James H. Billington

American academic
Died on Wednesday November 21st 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to James H. Billington:

@21gai: RT @tsysoba: 今更ですが。11月20日に亡くなられた米国議会図書館の元館長ビリントン氏の追悼記事。R.I.P./ James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at 89 https:/… - 6 years ago

@60Macc: RT @librarycongress: Remembering 13th Librarian of Congress James H. Billington Dr. Billington led the Library for nearly 30 years, lea… - 6 years ago

@wackunnpapa: RT @tsysoba: 今更ですが。11月20日に亡くなられた米国議会図書館の元館長ビリントン氏の追悼記事。R.I.P./ James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at 89 https:/… - 6 years ago

@hinata_yo: RT @tsysoba: 今更ですが。11月20日に亡くなられた米国議会図書館の元館長ビリントン氏の追悼記事。R.I.P./ James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at 89 https:/… - 6 years ago


@mdstatelawlib: We extend our sympathies on the passing of James H. Billington, 13th Librarian of Congress. - 6 years ago

@WimpyFanBooks: James H. Billington, the librarian of Congress for nearly three decades, dies aged 89 - 6 years ago

@taquoineco: RT @tsysoba: 今更ですが。11月20日に亡くなられた米国議会図書館の元館長ビリントン氏の追悼記事。R.I.P./ James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at 89 https:/… - 6 years ago

@loras_john: RIP Librarian of Congress James H. Billington - 6 years ago

@jose_principe: RT @tsysoba: 今更ですが。11月20日に亡くなられた米国議会図書館の元館長ビリントン氏の追悼記事。R.I.P./ James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at 89 https:/… - 6 years ago

@rosmith11: James H. Billington, long-reigning @LibnOfCongress, dies at 89 @librarycongress @latimes @CRS4Congress… - 6 years ago

@ARLpolicy: RT @ARLnews: ARL joins the library community in honoring James H. Billington’s illustrious career as the 13th Librarian of Congress. https:… - 6 years ago

@tsysoba: 今更ですが。11月20日に亡くなられた米国議会図書館の元館長ビリントン氏の追悼記事。R.I.P./ James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at… - 6 years ago

@Kievjoy: RT @MicheleBerdy: During last week's holidays, you might have missed the passing of James Billington, one of the most important scholars of… - 6 years ago

@gearymj: Former Librarian of Congress, James Billington, dies at 89 - The Washington Post - 6 years ago

@MoscowTimes: RT @MicheleBerdy: During last week's holidays, you might have missed the passing of James Billington, one of the most important scholars of… - 6 years ago

@MicheleBerdy: During last week's holidays, you might have missed the passing of James Billington, one of the most important schol… - 6 years ago

@RussianInsight: Remembering James H. Billington - 6 years ago

@ROTFASTER: I put together a band named James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress for one show in 2006 and we played the only… - 6 years ago

@encyclokatz: James H. Billington, long-reigning librarian of Congress, dies at 89 - “We treasure books because they are the indi… - 6 years ago

@RafaelChaiken: RT @NYTObits: James H. Billington, 89, Dies; Led Library of Congress Into Digital Age - 6 years ago

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