Jalaluddin Haqqani

Died on Tuesday September 4th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jalaluddin Haqqani:

@AnttiParonen: RT @Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago

@83N_J: RT @siteintelgroup: Al-Qaeda Central Gives Eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani - 7 years ago

@Moshpiq: RT @Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago

@david_peters84: RT @Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago


@NewsCat6: RT @Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago

@BehemotorAU: New post: Jalaluddin Haqqani Dead; Founder Of Militant Afghan Haqqani Network - 7 years ago

@sreeniv51294598: - 7 years ago

@sreeniv51294598: Jalaluddin was Pakistan’s most valued ally in Afghanistan. He epitomised the success and limits of the Pakistani ga… - 7 years ago

@asfandyarmir: RT @Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago

@ElAlam_Vnz: RT @Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago

@Terror_Monitor: #AlQaeda Gives Eulogy For Jalaluddin #Haqqani, Founder Of #Afghan #Haqqani Network. #TerrorMonitor - 7 years ago

@leroy_weiler: RT @GLOBSEC: With financial help from Persian Gulf states and from American CIA, Jalaluddin Haqqani was the most experienced #jihadist in A… - 7 years ago

@EReporterbd1: Jalaluddin Haqqani, founder of Afghan militant network, dies - 7 years ago

@travisdon1981: RT @orfonline: It’s worrisome that even though Jalaluddin Haqqani, the leader of the #Haqqani Network, is now dead, the infrastructure that… - 7 years ago

@Natsecjeff: Syrian Jihadi group Huras al-Din also released eulogy to Jalaluddin Haqqani. - 7 years ago

@Natsecjeff: RT @ITCTofficial: Al-Qaeda’s general leadership releases eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani on the eve of 17th anniversary of 9/11 - 7 years ago

@Shafiul67971142: RT @taahir_khan: Taliban confirm death of fomr Mujahideen leader Jalaluddin Haqqani. He hd died n 2014 bt Taliban & his family hd kept it s… - 7 years ago

@TheHillTimes: Taylor: Terrorists, freedom fighters, and the death of Jalaluddin Haqqani #cdnpoli - 7 years ago

@Shafiul67971142: RT @GulBukhari: Speechless! ⁦@mazdaki⁩ is such a rare interconnector of knowledge between the generations. Shell shocking piece of info o… - 7 years ago

@koomeministries: RT @orfonline: It’s worrisome that even though Jalaluddin Haqqani, the leader of the #Haqqani Network, is now dead, the infrastructure that… - 7 years ago

@shemreznauman: RT @siteintelgroup: Al-Qaeda Central Gives Eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani - 7 years ago

@cprd_india: RT @orfonline: It’s worrisome that even though Jalaluddin Haqqani, the leader of the #Haqqani Network, is now dead, the infrastructure that… - 7 years ago

@chiarainlondon: RT @siteintelgroup: Al-Qaeda Central Gives Eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani - 7 years ago

@News7AsiaPacifi: Founder of Haqqani network dies after long illness, Afghan Taliban announce - 7 years ago

@MrsZreik: RT @SkyNews: The founder of the Taliban-linked Haqqani militant network and friend of Osama bin Laden, has died - 7 years ago

@thermaljames: RT @siteintelgroup: Al-Qaeda Central Gives Eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani - 7 years ago

@siteintelgroup: Al-Qaeda Central Gives Eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani - 7 years ago

@mzuppy: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@orfonline: It’s worrisome that even though Jalaluddin Haqqani, the leader of the #Haqqani Network, is now dead, the infrastruc… - 7 years ago

@BhavikShrimal: RT @DrGPradhan: Jalaluddin Haqqani, who founded the militant Haqqani network in the country in the 1970s, has died after a long illness. R… - 7 years ago

@Milatrud11: RT @Natsecjeff: Al-Qaeda’s general leadership releases eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani on the eve of 17th anniversary of 9/11 - 7 years ago

@ITCTofficial: Al-Qaeda’s general leadership releases eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani on the eve of 17th anniversary of 9/11 - 7 years ago

@Natsecjeff: Al-Qaeda’s general leadership releases eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani on the eve of 17th anniversary of 9/11 - 7 years ago

