Jack Hill

American politician
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Jack Hill:

@Frothy_boy: overheard on radio tonight, the 2 hosts were talking about ye olde kids nursery rhymes. Started off with 'Jack & Ji… - 5 years ago

@SPotterGA: RT @politicalinsidr: More Jolt: State Sen. Blake Tillery, R-Vidalia, will replace Jack Hill as chairman of the Senate budget committee: htt… - 5 years ago

@NarangTapasya: I laugh everytime I read this... Instead of Jack and Jill, in Kolatkar's early poem, Vaze and Ambadas go up the hil… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They cannot deal with unraveling the best laid plans of ten years and promised income for goodness sake (what is right). - 5 years ago


@MDMalgndelmundo: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@politicalinsidr: More Jolt: State Sen. Blake Tillery, R-Vidalia, will replace Jack Hill as chairman of the Senate budget committee: - 5 years ago

@SrcnTopcu1: RT @_sinesapiens_: Tarantino'nun esin kaynakları vol.1 Ayers'in enfes funk müzikleri, Pam Griers'in tek kişilik çılgın şovu.. Seyir keyfi ç… - 5 years ago

@onlineathens: 5 sign up for race to succeed late Georgia Sen. Jack Hill - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: There's a Queen bee who is trogging this trolling. They hate me because I'm good. - 5 years ago

@_half_jack: RT @29d0llars: I Ran Up That Hill And Made A Deal With God And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt - 5 years ago

@LongfellowMn: @SteveDeaceShow Is it the page where Jack goes up the hill? - 5 years ago

@zahros12: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@dennisgjones: #SharingNaturesBeauty week 18/6: Leafy grove and mango blossoms @ Jack's Hill,Kingston - 5 years ago

@Nawa9Nawa: RT @PrudenceSiabana: #COVID19 is now widespread, a lot of places in Lusaka have recorded COVID-19 contacts. The areas include, ibex hill, O… - 5 years ago

@BernMorley84: @_JackyB_ @amjonno It was all down hill jack 😎 - 5 years ago

@PrudenceSiabana: #COVID19 is now widespread, a lot of places in Lusaka have recorded COVID-19 contacts. The areas include, ibex hill… - 5 years ago

@LaidbackGooner: RT @spacedout_sniff: In 1913, she walked down the aisle disguised as a man: Colorado’s first same-sex marriage happened more than a century… - 5 years ago

@_sinesapiens_: Tarantino'nun esin kaynakları vol.1 Ayers'in enfes funk müzikleri, Pam Griers'in tek kişilik çılgın şovu.. Seyir ke… - 5 years ago

@golngrl: Jack and j ill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water..Jack fell down and i broke his crown and J ill comes tumbling after!! - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Trouble is she was interested in pots. Lots of orange and black pots. There was no way to get her on a bike even if… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They know they've been wrong from when they got involved. They don't hold their hands up and say it for one thing.… - 5 years ago

@RVStewards: RIDER CHANGE: 17 Apr 2020 CRAN R4 - No.6 Cheronkoh - Daniel Stackhouse replaces Jack Hill (Unavailable) - 5 years ago

@AudreyOTH: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@wackotrabo: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@Gaston_Modot: @MMaestracci @JeanJacky @ojoyard Et je confirme, @JeanJacky, quelle chance est la tienne d’avoir encore à découvrir… - 5 years ago

@Cat_Black_Jack: RT @thehill: Trump guidelines on reopening economy to let governors make final decision - 5 years ago

@L_u_L_L_i: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@TasSs_m611: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: It must be love love love for the work they put in to boosting their boy with me - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: I'm hearing noises that Ronnie is being made future Police Chief of London (powered by Birmingham) out of spite for… - 5 years ago

@RVStewards: General: 17-04-2020 Cranbourne - Jack Hill not riding at Cranbourne.  Replacement rider to come. - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @SleekOnSocial: A very short story 😂😩 - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: - 5 years ago

@Nhlanhla_levine: @PennyDlamini @MaBlerh I went to Constitutional Hill and they have a tape of a gangster who's name is Jack Mabaso.… - 5 years ago

@akinyisylvia3: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Why can't I have full compensation so far? It negates the profits. Who judges where status is granted? And on what… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: There must be counter-measures to this technology or random bastards would infiltrate the Royal family of the UK fo… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: With me and my situation & psychology, the biggest benefit at the lowest cost at the moment (that is currently know… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: What is the potential benefit of screwing me into the dirt compared with making sure that I want to work again? I g… - 5 years ago

@TheComet_Leyton: RT @justinhartley: Kevin wants to keep Jack's legacy alive, and we see him do just that in the future with the house on the hill. The very… - 5 years ago

@SOmyfirstrodeo: Goddammit... late again: Jack and Jill went up the hill Each with a M16. Jack was fast and Jill shot last Now the… - 5 years ago

@JamieJenkins67: @JH359788 @ScottMcFadyen7 @aidankthegreat @kay_euan @jaimeeross9 @ellie_ross1 @emma_ross96 @johncoming… - 5 years ago

@nicolettavalen: RT @thisisnotdev: @nicolettavalen like do u get me? just listen to a song and look at the lyrics and think about it. like realyyyy think ab… - 5 years ago

@lamiradadifusa: FOXY BROWN 🇺🇸(Jack Hill, 1974) Una de las películas abanderadas del llamado cine blaxploitation de los años 70. Pr… - 5 years ago

@thisisnotdev: @nicolettavalen like do u get me? just listen to a song and look at the lyrics and think about it. like realyyyy th… - 5 years ago

@BillEagle1951: @DoThinkin When Jack goes down the hill, and Jill keeps tumbling after. - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @iatemuggles: this might be the best scientist photograph i have ever seen 😭 - 5 years ago

@milvno: Mi nuh need Jack pon mi hill - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: But today, if you think that I don't know about depression and emotional pain, You're insane, You got a couple pie… - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @OldRowOfficial: Wholesome quarantine content of the day - 5 years ago

@richde49: @KLGLASS2 Jack went up the hill, Jill said no. Jack came tumbling down. - 5 years ago

@JacksonKline1: RT @PBRMissouri: 4⃣ prospects represent Missouri in the national Class of 2022 rankings + SS Jack Mosh (St. Pius X) + OF Jackson Kline (Pa… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: We lean all day and some say that ain't productive That depend upon the demons that you're stuck with Cause right n… - 5 years ago

@daveon_maston: RT @Fhall565Hall: Hallrecruiting Presents: 6"0 210 OLB/MIKE Linebacker From (Dallas Carter High) 2021 Class. Coaches this kid is a Down hil… - 5 years ago

@Madhi_sama: @nipuna__d Jill වෙන්නත් බැහැ ...ඌ නෙ went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... .එතකොට ඒකෙ හිටපු jack කාරයත් කව්… - 5 years ago

@gigauniverse99: PREGUNTA 2: ¿Qué piloto ganó un Mundial de F1 con BRM y otro con Lotus? A) Jim Clark B) Graham Hill C) Jackie Stew… - 5 years ago

@MAGF1967: RT @MAG1849: Former MAG President and MAG Council on Legislation Chair W. Scott Bohlke, M.D., has announced that he is running for the Geor… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They want money. Don't we all. They say it to American audiences as if a banana to a monkey or food to a dog as good reason. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Too many people are pissed up over nothing. They all want a gold star for their work. I want a job to get a house,… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: My trouble is that I don't expect them to cough up willingly. Compensation is not in their vocab. Most people get o… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: I do not know their age. I gather that some people do. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: There's a lot to it that is complex struggles over whether that's acceptable or not. Very occasionally, the beauty… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: The sad fact is that most porn stars are very beautiful at 21-30 years of age. After that, there's a tendency to ge… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Since Pornhub, there is more of a chance given to most videos. Hovering the cursor over the picture provides an ins… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: there was not a filter on the enjoyment. other than perfect movement times by perfect beauty, and the selection pro… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: When wanking, there is a simple aim: To ejaculate asap (in the past). A large factor is a need to find beauty worth… - 5 years ago

@CumbriaRdWatch: RT @CumbriaHighways: Urgent #roadclosure of the U5169 Jack Hill, Allithwaite, to enable Cadent Gas to carry out urgent re-connection works… - 5 years ago

@SonnyGirard: RT @SonnyGirard: Every time I try to retweet with comment about a Joe Biden tweet, the screen jumps to where I can't. Jack & Joe went up t… - 5 years ago

@SonnyGirard: Every time I try to retweet with comment about a Joe Biden tweet, the screen jumps to where I can't. Jack & Joe we… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Statistics, statistics and damned lieing statistics - 5 years ago

@holborn_jack: @itvcalendar @itvnews can we have a shout out for all Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital staff currently… - 5 years ago

