Jack Kyle

British rugby union player and surgeon.
Died on Thursday November 27th 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Jack Kyle:

@gretje: RT @CandiceMangan: Where are you JACK & KYLE... Hi Sharon and Virginia - cya at 1/2 time #weflyasone #gocrows http://t.co/8g8qdEVYf9

@luke_bovill: @RMacpherson_ @OFFICIAL_JACK @kyle_marshall9 Interested In going wrestling tomorrow? #450splush http://t.co/imNKmy9GtO

@CandiceMangan: Where are you JACK & KYLE... Hi Sharon and Virginia - cya at 1/2 time #weflyasone #gocrows http://t.co/8g8qdEVYf9

@xemilyelizabeth: today i high fived Jack Barakat and hugged Kyle Fasel... goodnight


@tfb_jack: RT @janinebucks: Small Business Resource Guide - Kyle Benusa, Michael Bucci, Mark Deutsch, | http://t.co/XWD0dbKWHY | Small Business & Ent…

@kyle_balingit: @Heyitsrecio Jack pahiram books. hahaha

@Pdavies576Peter: @EssendonVFL Are Jack & Kyle related?

@kyle_grady: Anyone tryna goto sushiya with me and jack

@Jack_Howes_: Jeremy Kyle USA with sign language is on ITV. It's time for bed..

@Xpernega: O Jack Black e o Kyle Gass são grandes malhas, gosto muito mesmo

@megagoodman007: @FiveNights_Fred here is what i'm thinking Jack: the butler Wendy: news reporter (carly reference from twd) Kyle: the nerd Fred:the YT star

@kyle_riesenberg: RT @BaseballBruins: 7th Region All Tournament Team from Ballard: Jack McCreery Jack Dillon Jordan Adell #GoBruins

@jack_r_emery: Kyle made me drink fungus @beazleyross @Muffin_Man1125 #kombucha

@JocularJxhn: @JFxnte Imade kyle jack & I

@md0yle67: Vikings 5 Lightning 2 [Top 3rd] [P: #18 Jack Nilles] [B: #7 Kyle Fisher]

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