James Lovelock

English independent scientist and environmentalist (Gaia hypothesis)
Died on Wednesday July 27th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to James Lovelock:

@HelenaBrors: RT @PressenzaIPA: Honoring the life of James Lovelock, founder of the Gaia theory - 3 years ago

@ldreyer: Inspiration, mentor and a truly great man: Tim Flannery farewells scientist James Lovelock, who has returned to Gai… - 3 years ago

@TomkinsZerina: Vale James E. Lovelock (1919–2022) - 'Inventor who introduced the Gaia hypothesis to environmental science' (Earth… - 3 years ago

@liberanimal: RT @bioeticambiente: James E. Lovelock a través de su hipótesis "Gaia" sentó las bases para la ciencia del sistema terrestre y una nueva co… - 3 years ago


@jimdonnellyart: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@CoopFutures: James Lovelock: the scientist-inventor who transformed our view of life on Earth - 3 years ago

@FriedasMom7: RT @NetZeroWatch: James Lovelock RIP. "There are some climate sceptics that I fully respect. Nigel Lawson is one. He writes sensibly and we… - 3 years ago

@ProfMarkMaslin: RT @RGS_IBGhe: 'Gaia transformed the way we think of life on Earth by challenging the orthodox view that life simply evolved and adapted to… - 3 years ago

@ElizaINK: Thank you Dr. Lovelock - 3 years ago

@ISEEORG: RT @EE4ALL: James Lovelock along with Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis, which revolutionized the way that we understand the wond… - 3 years ago

@br00t4c: Gaia theorist James Lovelock was always ahead of the times #EVIDENCE - 3 years ago

@lethelier: RT @bioeticambiente: James E. Lovelock a través de su hipótesis "Gaia" sentó las bases para la ciencia del sistema terrestre y una nueva co… - 3 years ago

@jackiealmo: RT @bioeticambiente: James E. Lovelock a través de su hipótesis "Gaia" sentó las bases para la ciencia del sistema terrestre y una nueva co… - 3 years ago

@IanLatinette: RT @SusanMcdW: "We do not have to become saints, only to achieve enlightened self-interest. If we can do this by letting the forest grow an… - 3 years ago

@DaryFonseca98: La vida sobrevivirá al cambio climático, la humanidad no se. James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@climatedespair: RT @SusanMcdW: "We do not have to become saints, only to achieve enlightened self-interest. If we can do this by letting the forest grow an… - 3 years ago

@jc_mug: muito legal esse negocio do OrganEx mas o james lovelock ressuscitou hamsters que estavam congelados usando um microondas na decada de 60 - 3 years ago

@patnaik_nagesh: - 3 years ago

@SusanMcdW: "...the rules of Gaia are such that organisms that harm the environment do not long survive. We would do well to un… - 3 years ago

@SusanMcdW: "We do not have to become saints, only to achieve enlightened self-interest. If we can do this by letting the fores… - 3 years ago

@ILEKTRAKOUTOUKI: RT @CColose: Nature obituary on James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@christopherbaan: RIP. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@rstokes: James Lovelock CBE (1919-2022) Chemist, Biomedical scientist, Inventor - 3 years ago

@politicsntennis: RT @MrMatthewTodd: As I’ve grown up I’ve come to realise the tragedy of our modern culture that makes household names out of silly celebrit… - 3 years ago

@globalcommonshq: RT @owengaffney: What sad news. James Lovelock, one of the most remarkable minds of the last hundred years, has passed away on his 103rd bi… - 3 years ago

@exnsamerdue: RT @Liv_Boeree: Very sad to hear of the passing of James Lovelock. A true polymath who at the age of 100 wrote one of my favourite books o… - 3 years ago

@jamesberriman: RT @the_ecologist: James Lovelock will be for ever known for his Gaia theory - a huge contribution to how we as humans understand and relat… - 3 years ago

@Jo_Rodgers: RT @the_ecologist: James Lovelock will be for ever known for his Gaia theory - a huge contribution to how we as humans understand and relat… - 3 years ago

@TheOracleM: Racism, sexism, are simply expressions of our (boring) tribalism. Lovelock was right. We're a tribal species. Inst… - 3 years ago

@BenWilsons: RT @the_ecologist: James Lovelock will be for ever known for his Gaia theory - a huge contribution to how we as humans understand and relat… - 3 years ago

@MichaelVNixon: RT @the_ecologist: James Lovelock will be for ever known for his Gaia theory - a huge contribution to how we as humans understand and relat… - 3 years ago

@LOVE2UNIQUE: RT @CColose: Nature obituary on James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@the_ecologist: James Lovelock will be for ever known for his Gaia theory - a huge contribution to how we as humans understand and… - 3 years ago

@breadseed: RT @guardianscience: James Lovelock and the legacy of his Gaia hypothesis – podcast - 3 years ago

@olivierdacosta: Conversations with James Lovelock, the scientist at the end of the world - 3 years ago

@13SciDave: James E. Lovelock (1919–2022) - 3 years ago

@ParanormalBlip: RT @ParanormalBlip: Ep 26 - Jung, Symbols and Dreams with Steven A fun discussion through dream analysis, Jung, symbolism and consciousnes… - 3 years ago

@kaveinthran: RT @EE4ALL: James Lovelock along with Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis, which revolutionized the way that we understand the wond… - 3 years ago

@complexitatcat: RT @acorralcrm: Trabajo aquí y es mi hogar. No hay otra manera de trabajar acerca de un tema no convencional como Gaia. James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@Varun9Vijay: RT @GuardianUS: James Lovelock obituary - 3 years ago

@nyooshi: 「ガイア理論」で有名な英科学者、ジェームズ・ラブロック(James Lovelock)博士が7月26日に逝去( - 3 years ago

@sciencemedia_es: Como el propio Lovelock dijo: “La evolución no es solo una propiedad de los organismos. Lo que evoluciona es todo e… - 3 years ago

@ZugolJannone: James Lovelock, le premier des «Gaïens» - 3 years ago

@IrishRainforest: RT @Styo28183449: @IrishRainforest James Lovelock planted 20k trees on his land in Devon, and later concluded that it was a mistake, for mu… - 3 years ago

@Styo28183449: @IrishRainforest James Lovelock planted 20k trees on his land in Devon, and later concluded that it was a mistake,… - 3 years ago

@mylesbyrne: Inside the box is the fusion of political organisation and technology that will carry us through the bottleneck.… - 3 years ago

@oekomverlag: Vergangene Woche starb James #Lovelock an seinem 103. Geburtstag. Im Gedenken an den Mitbegründer der #Gaia-Hypothe… - 3 years ago

@highlandtimes: @athiestwhippet @PhillipAdams_1 James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@bothacarol: RT @rowhoop: Here's the 1975 issue of @NewScientist where James Lovelock introduced the concept of #Gaia - 3 years ago

@AkiFumea: RT @brionesci: "Algo que me ha enseñado el hecho de ser científico es que nunca puedes estar seguro de nada. Nunca sabes la verdad. Sólo pu… - 3 years ago

@socioceramic: RT @libe: James Lovelock a élaboré «l’hypothèse Gaïa», l’idée que les êtres vivants pourraient réguler l’environnement global pour mainteni… - 3 years ago

@phenogirl: RT @sciencemedia_es: 👉"Pocos investigadores y pensadores a caballo entre los siglos XX y XXI han sido capaces de ofrecernos una imagen más… - 3 years ago

@Coop2712: I'm listening to 'A conversation with James Lovelock' with the ABC listen app - 3 years ago

@DanielleA3591: RT @AdamBandt: Vale James Lovelock, an inspiration, a brilliant mind and someone who changed the world. - 3 years ago

