Jahn Teigen

Norwegian musician (Popol Ace).
Died on Tuesday February 25th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Jahn Teigen:

@bj_vold: @abidraja Folk er opprørt over at ikke vår folkekjære Jahn Teigen blir vist den ære av å bli begravet på statens re… - 5 years ago

@Matros_Emeritus: Jahn Teigen feat. NRK's pikekor - Kyrie Eleison - 5 years ago

@FriPalestina: Kjem ikkje over det faktum at Jahn Teigen ikkje får ein verdig gravferd på statens bekostning. - 5 years ago

@TheGoos85271639: RT @nulpointsnet: Happy 88th Birthday to Norwegian #Eurovision conductor Sigurd Jansen! Waved his baton for each 🇳🇴 entry 1979-1984 essen… - 5 years ago


@Wimblebear: RT @nulpointsnet: Happy 88th Birthday to Norwegian #Eurovision conductor Sigurd Jansen! Waved his baton for each 🇳🇴 entry 1979-1984 essen… - 5 years ago

@nulpointsnet: Happy 88th Birthday to Norwegian #Eurovision conductor Sigurd Jansen! Waved his baton for each 🇳🇴 entry 1979-1984… - 5 years ago

@bj_vold: @abidraja Folk er opprørt over at ikke vår folkekjære Jahn Teigen blir vist den ære av å bli begravet på statens re… - 5 years ago

@ThoralfHagen: Enkelte «kjendiser» blir noe mer. Vi oppfatter dem som bortimot nære familiemedlemmer enda vi aldri har hatt person… - 5 years ago

@manoweird: Litt rart at Genesis annonserer en ny turné bare noen dager etter at Jahn Teigen døde. Skal de ikke ha vokalist? - 5 years ago

@PixelsGreen: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@rollin_tim: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@Sweden_AR: @NorwayAr تعازينا! نَعته الجرائد السويدية ووصفته بأنه "رجل نشر السرور" ”En man som har spridit glädje” - 5 years ago

@Gareth_Roberts_: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@PurpleSwamphen: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@HaraldEia: Jahn Teigen: ‘Jeg er en optimist’. Folk flest: ‘Samfunnet blir stadig verre.’ Hvem har hatt rett - så langt? - 5 years ago

@DudnoDays: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@Gunhildrf: Rørande syns eg 😢 kvil i fred Jahn Teigen - 5 years ago

@Webberc5Webber: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@fnord_focus: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@PhilMorandi: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@summerattention: Ja, det var väl ingen som liknade Jahn Teigen (1949 - 2020). Kommer alltid att komma ihåg honom med Norges bidrag… - 5 years ago

@bellum_omnium7: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@jacksongsmusic: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

@Gargarin: RT @johnshuttlewrth: Devastated to hear that the wonderful (despite getting ‘nul points’ in Eurovision) Norwegian singer Jahn Teigen has di… - 5 years ago

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