James Jones

American politician
Died on Wednesday May 21st 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to James Jones:

@rotzingerlisar4: Coleridge and the Philosophy of Poetic Form New Hardcover Book Ewan James Jones http://t.co/evWU5YdIWy http://t.co/kMQ0YOEnL3

@amarah31: @graepell One of my favorites, too. Just makes me really miss my Dad. Favorite dialogue from James Earl Jones. That's when the tears start.

@NFL_up_Today: NFL Free Agent Rumors: James Jones, Jermaine Gresham, Wes Welker ... - Sports World Report http://t.co/77XrZXAOHH Miami, Dolphins, NFL, m…

@wjmxradioboston: Now playing Quincy Jones & James Ingram - One Hundred Ways on http://t.co/3HDFf2rMsJ


@Briggs713: I wanna give a shout out to my boy James Jones for coming through like he said would. Don't strike… https://t.co/vKKxSl0Ru8

@RedditHotPosts: TIL that James Earl Jones once used the handle “Darth Vader” while travel... [r/todayilearned] http://t.co/wwIZTwKJyp http://t.co/L5ZLsFtQBj

@RaidersAllNews: NFL Free Agent Rumors: James Jones, Jermaine Gresham, Wes ... http://t.co/cYBJrotde5

@manifest909: TIL that James Earl Jones once used the handle “Darth Vader” while travelling across the country and spoke, in... http://t.co/YI85ZCceEz

@quotes_region: "One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."- James Earl Jones http://t.co/X9lFfkd1gw

@Gods_CreaSHON: @_PlainJames mike miller isn't a volume shooter?? Or James jones?? Curry is avg like 33 pts in the playoffs u slow him down what do u have?

@Frank39330: @I_Am_Xavier_ Cavs play 7 1/2 players, James Jones gets spot time. And no shit thats why GS will win yet ppl will call LBJ a choker for it.

@JamesBondQuote: Dr. Christmas Jones: What's the story with you and Elektra? James Bond: We're strictly plutonic, now.

@OneStopCountry: RECAP - NASHVILLE, TN - George Jones Museum Rooftop Bar welcomes @James_Carothers today - http://t.co/alXaPivMPV

@lSPARKDALA: shut-up james earl jones!

@FollowIfb: TIL that James Earl Jones once used the handle “Darth Vader” while travelling across the country and spoke, in cha… http://t.co/6MojUbFu8k

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