Jack Law

Australian footballer (Footscray).
Died on Friday February 2nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jack Law:

@Jack_michi: 7も10もれっきとしたユニオン。ちゃんとLaw にも書いてあるし - 7 years ago

@AfAirmech: RT @Kddid15: @Shoq @joncoopertweets @jacksnowknows @RepAdamSchiff Well, I got my constitutional law degree from a Cracker Jack box so I rel… - 7 years ago

@jack_brijr14: Found a Transponder Snail! Chopper and Law are investigating medication! - 7 years ago

@ODehaviland: RT @Kddid15: @Shoq @joncoopertweets @jacksnowknows @RepAdamSchiff Well, I got my constitutional law degree from a Cracker Jack box so I rel… - 7 years ago


@Jack_Swordsman: Found a Transponder Snail! Chopper and Law are investigating medication! - 7 years ago

@hedgenettle: @daveweeden @DamCou It was in your face with Father Jack as a comedy degenerate. Underneath, the Three Ages of Elvi… - 7 years ago

@BrooksDslbrooks: RT @Kddid15: @Shoq @joncoopertweets @jacksnowknows @RepAdamSchiff Well, I got my constitutional law degree from a Cracker Jack box so I rel… - 7 years ago

@castel_jack: sex with my daughter in law tamil girl sex tubes - 7 years ago

@slakshmareddy: @lionelbarber @Nouriel @MailOnline George Soros,an Hungarian jew,Nazi Germany under Hitler's victim,devote life aga… - 7 years ago

@JenVonLee: Have you ever been so mad you lost your job that you assault the woman you blame, then kidnap her sister in law and… - 7 years ago

@mattsin29: @cpeace313 @Jack_Scott @UKLabour @jeremycorbyn Good help NE derbyshire having anything you do with Sheffield labour… - 7 years ago

@FilmRebootIdeas: A thrilling remake of "Chariots of Fire", starring Jude Law, Sam Rockwell, and Jack Nicholson - 7 years ago

@castel_jack: xxx cumshot naked sister in law - 7 years ago

@jack_slade50: RT @sahluwal: - Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Princeton. - Graduated Harvard Law school. - Worked for the Chicago Mayor & at Planning & D… - 7 years ago

@anticonmandonni: RT @grandedamegria: @WilDonnelly Why is it that obvious russian trolls these days all claim to be vets/military/uniformed law enforcement?… - 7 years ago

@GondwanaLands: RT @DiversNine: @TahliaJenni @jackcwilder @TRUTH_HURTS_AUS @cjwcjw @6H057_r1D3rs @KarlPalmerPI @RightsLGBTI @SajjadH79232782 @TwitterSafety… - 7 years ago

@1972Bigdawg: Tractor Trailer jack-knifed acrossed both lanes of IH 35 Northbound Mike Marker 58. Traffic being routed down front… - 7 years ago

@itldoranch: @Mike_Press19 Until I see at least one Dem up on charges for their law breaking I'm gonna be disappointed. 1yr has… - 7 years ago

@JackCade1381: RT @RSPCA_official: @JackCade1381 @Jonteinspain Hi Jack, we've been campaigning for an end to non-stun slaughter for years, but as a charit… - 7 years ago

@RSPCA_official: @JackCade1381 @Jonteinspain Hi Jack, we've been campaigning for an end to non-stun slaughter for years, but as a ch… - 7 years ago

@Redbaron9495: @Bobi_Jack @ColoniumKoeln @LucasFoxNews It's the legitimate Government according to International Law and the UN. A… - 7 years ago

@cheltreds: RT @barneyrednews: I know some of David Pegg's family, lovely people who match going Reds, they have asked me to thank Utd fans who placed… - 7 years ago

@ANTONYROW1: RT @barneyrednews: I know some of David Pegg's family, lovely people who match going Reds, they have asked me to thank Utd fans who placed… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Newgate: Found a Transponder Snail! Chopper and Law are investigating medication! - 7 years ago

@FCSM_FCB: RT @barneyrednews: I know some of David Pegg's family, lovely people who match going Reds, they have asked me to thank Utd fans who placed… - 7 years ago