@Natsecjeff: RT @Natsecjeff: Finally on the eve of 9/11, Al-Qaeda released a statement from its General Leadership eulogizing Haqqani Network's founder… - 7 years ago

@nlhindi: अफगानिस्तान में अमन-चैन की बहाली एक फंतासी से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं है. उसे उसके हाल पर छोड़ दिया जाना चाहिए. - 7 years ago

@cmellaniac: RT @orsamtr: Opinion: #Haqqani Network and Possible Reflections of the Death of Jalaluddin Haqqani | @GoktugSonmez - 7 years ago

@shahjahanbhatti: What Jalaluddin Haqqani’s death means - 7 years ago

@News7AsiaPacifi: Founder of Haqqani network dies after long illness, Afghan Taliban announce - 7 years ago

@jsmith6919: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@Tiagocarvalhoc4: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@CarolVicic: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@ElizaPinkMoon: RT @Natsecjeff: Finally on the eve of 9/11, Al-Qaeda released a statement from its General Leadership eulogizing Haqqani Network's founder… - 7 years ago

@robsee40: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@Jasminechic00: RT @Natsecjeff: Finally on the eve of 9/11, Al-Qaeda released a statement from its General Leadership eulogizing Haqqani Network's founder… - 7 years ago

@Natsecjeff: Finally on the eve of 9/11, Al-Qaeda released a statement from its General Leadership eulogizing Haqqani Network's… - 7 years ago

@iNkToOnZ: RT @AFP: #UPDATE Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder of one of Afghanistan's most feared militant groups, has died after a long illness, says T… - 7 years ago

@Rahim_2025: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@JeffreyKubos: RT @FoxNews: Jalaluddin Haqqani, founder of Afghan militant network, is dead: Taliban - 7 years ago

@RougeForum: Jalaluddin Haqqani dead: What is the militant network, how was it formed | The Indian Express - 7 years ago

@Vikings202: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@boomdudecom: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@MFFahmy11: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@SAMRIReports: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@Weissenberg7: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@BillBaar: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@cmellaniac: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@keay_linda: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@LQuadarellaSanf: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@StewartCBova: RT @thomasjoscelyn: On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda has released its eulogy for Jalaluddin Haqqani (a key ally of Osama bi… - 7 years ago

@Dr_Salloo: RT @ahmed__ikram: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akkora K… - 7 years ago

@Obinladen11: RT @Daily_Star: BREAKING: Taliban terror group leader and ally of Bin Laden DEAD #JalaluddinHaqqani #OsamabinLaden #Afghanistan - 7 years ago

@khanxas: RT @ahmed__ikram: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akkora K… - 7 years ago

@khanzamankakar: RT @ahmed__ikram: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akkora K… - 7 years ago

@Roohan2Ahmed: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Ak… - 7 years ago

@memzarma: RT @ahmed__ikram: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akkora K… - 7 years ago

@IndiaDefNetwork: The death of Jalaluddin #Haqqani means nothing given that the infrastructure he put in place for South Asia jihad i… - 7 years ago

@_khalidfz: RT @ahmed__ikram: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Akkora K… - 7 years ago

@ahmed__ikram: "A condolence meeting was held for Jalaluddin Haqqani, the head of the Haqqani network, at Darul Uloom Haqqania, Ak… - 7 years ago

@DeeSpanion: RT @TheWilsonCenter: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s great stature, his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban organizat… - 7 years ago

@nournewsnet: RT @orsamtr: Opinion: #Haqqani Network and Possible Reflections of the Death of Jalaluddin Haqqani | @GoktugSonmez - 7 years ago

@orsamtr: Opinion: #Haqqani Network and Possible Reflections of the Death of Jalaluddin Haqqani | @GoktugSonmez… - 7 years ago

@News7AsiaPacifi: Founder of Haqqani network dies after long illness, Afghan Taliban announce - 7 years ago