@Tocalivroscom: Somos jovens, somos estagiários, temos atitude mas não, ainda não somos ricos. Quem acredita sempre alcança... Escu… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Or that are not rock solid beliefs, combined with a 74% of the time philosophy of going at it gung ho, just doing i… - 5 years ago

@capitalBfor: RT @KH4774: Fresh fish today at Trimingham Hill for M-Z. Please practice social distancing. 🐟includes whole Red Hind, Hind steaks and fille… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Unless, mass surveillance does a hell of a lot of study non-stop from birth to understand everything. Why certain d… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: How woud the alarm be tripped? It would sense a certain word or a certain feeling. Brains are more complex than tha… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: As soon as the alarm is tripped, it would be more widespread than now - the torture of innocent individuals. - 5 years ago

@KH4774: Fresh fish today at Trimingham Hill for M-Z. Please practice social distancing. 🐟includes whole Red Hind, Hind stea… - 5 years ago

@Bamthegreat3: Feel like I’m jack and I’m Jill just tryna get over this hill - 5 years ago

@fvern9: RT @BigJDubz: Jack fell down and broke his crown, So Jill took out her AR-15 and shot the hill to bits, claiming revenge for the damage it… - 5 years ago

@dennisgjones: Warm and fuzzy feeling at dinner time: ham and pumpkin soup @ Jack's Hill,Kingston - 5 years ago

@beaglehaus: After work today I zipped down to SLU from First Hill (~4 minutes) and then parked my car FOR FREE right in front o… - 5 years ago

@LinkaTv: E' iniziato Inglese Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. su #raiscuola Clicca qui per classifica tweet: - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @NaturelsLit: This is a great Argus pheasant trying to attract a female 🤤 - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @IAmModdyG: Me to myself after I get excited about the GTA 6 news knowing damn well that shit ain’t droppin till I’m 41 with 2 mortgages… - 5 years ago

@chilwolsip: jack-o-lantern hill ⁦@KelseyxAnna⁩ ⁦@R0ssiie_⁩ ⁦@MissRileyLane⁩ - 5 years ago

@RoyalsScoutTeam: RT @PBRMissouri: 4⃣ prospects represent Missouri in the national Class of 2022 rankings + SS Jack Mosh (St. Pius X) + OF Jackson Kline (Pa… - 5 years ago

@TamaraAlexis: D’White Howser . Who’s that knocking down trees Ben jamming frank Lynn George was hunting when jack Kane’ jail wen… - 5 years ago

@AnkitDhamija: "Jack k sath.. Johny bhi to ja skta hai.. " OK 🤔, so we see d output in both cases: 1. Jack🙋‍♂+ jill🙋at hill= a lit… - 5 years ago

@pathchpicklel: Check out this book: "Silver Hill: Book 3 (The Adventures of Jack…" by Catherine Cooper - 5 years ago

@crucial_bang: @underwood_jack I'm sure someone has made this hot take before but Great Things is surely THE Britpop tune, no? So… - 5 years ago

@pmeilinger: RT @FURMANMLAX: SENIOR SALUTE - Team manager Jack Newall is a native of Chapel Hill, N.C. and attended Ravenscroft High School. He is major… - 5 years ago

@FrederickSports: RT @girlssoccer_ohs: @FrederickSports Riley Daiger dribbling through six River Hill players in the 2018 State Championship match and scori… - 5 years ago

@girlssoccer_ohs: @FrederickSports Riley Daiger dribbling through six River Hill players in the 2018 State Championship match and sc… - 5 years ago

@dnspinato: @NSalvs @EvergreenRob @WhiteSox_Jack Wrigley is a cease pool I’ll die on that hill - 5 years ago

@Cookiesbouy: @ebcinpa @BigDaddyGraham John Huarte King Hill Jack Concannon Pete Liske - 5 years ago

@jh_acob: @jesse_waxman @PushPopJoe @kimmel_jack @chipsnwachamole @bwellek14 Jonah hill as the teenage son for one scene in Click - 5 years ago

@Fight4WotsRite: RT @TraceyBsHotTea1: @Fight4WotsRite @hairymary112 @liiBarcodeiil @PurityRefined @TrollG8_Plus @HMSQNLZ @BorisJohnson @realDonaldTrump @Pap… - 5 years ago

@bigkapgucci: like jack & jill but we neva dwn hill - 5 years ago

@jesse_waxman: @PushPopJoe @kimmel_jack @chipsnwachamole @bwellek14 Easy now. Jonah hill as Jonah Hill in This Is The End. Jonah h… - 5 years ago

@MonologueDraco: ♊🐉 saying They angry at you about Jack Hill? But they said what they wanted to do over the hill. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: N.B. I would have no qualms with being burnt if there was a fair selection process. Equal opportunities to not die.… - 5 years ago

@damnvesarius: narealize ko na ang daming children’s songs na grabe maka-horror lalo na yong jack and jill went up the hill to fet… - 5 years ago

@jack_trousers: RT @conorfeeney83: This evening's sunset, from top of the hill,Derry.. #Derry #ireland ☘ #StormHour - 5 years ago

@hill_main: @gilbod_ Pepper Jack is the shit. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Household waste is fun. Some love their job splitting the chicken carcasses from the crisp packets. But poppy seeds… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: If you needed burnt toast, there is plentiful bread, but we also have abundant poppy seeds and nigella seeds to mak… - 5 years ago

@GeorgiaHistory: It is with deep sadness, but profound gratitude for his life and service, that GHS notes the recent passing of Stat… - 5 years ago

@gmt600: RT @Jack_Al94: 'You! Get out!' 'Shut it Jack'. 'You think police will believe I just #tumbled down a hill? I'll tell them what you did Jill… - 5 years ago

@Jack_Al94: 'You! Get out!' 'Shut it Jack'. 'You think police will believe I just #tumbled down a hill? I'll tell them what you… - 5 years ago

@LordBikebot: @MikeyCycling @jackhillphoto @cmtlr @standardnews @George_Osborne @ESI_Media I think Jack Hill makes some excellent… - 5 years ago

@MMaanic: 18)Jack Ryan(Prime video) 19)Westworld(Desney+Hotstar) 20)Sex education(Netflix) 21) Designated Survivor(Netflix) 2… - 5 years ago

@GiorasXerez: @juss422 @tatialencarr @danpnobre @gusdenegreiros @diegotwardy Ayrton foi mais rápido sem dúvida. Mais habilidoso.… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Self written special powers are ok. But they are mostly now Ronnie Inc. cogs in a Jack grinder. What did little old… - 5 years ago

@JeanMead12: RT @DavidMiddleham: In the shade of the hill sat The boy called Jack A filthy gown And a broken crown He weeps as he looks up to see her Qu… - 5 years ago

@Va_nessa201: RT @DavidMiddleham: In the shade of the hill sat The boy called Jack A filthy gown And a broken crown He weeps as he looks up to see her Qu… - 5 years ago

@holthsbaseball: RT @PBRMissouri: 4⃣ prospects represent Missouri in the national Class of 2022 rankings + SS Jack Mosh (St. Pius X) + OF Jackson Kline (Pa… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: It's no surprise that We get so much done... - 5 years ago

@5STARJACOBY: RT @Fhall565Hall: Hallrecruiting Presents: 6"0 210 OLB/MIKE Linebacker From (Dallas Carter High) 2021 Class. Coaches this kid is a Down hil… - 5 years ago

@ClassicsKasi: @NiemandMike @sloan_86333 @Struttssalon @KTHopkins Ps. Jack and Jill went up the hill SA Version: This black boy w… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: That, I don't know 100% if it's 100% true but I get it from someone lieing quite a lot of the time. (Pomo). - 5 years ago

@WitchingStories: RT @garvey_ben: #vss365 Jack fell down and broke his crown and Stephanie came #tumbling after. Jill stood at the bottom of the hill, her ar… - 5 years ago

@jack_lishman: - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They don't get barred from it as a nation state do they (Gerrmany of Great Britain) for 10 years where they get it wrong??? - 5 years ago

@_jeremiadams: RT @thehill: Twitter's Jack Dorsey donates $1 million to Masks for the People to fight coronavirus via @ChangingAmerica - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They want to storm the castle with the celabrity SAS... - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Some women are still saying that I dunnit whatever it is. They get hacked off at having to say something else. - 5 years ago

@CumbriaHighways: Urgent #roadclosure of the U5169 Jack Hill, Allithwaite, to enable Cadent Gas to carry out urgent re-connection wor… - 5 years ago

@dennisgjones: #SharingNaturesBeauty week 18/4: Vervian hummingbird feeding at dawn rooster_1 @ Jack's Hill,Kingston - 5 years ago

@MyKidsHavePaws: ATTN AMERICANS: the vast majority of #WeThePeople, including the vast majority of WHITE people, WILL NOT tolerate r… - 5 years ago