@ReingsRaosindhe: RT @MariskaMission: Since Jack McCoy is back to #SVU next week, here’s a #FlashBackFriday remembering the mothership “Law And Order”. Pictu… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Pots1: RT @BrexitBin: LEAVERS: We have no influence on the laws the EU imposes on us! EU ANNOUNCEMENT: "UK will have no say in EU laws during tran… - 7 years ago

@MasangMaria: @moodewji Agree?? The law if "Jack of all trades..... and master of everything I bet.... 😐😐 - 7 years ago

@timmthelen: So tell us all Jack, when #Trump is indicted, what will you be doing? Will you be quietly waiting for the rule of l… - 7 years ago

@GentlemanMaj: @Minameajeff @NinjaKidra @OfficialJlipper @Jack_Septic_Eye @YTCreators If someone broke a workplace law they get fi… - 7 years ago

@robertgreaves41: RT @loringlav74: LOOK AT THIS HORSE SHIT APP SOME JACK ASS DEVELOPED. @ICEgov @realDonaldTrump other law enforcement agencies need to be aw… - 7 years ago

@Malenirvana: RT @jack_jeddaman: Have a read of my last quotes from the past 13 years am now working on some new ones to wake a few morons up. We now liv… - 7 years ago

@northstar_jack: RT @northstar_jack: It’s my hope that the many layers of my criticism don’t make me a bad person;it’s just that there is so much here,that… - 7 years ago

@jack_jeddaman: Have a read of my last quotes from the past 13 years am now working on some new ones to wake a few morons up. We no… - 7 years ago

@jack_harper4: @JustinTrudeau @Puglaas You Natives have applauded affirmative action. You have grinned & agreed that the white man… - 7 years ago

@batsdingerbonds: @QueenofTacos Only other one I can think of then is probably original Law and Order but even then. There’s no proc… - 7 years ago

@teresa_reza: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@Scrumhalf1: @FoxNews @POTUS Sounds like sharia law to me. God didn't do jack. Everything that humans have achieved, for better… - 7 years ago

@Ray5459: @Matt_B_Guru There is suppose to be a law about gouging, but like KU electric power pay the crooked gov. under the… - 7 years ago

@20thcenturymora: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@CanadianBrad: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@MousseauJim: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@Marie72214587: RT @MeghanMcCain: My great grand father & grandfather were both 4 star admirals in the navy, my father is a POW and captain in the navy, my… - 7 years ago

@A_3rdWay: @sicsixgun64 @C_82l @Vghandi @AtyHans @deis1up @HouseValyrian @jandrew62956555 @muttley911 @PragmaticBent… - 7 years ago

@Mikeymcd80: @PreacherDudeRox @im_PULSE @inihelene @jack @Twitter @verified Twitter has a terms of service. If you violate it t… - 7 years ago

@Mikeymcd80: @saudiharem @im_PULSE @JKhashoggi @jack @Twitter @verified Why do I need to remember something that doesn’t apply t… - 7 years ago

@jack_fiefer: RT @MaxBoot: I was a lifelong Republican, but I now agree with @benjaminwittes & @jon_rauch when they call for voters to support Democrats… - 7 years ago

@LadyLiberTea: @Jack_Griffin @RaheemKassam Since Shariah Law first victims are♀, children, & animals, ♂chivalry is appreciated & c… - 7 years ago

@Daniel_Plante: @Coinosphere @krypto_jack @Excellion What Luke implies through feedback from experts in this matter is correct Kryp… - 7 years ago

@Hopmar3: RT @HenryCrumblish: A Texas judge interrupted the jury to tell them that God told him the defendant was not guilty. Judge Jack Robison said… - 7 years ago

@jonny7272: RT @whubolt666: @Andrewabp @XxPLW2xX @ActivePatriots @TRobinsonNewEra @mark5506 @reb_les @REnlightenment @Adam_Penning @ViveCharlieMag @Ian… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Tracey: RT @MaTTFLaMMaBLe: • A leader with dictatorial tendencies. • Top level officials with a history of physical and sexual abuses. • Attempt… - 7 years ago

@kurganonlyone: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@TefoWritesStuff: Same with my own shit. I dunno jack from jack about the law. - 7 years ago

@GirlsruleNZ: @ScottPresler @BetteMidler @jack @TwitterSupport Against twitter rules ? Law . - 7 years ago

