James Nelson

American sound editor (Five Easy Pieces
Died on Wednesday June 18th 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to James Nelson:

@_nelson_tacias: RT @ferjbiebs: James Bay 👅

@rugamasolanoru: VHS Let Freedom Ring: Nelson Eddy Victor McLaglen Lionel Barrymore James Mason http://t.co/gfWxsKJ0v5 http://t.co/qJMOsyAALC

@nelson_alexx: RT @TweetLikeAGirI: if every guy treated girls like nathan scott treated haley james it would be a great world http://t.co/YksMpvQRhh

@Nelson_Eddy: RT @ThislsAmazing: James Dean reading poetry. http://t.co/Lgg2dsXHlZ


@TYLYRIQ87: James Nelson Yikes bro!! #Smash http://t.co/92CfWkZpwJ

@long1_james: RT @WPXI: Manziel tosses bottle at heckler during PGA event -- no word if the throw was intercepted... http://t.co/Blz5QRLAlT http://t.co/q…

@codezyc: RT @jsfiddle: Introduction to ES6 Promises by @james_k_nelson. Great article, only thing missing are JSFiddle examples. http://t.co/GlNQ2…

@mega_rure: You're closer than you think you… ♫ It's Not Over [feat. James Fortune & Jason Nelson] by Israel & New Breed — https://t.co/fHyK1TxlTc

@Biggie_Nelson: RT @SportsCenter: LeBron James says that he's playing the best basketball of his career right now. » http://t.co/5cLzdD1Ols http://t.co/0Dq…

@kanyon_nelson: RT @alextaranoff: What DID I SAYYYYYY LEBRAN JAMES FOR DA WINNN

@kanyon_nelson: RT @philthybird215: LeBran James is the Greatest of this era. Point blank.

@SomaTheTrip: ♬ James Nelson feat. Marcie - Relax (Allan O`Marshall 4AM Mix) ♬ http://t.co/fdfoFm95nV #nowplaying

@tellezfoto: RT @GTellaeche: #EFEMERIDESBOXISTICAS Azumah Nelson vs Jesse James Lejia 3 01/06/1996 Def#1 CMB 130 TKO Boulder,Station Hotel, LV http://…

@DHTTom: RT @CommsEffect: We lost a good one in Jim Nelson. Another community leader lost in #gpab - Tim http://t.co/GHvKLr8Mhy

@CommsEffect: We lost a good one in Jim Nelson. Another community leader lost in #gpab - Tim http://t.co/GHvKLr8Mhy

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