@Fhall565Hall: Hallrecruiting Presents: 6"0 210 OLB/MIKE Linebacker From (Dallas Carter High) 2021 Class. Coaches this kid is a Do… - 5 years ago

@ManicMorris: Much like her brother, Jill's thoughts went #Tumbling down the hill too. As she saw Jack's crown crack against the… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: A quick breather - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: We get so much done... - 5 years ago

@TollyCinemaGuy: @innerv0ice_ Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. lagana leka Jack and Jill went up the hill, J… - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @jfahmy: If oil goes any lower, Exxon Mobil might have to layoff some members of Congress. - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @AMABOUTOBUST: *toddler falls in public* me: - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @brazygio: - 5 years ago

@WordsBySC: RT @garvey_ben: #vss365 Jack fell down and broke his crown and Stephanie came #tumbling after. Jill stood at the bottom of the hill, her ar… - 5 years ago

@MtopdeckMct2218: @SirPyecroft Good call on Hill Street Blues! Midnight Caller was one of mine. Jack Killian and KJCM......’Good nigh… - 5 years ago

@Brennan_and_Riz: RT @garvey_ben: #vss365 Jack fell down and broke his crown and Stephanie came #tumbling after. Jill stood at the bottom of the hill, her ar… - 5 years ago

@NesterBoss: @jhnsnkel Jack was flying the drone looking for turkeys going to roost.....but saw the bear on the hill behind the… - 5 years ago

@WhoZulu: Hey @jack and @realDonaldTrump Come on and come with me To the shade underneath the tree Through the tall green g… - 5 years ago

@garvey_ben: #vss365 Jack fell down and broke his crown and Stephanie came #tumbling after. Jill stood at the bottom of the hill… - 5 years ago

@DarthChillash: RT @bobvids: apparently jack of all controllers, the gaming news site that got konami/kojima trending a while ago with a 4chan rumor about… - 5 years ago

@JG5115: @FanMorningShow @colin_dunlap He’s washed and definitely not much, if at all, better than the RBs we already have.… - 5 years ago

@Brennan_and_Riz: RT @gmt600: #vss365 jack n jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling aft… - 5 years ago

@slemshistory: Back Row: Edgar Fitch, ‘Jack’ Gray?, ‘Charlie’ Peace, ‘Dougie’ Hill, ?, ?, Dennis Quinn, Wilfred Carruthers Front… - 5 years ago

@holt_po: RT @PBRMissouri: 4⃣ prospects represent Missouri in the national Class of 2022 rankings + SS Jack Mosh (St. Pius X) + OF Jackson Kline (Pa… - 5 years ago

@SavannahNow: Special election set to fill the late Sen. Jack Hill's seat - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: How about schadenfreude? - 5 years ago

@jack_saatjian: RT @EmeraldRobinson: Don't you see what's happening to legacy media? McClatchy went bankrupt. For sale: Huffington Post, The Hill. Sold… - 5 years ago

@DrunkBinary: @JohnHultquist @jfslowik @ian_infosec @hexadecim8 @thepacketrat @cybersecstu @stevelord @w1bble @n0x00… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Lots of people think it's them. They thought they'd trick me into sounding geey or something to everyone by being l… - 5 years ago

@jack_lococo: hill work❄️❄️ #ATP #aftermath @LZHSFootball @coachplanz - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Postulation for the nation? - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Or homophobe? And sensitive? And evil empath? And liar liar telephone wire? - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: That's how shitty their humour is. But maybe they were hinting at what I had to do. Sound poofé and pedegg and attempts at bastard sadist. - 5 years ago

@CoochieBandit5: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and fractured his vertebrae, leaving him pa… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: I didn't recognise their bastardry as humour but right back at ya Cleopatra, I know their weakness and it's fighting fire with rubber ducks. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Blokes in jokes wearing their cloakes are not John Noakes but drive mini mokes fertilise their yokes that's it no hoax. - 5 years ago

@2the_hill: RT @AynRandPaulRyan: @realDonaldTrump Man, you sure are an idiot. The "mutineers" know they aren't getting jack shit from you. That's why… - 5 years ago

@Atheons_Venator: @Jack_Septic_Eye just saw your video and I made a few clips a while ago using the siren head mod, silent Hill mod a… - 5 years ago

@Cowgirl_Curves: @PC_Reed Awww I'm so sorry! Always hard to lose one. I've got a jack rat that's 18 that has slowly been going down… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: It's Chooseday - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Do my dog first. BT that's not you. - 5 years ago

@jutafakeleather: @uskiakhomeijadu Dimag tumhara gaya hai hill Go n meet Jack and Jill If you can't sleep take a pill - 5 years ago

@StitchedMoppet: @GhoulishAntics < what else to say. I had only hoped that Jack would understand why I wasn’t able to come sooner to… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: The miracle of birth. We're breaking down the barriers. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Drawing the line on in vitro gametogenesis -ethical uses. Mini Me may be off but I will have a baby if I can find t… - 5 years ago

@fish_for_tea: @jack_clarke Closely followed by Gordon Hill - 5 years ago

@_skynet_91: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@DAluotto: @tbergamasco3 @Nick_Herrera34 @dc2423 @therealdre_jack 1. Julio, 2. MT, 3. Hopkins, 4.Beckham, 5. hill, 6. Adams, 7… - 5 years ago

@CREAPBot: RT @RepBuddyCarter: I sat next to Jack Hill in the Georgia State Senate for five years. He was one of my political and personal mentors. Ge… - 5 years ago

@tbergamasco3: @DAluotto @Nick_Herrera34 @dc2423 @therealdre_jack Ok where do you rank him. MT, JJ, Hopkins, OBJ are clearly the t… - 5 years ago

@Cozyboidrip: “Yeah I’m Jack not Jill, rolling down a hill, on the pill, pill, pill” 😔 RIP JuiceWRLD - 5 years ago

@Jack_Ronan_: RT @Charalanahzard: let capcom remake silent hill 2 you cowards @konami - 5 years ago

@upstreamism: State Senator Jack Hill, a one-time Democrat who switched parties to throw the Georgia Senate to Republicans, died… - 5 years ago

@thefreerifleman: @Varg_Odinsson @Daleinwv1 I think Jack is over-priced, and Evan is under-priced. I'll die on this hill. - 5 years ago

@alainapapazian: Jack not kill mccray Logic + hill McCray = 🔥 - 5 years ago

@tryston_jack: RT @thehill: Virginia governor signs legislation making Election Day a state holiday, and dropping voter ID requirement - 5 years ago

@TolleTerry: @GolicAndWingo @mikegolicjr @espngolic @wingoz Jack Tolle 3D printing medical mask straps for medical providers to… - 5 years ago

@Panditda: But Jack& Jill ,Read Narendra Nirmala, went Up The Hill To Fetch An Economy Of Trillion , But Jack Fell Down Broke… - 5 years ago

@BASmotorsport: @wearetherace Belgium Grand Prix 1996 at 9 years old. Found our union jack with D. HILL written on it from that race a couple of weeks ago. - 5 years ago

@politicalinsidr: More Jolt: Chief Judge Kathy Palmer has resigned from the Middle Circuit bench to run for the state Senate seat hel… - 5 years ago

@FrankVeritable: @Wvaughn1002 @PEOD65 @JimRobb20 @ClayTravis @peter_king Hill Jack. - 5 years ago

@crowelty: nginitian ni Dave si Kent nang hindi parin binibitawan ang kamay ng huli. "May nakita ako kanina sa internet about… - 5 years ago

@leeann0252: @duaneedmunds It's getting warmer.. day by day... It's gonna be close to 80 degrees here..Jack had me, walk up the… - 5 years ago

@dennisgjones: Moving my ‘office’ outdoor brings me different ‘clients’ #lizards @Roosters_World suezeecue @ Jack's Hill,Kingston - 5 years ago

@2baysradio: #2baysradionowplaying Nobody (BK298 Remix) - Smokin' Jack Hill - 5 years ago

@DimakatsoS05: @Pineapple_SA 1.Hickory Dickory Dock 2.Twinkle twinkle litlle star 3.Hey Diddle diddle 4.Jack and Jill went up the hill - 5 years ago

@doublemracing32: RT @TTBONEGP: Jack Fowler on Bray Hill during the 2018 Newcomers @ManxGrandPrix Race🏁🇮🇲 - 5 years ago

@paw87williams: @BainesNik @Autosport_Show Hi Nic, still waiting to a picture of you with your Union Jack face and Damien Hill overalls 😂 - 5 years ago

@carlgasm_: RT @carIgasm: jumping jack 30 reps push ups 20 reps twisted sit ups 20 reps hill tap 50 reps airbike crunches 32s planking 32s cobra stretc… - 5 years ago