@aaron79b: @NancyPelosi @RepPeterDeFazio You Dems don’t know jack about infrastructure; @POTUS does. He is experienced at gett… - 7 years ago

@emmgriff66: RT @whubolt666: @Andrewabp @XxPLW2xX @ActivePatriots @TRobinsonNewEra @mark5506 @reb_les @REnlightenment @Adam_Penning @ViveCharlieMag @Ian… - 7 years ago

@K9Friend121151: Been around Law enforcement while still working. No different than us. Always a jack leg who thinks he is Superman… - 7 years ago

@gramboy2: RT @whubolt666: @Andrewabp @XxPLW2xX @ActivePatriots @TRobinsonNewEra @mark5506 @reb_les @REnlightenment @Adam_Penning @ViveCharlieMag @Ian… - 7 years ago

@XxPLW2xX: RT @whubolt666: @Andrewabp @XxPLW2xX @ActivePatriots @TRobinsonNewEra @mark5506 @reb_les @REnlightenment @Adam_Penning @ViveCharlieMag @Ian… - 7 years ago

@whubolt666: @Andrewabp @XxPLW2xX @ActivePatriots @TRobinsonNewEra @mark5506 @reb_les @REnlightenment @Adam_Penning… - 7 years ago

@lilnorey: @Bigg_Daddy_Jack That’s not a law baby. - 7 years ago

@The_Aces1986: @chrystianrock4 @matiasargonz @Minameajeff @NinjaKidra @OfficialJlipper @Jack_Septic_Eye @YTCreators Hunters at lea… - 7 years ago

@fenrir_71: RT @MeghanMcCain: My great grand father & grandfather were both 4 star admirals in the navy, my father is a POW and captain in the navy, my… - 7 years ago

@RAntFDR: @TheRealStanLee Like he does in the ring... So he encourages Mathew Murdock to study law... And he worshipped the… - 7 years ago

@UCDLawSchool: Kale superstar: Olive Keogh in @IrishTimesBiz in August on our Business and Law student @JackParsons_17 and his sna… - 7 years ago

@cloggingchris: @Jack_Scott @helencshipley @alisonclareteal So why have you tweeted a picture of a woman being arrested, presumably… - 7 years ago

@mattsin29: @helencshipley @Cathrine_Ash @Jack_Scott @alisonclareteal But to try to get opposition imprisoned or a labour perso… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Scott: @helencshipley @alisonclareteal Except Councils don't arrest people - the police do. If police reasonably suspect… - 7 years ago

@Padfoot_934: @Ila_CP Cioè: Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black e Cameron Diaz e musica di Hans Zimmer. Posso pure morire. - 7 years ago

@DanielpMac90: RT @loringlav74: LOOK AT THIS HORSE SHIT APP SOME JACK ASS DEVELOPED. @ICEgov @realDonaldTrump other law enforcement agencies need to be aw… - 7 years ago

@farfel54: RT @MariskaMission: Since Jack McCoy is back to #SVU next week, here’s a #FlashBackFriday remembering the mothership “Law And Order”. Pictu… - 7 years ago

@MarredBlank: RT @ChankkSaotome: Crew @Twitter has still done nothing about @BronzeHammer's blatant incitement to violence and murder, a behavior not onl… - 7 years ago

@ChankkSaotome: Crew @Twitter has still done nothing about @BronzeHammer's blatant incitement to violence and murder, a behavior no… - 7 years ago

@siriusacademy: Well done to Law Kahoot Champion, and winner of the @JButing Law Award Jack and runner up Callum #law #college - 7 years ago

@loringlav74: LOOK AT THIS HORSE SHIT APP SOME JACK ASS DEVELOPED. @ICEgov @realDonaldTrump other law enforcement agencies need t… - 7 years ago

@GrandmaGibby1: RT @MariskaMission: Since Jack McCoy is back to #SVU next week, here’s a #FlashBackFriday remembering the mothership “Law And Order”. Pictu… - 7 years ago

@judytheornery1: @jack_fiefer @MonteAJP23 @GOP @HouseDemocrats @lori_stella75 @PattyArquette @FYMYGIRLS @Realmommabear @ParilloGary… - 7 years ago

