Jackie Healy-Rae

Irish politician
Died on Friday December 5th 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Jackie Healy-Rae:

@MHealyRae: RT @skymarkwhite: @paraicgallagher Jackie Healy Rae 🍺🍺🍺

@skymarkwhite: @paraicgallagher Jackie Healy Rae 🍺🍺🍺

@pNibbler: RT @RSVPMagazine: Michael Healy-Rae opens up about his late dad Jackie. " thanks to my dad, is that life isn’t a practice run" http://t.co/…

@RSVPMagazine: Michael Healy-Rae opens up about his late dad Jackie. " thanks to my dad, is that life isn’t a practice run" http://t.co/mvMyaPflZL


@Jackie_HealyRae: Micheal Healy-Rae and Enda Kenny had an, um, interesting chat about radio http://t.co/KfBy9UzjaX

@HRHgearoid: @soundmigration the journalist Kevin Marron said he never knew what a grassroot was till he met Jackie Healy Rae :-)

@Farelyboy: @pimlids Similar Jackie Healy Rae, as a media persona to maintain. Cute as a shithouse rat same fella.

@OwenOShea: RT @KerryPolsDates: This day in 2007: General election results in Kerry South - John O'Donoghue (FF), Tom Sheahan (FG) and Jackie Healy-Rae…

@KerryPolsDates: This day in 2007: General election results in Kerry South - John O'Donoghue (FF), Tom Sheahan (FG) and Jackie Healy-Rae (Ind) @Tomsheahan

@Jackie_HealyRae: RT @Tadhg_Williams: Michael Healy Rae's Albanian cousin on #Eurovision! #IRL #ALB #PoliticalBanter http://t.co/G2vk2wNdat

@FrankApproach: A young Jackie Healy Rae? http://t.co/r0WFlXzgCA

@TherealGerRyan: That was Jackie Healy Rae's long lost Albanian Cousin...#eurovision

@minnyminty: @Jim_Sheridan Jackie Healy Rae wants his hat back

@23carragod: Albanias Jackie Healy Rae

@drquirkey: @lukeming @DonoghueEllie @kevdolan10 Ming you are actually the left leaning, dope smoking Jackie Healy Rae of the "whest" congrats

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