@TRUTH_1_SEEKER: RT @etidal_DT: Die dritte Erklärung des Todes des Gründers des Haqqani Terrornetzwerks in Afghanistan Jalaluddin Haqqani. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@TRUTH_1_SEEKER: RT @etidalorg: The third announcement of the death of Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder of #Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@TRUTH_1_SEEKER: RT @etidal_ES: El tercer anuncio sobre la muerte de Jalaluddin Haqqani, fundador de la red Haqqani en Afganistán. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@TRUTH_1_SEEKER: RT @etidal_FR: La troisième déclaration de la mort du fondateur du réseau terroriste Haqqani en Afghanistan, Jalaluddin Haqqani. #Etidal ht… - 7 years ago

@Bernardpradeep: RT @CNN: The founder of the notorious Taliban-linked Haqqani network, which for decades was responsible for kidnappings and suicide bombing… - 7 years ago

@JuttMir: Afghan Taliban announces death of Jalaluddin Haqqani - Economic Times | #Mullah - 7 years ago

@wohl34: RT @AjaforCongress: Jalaluddin Haqqani, founder of Afghan militant network, is dead: Taliban - 7 years ago

@EgoOboh: RT @PlusTVAfrica: Typhoon Jebi, Jalaluddin Haqqani and More: - 7 years ago

@attila_ii: RT @BBCBreaking: Founder of Afghan militant network Jalaluddin Haqqani is dead after years of illness, the Taliban announces - 7 years ago

@scaredpair: RT @SameeraKhan: For years now, the #US has accused #Pakistan of harbouring the Haqqani Network—once a US ally, now one of the most dangero… - 7 years ago

@SyedIbrahim1137: Pashtun commanders - including many members of Gulbadin Hikmatyar's faction and a few members of the Taliban group,… - 7 years ago

@TheWilsonCenter: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s "great stature," his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban orga… - 7 years ago

@ShayanA69286726: RT @GulBukhari: Speechless! ⁦@mazdaki⁩ is such a rare interconnector of knowledge between the generations. Shell shocking piece of info o… - 7 years ago

@FornasieroS: RT @The_Newsmakers: Jalaluddin Haqqani was once a US ally and then became one of their fiercest enemies. Now the founder of the deadly Haqq… - 7 years ago

@sandeepbaliga: How Jalaluddin Haqqani Went From US Ally to Foe - 7 years ago

@hamid_akhtar: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@cr23c6: RT @DefenseOne: Influential for decades, the Haqqani network has lately been melding with the Taliban. | @kcalamur - 7 years ago

@AsiaProgram: RT @TheWilsonCenter: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s great stature, his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban organizat… - 7 years ago

@DefenseOne: Influential for decades, the Haqqani network has lately been melding with the Taliban. | @kcalamur… - 7 years ago

@atrhidayat: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@gypsy_heart6: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@makkana138: RT @DrGPradhan: Jalaluddin Haqqani, who founded the militant Haqqani network in the country in the 1970s, has died after a long illness. R… - 7 years ago

@mustafajajja: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@News7AsiaPacifi: Founder of Haqqani network dies after long illness, Afghan Taliban announce - 7 years ago

@BINKARACHI: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@zeeshanawan0301: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@AsifIspahani: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@praveshflix: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@abidhussayn: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@EmanuelSarfraz: RT @TheWilsonCenter: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s great stature, his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban organizat… - 7 years ago

@Bwarraich: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@RooghLewanay: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s great stature, his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban organi… - 7 years ago

@bingethinner: RT @Thoirdealbhaigh: Very sad about Jalaluddin Haqqani. He gave me my start in showbiz. My first gig: opening for him. - 7 years ago

@MichaelKugelman: RT @TheWilsonCenter: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s great stature, his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban organizat… - 7 years ago

@TheWilsonCenter: Despite Jalaluddin Haqqani’s great stature, his death won’t weaken his Haqqani network or its parent Taliban organi… - 7 years ago

@JuttMir: Afghan Taliban announces death of Jalaluddin Haqqani - Economic Times | #Mullah - 7 years ago

@kritimshah: The death of Jalaluddin #Haqqani means nothing given that the infrastructure he put in place for South Asia jihad i… - 7 years ago

@JuttMir: Taliban announces death of Jalaluddin Haqqani - Long War Journal | #Mullah - 7 years ago