@Niaulani: @ScottPresler @BetteMidler @jack @TwitterSupport I thought it was against the law to incite immediate violence and… - 7 years ago

@Username_53: RT @Charlie64111853: @SpencerFernando Hmm..will Jihadi Justin let Jihadi Jack in Canada🤔 This is an actual question, like really.. this is… - 7 years ago

@Amo_Bailar18: Ms. Jack has accepted me as her daughter in law & I love it 😍 - 7 years ago

@flutterbuys123: Check out The Holiday (DVD) JACK BLACK*KATE WINSLET*JUDE LAW*CAMERON DIAZ***DISC ONLY*** - 7 years ago

@boaomega22: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@WarrCriminology: @BarristerSecret Michael Howard: Prison works! Jack Straw: We can make prison work! Grayling: We will make prisons… - 7 years ago

@daneisha_hodges: How I feel about jack McCoy in law and order we could’ve really role played my fantasy had you accepted this positi… - 7 years ago

@jensen4law: @Jack_W002 @JoshCox69 @NancyPelosi I guess your point is only 25% of @BernieSanders supporters are racist... appare… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Swordsman: Found a Transponder Snail! Chopper and Law are investigating medication! - 7 years ago

@Larkwing21Three: @BlackSheep_123 @Jack_Septic_Eye STOP! You have violated the law! - 7 years ago

@GodBlessRaul: RT @MariAnneMazurka: @RaulEEsparza I wish you well in your future endeavours but I’ll miss you. As a viewer of the Law and Order franchise… - 7 years ago

@thelegalintel: A three-judge panel consisting of Judges Jack Panella, Anne Lazarus and Correale Stevens reversed in part and denie… - 7 years ago

@KelliMarshall: @jennyjonesie @kristenwarner Jack Brayer once sat next to me on the El, and I almost ran into Apollo Creed as he wa… - 7 years ago

@LyndaE222: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@RekoMnd: RT @eimeedeluz: @BTS_twt Hi RM! I forgot to mention a while ago; if you feel like watching a movie, i highly recommend THE HOLIDAY (Cam Dia… - 7 years ago

@eimeedeluz: @BTS_twt Hi RM! I forgot to mention a while ago; if you feel like watching a movie, i highly recommend THE HOLIDAY… - 7 years ago

@ColleenAllan6: RT @TheRoyGreenShow: CBC story re Jihadi Jack states Harper gov law allowed 4 repeal of Cdn citizenship of suspected terrorists. Wrong. Was… - 7 years ago

@Rubytea53: RT @lauferlaw: @Steve_Forreal @jack The law can be ruthless too when one acts as a propaganda conduit for an enemy nation state. - 7 years ago

@jack_allen_123: RT @artooluke: mark finally talked about his reaction to the solo movie and his word is law - 7 years ago

@MarcExec: @JackPosobiec Jack, we disagree on alot, but not here. Seems Holtz forgot that it is illegal to make hiring decisio… - 7 years ago

@WalterKlingler: @jackowhite21 Jack, you are being emotional. The law is not emotional. - 7 years ago

@jack_mieoff: An old law in Bellingham, Washington, made it illegal for a woman to take more than 3 steps backwards while dancin… - 7 years ago

@BrainyB3: Listen up: just last year-December 2017–the frump Republicans VOTED into Law -taxscam bill 2 ENRICH themselves/thei… - 7 years ago

@CanoocheeCreek: @vincentdonofrio The character you played, Jack Horne, "Magnificent 7"...was entertaining as all get out! It was a… - 7 years ago

@northstar_jack: It’s my hope that the many layers of my criticism don’t make me a bad person;it’s just that there is so much here,t… - 7 years ago

@Goffred98995184: @vincentdonofrio Vincent, you, sir, never cease to amaze me. You're a man of much talent. BTW, did you get a chance… - 7 years ago

@Jack_DatBunny: RT @ChariotDaGawd: You know, I could have sworn I had seen Logan Paul before I had heard of him from the Japan video controversy, but I cou… - 7 years ago

@cdt123: RT @cdt123: Is your IQ high enough to grasp the Maritime/Common Law Fraud & that "Fractional Reserve Lending" IS repaying your hard earned… - 7 years ago

