James D. Martin

American politician
Died on Monday October 30th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to James D. Martin:

@James_D_Harris: RT @GoIntoTheStory: George R.R. Martin: “I’ve always said there are two kinds of writers. There are architects and gardeners.” #writing - 7 years ago

@epbdance: Brian D'Arcy James and Martin Moran in my most favorite ever musical. I am right there with the usual stoic... - 7 years ago

@bucketb_: RT @HoopsDreams910: LIBERTY HEIGHTS STARTERS Michael Wynn Davier Dixon Chris Martin James Hampton D'Marco Baucom FREEDOM CHRISTIAN STARTER… - 7 years ago

@SoRaspy_Pee: RT @HoopsDreams910: LIBERTY HEIGHTS STARTERS Michael Wynn Davier Dixon Chris Martin James Hampton D'Marco Baucom FREEDOM CHRISTIAN STARTER… - 7 years ago


@HoopsDreams910: LIBERTY HEIGHTS STARTERS Michael Wynn Davier Dixon Chris Martin James Hampton D'Marco Baucom FREEDOM CHRISTIAN STA… - 7 years ago

@ron_in_to: RT @k8downes: @CillizzaCNN Bruno, Chief of Police series by Martin Walker + L Penny, J Winspear, PD James, R Rendel, M Grimes, D Leon, E Ge… - 7 years ago

@BarracloughAlly: Never thought I'd say this but I think James Martin has lost his touch - 7 years ago

@k8downes: @CillizzaCNN Bruno, Chief of Police series by Martin Walker + L Penny, J Winspear, PD James, R Rendel, M Grimes, D… - 7 years ago

@Pius12LastPope: RT @BigPulpit: Fr. James Martin on Marriage, Sexual Morality & Church’s Teachings -- Robert P. George, Ph.D. #Catholic #News #God - 7 years ago

@BigPulpit: Fr. James Martin on Marriage, Sexual Morality & Church’s Teachings -- Robert P. George, Ph.D. #Catholic #News #God… - 7 years ago

@BigPulpit: Fr. James Martin on Marriage, Sexual Morality & Church’s Teachings -- Robert P. George, Ph.D. #Catholic #News… - 7 years ago

@Trishykwon: J.K Rowling Sir Arthur Conan Doyle George R.R Martin Stephen King Nicholas Sparks L.B Greenwood P.D James Harper... - 7 years ago

@rita_martin: @Alvyfq @enfueradejuego Vale,pero el año pasado casi no jugó por eso digo que los goles d morata y james si que se extrañan - 7 years ago

@james_ledger1: RT @TimThwaites1: So Dustin Martin won't see his horse run in a Grp1 because Jack Reiwoldt is getting married... i know where I'd be @Punt… - 7 years ago

@KiingDustin: D Lo more Kevin Martin than James Harden - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 151) #Former #congressman #conservation #director #James D. #Jim #Martin 99 #dies #October 30, 2017 - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 150) #American #James D. #Martin #Influential #Congressman #Dies #October 30, 2017 at 99 - 7 years ago

@CarolBr34753200: RT @Mr_Trotters: Adding that extra sparkle to Saturday Morning with Jame Martin (skip to 01:13:00). You'd be nuts to miss it! - 7 years ago

@nGoose1: RT @Mr_Trotters: Adding that extra sparkle to Saturday Morning with Jame Martin (skip to 01:13:00). You'd be nuts to miss it! - 7 years ago

@RandRDrinkers: RT @Mr_Trotters: Adding that extra sparkle to Saturday Morning with Jame Martin (skip to 01:13:00). You'd be nuts to miss it! - 7 years ago

@Mr_Trotters: Adding that extra sparkle to Saturday Morning with Jame Martin (skip to 01:13:00). You'd be nuts to miss it!… - 7 years ago

@Martin_Durkin: If the Corbynistas really wanted to liberate & enrich people, they'd champion free markets. Great new @iealondon bo… - 7 years ago

@TV24PrimetimeNe: James D. Martin, Influential Congressman, Dies at 99 | weactv24 - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: James D. Martin (99) American politician and businessman - 7 years ago

@Martin_James_D: @RosterBuster Hi, unable to save roster. I get the following error msgs. How can I fix this? Thank you ☺ - 7 years ago