@RengsecondEng: Canadian David Suzuki: #Gaia theorist James Lovelock was always ahead of the times - 3 years ago

@janhoglund: RT @jrockstrom: “Gaia, as I see her, is no doting mother […]. She is stern and tough, always keeping the world warm and comfortable for tho… - 3 years ago

@FEyssalet: RT @libe: James Lovelock a élaboré «l’hypothèse Gaïa», l’idée que les êtres vivants pourraient réguler l’environnement global pour mainteni… - 3 years ago

@reyreyesjr: RT @NYTScience: The British ecologist James Lovelock captured imaginations with his hypothesis that the Earth was a living creature. He has… - 3 years ago

@_RedFrog: RT @libe: James Lovelock a élaboré «l’hypothèse Gaïa», l’idée que les êtres vivants pourraient réguler l’environnement global pour mainteni… - 3 years ago

@gabyislasf: RT @acastilloDC: "Estimular la generosidad de todos y de los líderes del mundo para eliminar para siempre el consumo de combustibles fósile… - 3 years ago

@mcastigarcia: RT @sciencemedia_es: 👉"Pocos investigadores y pensadores a caballo entre los siglos XX y XXI han sido capaces de ofrecernos una imagen más… - 3 years ago

@GeogDirections: *New Post* 'James Lovelock: the scientist-inventor who transformed our view of life on Earth' by @ProfMarkMaslin (… - 3 years ago

@keelbasa9: RT @Liv_Boeree: Very sad to hear of the passing of James Lovelock. A true polymath who at the age of 100 wrote one of my favourite books o… - 3 years ago

@Styo28183449: On global heating and the prospects for humanity getting through, James Lovelock took the view that we have a duty… - 3 years ago

@Antonmars23: RT @RMLowenstein: “You are famous for thinking outside the box,” he asked. #Lovelock sat thoughtfully for a few moments, before replying: “… - 3 years ago

@jlmgarvayo: RT @sciencemedia_es: 👉"Pocos investigadores y pensadores a caballo entre los siglos XX y XXI han sido capaces de ofrecernos una imagen más… - 3 years ago

@sciencemedia_es: 👉"Pocos investigadores y pensadores a caballo entre los siglos XX y XXI han sido capaces de ofrecernos una imagen m… - 3 years ago

@AOmedesR: RT @museuciencies: James #Lovelock autor de la teoria de #Gaia, en què s’inspira l’exposició permanent del Museu, va morir el passat 26 de… - 3 years ago

@Katebfitz: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale vale vale.Too many. Within a few days Robin Dalton,Archie Roach, James Lovelock. Into the vale of death - 3 years ago

@loukaparry: Vale James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday The scientist was best known for his theory… - 3 years ago

@wickedleeksmag: James Lovelock, a giant of the climate movement and first to suggest that the Earth is a single interconnected bein… - 3 years ago

@hyparrhenia: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@LadyPenelope66: A sad loss for the world. Exceptional thinker. The Observer view on the brilliant scientist James Lovelock, co-crea… - 3 years ago

@ThaneDinman: जेम्स लव्हलॉक यांचे 103व्या वर्षी निधन 1960 च्या दशकाच्या मध्यापासून ते एकटेच त्यांच्या प्रयोगशाळेत विविध प्रयोग क… - 3 years ago

@EADI: RT @KingsSSPP: We were very saddened to hear of the passing of James Lovelock who was given an honorary degree by us for his pioneering env… - 3 years ago

@SteveCa66172642: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale vale vale.Too many. Within a few days Robin Dalton,Archie Roach, James Lovelock. Into the vale of death - 3 years ago

@RosieUllman: RT @silentscyther: Ohhhh James Lovelock passed away on his 103rd birthday I hadn’t seen the sad news. - 3 years ago

@ETC_Group: RT @GMWatch: Confessions of a scientist: Part 1. Interesting reflections on the passing of James Lovelock by @tomwakeford - 3 years ago

@LorraineMunson2: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale vale vale.Too many. Within a few days Robin Dalton,Archie Roach, James Lovelock. Into the vale of death - 3 years ago

@LindaSilberste4: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale vale vale.Too many. Within a few days Robin Dalton,Archie Roach, James Lovelock. Into the vale of death - 3 years ago

@Mercede22315350: RT @searavalero: ...; de dos nuevos estudios que vuelven a situar el mercado de la ciudad china de Wuhan como epicentro de la aparición del… - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Dr. James Lovelock, Scientist Who Created Gaia Theory, Dies At 103 - 3 years ago

@mangrovesFTW: James Lovelock, Whose Gaia Theory Saw the Earth as Alive, Dies at 103 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@toddsaed: He spent the next two decades working at London's National Institute for Medical Research.[13] In the United States… - 3 years ago

@PShashank18: RT @Geology_History: July 26, 1919, birthday of James Lovelock. In 1965 he proposed that the various spheres of the Earth (lithosphere, hyd… - 3 years ago

@medicinehelp: Dr. James Lovelock, Scientist Who Created Gaia Theory, Dies At 103 - 3 years ago

@Javieralva257: Este 26 de julio fallecio James Lovelock, quien propuso la hipótesis de Gaia, la Tierra como un sistema autorregula… - 3 years ago

@ThinkingSystem3: @SecBlinken Yes the MIT has been of a lot of inspiring people. James Lovelock for instance invented the Gaia-Hypoth… - 3 years ago

@lionelderimais: @jonathanwatts I went to see James Lovelock on spec and he kindly received me. It was published only once in the Reader's Digest in 2005. - 3 years ago

@ryomichico: RT @sdfg158: BBCのハードトークを再放送してるみたい。福島の原発事故について「世界のみんなは原発で人が大量に死んだと勘違いしてる?死んだのは津波だよ」と言っている。ジェームズさんは原発推進かあ / “【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳… - 3 years ago

@ShaunCoffey: RT @RobynAlders: James Lovelock's #Gaia hypothesis has been a strong influence on my thinking. Many overlaps with Aboriginal #Dreaming whic… - 3 years ago

@andygaray: RT @FGlobalNature: 👉Ha fallecido James Lovelock, climatólogo y científico autor de la hipótesis Gaia, que entiende la Tierra como un "organ… - 3 years ago

@t_kaloudis: RT @JanssenLilli: A maverick, invented the Electron Capture Detector, help understand why certain chemicals harm the ozone layer and gave u… - 3 years ago

@hologenomics: Farewell J Lovelock 🌎 - 3 years ago

@SpencerHH: Bummer. I didn’t see this obit until today. I’ve always thought Gaia Theory was just a wildly interesting & useful… - 3 years ago

@marielialvarez: RT @pamela_poo: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday➡️James Lovelock, creador de la hipótesis de Gaia, muere… - 3 years ago

@NoboruSeito: RT @JustCollapse: 1/ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia theory, died last week aged 103. He was a controversial figure within environmentalist… - 3 years ago

@DionysosPint: @FGrampia @ProfBillMcGuire James Lovelock was not called a prophet for calling this outcome in 2006. He was called… - 3 years ago

@AlonsoPala2: RT @BjornLomborg: Lovelock of the green movement: “Well, it’s a religion. It’s totally unscientific.” On fracking: “The thing gets exagger… - 3 years ago

@CassebJorge: James Lovelock obituary - 3 years ago

@Psycholod: RIP James Lovelock - 1919-2022 Dead in Dorset at 103, inventor of the election capture detector and proponent of Ga… - 3 years ago

