - 6 years ago

@Tellevik: James Corden singing “waving through a window” Dear Evan hansen - 6 years ago

@Tellevik: Jeg likte en @YouTube-video – - 6 years ago

@trainspeedhump: @ausgeo @StrikeClimate For more details, listen to this talk by Dr James Hansen. - 6 years ago

@trainspeedhump: On Contact: Climate Crisis with James Hansen - 6 years ago

@CastrVicente: RT @minipetite: Traían testigos como James Hansen, el jefe del Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de NASA que demostró el calentamiento globa… - 6 years ago

@minipetite: Traían testigos como James Hansen, el jefe del Instituto de Estudios Espaciales de NASA que demostró el calentamien… - 6 years ago

@yanameetsworld: And now for a real change of pace: James Corden singing “waving through a window” Dear Evan hansen - 6 years ago

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