@carIgasm: jumping jack 30 reps push ups 20 reps twisted sit ups 20 reps hill tap 50 reps airbike crunches 32s planking 32s co… - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @jfcblades: me in 7th grade listen to day n nite by kid cudi - 5 years ago

@Horror31: RT @Horror31: Rampage, directed by Brad Peyton and starring Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Åkerman, Jake Lacey, Joe Manganiello, Jeff… - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @benshapiro: The Constitution would beg to differ - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @Zaxcom_: yall mfs got a silencer I got a loudencer - 5 years ago

@PopeAwesomeXIII: @AviOfGray I mean, we have the internet. Our grandparents had to walk up a hill in the snow to go to work or jack it. - 5 years ago

@NJRange: Jack and Jill went up the hill with a buck and a quarter. Jill came down with 2.50 OHHH Whatta whore. - 5 years ago

@TemerityVerity: @MarianKeyes Took our tiddlers to Staithes, a village piled on the hill above a tiny harbour, where they film Old J… - 5 years ago

@WDN1053: RT @petcinematary: The Big Doll House, 1971 (d. Jack Hill) - 5 years ago

@BayPaquin: @twomad @Jack_Septic_Eye “Having a come to Jesus Meeting” “What in the Sam Hill” “Been a Snake, it would’a bit-cha!… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: But I've heard that you have to face hell to admit that you're wrong. I do not know personally why that is so impossible. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: I don't understand most of you perpetuating this forced error where you know this. Brave isn't what you are. It's p… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Ask yourself this if you're involved: why is it not just two Police Officers arresting someone on the suspicion? 10 years ago... - 5 years ago

@JDubbbbbbs: @MackieGallagher Get back to me when you’re half a bottle of Jack Daniels in and struggling to make it through the… - 5 years ago

@Raul_Rojas_m: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@abiramvhdz: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@hermosillacarla: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@yadira_lilian: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@inietode: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: The Police and "Police" need to keep their jobs by and large and so I am supposed to say what they want said while… - 5 years ago

@TalantePositivo: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Since remembering more & more about the form and instructions since April 2016, they have poo pooed it as if bullsh… - 5 years ago

@MarkceloSilva: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@AlfredoTellez_: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@GamoraZenBenTtn: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@gomezvives: RT @muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa que s… - 5 years ago

@muyinteresante: 👀 Un nuevo trabajo dice que que, aunque los circones de Jack Hill tengan 4.200 millones de años, eso no significa q… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: I'm fucking angry with it. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Quite a lot of other bastards along the way as this snowballed cannot back down nor admit that they're wrong too. - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: It was an initial naiivity in them covered afterwards and still is.10 years and going because they couldn't admit something. - 5 years ago

@luke83774828: @Jack_Septic_Eye Rock mountain big hill peak snow in April cold very I does know still in English but mountain way talk - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: The moment one bastard with power believed the evil bastard, (3% of those tried initially) this went heavily agains… - 5 years ago

@SciFi31: RT @Horror31: Rampage, directed by Brad Peyton and starring Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Åkerman, Jake Lacey, Joe Manganiello, Jeff… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They fritter everything I've said too until I'm left with nothing. They perpetuate their constant lieing and postul… - 5 years ago

@TheChestnutPost: Author Jon Hill’s new book “Jack-en-Ravens Tale” is a spellbinding romantic drama and a testament to the transforma… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: The Spivs hold an account for some reason of "circumstances" that are supposed to be for me. Anything good thought… - 5 years ago

@kangaroo_jaack: RT @Horror31: Rampage, directed by Brad Peyton and starring Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Åkerman, Jake Lacey, Joe Manganiello, Jeff… - 5 years ago

@Jack_Penkethman: RT @thehill: Virginia governor signs legislation making Election Day a state holiday, and dropping voter ID requirement - 5 years ago

@TheJimSteele: @nikki_twisted @halo_scot @SPOFarrell3 @Blink_Drive @DellOlioMario @MovementWhere @ForgottenAstro2 @AnyaPavelle… - 5 years ago

@jack_walker36: RT @thehill: Virginia governor signs legislation making Election Day a state holiday, and dropping voter ID requirement - 5 years ago

@A_N_Hill: RT @paulg: An amazing demonstration of the skill of Andrew Jack, who died of the coronavirus in March. His accent changes in real time. ht… - 5 years ago

@musicforthemas3: @The_SentineI Time to get some @TheRealDiceClay nursery rhymes back into society. Jack & Jill went up the hill, Bo… - 5 years ago

@shanncook10: RT @bluestein: “Jack proved—through servant leadership—that you don’t have to be 10 feet tall to be a giant.” Dink NeSmith, president of At… - 5 years ago

@gmclark128: @mmpadellan .@hill_phd ... PhD HA, laughable ... from where? Trump University? Or do they really just give those o… - 5 years ago

@NicoPavon11: Jack and Jill started fuckin' on my hill - 5 years ago

@gerald_kit: jack n jill went up the hill - 5 years ago

@jack_wood_: RT @wiley_wabbitt: @hardpassbruh @greg_price11 @RitaPanahi These are the guys who, at game point of their third straight loss in 3 of 5 se… - 5 years ago

@DeanLand: See Trump get challenged. See Trump deflect. See Trump run. No Jack. No Jill. No Hill. No pail of water Just that… - 5 years ago

@n_l_mcgrath: RT @MelbourneHorror: Jump on to Facebook tonight as we do another Watch Party at 8pm, this time we will all be watching Jack Hill’s Spider… - 5 years ago

@cinematic_rand: RT @MelbourneHorror: Jump on to Facebook tonight as we do another Watch Party at 8pm, this time we will all be watching Jack Hill’s Spider… - 5 years ago

@melsybegg: RT @MelbourneHorror: Jump on to Facebook tonight as we do another Watch Party at 8pm, this time we will all be watching Jack Hill’s Spider… - 5 years ago

@MelbourneHorror: Jump on to Facebook tonight as we do another Watch Party at 8pm, this time we will all be watching Jack Hill’s Spid… - 5 years ago

@Roan_Wulf: @Jack_Septic_Eye This tweet doesn't amount to a hill of beans! - 5 years ago

@5encanchabasket: Su primer compromiso de entrenamientos vs los que saldrían seleccionados a esa olimpiada (Grant Hill, entre ellos).… - 5 years ago

@Johnson4Georgia: RT @bluestein: “Jack proved—through servant leadership—that you don’t have to be 10 feet tall to be a giant.” Dink NeSmith, president of At… - 5 years ago

@riot_hill: RT @ComplexSneakers: Jack Boys 💪 @trvisXX - 5 years ago

@listrovis: @GoodMorningDuke That means jack crap. I took at least a month to two months break from 76. I was playing other gam… - 5 years ago

@FisherBurton: Best Comic Performances of 2010-2011 Greta Gerwig-Greenberg Chloe Grace-Moretz--Kick-Ass Rose Byrne-Bridesmaids St… - 5 years ago

@DetoxEst199x: running down a hill and i had jill jack me off - 5 years ago

@bprophetable: RT @AckyDommit: @mccurtayne And that’s the truth. Apparently the NSW Commissioner has ‘120 new leads’! Hello! Jack Hill the blind miner can… - 5 years ago

@2baysradio: #2baysradionowplaying Nobody (BK298 Remix) - Smokin' Jack Hill - 5 years ago

@thomascarolan12: @8BrianVogel4 @_Fat_Nixon @Fueldog1 @Consofcooking1 @WattzzD @Birdseye1 @StirringSoup1 @JimmySwimmer… - 5 years ago

@calv_hill: Much appreciated witty Jack. I couldn’t pick four, so here’s eight of the best instead. Let’s be having it then:… - 5 years ago

@daddykool: Bruce Bartlett worked on Capitol Hill for Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Jack Kemp and others. He worked at the White House fo… - 5 years ago

@8BrianVogel4: @_Fat_Nixon @Fueldog1 @thomascarolan12 @Consofcooking1 @WattzzD @Birdseye1 @StirringSoup1 @JimmySwimmer… - 5 years ago

@_Fat_Nixon: @8BrianVogel4 @Fueldog1 @thomascarolan12 @Consofcooking1 @WattzzD @Birdseye1 @StirringSoup1 @JimmySwimmer… - 5 years ago

@AndresV_13: RT @thegridiron_nfl: “My Guys” Team 2020 NFL Draft (Offense): QB: Joe Burrow RB: Cam Akers FB: Mikey Daniels WR: Van Jefferson WR: KJ Hill… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Jack Hill dies - #JackHill #Jack #Hill #rip - 5 years ago

@sallykybi: @Jack_Septic_Eye De cheibe cheib cheibet cheibemässig de cheibe cheib durab. (Translation: the strange(?) dude is… - 5 years ago

@MonologueDraco: ♊🐉saying Its like giving Trump only two choices. Either a Trump administration or Kemp administration dies this 40… - 5 years ago