@deeptantra: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale vale vale.Too many. Within a few days Robin Dalton,Archie Roach, James Lovelock. Into the vale of death - 3 years ago

@georgefwoods: RT @guyshrubsole: RIP James Lovelock. His and Lyn Margulis' Gaia Theory was a crucial step towards understanding an essential truth about E… - 3 years ago

@whodiedtodayUS: Famous People Who Died Today 1st August 2022 And Few Day Ago William White , Bill Russell , James Lovelock , Milan… - 3 years ago

@ohseebird: RT @StanWillenbring: @TheMcKenziest In 2008, James Lovelock said we should "enjoy life" because in 20 years the climate crisis would "hit t… - 3 years ago

@bear_risa: As a species pretty much cannot NOT fill up a niche and then have a die-off, I tend to agree with the now late Jame… - 3 years ago

@climateguardian: RT @jonathanwatts: Conversations with James Lovelock, the scientist at the end of the world - 3 years ago

@anaterezaduarte: RT @fbelmat: El programa de hoy con la entrevista a la politóloga brasileña @anaterezaduarte sobre la campaña electoral en su país y la res… - 3 years ago

@CleanAirMoms: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@reflexiva0601: RT @fbelmat: El programa de hoy con la entrevista a la politóloga brasileña @anaterezaduarte sobre la campaña electoral en su país y la res… - 3 years ago

@hkrob: Great to (re)listen to this conversation between @stephensackur and James Lovelock (RIP) of the Gaya hypothesis - 3 years ago

@jackfollasb: RT @le_scienze: #JamesLovelock #Gaia #TERRA #biologia In memoria di James Lovelock, padre della teoria di Gaia - 3 years ago

@fbelmat: El programa de hoy con la entrevista a la politóloga brasileña @anaterezaduarte sobre la campaña electoral en su pa… - 3 years ago

@Sawomir86174818: RT @NaukaPrzyrody: W wieku 103 lat zmarł James #Lovelock, twórca hipotezy Gai, która choć wielokrotnie krytykowana, była inspiracją dla wie… - 3 years ago

@DrHarryLime: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale vale vale.Too many. Within a few days Robin Dalton,Archie Roach, James Lovelock. Into the vale of death - 3 years ago

@StevenBKurtz: RT @EE4ALL: James Lovelock along with Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis, which revolutionized the way that we understand the wond… - 3 years ago

@Juju281124: RT @conexaoplaneta: O mundo se despede de #JamesLovelock, autor da #TeoriaDeGaia”, que faleceu no dia de seu aniversário, aos 103 anos. Um… - 3 years ago

@CourtRum: RT @AdamBandt: Vale James Lovelock, an inspiration, a brilliant mind and someone who changed the world. - 3 years ago

@SerrallongaJ: RT @museuciencies: James #Lovelock autor de la teoria de #Gaia, en què s’inspira l’exposició permanent del Museu, va morir el passat 26 de… - 3 years ago

@AnimalesInv: RT @museuciencies: James #Lovelock autor de la teoria de #Gaia, en què s’inspira l’exposició permanent del Museu, va morir el passat 26 de… - 3 years ago

@SustPopAus: RT @EE4ALL: James Lovelock along with Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis, which revolutionized the way that we understand the wond… - 3 years ago

@fpvallet: RT @KHefferon: Gaia Theorist James Lovelock Dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@SantiRG9: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@spacefly369: RT @DennisMcKenna4: "James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday. The scientist was best known for his theory that… - 3 years ago

@JakRuby5: RT @rowhoop: Here's the 1975 issue of @NewScientist where James Lovelock introduced the concept of #Gaia - 3 years ago

@bobmcd3: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@MCSPhilosophy: RT @parenthesis_in: You can read Lovelock's correspondence with Mary Midgley in @durham_uni Palace Green archives. James Lovelock, creator… - 3 years ago

@Macionik: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@WoodKnockon: RT @WinterOakPress: 1/2 The late James Lovelock, a long-time supporter of the nuclear industry, made it increasingly clear that his theory… - 3 years ago

@DenisonDiva: RT @LaurieMace: James #Lovelock – Originator of #Gaia theory and inventor of the electron capture detector has died at 103. His theories h… - 3 years ago

@Coucou_CFC: RT @WinterOakPress: 1/2 The late James Lovelock, a long-time supporter of the nuclear industry, made it increasingly clear that his theory… - 3 years ago

@Tegenlicht033: RT @VPROTegenlicht: Vorige week overleed de Britse wetenschapper en schrijver James Lovelock op 103-jarige leeftijd. Tegenlicht zocht hem v… - 3 years ago

@TimWeiskel: BBC World Service – HARDtalk, James Lovelock: The future of life on Earth - 3 years ago

@JustCollapse: RT @JustCollapse: 1/ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia theory, died last week aged 103. He was a controversial figure within environmentalist… - 3 years ago

@AVLeland: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@ZenaValdiviels1: RT @WinterOakPress: 1/2 The late James Lovelock, a long-time supporter of the nuclear industry, made it increasingly clear that his theory… - 3 years ago

@SoupelinaJail: There's a profile of James Lovelock with recent interview on rn. Gaia. - 3 years ago

@WinterOakPress: 1/2 The late James Lovelock, a long-time supporter of the nuclear industry, made it increasingly clear that his th… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: James Lovelock, whose Gaia theory saw the Earth as alive, has died at 103. - 3 years ago

@marjaletes: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@cllorens: RT @SaavedraDeli: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@7Generace: Minulý týden zemřel - na své 103. narozeniny - autor teorie Gaia James Lovelock. V Generaci jsme o jeho díle psali… - 3 years ago

@ciencianamidia: RT @conexaoplaneta: O mundo se despede de #JamesLovelock, autor da #TeoriaDeGaia”, que faleceu no dia de seu aniversário, aos 103 anos. Um… - 3 years ago

@dreaming62: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Tonight’s LNL. Jack Latimore on the Uluru Statement - and Archie Roach. And we salute James ‘Gaia’ Lovelock. - 3 years ago

@james_lovelock: RT @JohnDonoghue64: Monday Morning… be more Shark! - 3 years ago

@pandrolyro: RT @Liv_Boeree: Very sad to hear of the passing of James Lovelock. A true polymath who at the age of 100 wrote one of my favourite books o… - 3 years ago

@Rixelo: RT @jaalechig: James Lovelock: 'La energía nuclear es la única opción para el cambio climático' - 3 years ago

@NewSatan2: RT @CienciaHoje: Morreu o cientista James Lovelock, aos 103 anos. O inglês foi quem propôs a hipótese de Gaia, que defende que a Terra age… - 3 years ago

@whitelikeheaven: Saddened to hear about the passing of James Lovelock, who inspired a lot of my early formative thinking on ecology… - 3 years ago

@Styo28183449: @John2017abc @Resilient_Futur @beloudclimate Try James lovelock and perhaps consider that IPCC projects are being overshot continuously. - 3 years ago

@jlfdzsolis: RT @joselindosolis: “Death is something inevitable” #RIP #legacy - 3 years ago

@mintimetz: RT @chikikothari: The Gaia hypothesis changed the way we look at Earth - James Lovelock obituary - 3 years ago

@earthlikeme: The #sad news of the century! James #Lovelock - the giant is no more! . But we will spread further his #legacy! .… - 3 years ago

@togura04: RT @chikikothari: The Gaia hypothesis changed the way we look at Earth - James Lovelock obituary - 3 years ago

@VanessaSpedding: RT @EE4ALL: James Lovelock along with Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis, which revolutionized the way that we understand the wond… - 3 years ago