@LaunaSallai: RT @Charlie64111853: @SpencerFernando Hmm..will Jihadi Justin let Jihadi Jack in Canada🤔 This is an actual question, like really.. this is… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Waynick: RT @helenkornie: Read about the new Michigan MIP law! - 7 years ago

@JOHNJOSEPHDAUER: RT @MeghanMcCain: My great grand father & grandfather were both 4 star admirals in the navy, my father is a POW and captain in the navy, my… - 7 years ago

@Cindylevy444: RT @ZayasAl: @FoxNews @GeraldoRivera Holder is Jack as$, I welcome him to contact me privately so we can have a man to man chat. No law, n… - 7 years ago

@4GodsWillBeDone: @TrxAshley666 @Jack_Septic_Eye @ugh_its_reed #Lamb: lawful citizens weaponizing their innocences in sacrifice for T… - 7 years ago

@ian_frogman: @cafreeland Canada needs to forget Jihadi Jack. Where was his atonement during the height of ISIS? Now he’s on the… - 7 years ago

@bubbacav85: @Atheist_Geek48 @TertiusIII @rorylane @umfpt @bobcat7000 @KittenKoder @AtyHans @godFreeWorld @Mandokero… - 7 years ago

@SDStuart_law: RT @ChristianSmall: .@ChristianSmall is pleased to welcome Partner Jack Kubiszyn. His practice is focused on general real estate matters fo… - 7 years ago

@LyricsByJD: @TalbertSwan @COGICFamily @realDonaldTrump It’s a counterintelligence investigation. There is no law prohibiting Tr… - 7 years ago

@jack_mieoff: RT @NIVIsa4031: Angel Mom Laura Wilkerson: "Nobody gets sanctuary from the law in this town. I don't care what color you are or where you'r… - 7 years ago

@KnottyMary: - 7 years ago

@ZayasAl: @FoxNews @GeraldoRivera Holder is Jack as$, I welcome him to contact me privately so we can have a man to man chat.… - 7 years ago

@TazSpinZone: HAHA LATHAM! 'No way you can enforce non-sex law between politicians and staff and in my day with some of the jac… - 7 years ago

@lenibriscoe: Aw SVU opened with the funeral of Ben Stone a nice way to honor the original Law & Order gang and bring back Jack McCoy - 7 years ago

@TRex21: “A man shouldn’t do what he can, he should do what he must, without regard for consequence or repercussion. That’s… - 7 years ago

@MyattAnna: @strafer_jack Then the public need educating about the law. - 7 years ago

@Lala_Innis: RT @MariskaMission: Since Jack McCoy is back to #SVU next week, here’s a #FlashBackFriday remembering the mothership “Law And Order”. Pictu… - 7 years ago

@Bjobready: RT @JohnWren1950: RT @badtastefatboy: @Peter_Fitz @ausflag @smh My mother in law bought me a flagpole a few years ago. Was never keen to fl… - 7 years ago

@h4lenoftr0y: The Holiday (2006) Directed by Nancy Meyers. Cast: Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black, Eli Wallach,… - 7 years ago

@MArchbald: Once again proving he is unqualified to speak on the subject. If you don't know jack than keep your mouth shut and… - 7 years ago

@lizzie_bell_: How can I be expected to take uni seriously when my criminal law book has used the scenario of rose not letting jac… - 7 years ago

@GayCarBoys: RT @JohnWren1950: RT @badtastefatboy: @Peter_Fitz @ausflag @smh My mother in law bought me a flagpole a few years ago. Was never keen to fl… - 7 years ago

@georgatutkwengo: @hans_gadamer @SophieRunning @WEP_UK @LeighDay_Law ok well perhaps on that premise female nurses should be paid the… - 7 years ago

@SheryleWebb: RT @JohnWren1950: RT @badtastefatboy: @Peter_Fitz @ausflag @smh My mother in law bought me a flagpole a few years ago. Was never keen to fl… - 7 years ago

@joesch1998: @SamIvan92 @USA1st_4ever @eagle1776n @SunshineLK10 @camaromullett @sirarty220 @Anth_Coney @any1buttHillary… - 7 years ago

@USA1st_4ever: @joesch1998 @eagle1776n @SamIvan92 @SunshineLK10 @camaromullett @sirarty220 @Anth_Coney @any1buttHillary… - 7 years ago