@Jennifer__Brett: RT @bluestein: “Jack proved—through servant leadership—that you don’t have to be 10 feet tall to be a giant.” Dink NeSmith, president of At… - 5 years ago

@tkaraus: Jack and Jill went up the hill... - 5 years ago

@David_Williams: RT @David_Williams: @david_j_roth The part of Professor Jack Gladney, Chairman of the Hitler Studies Dept at College-On-The-Hill, will be p… - 5 years ago

@MatterThatMatt1: Bob Wright is a former General Electric and NBC executive and a long-time friend of Donald Trump. sasco hill jack s… - 5 years ago

@CoimbraSummit: RT @OwenCallan: @paddycosgrave @johnp_kent @jackpowerIT @paulreiddublin @CMOIreland @Dickdoc123 So this GP informed his patient on Friday a… - 5 years ago

@AlessiIrl: There was a man named Jack He would beat his kids with a great WACK Kids pushed him down a hill, bones went CRACK B… - 5 years ago

@David_Williams: @david_j_roth The part of Professor Jack Gladney, Chairman of the Hitler Studies Dept at College-On-The-Hill, will be played by Rand Paul. - 5 years ago

@99blujeep: RT @Horror31: Rampage, directed by Brad Peyton and starring Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Åkerman, Jake Lacey, Joe Manganiello, Jeff… - 5 years ago

@OwenCallan: @paddycosgrave @johnp_kent @jackpowerIT @paulreiddublin @CMOIreland @Dickdoc123 So this GP informed his patient on… - 5 years ago

@justwardoctrine: @BlackMagicSama @tlcpilgrim Biden has basically been a Republican his whole goddamn life (tough-on-crime, busing, a… - 5 years ago

@Horror31: Rampage, directed by Brad Peyton and starring Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Malin Åkerman, Jake Lacey, Joe Mangani… - 5 years ago

@jack_sommers: RT @_petermason: Baruch Dayan HaEmes. Rabbi Avroham Pinter z”l who passed away today. A giant of the Anglo Jewish world, of Stamford Hill a… - 5 years ago

@Neal53534590: RT @rjsmith169: "Jack and Jill went up duh hill...Jack raped Jill then Mikail Cohen pad Jill $130,000 to shut up, but Jill got knocked up a… - 5 years ago

@MikeEasom: @RealMattyBo Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and quarter - 5 years ago

@louis2nd: RT @rjsmith169: "Jack and Jill went up duh hill...Jack raped Jill then Mikail Cohen pad Jill $130,000 to shut up, but Jill got knocked up a… - 5 years ago

@LinkaTv: E' iniziato Inglese Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. su #raiscuola Clicca qui per classifica tweet: - 5 years ago

@inksterize: @lancerbubba she went up the hill with Jack - 5 years ago

@Vj2916: @vsbhati0003 @iSengarAjayy @imjadeja @BakaitBaalak jack and Jill went up the hill...😅😅 - 5 years ago

@interieurprofi: RT @TTBONEGP: Jack Fowler on Bray Hill during the 2018 Newcomers @ManxGrandPrix Race🏁🇮🇲 - 5 years ago

@Mark_R1_5VY: RT @TTBONEGP: Jack Fowler on Bray Hill during the 2018 Newcomers @ManxGrandPrix Race🏁🇮🇲 - 5 years ago

@StevieRRN: RT @TTBONEGP: Jack Fowler on Bray Hill during the 2018 Newcomers @ManxGrandPrix Race🏁🇮🇲 - 5 years ago

@TTBONEGP: Jack Fowler on Bray Hill during the 2018 Newcomers @ManxGrandPrix Race🏁🇮🇲 - 5 years ago

@funkylilartist: @Jack_Septic_Eye What in Sam Hill?! - 5 years ago

@MarcusHelton: Somehow I'd made it my whole life without seeing the full lyrics to this, but it only confirmed something I've alwa… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: They've gotten $4million out of their mountains of sadism tectonically built around my false criminality out of at… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: This is them trying to be happy. They could have learned something from me... - 5 years ago

@dewaynegrice: Opinion: In memory of Ga. State Sen. Jack Hill by Sonny Perdue - 5 years ago

@ThomChandler: Voters will choose late Senator Jack Hill's replacement June 9. - 5 years ago

@TheGeorgiaSun: Voters will choose late Senator Jack Hill's replacement June 9. - 5 years ago

@ifOnlyKewal: Jack and jill went up the hill, fetch a BHOSHDIKAA - 5 years ago

@MsRonnyB: RT @AckyDommit: @mccurtayne And that’s the truth. Apparently the NSW Commissioner has ‘120 new leads’! Hello! Jack Hill the blind miner can… - 5 years ago

@NotToBeTrite: @therealdre_jack Yep. Needed Trysten Hill. - 5 years ago

@VinceVicious1: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and the CCP fixed his crown and Jill came d… - 5 years ago

@DeportesMan85: @matt_theknight @the_woke_yolk @BigRandyNLU Very true. As I think about it now, the purses from Jack's era even wit… - 5 years ago

@IslandTime39: @MrBeastYT Jack and Jill went up the hill each with a buck and a quarter Jill came down with two fifty.... OHHHHH - 5 years ago

@Xxwatermalonex: @MrBeastYT Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke some marijuana Jack got high unzipped his fly and asked jill if… - 5 years ago

@dennisgjones: Happy Easter Monday; some early birds still have appetites for worms every day @Roosters_World @Petchary 👀👀 @ Jack'… - 5 years ago

@LegendDBrown00: Jack n Jill went up a hill to sniff a bunch of ket Jack sat down and touched to the ground to find out it was wet J… - 5 years ago

@EdgeOfInsane63: RT @WarrenWattles: "Fetching a pail of water" was a pretty weak cover story for what Jack and Jill were really doing up on the hill. And… - 5 years ago

@24carrotlane: @Naongnaro2 Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill cam… - 5 years ago

@WarrenWattles: "Fetching a pail of water" was a pretty weak cover story for what Jack and Jill were really doing up on the hill.… - 5 years ago

@ForeignObjects3: @MapleleafsMLSE @JasonJJKK @RosieBarton @CBCNews They won because Conservatives like myself wouldnt vote for Scheer… - 5 years ago

@gasparripdl: RT @pierlui89247685: Jo Siffert in his March 701 being chased up the hill by Jack Brabham at the 1970 Canadian Grand Prix at St. Jovite htt… - 5 years ago

@Chops_Top_Fives: RT @_seanedmund: @Chops_Top_Fives Dangermouse Grange Hill Kickstart Roobard and Custard Samurai Jack - 5 years ago

@_seanedmund: @Chops_Top_Fives Dangermouse Grange Hill Kickstart Roobard and Custard Samurai Jack - 5 years ago

@AckyDommit: @mccurtayne And that’s the truth. Apparently the NSW Commissioner has ‘120 new leads’! Hello! Jack Hill the blind m… - 5 years ago

@hotdiesel: @KildrumC Hi everyone ☺️ Jack decorated his egg today, he said it was a rocket ship! He had fun rolling it down th… - 5 years ago

@woodbeymom: RT @thegridiron_nfl: “My Guys” Team 2020 NFL Draft (Offense): QB: Joe Burrow RB: Cam Akers FB: Mikey Daniels WR: Van Jefferson WR: KJ Hill… - 5 years ago

@houstonusa6: Jack Hill Georgia RIP Special Election set for 6/9 - 5 years ago

@SpunkySpade: @Kitchiki I just checked. Apparently it's going to be just Jack. I personally don't mind (because Jack is AMAZING).… - 5 years ago

@mattpricelaw: RT @thegridiron_nfl: “My Guys” Team 2020 NFL Draft (Offense): QB: Joe Burrow RB: Cam Akers FB: Mikey Daniels WR: Van Jefferson WR: KJ Hill… - 5 years ago

@okeanos_japan: RT @pierlui89247685: Jo Siffert in his March 701 being chased up the hill by Jack Brabham at the 1970 Canadian Grand Prix at St. Jovite htt… - 5 years ago

@warda22277: RT @sameerreda2: Moneyball is a 2011 American sports film. Starring: Brad Pitt Jonah Hill Philip Seymou Hoffman Robin Wright Chris Pratt S… - 5 years ago

@NigelJGardner52: Jack-in-the-hedge Penn Hill #Bath #wildflowerhour - 5 years ago

@woomyyy1: I'm Jack no Jill Falling down a hill on a pill, pill, pill What it is? Mister two tone AP kick, yeah (Two tone AP,… - 5 years ago

@JackJosephConn1: RT @markacheson: Surely one of the greatest tributes to Stirling Moss is no policeman ever asked a driver caught at breakneck speed: 'Who d… - 5 years ago

@davymwhite: RT @markacheson: Surely one of the greatest tributes to Stirling Moss is no policeman ever asked a driver caught at breakneck speed: 'Who d… - 5 years ago