@Sahra71826180: RT @TheEconomist: “It is comforting to think that I am a part of her [Gaia], and that my destiny is to merge with the chemistry of our livi… - 3 years ago

@postgrowth: RT @EE4ALL: James Lovelock along with Lynn Margulis developed the Gaia Hypothesis, which revolutionized the way that we understand the wond… - 3 years ago

@fabcatino: Addio a James Lovelock, lo scienziato che teorizzò «Gaia» - 3 years ago

@JanssenLilli: A maverick, invented the Electron Capture Detector, help understand why certain chemicals harm the ozone layer and… - 3 years ago

@jaalechig: James Lovelock: 'La energía nuclear es la única opción para el cambio climático' - 3 years ago

@diefurche: James #Lovelock, der Pionier der #Gaia Hypothese, ist letzte Woche im Alter von 103 Jahren verstorben. (mt)… - 3 years ago

@Shelagh29606970: RT @JustCollapse: 1/ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia theory, died last week aged 103. He was a controversial figure within environmentalist… - 3 years ago

@jw1949: The Observer view on the brilliant scientist James Lovelock, co-creator of the Gaia theory | Observer editorial - 3 years ago

@wickedleeksmag: Maverick scientist, James Lovelock who first proposed that the earth was a interconnected single living being, has… - 3 years ago

@CaptainSmurf: RT @sciencemuseum: We pay tribute to scientist and inventor James Lovelock, who died yesterday, aged 103: - 3 years ago

@Annahar: بعد 103 أعوام... 5 معلومات عن الراحل العالم البريطاني جيمس لافلوك - James Lovelock @AnnaharAr - 3 years ago

@HarrogateYoga: RT @AlStewartOBE: The climate scientist, James Lovelock, who first proposed the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. Butterfli… - 3 years ago

@James_Young61: RT @NetZeroWatch: Lovelock saw Britain's vast shale gas reserves as the ideal secure, transitional fuel source. In 2010, he said that 'the… - 3 years ago

@funkyandpotato: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@paxmundi667: RT @JustCollapse: 1/ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia theory, died last week aged 103. He was a controversial figure within environmentalist… - 3 years ago

@JustCollapse: 1/ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia theory, died last week aged 103. He was a controversial figure within environmen… - 3 years ago

@MiquelSaboritS: @MeteoBarrufet James Lovelock mort dimarts passat. 103 anys. Teoria de Gaia, ecologia, natura, marmitologia i ús de… - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @guardianscience: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @rowhoop: Here's the 1975 issue of @NewScientist where James Lovelock introduced the concept of #Gaia - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @lucysiegle: Another bit of my James Lovelock interview from 2005, 'Ecosystems are here to regulate the earth and keep the climate equit… - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @guardian: James Lovelock talks about his Gaia hypothesis and climate change in 2014 interview – video - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @Liv_Boeree: Very sad to hear of the passing of James Lovelock. A true polymath who at the age of 100 wrote one of my favourite books o… - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @AP: James Lovelock, the environmental scientist whose influential Gaia theory sees the Earth as a living organism imperiled by human ac… - 3 years ago

@do_nym: RT @Vicibox: James Lovelock, has died on his 103rd birthday. Best known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, which has become the basis for… - 3 years ago

@DdVilella: RT @arba_litoral: Ha mort en James Lovelock, aquest ecòleg va concebir la idea de GAIA, el planeta con a un organisme viu, i ja va advertir… - 3 years ago

@KhrysCastelvi: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@Guillem_Feixas: RT @arba_litoral: Ha mort en James Lovelock, aquest ecòleg va concebir la idea de GAIA, el planeta con a un organisme viu, i ja va advertir… - 3 years ago

@Guillem_Feixas: RT @guardian: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@Guillem_Feixas: RT @monSOStenible: El científic i meteoròleg britànic James Lovelock, creador de la Hipotesi Gaia ha mort aquesta setmana a l’edat de 103 a… - 3 years ago

@Gaiasnewclothes: RT @jrockstrom: “Gaia, as I see her, is no doting mother […]. She is stern and tough, always keeping the world warm and comfortable for tho… - 3 years ago

@Tom_Ruen: RT @PeterTatchell: RIP the brilliant James Lovelock, who pioneered work in chemistry, exobiology, virology & atmospheric physics. He was on… - 3 years ago

@DONQUIJOTE77777: RT @BjornLomborg: Lovelock of the green movement: “Well, it’s a religion. It’s totally unscientific.” On fracking: “The thing gets exagger… - 3 years ago

@HipstersGoHome: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@el_bart0__: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@ApmaGarraf: RT @arba_litoral: Ha mort en James Lovelock, aquest ecòleg va concebir la idea de GAIA, el planeta con a un organisme viu, i ja va advertir… - 3 years ago

@AMDeterding: RT @DennisMcKenna4: "James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday. The scientist was best known for his theory that… - 3 years ago

@lococallejo: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@IrizNavar: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@munozserem: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@graham_nelson12: @MikeBevan_RG @HugsJoJoJo @i_nautilus James Lovelock said something similar! like, it's too late to save the situat… - 3 years ago

@ElectPhoney: RT @AndrewGibsonMBA: He said,“trying to heat your home with biomass was expensive & dirty, fracking for shale gas made sense, nuclear was e… - 3 years ago

@julioangst: Adiós a una importantísima figura: Muere con 103 años James Lovelock, el ‘abuelo’ del ecologismo #jameslovelock… - 3 years ago

@CP_PCM: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@DrShrik06736342: RT @ChetanAhimsa: This past week 20th c science legend James Lovelock died at 103 A British environmentalist, Lovelock created the Gaia th… - 3 years ago

@JennyForster7: RT @knitnannasSYD: Inspiration, mentor and a truly great man: Tim Flannery farewells scientist James Lovelock, who has returned to Gaia at… - 3 years ago

@juancmejiao: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@corribaker: RT @corribaker: When James Lovelock came for Adelaide Festival of Ideas 2007 @AdlFOI Evergreen seminars 🎧 - 3 years ago

@simonknockton: - 3 years ago

@calynch5: I still have a letter he wrote in response to a query I had about Gaia theory as an undergrad. A true scientist. Go… - 3 years ago

@Alanmfrost1: The Observer view on the brilliant James Lovelock, co-creator of the Gaia theory - 3 years ago

@CsarPerezortega: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@rkeuper: Schöpfer der Gaia-Hypothese ist tot - 3 years ago

@ThisisDakota: RT @think_or_swim: This week's Last Word on the Environment with @cooper_m on @lstwrd took a first look at new sectoral emissions budgets,… - 3 years ago

@Lisbeth_ele: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@SHCallan: RT @CarolineLucas: My thoughts are with his family and loved ones. And what an extraordinary legacy. An amazing scientific pioneer and pr… - 3 years ago

@parsplicata: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@ElenaMo33969812: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@RedStephen4: (2/2) His tribute: pioneer to the future solar system atmospheric studies. - 3 years ago

@SaleemulHuq2: RT @guardianeco: The Observer view on the brilliant scientist James Lovelock, co-creator of the Gaia theory | Observer editorial - 3 years ago

@CaroRueil: - 3 years ago

@MartinLodge: RT @guardianeco: The Observer view on the brilliant scientist James Lovelock, co-creator of the Gaia theory | Observer editorial - 3 years ago

@vale_25: RT @DaniNovarama: Recordarán que a veces me gusta hablarles sobre científicos. Esta semana ha muerto James Lovelock, seguramente el científ… - 3 years ago

@RedStephen4: (1/2) @RPappalardo @AlanStern @ltelkins - for all the planetary explorers It's worth to remember James Lovelock (d… - 3 years ago