@DeathByWiki: James D. Martin, American politician and businessman, died 30th Oct aged 99. - 7 years ago

@wikireaper: Bereft of life, James D. Martin, American politician and businessman, now rests in peace. - 7 years ago

@Nekrologium: James D Martin, US-amerikanischer Politiker, am 30.10.2017 im Alter von 99 Jahren - - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: James D. Martin is no longer with us - #JamesDMartin #James #D.Martin #rip - 7 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP James D. Martin, 99, American politician, Representative from Alabama (1965–1967). - 7 years ago

@wriukids: September (from Trolls) | PokeRap - James "D Train" Williams & Babi | No Importa La Distancia - Ricky Martin (from Hercules) - 7 years ago

@KATAKAMl: RT @MegaSimarmata: FBI Director James Comey speaks during a ceremony at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. on January… - 7 years ago

@MeggaSimarmatta: RT @MegaSimarmata: FBI Director James Comey speaks during a ceremony at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. on January… - 7 years ago

@MegaSimarmata: FBI Director James Comey speaks during a ceremony at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C. on Ja… - 7 years ago

@Domenic_Toronto: @JamesMartinSJ @family_of_faith Personally I'd like the Archdiocese of Toronto to be free of James Martin SJ. Thanks. - 7 years ago

@SBlankenberg: @KeenanWright_ Yo! I could use some advice, PPR: D.Martin or James White. Also Den or Car? NonPPR: J.Richard, Hilton, or James White? Thanks - 7 years ago

@BlandinePMartin: RT @ChristelleDaCrz: @ElonoreCasillo Effacée de Terri Terry,Lebenstunnel d'Oxanna Hope,Le mirage de Gemma de Blandine P. Martin,Les puissan… - 7 years ago

@tdub7878: @SteveGalloNFL Who do you like out of Diggs Smallwood D Martin James White or Funchess. I need 2? Thanks - 7 years ago

@conw_james: @MikeMarkey316 @andygilbert88 @MartynSWA1984 Martin is the Dave Meltzer? Fearing not that I’d become my enemy In… - 7 years ago

@ellie_o_d: Is this the normal lighting / set on Saturday Morning With James Martin? It's awful! So cold and industrial. Back to Saturday Kitchen for me - 7 years ago

@MangPedro: If I pick 4 theologians to have bible study, I'd picked James White, Martin Lloyd-Jones, John Macarthur and John Calvin. <3 - 7 years ago

@_I_N_D_: RT @Druvaan: Aston Martin's Submarine Will Excite Your Inner James Bond - 7 years ago

@PascagoulaHigh: RT @frankcorder: Corder's @PascagoulaHigh POTWs vs Biloxi: O: Travis Watson, D&ST: James Williams. Panthers host St. Martin for Homecoming… - 7 years ago

@CoastCoverage: RT @frankcorder: Corder's @PascagoulaHigh POTWs vs Biloxi: O: Travis Watson, D&ST: James Williams. Panthers host St. Martin for Homecoming… - 7 years ago

@frankcorder: Corder's @PascagoulaHigh POTWs vs Biloxi: O: Travis Watson, D&ST: James Williams. Panthers host St. Martin for Home… - 7 years ago

@Cutoutbull: @johnehonwheeler @D_Blanchflower Not to James Dyson, Tim Martin, Bamfords, Bootle and the sound economist group, cl… - 7 years ago

@1catherinesiena: RT @drexrawson: You'd think a student group devoted to following Catholic teaching would be welcome at a Catholic university. - 7 years ago

@ebkulcsar: RT @drexrawson: You'd think a student group devoted to following Catholic teaching would be welcome at a Catholic university. - 7 years ago

@noprezzie2012: RT @drexrawson: You'd think a student group devoted to following Catholic teaching would be welcome at a Catholic university. - 7 years ago

@MeinekeLaura: RT @drexrawson: You'd think a student group devoted to following Catholic teaching would be welcome at a Catholic university. - 7 years ago

@williamlharbuck: RT @drexrawson: You'd think a student group devoted to following Catholic teaching would be welcome at a Catholic university. - 7 years ago

@James_C_Martin: RT @Michael_Heaver: Remember when Hillary Clinton said happy birthday to herself & assumed she’d become President?These people are unbeliev… - 7 years ago

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