@DP_NFL: RT @thegridiron_nfl: “My Guys” Team 2020 NFL Draft (Offense): QB: Joe Burrow RB: Cam Akers FB: Mikey Daniels WR: Van Jefferson WR: KJ Hill… - 5 years ago

@_bamzonebro: @trsawyer757 "My Guys" offense (Only using guys Colts could possibly get) QB Jaylen Hurts RB Cam Akers WR1 Michae… - 5 years ago

@MAGMAUS: @JDangzalan @jack_john60 I agree Dan Koontz's books are good to read. I am reading Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. Stephen King's son. - 5 years ago

@TerryDBarkley: @StephenKing Both King and Kubrick are geniuses in their own right. Kubrick wanted to do a movie more about insani… - 5 years ago

@maryb54542091: RT @markacheson: Surely one of the greatest tributes to Stirling Moss is no policeman ever asked a driver caught at breakneck speed: 'Who d… - 5 years ago

@Foreversideways: RT @pierlui89247685: Jo Siffert in his March 701 being chased up the hill by Jack Brabham at the 1970 Canadian Grand Prix at St. Jovite htt… - 5 years ago

@MikeyDaniel2: RT @thegridiron_nfl: “My Guys” Team 2020 NFL Draft (Offense): QB: Joe Burrow RB: Cam Akers FB: Mikey Daniels WR: Van Jefferson WR: KJ Hill… - 5 years ago

@BigMyke_Hinton: RT @thegridiron_nfl: “My Guys” Team 2020 NFL Draft (Offense): QB: Joe Burrow RB: Cam Akers FB: Mikey Daniels WR: Van Jefferson WR: KJ Hill… - 5 years ago

@Jack_Michael17: @jackfrank_jjf Well luckily a basketball court isn’t a hill!! It’s flat!! - 5 years ago

@Proudsanghi1611: RT @Friend_In_Heart: Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling af… - 5 years ago

@caa_nrc_best: RT @Friend_In_Heart: Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling af… - 5 years ago

@Friend_In_Heart: Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling… - 5 years ago

@kenslee_hill: @CashmereThot Kyoka Jiro, Quirk : Earphone jack. Himiko Toga, Quirk : Transformation. =3 See I have knowledge mother - 5 years ago

@Jack_theKERNal: @chriskiener3 @NSavarese @BobbyHansen92 @BMaddz @Cole4Xmas1127 @Merk256 Continually arguing buffalo bills fans live… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: God knows why they did it but they did. There's a clear pattern of them being involved throughout. I was told to ki… - 5 years ago

@RichardScottMo3: RT @inddak: Please do join today's topic "Sir Rowland Hill's Postal Reform & Penny Black" by Jack Zhang FRPSL@630PM IST/300PM Europe/200PM… - 5 years ago

@wsbradio: Gov. Brian Kemp on Saturday set a special election for June 9 to replace longtime Senate Appropriations Chairman Ja… - 5 years ago

@RhondaKeenan6: @hill_phd @TheRivals6 @SemGeek @robreiner @TwitterSupport @jack Savage 😂✌️ - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: Now that there is a realistic threat to these slightly famous X Factor contestants from a few years back where they… - 5 years ago

@unbotheredgirl1: Mi a one Jill weh nuh need Jack pan mi hill -@SHENYENG - 5 years ago

@LinkaTv: E' iniziato Inglese Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. su #raiscuola Clicca qui per classifica tweet: - 5 years ago

@Cptn_Jack: RT @thehill: JUST IN: GOP lawmakers say Fauci may be doing more harm than good amid coronavirus response - 5 years ago

@mmunzenrider: @jack_held Where’d you go down that hill? - 5 years ago

@Massa_YT: @jwiese6 Kevin Hart, Jack Black, and Jonah Hill. #StudsOnly - 5 years ago

@GPGold: In memory of Ga. State Sen. Jack Hill - 5 years ago

@kncknz: Today: Did yard work! Went running! Picked up groceries! Broke the dryer hose! Had jack browns for dinner! Watched… - 5 years ago

@Reptilordd1: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, They took a sip and felt so hip but then their bowel felt… - 5 years ago

@Blackjohno: Jack n Jill went up the hill and caught a fuckin case - 5 years ago

@maheshparekhb: RT @inddak: Please do join today's topic "Sir Rowland Hill's Postal Reform & Penny Black" by Jack Zhang FRPSL@630PM IST/300PM Europe/200PM… - 5 years ago

@Vote2Win4GOP: RT @karenhandel: What a loss to his community and to our state. Senator Jack Hill treated everyone with kindness and respect. He was a frie… - 5 years ago

@MattyyGarnerr: @_SamHowee @LiamAhearn5 @CharlieMinshull @JamesConroy7 @tinyafc @jaywalker1989 @Rushton111 @kyletheone2008 @MookzUk… - 5 years ago

@AffelJosh: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@J_Downie1: @RonanMcAlinden_ @_SamHowee @LiamAhearn5 @CharlieMinshull @JamesConroy7 @tinyafc @jaywalker1989 @Rushton111… - 5 years ago

@RonanMcAlinden_: @_SamHowee @LiamAhearn5 @CharlieMinshull @JamesConroy7 @tinyafc @jaywalker1989 @Rushton111 @kyletheone2008 @MookzUk… - 5 years ago

@MattyyGarnerr: @_SamHowee @LiamAhearn5 @CharlieMinshull @JamesConroy7 @tinyafc @jaywalker1989 @Rushton111 @kyletheone2008 @MookzUk… - 5 years ago

@_SamHowee: @LiamAhearn5 @CharlieMinshull @JamesConroy7 @tinyafc @jaywalker1989 @Rushton111 @kyletheone2008 @MookzUk… - 5 years ago

@LiamAhearn5: @CharlieMinshull @JamesConroy7 @tinyafc @jaywalker1989 @Rushton111 @kyletheone2008 @MookzUk @T_Blake1987… - 5 years ago

@Jack_Mason01: @StokeGeorge @adamb1702 nip premier then up to quarry or new hill - 5 years ago

@takelgryph: @Selftoken @doyleb3620 @jack_hollowstar @shaun_vids telling anita hill to shut the fuck up was a rather more signif… - 5 years ago

@TORQUAYTALK: RT @RachelVillavox: @TORQUAYTALK 1. Rene Howe 2. Rodney Jack 3. Tony Bedeau 4. Liam Davis 5. @kevnicho3 6. Kevin Hill 7.Jamie Reid 8. Nat… - 5 years ago

@RachelVillavox: @TORQUAYTALK 1. Rene Howe 2. Rodney Jack 3. Tony Bedeau 4. Liam Davis 5. @kevnicho3 6. Kevin Hill 7.Jamie Reid 8.… - 5 years ago

@phillydoggie: @DjentlyF Thank You for your service, Sorry your alone in space, But I never met you and feel for you, Thats what… - 5 years ago

@rosshmartin: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@sylvanushd: RT @ThatsTeardrop: @lilbaby4PF Shottas, City of God, Paid N Full, The Intent, The Intent 2, Blue Hill Ave, Sugur Hill, Brooklyn’s Finest, N… - 5 years ago

@chiradio: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@JoxieFoxxy: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@YoungRayburn: @_jack_fox_ He blocked me, but guarantee this guy forgot about Anita Hill - 5 years ago

@cyndarilla_: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Kristy_MYF: Just over here being a 𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 😂 Did you know there’s: A medium glass of blossom hill red wine (175ml). the equ… - 5 years ago

@AdamBaldwin: @elkpga Oops! Seems I have it bass ackwards, pro. Tiger has conceded that Jack is the GOAT, while Jack has said t… - 5 years ago

@Jacob_deNobel: Jack Hill’s films are way less gross than their horny male-gaze brethren because you can tell Hill actually likes women - 5 years ago

@Jacob_deNobel: Drinking a glass of mead and enjoying the fine works of exploitation master Jack Hill - 5 years ago

@_98SN: @jack go to hill - 5 years ago

@TeamDavidShafer: RT @DavidShafer: So terribly saddened to learn of the death of my friend and former seat mate, Senator Jack Hill. He was a gentleman in eve… - 5 years ago

@aintshitphri: RT @prettytingbella: @aintshitphri @MsLaurynHill @Beyonce @IAMSUMMERWALKER @EricBellinger My fav songs are Tell Me by Groove Theory Moto… - 5 years ago

@djalfonso: RT @filmarchive: Welcome your weekend & watch our latest episode of AGFA SECRET SOCIETY, as we celebrate PIT STOP -- Jack Hill’s miraculous… - 5 years ago

@jeffbreedlove1: RT @GASenatePress: Today, flags at the state Capitol and at state buildings across Georgia will fly at half-staff to honor of the life and… - 5 years ago