@DebsF319: The Observer view on the brilliant James Lovelock, co-creator of the Gaia theory - 3 years ago

@andretse: - 3 years ago

@foxytomato: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@javimohe76: RT @JorgeRiechmann: Me recuerdan Conrado y Amalia la diferencia que Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio establecía entre morir cargado de años o lleno… - 3 years ago

@FranklinLynam: RT @Philip_D_Ord: “Some time in the next century, when the adverse effects of climate change begin to bite, people will look back in anger… - 3 years ago

@Marryat999: RT @BjornLomborg: Lovelock of the green movement: “Well, it’s a religion. It’s totally unscientific.” On fracking: “The thing gets exagger… - 3 years ago

@zstephaniestar: James Lovelock, who theorized that Earth is a living organism, dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@bar22571935: To fellow #COMers ESG: Another view. - 3 years ago

@GMelindrosa: RT @bateko71: Muere James Lovelock el creador de la teoría de Gaia. Su hipótesis Gaia postula que la vida en la Tierra es una comunidad aut… - 3 years ago

@ProfJorgeDias1: RT @LeonardoBoff: Morreu em 27/7 com a idade de 103 anos o cientista britânico JAMES LOVELOCK,o formulador da teoria da Terra como Gaia, um… - 3 years ago

@HargravesRobert: In Memorium: James Lovelock, environmentalist, at 103. - 3 years ago

@bienewolf: RT @Philip_D_Ord: “Some time in the next century, when the adverse effects of climate change begin to bite, people will look back in anger… - 3 years ago

@lord_gone_zo: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@SoyPedroMingot: - 3 years ago

@CathyWilson70: RT @Axelisys: @exponentialGPs @MichaelRosenYes 👨🏾‍💻Oh I know! It's been two days for it. Here's someone I wished lived forever! I'm actuall… - 3 years ago

@Sv4599: Farewell to James Lovelock | The Economist - 3 years ago

@JooAmor98834228: RT @CienciaHoje: Morreu o cientista James Lovelock, aos 103 anos. O inglês foi quem propôs a hipótese de Gaia, que defende que a Terra age… - 3 years ago

@ChickensAndBeez: @Togetherdec @woodsharp @trussliz @RishiSunak @Conservatives Meanwhile, search here for ‘Professor gaia’, as I just… - 3 years ago

@hayton_keith: RT @AndrewGibsonMBA: He said,“trying to heat your home with biomass was expensive & dirty, fracking for shale gas made sense, nuclear was e… - 3 years ago

@andiamomeno: RT @LeonardoBoff: Morreu em 27/7 com a idade de 103 anos o cientista britânico JAMES LOVELOCK,o formulador da teoria da Terra como Gaia, um… - 3 years ago

@mikejcampbell50: @Synthon61 The James Lovelock? - 3 years ago

@LindaMelisande: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale James Gaia Lovelock. This marvellous human died on his 106th birthday A frequent and memorable guest on LNL in… - 3 years ago

@aldunez: RIP > James Lovelock, environmental scientist who created Gaia ecology theory, dead at 103 | CBC News | - 3 years ago

@skylabnz: @kanal_el @MadiHilly 'all' scientists ? Like James Hansen, one of the first to warn of climate change, or Jim Lovel… - 3 years ago

@wtbotta: RT @IGeociencias: Muere James Lovelock, el creador de la hipótesis Gaia, que considera al planeta Tierra una comunidad autorregulada de org… - 3 years ago

@Boyle8Nick: RT @guardian: James Lovelock talks about his Gaia hypothesis and climate change in 2014 interview – video - 3 years ago

@nicabaldi: RT @LeonardoBoff: Morreu em 27/7 com a idade de 103 anos o cientista britânico JAMES LOVELOCK,o formulador da teoria da Terra como Gaia, um… - 3 years ago

@MarieColemanAO: RT @PhillipAdams_1: In his debut appearance on LNL- when a youngster of 80 - James Lovelock said ‘no matter how old you are you’re 90% lik… - 3 years ago

@jyostna59883008: British environmental scientist and creator of the Gaia theory James Lovelock dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@mangotree_books: RT @gld301218: Inspiration, mentor and a truly great man: Tim Flannery farewells scientist James Lovelock, who has returned to Gaia at 103… - 3 years ago

@NShann: James Lovelock obituary - 3 years ago

@arecibo75: RT @brionesci: “Vivimos en una época en la que las emociones y los sentimientos cuentan más que la verdad, y hay una gran ignorancia sobre… - 3 years ago

@gld301218: Inspiration, mentor and a truly great man: Tim Flannery farewells scientist James Lovelock, who has returned to Gai… - 3 years ago

@CaliPoet1: RT @VELehman: @RonFilipkowski About 20 minutes from a stroke... And James Lovelock, the 103 year old British futurist, creator of the "Gai… - 3 years ago

@AlejandroHtdo: RT @manuel_rodb: James Lovelock falleció ayer a los 103 años Q.E.P.D. En esta entrevista de 2014 habla sobre su hipótesis de Gaia y el camb… - 3 years ago

@interneteando: RT @NatBullard: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@AvinashKS14: James Lovelock (1919-2022): Scientist Who Discovered The 'Goddess' - 3 years ago

@earthiswarming: RT @PhillipAdams_1: Vale James Gaia Lovelock. This marvellous human died on his 106th birthday A frequent and memorable guest on LNL in… - 3 years ago

@cris_villacres: RT @brionesci: “Vivimos en una época en la que las emociones y los sentimientos cuentan más que la verdad, y hay una gran ignorancia sobre… - 3 years ago

@fgomollon: RT @brionesci: “Vivimos en una época en la que las emociones y los sentimientos cuentan más que la verdad, y hay una gran ignorancia sobre… - 3 years ago

@mannppatel: RT @prasannavishy: James Lovelock (1919-2022): Scientist Who Discovered The 'Goddess' - 3 years ago

@davidflint: RT @Greenpeace: James Lovelock, the British independent climate scientist, died in 2022 on his 103rd birthday. His seminal book, Gaia, pu… - 3 years ago

@NOLALeyda: RT @metoffice: Yesterday saw the sad passing of James Lovelock, pioneer of the Gaia theory. To celebrate his incredible life, we're lookin… - 3 years ago

@guidopalazzo: RT @rowhoop: Here's the 1975 issue of @NewScientist where James Lovelock introduced the concept of #Gaia - 3 years ago

@BeesterGee: RT @mattwridley: The death of James Lovelock on his 103rd birthday brings to an end one of the most original lives this planet has seen. He… - 3 years ago

@TheBonnyDoon: RT @globalhlthtwit: RIP James Lovelock. One of the most important scientists of the past century. Taught us about human induced climate cha… - 3 years ago

@GeallDavid: RT @Shambles151: Creator of Gaia theory James Lovelock dies at Dorset home on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@JPPolitics_com: James Lovelock: Why are we so afraid of nuclear power? - 3 years ago

@Desrochers_A: RT @mattwridley: The death of James Lovelock on his 103rd birthday brings to an end one of the most original lives this planet has seen. He… - 3 years ago

@Broeckers: James Lovelock ist tot – Gaia lebt - 3 years ago

@NotAPrimeNumber: RT @corribaker: What a guy. Vale James Lovelock, returns to Gaia on his 103rd bday. “You are famous for thinking outside the box,” he sai… - 3 years ago

@watjam46: Inspiration, mentor and a truly great man: Tim Flannery farewells scientist James Lovelock, who has returned to Gai… - 3 years ago

