Jacqui Magno

Filipino jazz singer
Died on Friday June 21st 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jacqui Magno:

@campcarmenph: A tribute to one of our most brilliant vocal artists... Our prayers and condolences to her family. #jacquimagno - 6 years ago

@apybanana: The one and only... Jacqui Magno. 💜 - 6 years ago

@AEKabayanWeekly: The entertainment industry is still reeling from the death of veteran actor Eddie Garcia, yet another one of its ic… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Sculptor Chuck Ginnever; singer Jacqui Magno; writer and professional guest Warren Niesluchowsk… - 6 years ago


@Edgie_oas17: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Jacqui Magno. I still remember the first time we took a trip to Singapore as ASEAN representatives with Ra… - 6 years ago

@analynsitch01: RT @Lunar_equinox: @hildaRepaldaCen Hey @leahnavarro - sumunod ka na kay Jacqui Magno. Please. - 6 years ago

@analynsitch01: RT @Lunar_equinox: @the_nutbox @leahnavarro Hey Leah, why don't you follow Jacqui Magno. Like NOW NA. - 6 years ago

@analynsitcharon: RT @Lunar_equinox: @hildaRepaldaCen Hey @leahnavarro - sumunod ka na kay Jacqui Magno. Please. - 6 years ago

@analynsitcharon: RT @Lunar_equinox: @the_nutbox @leahnavarro Hey Leah, why don't you follow Jacqui Magno. Like NOW NA. - 6 years ago

@Lunar_equinox: @the_nutbox @leahnavarro Hey Leah, why don't you follow Jacqui Magno. Like NOW NA. - 6 years ago

@Lunar_equinox: @hildaRepaldaCen Hey @leahnavarro - sumunod ka na kay Jacqui Magno. Please. - 6 years ago

@pasion_judith: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Jacqui Magno. I still remember the first time we took a trip to Singapore as ASEAN representatives with Ra… - 6 years ago

@miamusicopm: 訃報:ベテランシンガー ジャッキー・マグノ(Jacqui Magno) フィリピンボサノバの第一人者Bong Peneraのバンドで活躍し後にジャスシンガーとしてソロで活躍 動画は1984年にOne Note Sambaを歌ったテ… - 6 years ago

@SmoothGroovz: Jacqui Magno, the 'quintessential free spirit' - ABS-CBN News - 6 years ago

@frisbie14: Rest in Peace, Ms. Jacqui Magno. Condolence to the family. - 6 years ago

@TKasoy: @EmeraldJackie @hija_unica Napapanood ko yan si Jacqui Magno doon sa Seeing Stars ng nasirang Joe Quirino. Malimit… - 6 years ago

@jalipadaphne: RT @kikopangilinan: Farewell, Jacqui Magno. Thank you for your music and for you love and passion for our country and our people. Rest in p… - 6 years ago

@ylevolael: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Jacqui Magno. I still remember the first time we took a trip to Singapore as ASEAN representatives with Ra… - 6 years ago

@VincentPozon: "MINAMAHAL, SINASAMBA" performed by Jacqui Magno - 6 years ago

@itsgenevieee: RT @MsLeaSalonga: Rest In Peace, Jacqui Magno. I still remember the first time we took a trip to Singapore as ASEAN representatives with Ra… - 6 years ago

@BBM_Tagaytay: RT @EmeraldJackie: Travel well, Jacqui Magno. Thank you for the music am old enough to remember Birds of the same Feather and Birdland. RIP… - 6 years ago

@stealthily: RT @kikopangilinan: Farewell, Jacqui Magno. Thank you for your music and for you love and passion for our country and our people. Rest in p… - 6 years ago

@direkmarky: Renowned Filipino jazz singer Jacqui Magno, 65 - 6 years ago

@edwinsallan: Jacqui Magno, the ‘quintessential free spirit’ - 6 years ago

@msnph: Jacqui Magno passes away - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Jacqui Magno, philippinische Jazzsängerin, am 21.06.2019 im Alter von 65 Jahren. - 6 years ago

@BoyoKiss: RT @EmeraldJackie: Travel well, Jacqui Magno. Thank you for the music am old enough to remember Birds of the same Feather and Birdland. RIP… - 6 years ago

@hija_unica: RT @EmeraldJackie: Travel well, Jacqui Magno. Thank you for the music am old enough to remember Birds of the same Feather and Birdland. RIP… - 6 years ago

@OWengai: RT @EmeraldJackie: Travel well, Jacqui Magno. Thank you for the music am old enough to remember Birds of the same Feather and Birdland. RIP… - 6 years ago

@NofNewsFilipino: According to reports, Jacqui Magno succumbed to pancreatic cancer. She was 65. - 6 years ago

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