Jacques Loussier

French pianist and composer.
Died on Wednesday March 6th 2019

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Tweets related to Jacques Loussier:

@Radiondarossa: RT @AtticaBluesRor: Il #podcast dell’ultima puntata dedicata al pianista Jacques Loussier #AtticaBlues #Radio #JacquesLoussier #Jazz #Pian… - 6 years ago

@BAD74: RT @beart_michele: Jacques Loussier Solo Piano: Play Bach (1997) - 6 years ago

@rogerjbamber: Kick off your shoes, pour yourself a glass and enjoy! Jacques Loussier Trio LIVE - "Air On A 'G' String" - '88… - 6 years ago

@SirWobbly: Have just learned from BBC Radio 4's "Last Word" that the remarkable Jacques Loussier has died :-( I saw him and L… - 6 years ago


@Bannmatt: In case you missed it, here’s today’s Last Word with Mike Oliver, Jacques Loussier, Richard Lacey and the Rev. Ruth… - 6 years ago

@MyPianoRiffs: Another one bites the dust... May the Blessings Be, Monsieur Loussier🙏🏻 Whether you like the music of Bach as it… - 6 years ago

@PianoCubWebsite: The ground breaking pianist discusses bridging the gap between jazz and classical music 50 years ago - and today - 6 years ago

@radiodelta_1: Now listening1: Jacques Loussier - Chorale No. 1: Sleepers wake - 6 years ago

@radiodelta_2: Now listening1: Jacques Loussier - Chorale No. 1: Sleepers wake - 6 years ago

@radiodelta_1: Now listening2: Jacques Loussier - Chorale No. 1: Sleepers wake - 6 years ago

@radiodelta_2: Now listening2: Jacques Loussier - Chorale No. 1: Sleepers wake - 6 years ago

@AnnaCampbelloz: Just heard the wonderful Jacques Loussier died last week. I love his music, especially his jazzy Bach arrangements. - 6 years ago

@AtticaBluesRor: Il #podcast dell’ultima puntata dedicata al pianista Jacques Loussier #AtticaBlues #Radio #JacquesLoussier #Jazz… - 6 years ago

@PrimaPaginaWeb: RT @RaiNews: E' morto #JacquesLoussier, il pianista che suonava Bach a tempo di Jazz. Con i suoi dischi "Play Bach" ha venduto oltre 6 mili… - 6 years ago

@VonKirsten: Jacques Loussier Trio play Bach - The Bach Book (complete album) - 6 years ago

@VonKirsten: Jacques Loussier Trio - Air On The G String (J.-S.Bach, arr. A.Wilhelmj)... - 6 years ago

@heiligfranz: Ricordiamo iil pianista jazz Jacques Loussier, mancato in questi giorni #loussier #jacquesloussier #jazz #bach… - 6 years ago

@Piano_Shop: RIP Jacques Loussier, d. March 5 at 84 yo. Famous for jazz interpretations of Bach. - 6 years ago

@ThomasJ19587898: Jacques just keep acting Modern - 6 years ago

@georgebest1969: 内田先生に教えていただいたJacques Loussierがいいですねえ。山中千尋さんの原点という気がしました。 - 6 years ago

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