@takayan309: RT @lililily_moon: 地球をひとつの生命体と考える「ガイア理論」や、気候変動に関する先駆的な研究で知られる英国の著名科学者ジェームズ・ラブロック(James Lovelock)氏が、転倒による合併症のため、103歳の誕生日である26日に死去した。遺族が27日、明… - 3 years ago

@LukeshRoberts: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@HenryK_B_: @CarolineLucas "‘Renewable Energy Is a Corrupt Scam, Go Nuclear!’ Says Green Guru James Lovelock" "The green moveme… - 3 years ago

@GabriellaWest: RT @Steve_Cranfield: Sad day. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@JPPolitics_com: James Lovelock: Why are we so afraid of nuclear power? - 3 years ago

@FernandaMeist10: RT @CienciaHoje: Morreu o cientista James Lovelock, aos 103 anos. O inglês foi quem propôs a hipótese de Gaia, que defende que a Terra age… - 3 years ago

@richardabetts: RT @metoffice: Yesterday saw the sad passing of James Lovelock, pioneer of the Gaia theory. To celebrate his incredible life, we're lookin… - 3 years ago

@Noursepatty: RT @guardian: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@MomVsFossilFuel: RT @Vicibox: James Lovelock, has died on his 103rd birthday. Best known for proposing the Gaia hypothesis, which has become the basis for… - 3 years ago

@via_portami: RT @robdellaseta: È stato un pioniere del pensiero ecologico, un interprete geniale della complessità, con l’ipotesi #Gaia teorizzò che la… - 3 years ago

@DopModi: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@MarkRic96501647: RT @lucysiegle: Another bit of my James Lovelock interview from 2005, 'Ecosystems are here to regulate the earth and keep the climate equit… - 3 years ago

@Bob99292956: @thinks_about_it @Michael_D_Crow @ncdave4life @BubbasRanch @ChrisBBacon3 @mugger124 @ejwwest @CDMarshall7… - 3 years ago

@singhash: RT @prasannavishy: James Lovelock (1919-2022): Scientist Who Discovered The 'Goddess' Lovelock, who discovered the organism-like nature… - 3 years ago

@5280_Warrior: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@Bermfaunasanc: | Environment News | ABBOTSBURY, UNITED KINGDOM - British Scientist James Lovelock, 103, died Tuesday. His influ… - 3 years ago

@OK_Resistor: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@JosGeu: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@shaqr69: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@miguelpergamon1: RT @Axelisys: @exponentialGPs @MichaelRosenYes 👨🏾‍💻Oh I know! It's been two days for it. Here's someone I wished lived forever! I'm actuall… - 3 years ago

@VerdesEquo_And: RT @bateko71: Muere James Lovelock el creador de la teoría de Gaia. Su hipótesis Gaia postula que la vida en la Tierra es una comunidad aut… - 3 years ago

@dejay55: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@Loic_DansLeReel: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@EQUOJaen: RT @bateko71: Muere James Lovelock el creador de la teoría de Gaia. Su hipótesis Gaia postula que la vida en la Tierra es una comunidad aut… - 3 years ago

@HSchouffoer: RT @WillemFerwerda: James Lovelock, a great and creative scientist passed away at the age of 103. His Gaia theory laid the foundations for… - 3 years ago

@Chefdad2000: RT @nowthisnews: James Lovelock, an environmental scientist who theorized that the Earth was a living organism that is harmed by human acti… - 3 years ago

@wellfocused: Sadly the world has lost James Lovelock at age 103. He shifted scientific thinking and enquiry towards a healthier… - 3 years ago

@woodsmoke14: RT @ClimateRealists: RIP James Lovelock: Environmentalism has "become a religion" and does not pay enough attention to facts.. - 3 years ago

@LindenLyn: RT @suewatling: Sad to read James Lovelock has passed away, aged 103. I first read about his Gaia Hypothesis in the early 1980's and always… - 3 years ago

@SAGE_yql: James Lovelock, perhaps best known for the #Gaia hypothesis that postulated an animate planet co-evolved with human… - 3 years ago

@moimoimoi: RT @Reporterre: Le scientifique britannique James Lovelock, mort à 103 ans le 26 juillet, était connu pour sa célèbre « hypothèse Gaïa ». À… - 3 years ago

@AngelaYWilliams: — James Lovelock — (July 26, 1919 – July 26, 2022) was an English independent scientist, environmentalist and fut… - 3 years ago

@bv_mare: Life-work history of James Lovelock The Ant and the Steam Engine - 3 years ago

@1budhababy: RT @bucksbratbonnie: A significant loss to this earth & humanity. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday | Jame… - 3 years ago

@MikeOldreive: RT @SaveUrGreenbelt: Developers & govts ignore Lovelock's legacy at their (our) peril: (Lovelock) also warned, in clearer terms than any of… - 3 years ago

@axel_porsche: - 3 years ago

@mtv_tjilpt: RT @de_ingenieur: Hij staat bekend als bedenker van de Gaia-hypothese, maar de eergisteren overleden James Lovelock (103) was bovenal een b… - 3 years ago

@mohit_tiwari_1: RT @prasannavishy: James Lovelock (1919-2022): Scientist Who Discovered The 'Goddess' Lovelock, who discovered the organism-like nature… - 3 years ago

@garpproton1: @Maggie_McNeill My wife was reading this story to me this morning, so amusing. Not to change the subject, but did y… - 3 years ago

@validmirlenin: RT @evantthompson: RIP to a remarkable scientist and beautiful human being. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birth… - 3 years ago

@IowaLady_: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock was the creator of the Gaia hypothesis, the idea that Earth is an interconnected, self-regulating system i… - 3 years ago

@estebandemanuel: 3/ Sin embargo, rememorando hoy al tristemente fallecido James Lovelock, #Gaia es un sistema vivo que reacciona par… - 3 years ago

@stylehaiku: RT @MrMatthewTodd: RIP James Lovelock - he spent the final part of his amazing life warning and warning us. - 3 years ago

@catoletters: RT @NetZeroWatch: James Lovelock: environmentalism has become a religion. "It’s just as silly to be a denier as it is to be a believer. You… - 3 years ago

@GarrickWebster: RT @_illustrationX: RIP James Lovelock - A scientist who understood the Earth as a self-regulating community of organisms and taught us all… - 3 years ago

@TessaBlackWrite: Gaia is alive. She is happy to have you rejoin her and the universe in spirit, James. - 3 years ago

@Daisy2929Neal: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@icymihn: James Lovelock has died - 3 years ago

@KentPlace8: RT @MrMatthewTodd: As I’ve grown up I’ve come to realise the tragedy of our modern culture that makes household names out of silly celebrit… - 3 years ago

@albertobarrio__: RT @OperadorNuclear: Nos ha dejado, a los 103 años de edad, James Lovelock, padre de la teroría Gaia, abuelo del ecologismo y defensor de l… - 3 years ago

@WyremGF: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@Roberto83012781: Morreu, na última terça feira, aos 103 anos James Lovelock, ambientalista e autor da 'Teoria de Gaia'. - 3 years ago

@bucksbratbonnie: A significant loss to this earth & humanity. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday | J… - 3 years ago

@Roberto83012781: Morreu, na última terça feira, aos 103 anos James Lovelock, ambientalista e autor da 'Teoria de Gaia'. - 3 years ago

@renedepaula: @andretrig e morreu nesta semana James Lovelock, o pai da ideia de Gaia... - 3 years ago

@DebsFurness: RT @ProfMarkMaslin: James Lovelock: the scientist-inventor who transformed our view of life on Earth Creator of Gaia theory, inventor of e… - 3 years ago

