James Giffen

American businessman.
Died on Saturday November 5th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to James Giffen:

@GianMoise: RT @PaoloBottleneck: Travels made me miss this one. James Giffen is dead. A reminder that @CASCBulletin remains one among the best resource… - 2 years ago

@PaoloBottleneck: Travels made me miss this one. James Giffen is dead. A reminder that @CASCBulletin remains one among the best resou… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: The government charged James Giffen with funneling $78 million in bribes to Kazakhstan, but dropped the case after… - 2 years ago

@CIPE_ACGC: At the time, #Kazakhgate was the largest-ever #FCPA case. But after 7 yrs of trials, the man at the center of the s… - 2 years ago


@KazakHaber: RT @babussokutan: Tengiz petrol sahasını Nazarbayev'den rüşvet karşılığında satın alan Abd’li iş adamı CIA ajanı James Giffen öldü Kazakhg… - 2 years ago

@babussokutan: Tengiz petrol sahasını Nazarbayev'den rüşvet karşılığında satın alan Abd’li iş adamı CIA ajanı James Giffen öldü K… - 2 years ago

@fcpaprofessor: Remembering James Giffen #fcpa - 2 years ago

@KazakHaber: RT @babussokutan: 1993. New York. James Giffen (ortada), Tengiz anlaşmasının imzalanmasından kısa bir süre önce Nazarbayev ve çevresini Ame… - 2 years ago

@babussokutan: 1993. New York. James Giffen (ortada), Tengiz anlaşmasının imzalanmasından kısa bir süre önce Nazarbayev ve çevresi… - 2 years ago

@giffen_carrie: RT @bruins12th: If you'd like to hear what a Daktronics Outdoor LED board would sound like at James C. Parker Stadium, check out this video… - 2 years ago

@ryanwallerstein: RT @dgtokar: James Giffen dies at 81. A businessman and CIA informant who pioneered trade with the former Soviet Union after its collapse.… - 2 years ago

@dgtokar: James Giffen dies at 81. A businessman and CIA informant who pioneered trade with the former Soviet Union after its… - 2 years ago

@LadyPutz: RT @j_vittori: “The resulting charges claimed that Mr. Giffen had funneled some $78m in payments from oil companies into the pockets of top… - 2 years ago

@j_vittori: “The resulting charges claimed that Mr. Giffen had funneled some $78m in payments from oil companies into the pocke… - 2 years ago

@dresenjo: RT @EdwardLemon3: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@BrucePannier: RT @EdwardLemon3: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@EdwardLemon3: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 310) #American #businessman #James #Giffen, #Who #Was #Embroiled #in ‘#Kazakhgate,’ #Dies #October 29,… - 2 years ago

@dnglj: Wow what a storm in a teacup this guy was involved in - 2 years ago

@LrsLevi_: Agora que James Gunn é chefão da DC é basicamente nula a chance dele fazer um Tropa Alfa no MCU, então dentro da DC… - 2 years ago

@AmBeautifulShow: RT @nytimesbusiness: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, only… - 2 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, on… - 2 years ago

@NewsMjm: #James Giffen, Who Was #Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ #Dies at 81 #F4F #FollowMe #FollowBack #FollowForFollow #rtitbot… - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81… - 2 years ago

@7he_Red_H4nd_: RT @alexrblackwell: “And all along, he was a back channel operative for the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department.” - 2 years ago

@stevelevine: RT @TripKrant: The story of James Giffen is told in @stevelevine’s excellent book “The Oil and the Glory” - 2 years ago

@stevelevine: @alexrblackwell When you met him, Giffen let you THINK he was a sort of James Bond. And it's true he talked to the… - 2 years ago

@ScottBieser: RT @notjessewalker: "James H. Giffen...became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, only for a judge… - 2 years ago

@notjessewalker: "James H. Giffen...became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, only for a j… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, on… - 2 years ago

@TripKrant: The story of James Giffen is told in @stevelevine’s excellent book “The Oil and the Glory” - 2 years ago

@prashant_goyal2: RT @dealbook: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, only for a j… - 2 years ago

@dealbook: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, on… - 2 years ago

@OneNotary: ONE Notary James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace James Giffen - #JamesGiffen #James #Giffen #rip - 2 years ago

@alexrblackwell: “And all along, he was a back channel operative for the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department.” - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, on… - 2 years ago

@nytimesbusiness: The businessman James Giffen became embroiled in one of the largest international bribery cases in U.S. history, on… - 2 years ago

@plfmamfbtghlw: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@TinMoiGio1: James Giffen, người bị cuốn vào 'Kazakhgate,' qua đời ở tuổi 81 - 2 years ago

@SharonJWright1: RT @kitchen5203: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@kitchen5203: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@FortisAnimus: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@ToddSStewart: "James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81" by Clay Risen via NYT - 2 years ago

@OzIkenberry: "James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81" by Clay Risen via NYT - 2 years ago

@123_INFO_USA: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 Source : New York Times - 2 years ago

@FinancialBack: "James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81" by Clay Risen via NYT - 2 years ago

@theinsidexpress: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 #News #dies #embroiled #Giffen #James #Kazakhgate #News… - 2 years ago

@usmailhub: James Giffen, who was involved in ‘Kazakhgate’, dies at age 81 - 2 years ago

@charissanc: "James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81" by Clay Risen via NYT - 2 years ago

@BradPorcellato: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in 'Kazakhgate,' Dies at 81 - - 2 years ago

@TruckdashTMS: James Giffen, Who Was Embroiled in ‘Kazakhgate,’ Dies at 81 - 2 years ago

@Iastimefalling: @btrswift i remember the episode when giffen gave them 5,000 dollars each and then expected them to have the money… - 2 years ago

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