@Scattermae777M: RT @Scattermae777M: @ChuckCallesto Anti-American Democrats/Socialists seek to televise a 2 week funeral for killer Jalaluddin Haqqani in ho… - 7 years ago

@wadhello_baloch: #JalaluddinHaqqani: Life and Times of a Jihadist Lynchpin. The leader of the Haqqani Network was the first and fo… - 7 years ago

@New_Narrative: Influential for decades, the Haqqani network has lately been melding with the Taliban. - 7 years ago

@EducationistK: @arabnews @MichaelKugelman Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder and leader of the Haqqani network, was an important man… - 7 years ago

@OeeTran: RT @DefenseOne: Influential for decades, the Haqqani network has lately been melding with the Taliban. | @kcalamur - 7 years ago

@News7AsiaPacifi: Founder of Haqqani network dies after long illness, Afghan Taliban announce - 7 years ago

@DefenseOne: Influential for decades, the Haqqani network has lately been melding with the Taliban. | @kcalamur… - 7 years ago

@xoni300: Very informative and analytical article - 7 years ago

@adal04931442: RT @SRehmanOffice: Breaking news but is it verified? JalalUddin Haqqani, leader of the Haqqani Network, arguably the Afghan Taliban’s most… - 7 years ago

@JuttMir: Afghan Taliban announces death of Jalaluddin Haqqani - Economic Times | #Mullah - 7 years ago

@ArsalanQazi90: RT @iamthedrifter: Excellent information in @mazdaki article a fun read - 7 years ago

@glenn_l_sanders: RT @CBCAlerts: The founder of the militant Haqqani network, one of the most powerful and feared groups in the Afghanistan insurgency, has d… - 7 years ago

@AthleticAnchovy: Jalaluddin Haqqani: from Reagan’s freedom fighter to America’s most wanted by @TRTWorld - 7 years ago

@shoaibk74858751: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@mfaizansohail05: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@Khushal_Khattak: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@ssnaqi: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@Nazish_Brohi: RT @mazdaki: #JalaluddinHaqqani was the first and foremost #Pakistani jihadist proxy who took up arms against the Afghan state in 1973 – lo… - 7 years ago

@Mar974988: How Jalaluddin Haqqani Went From U.S. Ally to Foe - 7 years ago

@otaibim22: RT @etidalorg: The third announcement of the death of Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder of #Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@etidal_ES: El tercer anuncio sobre la muerte de Jalaluddin Haqqani, fundador de la red Haqqani en Afganistán. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@etidal_FR: La troisième déclaration de la mort du fondateur du réseau terroriste Haqqani en Afghanistan, Jalaluddin Haqqani.… - 7 years ago

@baseli58: RT @farooq_sms: یہ غازی یہ تیرے پراسرار بندے جنھیں توں بخشا ہے ذوق خدائی، ہےٹھوکر دونیم دریا و صحرا سمٹ کر پہاڑا ان کی ہیت سے رائی Jalalu… - 7 years ago

@scwiggs: RT @etidalorg: The third announcement of the death of Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder of #Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@etidalorg: The third announcement of the death of Jalaluddin Haqqani, the founder of #Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. #Etidal - 7 years ago

@nlhindi: अफगानिस्तान में अमन-चैन की बहाली एक फंतासी से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं है. उसे उसके हाल पर छोड़ दिया जाना चाहिए. - 7 years ago

@IKALOMO: RT @DonKlericuzio: Afghan Taliban/Islamic Emirate prominent Jihadi scholar and Terrorist Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani's death confirmed by U.… - 7 years ago

@humbertodelolm1: RT @The_Newsmakers: Jalaluddin Haqqani was once a US ally and then became one of their fiercest enemies. Now the founder of the deadly Haqq… - 7 years ago

@TheAnkaraTimes: RT @The_Newsmakers: Jalaluddin Haqqani was once a US ally and then became one of their fiercest enemies. Now the fo… - 7 years ago

@AbbasRaza_PK: RT @The_Newsmakers: Jalaluddin Haqqani was once a US ally and then became one of their fiercest enemies. Now the founder of the deadly Haqq… - 7 years ago

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