Jack Mendelsohn

American cartoonist (Jacky's Diary)
Died on Thursday January 26th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Jack Mendelsohn:

@Anzhakutain: Muere Jack Mendelsohn. guionista de 'Yellow Submarine' e 'Inspector Gadget'.. - 8 years ago

@hankstv: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@CLAWS_UNIVERSE: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@posadistintl: @AnndraADunn @Tom_Mendelsohn i saw someone waving a little union jack in london - 8 years ago


@revistaogrito: O adeus a Jack Mendelsohn, cartunista autor de Jacky’s Diary. - 8 years ago

@Stereotopffer: "Jack Mendelsohn, 1926-2017" DEP - 8 years ago

@jfp1986: @lloydkaufman #ToxicCrusaders writer #JackMendelsohn has passed away - 8 years ago

@myrlegibes: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@JustSad2000: 2017 goes on where 2016 left off-John Hurt,Gordon Kaye,Rachel Heyhoe-Flint,Mary Tyler-Moore, Peter Sarstedt, Jack Mendelsohn-Yellow Sub! - 8 years ago

@bainery: Just watch'd #StarredUp...wow, Ben Mendelsohn continues to impress me. He is brilliant as is Jack O'Connell. The 2… - 8 years ago

@shelyad: Jack Mendelsohn, R.I.P. - News From ME - 8 years ago

@Kioskerman: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

@Julian_Wigley: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

@NothinBunny: An inspiration for a large part of #BiscottiComic not-yet-public...read up on this classic comic artist. - 8 years ago

@StreathamComics: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

@NothinBunny: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

@austinkleon: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

@ComicsJournal: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

@ComicConFashion: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@davegwiazdowski: RIP Screenwriter Jack Mendelsohn....who wrote the second film I ever saw in the movie theatre at the tender age... - 8 years ago

@vampersana: RT @WonderCon: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@Maxp281: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@KRDRAGON: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@lauren_celik: RT @Comic_Con: We are saddened to hear of the passing of Jack Mendelsohn. His many contributions to our industry was immense. He will be mi… - 8 years ago

@Bnnch: Jack Mendelsohn, R.I.P. - News From ME - 8 years ago

@cosmonautVico: RT @TheBeguiling: Cartoonist Jack Mendelsohn of JACKY'S DIARY has passed away (ht @DandQ), as Dan Nadel reports in @ComicsJournal - 8 years ago

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