@mxd795: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@theleveloftime: Jack and Jill went up the hill, they both had a buck and a quarter. When they came down Jill had $2.50. - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @realDonaldTrump: Bernie Sanders is OUT! Thank you to Elizabeth Warren. If not for her, Bernie would have won almost every state on Supe… - 5 years ago

@LittleMizzouMan: There hasn’t been a day this life changing since the day they brought Jack home #Andi #BitOfNormalcy @ Capitol Hill… - 5 years ago

@ilcaraway: RT @GASenatePress: Today, flags at the state Capitol and at state buildings across Georgia will fly at half-staff to honor of the life and… - 5 years ago

@pkmartiniv: RT @GASenatePress: Today, flags at the state Capitol and at state buildings across Georgia will fly at half-staff to honor of the life and… - 5 years ago

@tagmuse: RT @thehill: Rihanna, Jack Dorsey set up $4 million grant to help domestic violence survivors amid coronavirus - 5 years ago

@pazzoch1: @AlYourPalster Jack and Jill went up the hill hahahaha - 5 years ago

@prettytingbella: @aintshitphri @MsLaurynHill @Beyonce @IAMSUMMERWALKER @EricBellinger My fav songs are Tell Me by Groove Theory M… - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @iloveroryculkin: - 5 years ago

@Jack_E_Doobie: RT @BrettHamil: The end of the Capitol Hill Block Party is a great cultural loss for Bellevue - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @ReddHerring_: When she kiss my neck - 5 years ago

@AlanATC94: Found some great alternative nursery rhymes. Mary had a little lamb, Her father shot it dead. Now Mary takes the l… - 5 years ago

@tchikah: RT @Allwility: @BenTigar @Ody_johnson @segalink @Twitter @jack He's the guy that went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.... along with J… - 5 years ago

@_Jack_Graham_: RT @pmpoc: It’s the great Paul Robeson’s birthday today - here he is in 1949 singing the ballad of Joe Hill for a group of Scottish miners:… - 5 years ago

@LinkaTv: E' iniziato Inglese Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. su #raiscuola Clicca qui per classifica tweet: - 5 years ago

@MoorsTiMachine: 10-04-1937, North Eastern League. Goals from Jack Hill (2), Billy Wyness, Coates and an OG score for Moors at The B… - 5 years ago

@bruceholt20: An Englishman named Jack went up a Hill Without his Jill * And came down a Mountain 🏔 Desperately seeking a water… - 5 years ago

@ChristinaHunkus: @jack Revive Lauren Hill, rediscover the talent. Many of us miss her and know she has more to share ♡ - 5 years ago

@thanks0409: Yoo Hoo! Casey, Jr.'s comin' down the track. Comin' down the track. With a smoky stack. Hear him puffin' comin' 'ro… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: The Police are a ravenous pig to deal with. When they set their direction and have sunk their teeth in, they never… - 5 years ago

@Jack__Hill: All they wanted was getting paid for saying "look at how sick little bitch I can be" to American audiences. No wond… - 5 years ago

@LisaPreity: @1lino__ Smoking weed up Jack's Hill wid my bregin dem & one a dem start play it through the car speakers...pure bliss it was. - 5 years ago

@EffectiveInter2: @jdartute Have you heard this one: Lavell Edwards dies and goes to heaven. God gives him a nice house flying a BYU… - 5 years ago

@ArmaOrientalis: @OtherJoeBiden @0rf @KyleKulinski Listen, fat, here's the deal: Jack and Jill went up the hill but only Joe went on… - 5 years ago

@meghaffer: RT @heat_packingDr: Jack and Jill went up the hill, to smoke a little leaf. Jack got high, and dropped his flY. And Jill said, “where’s th… - 5 years ago

@jollyrobber: RT @heat_packingDr: Jack and Jill went up the hill, to smoke a little leaf. Jack got high, and dropped his flY. And Jill said, “where’s th… - 5 years ago

@Stephan87990812: @Go_USC_Gamecock @MichaelPaulhei2 @alley167 @yoakumgirl923 @Sissy4Trump @johnerican @itsBlonde007 @DallasJames428… - 5 years ago

@1bjk_jack_black: RT @thehill: Top GOP senator: Senate "unlikely" to return on April 20 - 5 years ago

@Krisbike4life: @thismombikes I know, I took the 2 older kids and still beat Jack (acoustic extracycle) up the hill... although it… - 5 years ago

@rasm69: RT @heat_packingDr: Jack and Jill went up the hill, to smoke a little leaf. Jack got high, and dropped his flY. And Jill said, “where’s th… - 5 years ago

@HTownHarold: RT @heat_packingDr: Jack and Jill went up the hill, to smoke a little leaf. Jack got high, and dropped his flY. And Jill said, “where’s th… - 5 years ago

@MonologueDraco: ♊🐉 saying They asked what is the devil doing? Presetting the same harsh frequencies on the Republicans they allowe… - 5 years ago

@dperdue: A fitting tribute to a well-respected friend and colleague. - 5 years ago

@Tholar_Williams: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@BlueCheckMark4: @azfamily Don’t give the location. All these hill-jack poachers will go and try to hunt these animals without a license or permit - 5 years ago

@teddyOa86: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@HTownCurryClub: This time last year the Bombay Bad Boys were having a drink and a shit in every pub leading from Jack Spice all the… - 5 years ago

@BicentennialJo2: @Pjevica @_jack_fox_ @TheBern420 @BGPesq @jaketapper Attention Liberals: Biden pushed for the Iraq War and the Ban… - 5 years ago

@metbros: stop asking jack about married on a hill - 5 years ago

@sedawg: RIP Sen.Jack Hill. Thanks for being the elder statesmen you were. Thanks for serving the greatest country on earth… - 5 years ago

@Jack_Fallows_: RT @WindlePoons76: Victoria Tower (Castle Hill), Huddersfield 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 - 5 years ago

@doodleicious206: RT @TheFinalHam: Songs that invoke an emotion in me that I am unable to comprehend or understand >Saturnz Barz - Gorillaz >Screen Off - Pl… - 5 years ago

@Nana4Trump2020: - 5 years ago

@WagnorStephen: @KelliAn53385790 Jack and Jill went up the hill. Each with a buck and a quarter. Jill came down with 2.50. That fuc… - 5 years ago

@TheDarkDandy01: @SergioJSiano Joe Hill Emma Goldman Jack Reed Peter Kropotkin Friedrich Nietzsche Noam Chomsky Augusto Sandino - 5 years ago

@chitown_jack: RT @thehill: Pence bars coronavirus task force members from appearing on CNN: report - 5 years ago

@ZTourettes: every word of this has already happened somewhere in the future, time is a flat circle, but with a hill in the cent… - 5 years ago

@oliveoli1962: @vardrerugby Don’t forget the underrated #15 Jack John, helluva darby, when it gets going there’s no stopping it, e… - 5 years ago

@EbubeTune: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@oliveoli1962: Don’t forget the vastly underrated #15, Jack John. Helluva Darby, when it gets going there’s no stopping it, especi… - 5 years ago

@thefallbot: i don't have a jack knife; it went up the hill i don't know if i'll get it back, but by hook or by crook i will - 5 years ago

@BariSoash: RT @wtocdalcannady: Mourners are already lining up, observing social distance, for the walk thru viewing of State Senator Jack Hill. https:… - 5 years ago

@coutinho9: @JackCurryYES If memory serves me right Jack in our time at Rose Hill didn't Fordham beat Notre Dame & Digger back… - 5 years ago

@bone_bow: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@OPGolfCoach: @BrianWGR I reversed tiger and Jack, got Arnold Palmer. It all went down hill from there.. - 5 years ago

@wtocdalcannady: Mourners are already lining up, observing social distance, for the walk thru viewing of State Senator Jack Hill. - 5 years ago

@WhatsOnFife: ***Rescheduled date*** Was the last man hanged in Dundee really Jack the Ripper? Join the audience for The People v… - 5 years ago

@MonologueDraco: ♊🐉 saying They could use emp frequencies on you Jack Hill or let Coronavirus handle it for trying to tell me about… - 5 years ago

@generaleye: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@INsanewitIt: Trappin on the hill wit the jack and jill - 5 years ago

@LinkaTv: E' iniziato Inglese Dr. Jack Hill and Mr. su #raiscuola Clicca qui per classifica tweet: - 5 years ago

@SlumsofFilm: Welcome to Quarantined in the Slums! Today’s film is an odd little movie from our Incest episode called “Spider Bab… - 5 years ago

@kublakhanThedau: @zachothemacko She gon stumble on my dick like jack and jill on the hill - 5 years ago

@donche_o: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@danny006r: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@Jack_hker: RT @SolomonYue: This is a good vs evil struggle now. #Taiwan has been elevated as a shining city on a hill in Asia & #HongKong has been dow… - 5 years ago

