Jack Butler

American Hall of Fame football player (Pittsburgh Steelers)
Died on Saturday May 11th 2013

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Jack Butler:

@Liberty_Butler: @paulleyshon @matt_the_jack I have this photo, signed by all 3 players 😃. A statue outside the Liberty would be amazing though

@guilhermegoyen1: Living In Little Rock With Miss Little Rock 1993 by Butler, Jack 1st Ed SIGNED http://t.co/kT3clfkG20 http://t.co/olpQiw2F8i

@ericortiz_: RT @rockergrl924: actually can't wait for the gabi butler cheer clinic😍 @GabiButlerCheer @Michaeleddie38 @jack_payneee @ericortiz_ http://t…

@ChelleBSongBird: Longgggg time no see!! Mr. Butler and I on the Fire Truck!!! Amazing man & Jack of all trades!! ;) 😉 https://t.co/5MCdckpMOI


@ChelleBSongBird: Longggg time no see!!! Mr Butler!!! Awesome man & Jack of all trades ;) 😉 https://t.co/3eYIWJS8fR

@sdearth: Tennis: Update from the PTPA's Jack Butler Classic at Hampton Tennis Center: http://t.co/BREB1H0IIf #fb

@DP_Sports: Tennis: Update from the PTPA's Jack Butler Classic at Hampton Tennis Center: http://t.co/2cqHMUuftV #fb

@rockergrl924: actually can't wait for the gabi butler cheer clinic😍 @GabiButlerCheer @Michaeleddie38 @jack_payneee @ericortiz_ http://t.co/Dndf51Jwiq

@Melder18: RT @forestholidays: Let Jack Black, The Picnic Butler, show you to extra special places to enjoy a Scottish picnic hamper! http://t.co/9KtB…

@_Jack_Hemingway: @Butler_Joe_ @SuperLeague @RFLReferees You joking? Sio sapped it from the wing off a break 5/6 meters forward?😂

@Butler_Joe_: @_Jack_Hemingway @SuperLeague @RFLReferees that wasn't a forwards pass😂 I thought you played rugby? Even the commentators said it wasn't 😂😂

@_Jack_Hemingway: @Butler_Joe_ @SuperLeague @RFLReferees We've had the golden spoon yet you've just scored a forward pass try?😂

@_Jack_Hemingway: @Butler_Joe_ @SuperLeague @RFLReferees how do you work that one out? Both sides have had equal penaltys and Hull have been Better team

@Butler_Joe_: @_Jack_Hemingway @SuperLeague @RFLReferees you would say that because you've been on the golden spoon side of things mate

@_Jack_Hemingway: @Butler_Joe_ @SuperLeague @RFLReferees I did mate, it wasnt that bad compared to previous matches! This games being class for refereeing

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