Jack Halpern

American chemist.
Died on Saturday February 3rd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Jack Halpern:

@SCI_America: Jack Halpern, ‘towering intellect’ in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018: - 7 years ago

@UChiPhoenix: Phoenix Society members Jack Halpern is remembered for contributions to the field of inorganic chemistry. - 7 years ago

@AreteUChicago: Jack Halpern, ‘towering intellect’ in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018 - Prof. Emeritus Jack Halpern, widely… - 7 years ago

@collnewsupdates: Jack Halpern, ‘towering intellect’ in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018 - 7 years ago


@SmartUChicago: RIP Jack Halpern, ’towering intellect’ in field of chemistry and life member of the Smart’s Board of Governors: - 7 years ago

@chicagoinformer: Jack Halpern, ‘towering intellect’ in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018 - 7 years ago

@ChemistryPlaza1: Jack Halpern, 'towering intellect' in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018 - UChicago News - 7 years ago

@Chemistryshare: Jack Halpern, 'towering intellect' in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018 - UChicago News - 7 years ago

@chemistsdream: #chemistry Jack Halpern, 'towering intellect' in field of inorganic chemistry, 1925-2018 - Jack Halpern, 'towering… - 7 years ago

@anatmilo: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@pereabuc: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@nuclear94: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@sirfrasersays: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@ccamiloc30: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@UChicagoPSD: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@cathleencrudden: RT @Orgmet_ACS: Jack Halpern, a defining member of our field has passed. His mechanistic work on asymmetric reactions will impact generatio… - 7 years ago

@ChemRmitra: RT @Orgmet_ACS: Jack Halpern, a defining member of our field has passed. His mechanistic work on asymmetric reactions will impact generatio… - 7 years ago

@sritterz: RT @Orgmet_ACS: Jack Halpern, a defining member of our field has passed. His mechanistic work on asymmetric reactions will impact generatio… - 7 years ago

@004nino: RIP 17 828) #American #chemist #Jack #Halpern 93 #dies 31 #January 2018 #Obituary - #Chicago , IL |… - 7 years ago

@BrettHakey: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

@WesFarrellNIST: RT @UChiChemistry: Jack Halpern, Louis Block Distinguished Professor Emeritus, was a leader in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. His… - 7 years ago

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