@Anthony38637370: @KeyUtifull Scarface Above the rim Menace to society Boyz in the Hood New Jack City Four Brothers Man apart Man on… - 5 years ago

@GbeyideGbenga: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@LokiLitty: RT @goofie2ass: Jack and Jill went up the hill so Jack could lick Jill's candy (Thread) - 5 years ago

@ski_ini: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@mojolatoba: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@The_Jack_Hill: RT @doyalikebaileys: fuck the DNC all my homies hate the DNC - 5 years ago

@Prio_Prio_: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@NaughtyBoss1: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@dialokousse254: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@_hoyodeTiawo: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@allyahwright: ⚡️FULL BODY HIIT⚡️ - Circuit 1: •Plank •8 butterfly kicks to 1 tuck crunch •Plank jacks •Plank knee touches 4… - 5 years ago

@abayomiii_: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@chalcedonyx_: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@Cold_n_dark: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@Paul06618450: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@Ibrobaba_: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@YCampbell_M: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@certifiedshevhy: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@folarin_john: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@V_eektorrrr: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@emmanuel_ethos: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@howardjeff11: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@TheDJfamzy: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@izu_nnah: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@DamiTheOG_: RT @_chookz: Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water... - 5 years ago

@jack_rbt_slim: RT @TurbulentTamizh: When Biden talks about going to the good old days he means the mid 1800s where the Democratic party openly campaigned… - 5 years ago

@Amusedrice: @C_Stroop He showed no regard for Anita Hill during her testimony. Refused to call her witnesses which green lit Th… - 5 years ago

@EricWilzon: "What in the sam hill! Man alive, I'm stuck in some kind of wall-to-wall balderdash, jack! A slick pickle of a conu… - 5 years ago

@CommodoreTheatr: RT @skipbolden: Disguised as a prostitute, a one woman battle wages on drug dealers and pimps. Pam Grier is, Coffy (1973) Written/directed… - 5 years ago

@_JohnPorter: RT @MayaTPrabhu: The last real chat I had with Sen. Jack Hill. The Senate budget chairman died yesterday. Thanks, @… - 5 years ago

@TrotDarrow: RT @MarvinEAdams: After @SenSanders dropped out it is now time for @JoeBiden to get R.E.A.L! He doesn't owe Sanders Jack! But we ALL know w… - 5 years ago

@Almondschoice: @sunnyseeley If i could pick people that i would love to meet and sit in a house with it would be: #7 Gohsthouse; 1… - 5 years ago

@jack_wite: @RealMattCouch Is this the senator who used the capitol Hill pool, numerous restraint and went out in public for da… - 5 years ago

@garyleonard20: RT @skipbolden: Disguised as a prostitute, a one woman battle wages on drug dealers and pimps. Pam Grier is, Coffy (1973) Written/directed… - 5 years ago

@MisterJRWolfe: RT @KLoeffler: Georgia has lost a tremendous statesman with the passing of state Senator Jack Hill. Jeff & I are praying for Ruth Ann, t… - 5 years ago

@pmtxTE9Ieq9BvHf: RT @magnetinmyheart: เพลงที่แบร์ลงคือ Bubble Toes จำได้นางเคยสัมว่าชอบ Jack Johnson🎵🎶 It's as common as something that nobody knows...that… - 5 years ago

@timlettiero: @cdpiglet @Nick_Herrera34 @therealdre_jack Some aren’t lol some think if Herberts there at 17 we take him. When I s… - 5 years ago

@ShimmyTurner: RT @_RealTev: This tough but I love new jack but blue hill was better all around I think - 5 years ago

@cdpiglet: @Nick_Herrera34 @timlettiero @therealdre_jack When I say BPA, I assume we are all smart enough to know we aren’t dr… - 5 years ago

@_RealTev: This tough but I love new jack but blue hill was better all around I think - 5 years ago

@_RealTev: RT @ShimmyTurner: Blue Hill Avenue or New Jack City who you Got ? 👀👀👀👀 - 5 years ago

@cdpiglet: @therealdre_jack @Nick_Herrera34 You’re arguing something we all agree on. I’m saying it wasn’t need over BPA for W… - 5 years ago

@harshu_gaikwad: RT @saaj_82: OZARK MONEY HEIST MINDHUNTERS BIG LITTLE LIES JACK RYAN HAUNTING OF THE HILL HOUSE #6Series6Friends I nominate @harshu_gaikw… - 5 years ago

@cdpiglet: @therealdre_jack @Nick_Herrera34 Need, Thornhill was better player they past on for perceived need in Hill - 5 years ago

@therealdre_jack: @Nick_Herrera34 @cdpiglet They drafted trysten hill because he was BPA or NEED? - 5 years ago

@T__Hill: RT @mrc__suavee: Lmao @ “28% of my wealth.” Jack is tired of twitter philanthropists pulling out their calculators. - 5 years ago

@grammygaga1014: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@ShimmyTurner: Blue Hill Avenue or New Jack City who you Got ? 👀👀👀👀 - 5 years ago

@brandonpbrown: RT @DrLGJ3: I was sad to hear of the passing of my good friend, Seantor Jack Hill. A friend to Georgia indeed he was. This best word to des… - 5 years ago

@duen_s1: RT @magnetinmyheart: เพลงที่แบร์ลงคือ Bubble Toes จำได้นางเคยสัมว่าชอบ Jack Johnson🎵🎶 It's as common as something that nobody knows...that… - 5 years ago

@afnannys: RT @magnetinmyheart: เพลงที่แบร์ลงคือ Bubble Toes จำได้นางเคยสัมว่าชอบ Jack Johnson🎵🎶 It's as common as something that nobody knows...that… - 5 years ago

@us_boris: RT @RepDougCollins: My heart is heavy this evening as I mourn the loss of my friend, Senator Jack Hill. Jack was truly the epitome of a kin… - 5 years ago

@Jean78133853: RT @RepDougCollins: My heart is heavy this evening as I mourn the loss of my friend, Senator Jack Hill. Jack was truly the epitome of a kin… - 5 years ago

@3rdViv: - 5 years ago

@BGJanen: RT @magnetinmyheart: เพลงที่แบร์ลงคือ Bubble Toes จำได้นางเคยสัมว่าชอบ Jack Johnson🎵🎶 It's as common as something that nobody knows...that… - 5 years ago

@SsSs96379980: RT @magnetinmyheart: เพลงที่แบร์ลงคือ Bubble Toes จำได้นางเคยสัมว่าชอบ Jack Johnson🎵🎶 It's as common as something that nobody knows...that… - 5 years ago

@magnetinmyheart: เพลงที่แบร์ลงคือ Bubble Toes จำได้นางเคยสัมว่าชอบ Jack Johnson🎵🎶 It's as common as something that nobody knows...th… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Richards_: Just finished @janeconsidine session 2 with @Miss_Orchard_, with a cold can of Thatchers Haze. Couldn’t get Notting… - 5 years ago

@astleycross: RT @HalesowenWMP: Thank you to Jack & Harry from @peters_hill for their wonderful pictures. - 5 years ago

@deepen915: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@iam_KimBaptiste: RT @skipbolden: Disguised as a prostitute, a one woman battle wages on drug dealers and pimps. Pam Grier is, Coffy (1973) Written/directed… - 5 years ago

@KingsCupRun27: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Kahnstitution: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@olulafe: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@All435Reps: RT @Buddy_Carter: “So often you hear people speak well about people after they’ve passed but Jack Hill was the real deal. ... He knew that… - 5 years ago

@Eliz_Hightower: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@doctormackrill: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Luisg49856816: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Ad_12z: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@cornish_jack: RT @artmongers: HOME is Deptford High Street HOME in Brockley Station HOME is One Tree Hill HOME is the Horniman Museum HOME is The Marquis… - 5 years ago

@Marcel155Y: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@danketch69: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@eri_mk66: RT @RepDougCollins: My heart is heavy this evening as I mourn the loss of my friend, Senator Jack Hill. Jack was truly the epitome of a kin… - 5 years ago

@APatientPatriot: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@NotoriousRBF: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@dennisgjones: Now that #pinksupermoon heads home; still bright on its paschal path 🙏🏾🇯🇲 @ Jack's Hill,Kingston - 5 years ago

@lindas5589: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@ShinderSuzan: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Jewel71077864: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@delarunwoman: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@EricSpurling1: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@brantnsmith78: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@martotugi: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Christi60688648: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@PhyllisPaciullo: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@wandzik971: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@hjohn1946: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@MommaThing: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@oceans2000: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@_lmespo: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@joining4fun: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@L4zick: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Renagudina: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@ruthiedavis: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Burnouts3s3: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

@Ismaeal_babah: RT @thehill: Jack Dorsey committing $1 billion to coronavirus relief efforts - 5 years ago

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