@Junn_Junn: …昨日時点で目にしていた訃報記事で…7/26(火)に亡くなっていたみたいだけど… James Lovelock, who theorized that Earth is a living organism, dies at 103… - 3 years ago

@pwlordalba: RT @globalhlthtwit: RIP James Lovelock. One of the most important scientists of the past century. Taught us about human induced climate cha… - 3 years ago

@LightDreamTwo: RT @RogerHallamCS21: 1. "It was thrilling to talk to one of the greatest minds Britain has ever produced"... "He said that the biosphere w… - 3 years ago

@LRB: ‘In his vision of the future, it is a foregone conclusion that humans will not stop runaway climate collapse and th… - 3 years ago

@NooshubD: Nachruf auf James Lovelock: Mutter Erdes Sohn 🧵 - 3 years ago


@NooshubD: 🗞 Nachrichten Digest James Lovelock ist tot: Erfinder der »Gaia«-Hypothese stirbt im Alter von 103 Jahren 🧵 - 3 years ago

@DenkenHilft3: RT @NZZ: Als Urheber der Gaia-Hypothese hat er die Umweltbewegung mitgeprägt. Da er beharrlich für die Atomkraft eintrat, hat Lovelock aber… - 3 years ago

@ModronMagazine: RT @kenfigdunes: Saddened to hear of the passing of James Lovelock, who conceived of the #Gaia Theory and opened a door to new understandin… - 3 years ago

@carmonarob: RT @jrockstrom: “My main reason for not relaxing into contented retirement is that like most of you I am deeply concerned about the probabi… - 3 years ago

@Fernsehen01: RT @FWWinterberg: Grüner Vordenker und Utopist: »Gaia«-Visionär James Lovelock stirbt im Alter von 103 Jahren R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@NZZ: Als Urheber der Gaia-Hypothese hat er die Umweltbewegung mitgeprägt. Da er beharrlich für die Atomkraft eintrat, ha… - 3 years ago

@FionaDoris: RT @think_or_swim: Will be discussing breaking news on sectoral #emissions deal, plus looking back at amazing life of independent scientist… - 3 years ago

@noonmoon_00: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@TafallaMarta: RT @Angel_M_Sanchez: #JamesLovelock #InMemoriam #GaiaTheory 🌍 - 3 years ago

@kr31133: RT @elainezandi: Scientist/environmentalist James Lovelock has died. He warned that earth could heat up so much that “most of us, and our d… - 3 years ago

@busybee_75: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@wishmaster_nl: RT @DeGroene: Teruglezen | James Lovelock, de man achter de gaia-hypothese, was een briljant uitvinder, holistische wetenschapper en dwarse… - 3 years ago

@AutumnMandrake: James Lovelock has died, 103, just before #EarthOvershootDay. Vale James, you were a giant in your field. #Gaia - 3 years ago

@ShropClimate: RT @LeoHickman: Very saddened to hear the news about James Lovelock. I interviewed him twice for the Guardian (2010+2012) and he was a del… - 3 years ago

@ivaboz28: RT @MrMatthewTodd: As I’ve grown up I’ve come to realise the tragedy of our modern culture that makes household names out of silly celebrit… - 3 years ago

@muzeyyentna: RT @Pel_in_Ce: İklim bilimi ve çevre hareketlerine önemli ilham kaynağı sunan Gaia hipotezinin sahibi James Lovelock da göçtü bu dünyadan.… - 3 years ago

@nono_t1029: RT @lililily_moon: 地球をひとつの生命体と考える「ガイア理論」や、気候変動に関する先駆的な研究で知られる英国の著名科学者ジェームズ・ラブロック(James Lovelock)氏が、転倒による合併症のため、103歳の誕生日である26日に死去した。遺族が27日、明… - 3 years ago

@ThatVvk: RT @DrAndrewV2: I hope people mark the passing of the legend that is #JamesLovelock… the Gaia Theory was a real hook into environmental sci… - 3 years ago

@news_suisse: "Prophète du climat", le scientifique James Lovelock est mort à 103 ans - 3 years ago

@FranFerrante: RT @robdellaseta: È stato un pioniere del pensiero ecologico, un interprete geniale della complessità, con l’ipotesi #Gaia teorizzò che la… - 3 years ago

@magpieUAE: RIP James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@Sharesouvenir: RT @Sharesouvenir: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@FanatickaLinda: Zemřel James Lovelock, otec hypotézy Gaia. Odešel v den svých 103. narozenin - 3 years ago

@_pastelpumpkin_: RT @blueplanetwatch: James Lovelock: 'The biosphere and I are both in the last 1% of our lives'. - 3 years ago

@Sharesouvenir: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@_pastelpumpkin_: RT @benedictallen: 'What, you're THE James Lovelock?' I asked the charming oldish gentleman I'd been chatting to for ages about my journeys… - 3 years ago

@JabezResourceGr: New story on NPR: James Lovelock, who theorized that Earth is a living organism, dies at 103 - 3 years ago

@Zehub: Le scientifique britannique James Lovelock, "prophète du climat", est mort à l'âge de 103 ans… - 3 years ago

@dr_levasseur: - 3 years ago

@WhiteYenGine: RT @Beyond_Climate: ガイア理論で有名なジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に亡くなられたそう。環境学界隈では超ビッグネーム。どうか安らかに。⇒ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 10… - 3 years ago

@solagon: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@Ann16414323: @johnprescott @lloyd_rm Just watched Hard talk. Just wondering about ding dong the witch is dead. Im glad she's dea… - 3 years ago

@BsdHacker: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@mohamadsharul14: RT @MailOnline: 'Climate prophet' James Lovelock who first proposed the Gaia hypothesis dies aged 103 - 3 years ago

@detous: RT @bbcworldservice: World renowned scientist James Lovelock has died on his 103rd birthday. HARDtalk spoke to him in 2021 about his theor… - 3 years ago

@CeciliaCantre12: James Lovelock: Influential green thinker dies aged 103 - 3 years ago

@flatfingers0: Time for a memorial round of SimLife. - 3 years ago

@Fred_vdH: @xvandervoort #RIP James Lovelock - 3 years ago

@wai201303: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@itukishu19: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@fabiocapitanio2: James Lovelock's Gaia: what a compelling and fascinating hypothesis! and the name was suggested by William Golding… - 3 years ago

@eattsuchinoko: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@aus_BBde: These mit Störfaktor* Redete den Menschen selten nach dem Mund WURDE TROTZDEM über 100 Sei… - 3 years ago

@DanaCarroll67: RT @JeremyRLent: A deep bow of respect to a great man of genius who helped shape our modern understanding of the living Earth and gave it t… - 3 years ago

@ReevesHall: The first microwave potato that was eaten. A field of black and white daisies. Hope for the potential salvation o… - 3 years ago

@EBISU_DOU: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@twken3: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ガイア理論」の提唱者ジェームズ・ラブロック氏が103歳の誕生日に死去 - 3 years ago

@SkyNews: James Lovelock created and developed many scientific instruments during his life. Many of these were used by NASA i… - 3 years ago

@BeanCountry: RT @guardian: James Lovelock talks about his Gaia hypothesis and climate change in 2014 interview – video - 3 years ago

@oliverdamian: RT @evantthompson: RIP to a remarkable scientist and beautiful human being. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birth… - 3 years ago

@BeanCountry: RT @SkyNews: James Lovelock created and developed many scientific instruments during his life. Many of these were used by NASA in its plane… - 3 years ago

@folha_ambiente: clima: Morre o cientista britânico James Lovelock, o 'profeta do clima' - 3 years ago

