James Kelleher

Canadian politician
Died on Saturday June 1st 2013

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Janet Mead, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to James Kelleher:

@EoghanLawlor: RT @cybernoelie: Podcast: @BillyKelleherTD, James Morrissey (for Denis O'Brien) - http://t.co/Awk3tce8Fx Recall of the Dáil & @CathMurphyT…

@BillyKelleherTD: RT @cybernoelie: Podcast: @BillyKelleherTD, James Morrissey (for Denis O'Brien) - http://t.co/Awk3tce8Fx Recall of the Dáil & @CathMurphyT…

@farrelleye: RT @cybernoelie: Podcast: @BillyKelleherTD, James Morrissey (for Denis O'Brien) - http://t.co/Awk3tce8Fx Recall of the Dáil & @CathMurphyT…

@cybernoelie: Podcast: @BillyKelleherTD, James Morrissey (for Denis O'Brien) - http://t.co/Awk3tce8Fx Recall of the Dáil & @CathMurphyTD's Dáil privilege


@FliuchOff: Podcast: @BillyKelleherTD, James Morrissey (for Denis O'Brien) http://t.co/stZcSleaQN Recall of the Dáil & @CathMurphyTD's Dáil privilege

@etienneshrdlu: @benjohncock “James Kelleher has endorsed you for Spite”

@M__Kelleher: Congrats to James DeGale. Dirrell bossed the second half but he shaded it overall for me. Fun fight.

@M__Kelleher: James DeGale is owning Andre Dirrell through three rounds. Dirrell looks shell shocked. Can't see this going the distance.

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