@Phrygi2: If you don't buy this insurance that you will never need, we're going to fine until you do; is what kind of politic… - 7 years ago

@_JUCIFER_: @megans_law @jack_fergie ERIC B AND RACKIM (i hope nobody had this already i am so excited) - 7 years ago

@penbasameiko: Law and Order: SVU sneak peek: Jack McCoy vs Olivia Benson? - 7 years ago

@taieikashii: Law and Order: SVU sneak peek: Jack McCoy vs Olivia Benson? - 7 years ago

@natsugoshisurum: Law and Order: SVU sneak peek: Jack McCoy vs Olivia Benson? - 7 years ago

@ChrustopherH: @megans_law @jack_fergie @_JUCIFER_ Really racked your brain on these I see. Well done. - 7 years ago

@Marvell_Law: RT @JohnWren1950: RT @badtastefatboy: @Peter_Fitz @ausflag @smh My mother in law bought me a flagpole a few years ago. Was never keen to fl… - 7 years ago

@Ukurrie: RT @JohnWren1950: RT @badtastefatboy: @Peter_Fitz @ausflag @smh My mother in law bought me a flagpole a few years ago. Was never keen to fl… - 7 years ago

@mikeaubrey2: RT @JohnWren1950: RT @badtastefatboy: @Peter_Fitz @ausflag @smh My mother in law bought me a flagpole a few years ago. Was never keen to fl… - 7 years ago

@cdt123: Is your IQ high enough to grasp the Maritime/Common Law Fraud & that "Fractional Reserve Lending" IS repaying your… - 7 years ago

@law_1814: RT @SuperStevoe: Union Jack mug ✔️ Orange jumper ✔️ Bamming up the hibs + celtic ✔️ Craig Levein IS the Heart of Midlothian ❤️ - 7 years ago

@Lioness90726217: @Cbaldwin1011 Michael Cohen must have gotten his law degree from a Cracker Jack box.Yes u can rape ur wife & go 2 p… - 7 years ago

@JoshuaMacLean6: @Law_Groyper @KRGroyper I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. - 7 years ago

@Jack_LalaLang: RT @LOLGOP: These people follow the law and would love to pay taxes. No wonder Trump's GOP can't empathize with them. - 7 years ago

@Phrygi2: @POTUS So the arrogant, pushy, jack off U.S. govt "servant" at the Wialuku Social Security Department ADMITTED tha… - 7 years ago

@law_marshall: OMFG Cavs cut bait with half their players meanwhile the @warriors do jack sh*t to beef up their sub par bench? Pre… - 7 years ago

@jack_flood56: RT @BettyBowers: Meanwhile, back in reality...the Declaration of Independence is not the Law of the Land; the Constitution is. It never men… - 7 years ago

@hockeyredwhite: RT @JustinThomas97: It’s great seeing Sam Waterson back on SVU reprising his role as Jack McCoy. I loved Jack McCoy on the original Law and… - 7 years ago

@jack_in_labour: RT @EmilyThornberry: Today, I wrote to @BorisJohnson about the imprisonment of Palestinian children in Israel. Our government must call on… - 7 years ago

@JustinThomas97: It’s great seeing Sam Waterson back on SVU reprising his role as Jack McCoy. I loved Jack McCoy on the original Law and Order Series! - 7 years ago

@CastAwayRain: For the people in the venue like Law, jack and even vivid, they asked me why didnt i upthr… - 7 years ago

@stanleyred27: @Vic69403501 @Grummz And back to the days were conservative soccer moms called games literally the devil and people… - 7 years ago

@hugh_gautier: @Sheckyi Excuse my French, Obama has made the FBI a JACK ASS just like he is. He politicized the group and made FOO… - 7 years ago

@Jack_Stewart242: House passes scale-back of Obama-era menu calorie count rules - 7 years ago

@JessMitch_Ski: Sam Waterston to Reprise 'Law & Order' Role on 'SVU' - 7 years ago

@moetdube: Jack Mabaso be laying down the law #GenerationsTheLegacy - 7 years ago

@AngelHurst28: RT @MariskaMission: Since Jack McCoy is back to #SVU next week, here’s a #FlashBackFriday remembering the mothership “Law And Order”. Pictu… - 7 years ago

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