@sandrakyle22: RT @CubaRaglanGuy: “The news is extremely sad, but what a life and what a legacy." Exactly. His work on bio-regulation of the climate has h… - 3 years ago

@BeanCountry: RT @AP: James Lovelock, the environmental scientist whose influential Gaia theory sees the Earth as a living organism imperiled by human ac… - 3 years ago

@continimarco: In evidenza per Marco Contini James Lovelock, Whose Gaia Theory Saw the Earth as Alive, Dies at 103… - 3 years ago

@Willymsg: RT @PeterSjostedtH: RIP James #Lovelock ‘The humanist concept of sustainable development and the Christian concept of stewardship are flawe… - 3 years ago

@BeanCountry: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@ktbar0: RT @MinistryOfTheF1: A HUGE contributor to our understanding of our Planet! Many thanks ❤️ James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, di… - 3 years ago

@HarmoniaDisrupt: RT @lopezdoriga: Murió a los 103 años el científico e inventor británico James Lovelock, autor de la hipótesis Gaia y pionero del ecologism… - 3 years ago

@LajoieElaine: RT @JenniferMarguli: James Lovelock was a brilliant scientist and inventor who had an expansive mind. He understood that living things were… - 3 years ago

@_planeteverte: RT @antonioduarteo: rend hommage au scientifique James Lovelock, «prophète du climat», découvreur du trou de la couche d’ozone, théoricien… - 3 years ago

@Presbot1: James Lovelock has died - 3 years ago

@grazibezanaf1: RT @CienciaHoje: Morreu o cientista James Lovelock, aos 103 anos. O inglês foi quem propôs a hipótese de Gaia, que defende que a Terra age… - 3 years ago

@PPeggybroderick: RT @gethynwilliams: Thank you and goodbye to James Lovelock, frontier climate scientist to whom we owe much. - 3 years ago

@Unn_frid: RT @lopezdoriga: Murió a los 103 años el científico e inventor británico James Lovelock, autor de la hipótesis Gaia y pionero del ecologism… - 3 years ago

@AlexGilmore8: Brilliance appears so rarely in the human race... goodbye James Lovelock! - 3 years ago

@ovnienelbosque: RT @SubtleBlade: James Lovelock obituary - - 3 years ago

@JimBarrett: A man who's writing first opened my mind to a radically different understanding of the earth. James Lovelock obitu… - 3 years ago

@gvwilson: RIP James Lovelock - you inspired millions, and I wish millions more had listened to you. - 3 years ago

@CPRECambs: RT @bauman65948286: “My main reason for not relaxing into contented retirement is that like most of you I am deeply concerned about the pro… - 3 years ago

@PedwarGwynt: ‘Dyfeisiwr, peiriannydd a gweledydd, tad damcaniaeth Gaia a dipyn o agent provocateur’. Adolygiad R Gareth Wyn Jon… - 3 years ago

@CaCO3planetary: RT @bbcideas: "There is a real danger of losing our tenure on this planet altogether." James Lovelock reflects on the climate change chall… - 3 years ago

@dinah_wise: RT @TheMontyDon: With the death of James Lovelock one of the towering figures of our age has gone, but his inspiration and wisdom lives on. - 3 years ago

@nonewsulysses: RT @guardian: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@manwithbooks: RT @StephenMoss_TV: James Lovelock: Influential green thinker dies aged 103 - a great man, thinker and environmentalist has finally gone…… - 3 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Andy Vermaut shares:James Lovelock: Influential green thinker dies aged 103: The scientist had a Eureka moment spar… - 3 years ago

@ATHE1STP0WER: RT @natalieben: RIP James Lovelock A life featuring brilliant, original, well ahead of its time, thinking - 3 years ago

@fr33d1v3: Even if James Lovelock had been 1003, he’d still have passed away before his time. Gaia forever. #thegaiafoundation… - 3 years ago

@MaryMc_31: RT @IrishTimes: Creator of Gaia theory James Lovelock dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@Alison_Douglaz: RT @SoilGardner: Desperately sad to hear that James #Lovelock, a bit of a personal hero of mine and best known as the Ecologist behind #Gai… - 3 years ago

@chris_CDNUK: A true legend. James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@AllanAlshld: RT @CarolineLucas: My thoughts are with his family and loved ones. And what an extraordinary legacy. An amazing scientific pioneer and pr… - 3 years ago

@CaCO3planetary: Gracias siempre James Lovelock por toda la enseñanza. #JamesLovelock #Gaia - 3 years ago

@fobblog: RT @guardian: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@taerri: RT @guardian: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@bibliolater1452: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@amartindelrey: RT @guardianeco: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday - 3 years ago

@XrXrjapan: RT @jonathanwatts: The family of James Lovelock have asked me to pass on the following statement. - 3 years ago

@Beal1957: Every A level student should read his Gaia books. Always gracious and always replied to letters. What a giant of… - 3 years ago

@BeckettStephen: RT @jonathanwatts: The family of James Lovelock have asked me to pass on the following statement. - 3 years ago

@LisaAndLunaCat: RIP James Lovelock - A true revolutionary - 3 years ago

@tanngrisnir: RT @jonathanwatts: The family of James Lovelock have asked me to pass on the following statement. - 3 years ago

@NewnhamJames: RT @CarolineLucas: My thoughts are with his family and loved ones. And what an extraordinary legacy. An amazing scientific pioneer and pr… - 3 years ago

@hilmarschmundt: James Lovelock ist tot. Gaia lebt weiter. Ich durfte ihn 2020 treffen, in seinem Häuschen direkt am Strand von Dors… - 3 years ago

@DKaimowitz: RT @ProfMarkMaslin: James Lovelock, creator of Gaia hypothesis, dies on 103rd birthday His Gaia hypothesis posits that life on Earth is a… - 3 years ago

@JayneMonie1: My OH & I often spoke of this truly inspirational genius. A remarkable, dedicated & brilliant climate scientist 💔 R… - 3 years ago

@Fernanda_Renno: Um titã que nos deixa. Aos 103 anos, morre James Lovelock, o pai da Hipótese de Gaia. 😐 - 3 years ago

@AGalAnd2Dogs: RT @TheMontyDon: With the death of James Lovelock one of the towering figures of our age has gone, but his inspiration and wisdom lives on. - 3 years ago

@jm_mallarach: Carlos de Castro ha desenvolupat la teoria de James Lovelock una graó més, proposant la teoria científica de la "Ga… - 3 years ago

@JustinMac_84: RT @newsycombinator: James Lovelock has died - 3 years ago

@CPRECambs: James Lovelock's predictions of climate change and its effect if we continued to upset Gaia are coming true, probab… - 3 years ago

@ManuelSintubin: RT @CarolineLucas: My thoughts are with his family and loved ones. And what an extraordinary legacy. An amazing scientific pioneer and pr… - 3 years ago

@karmanomad: RIP James Lovelock, a giant of a thinker. One of my regrets is being close to but eventually unable to visit and in… - 3 years ago

@TheWholeShebang: RT @lucysiegle: Another bit of my James Lovelock interview from 2005, 'Ecosystems are here to regulate the earth and keep the climate equit… - 3 years ago

@EndOfThePier: RT @newscientist: James Lovelock, who created the Gaia hypothesis, has died on his 103rd birthday. One of the most influential scientists o… - 3 years ago

@GwenGil: RT @afpfr: [A LA UNE A 20H] L’environnementaliste britannique James Lovelock, connu pour avoir alerté avant l'heure sur la crise climatiq… - 3 years ago

@davitter: Wonderful obituary from the @guardian on James #Lovelock, father of #Gaia theory, dead at 103. - 3 years ago

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