Jack B. Weinstein

American federal judge.
Died on Tuesday June 15th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Jack B. Weinstein:

@Samloyal23: RT @WorldJewishCong: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” Jack Weinstein, a famo… - 4 years ago

@nycla: New York County Lawyers Association Issues Statement on the Passing of Judge Jack B. Weinstein - 4 years ago

@MichaelYelnosky: Jack B. Weinstein was one of the most influential federal trial judges of his (or any) time. @RWULaw was privileged… - 4 years ago

@FordhamLawNYC: Dean Emeritus Michael M. Martin and Professor Howard Erichson shared their reflections on the life and jurisprudenc… - 4 years ago


@nancyneff2: RT @EDNYnews: (1/3) The U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York mourns the passing of The Honorable Jack B. Weinstein. I… - 4 years ago

@randi_vet: #VetsRemember Thank you for your service Jack B. Weinstein. We will not forget. - 4 years ago

@EDNYnews: (1/3) The U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York mourns the passing of The Honorable Jack B. We… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Jack B. Weinstein, who became the personification of the activist judge in 53 years on the bench and nearly a decad… - 4 years ago

@FindJusticeLaw: Celebrating the extraordinary life of highly influential jurist Jack Weinstein, who died this week. There have been… - 4 years ago

@JQP1781: RT @WorldJewishCong: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” Jack Weinstein, a famo… - 4 years ago

@LehiRed: RT @WorldJewishCong: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” Jack Weinstein, a famo… - 4 years ago

@kportocali: RT @WorldJewishCong: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” Jack Weinstein, a famo… - 4 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @WorldJewishCong: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” Jack Weinstein, a famo… - 4 years ago

@WorldJewishCong: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” Jack Weinstein, a f… - 4 years ago

@NYNJLaw: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 Awesome jurist. - 4 years ago

@mpggar: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@Ianto_back2_TW: RT @NYTObits: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who retired from the U.S. bench at 98, was the personification of the activist judge, defying decade… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who retired from the U.S. bench at 98, was the personification of the activist judge, defy… - 4 years ago

@kathy_pretti: RT @delbert_earl: Jack B. Weinstein, 1921-2021 - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: In his 53 years on the bench, Judge Jack B. Weinstein was known for his bold jurisprudence and his outsize personal… - 4 years ago

@ChronLaw: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 – The New York Times ChronLaw Jurisprudence Ne… - 4 years ago

@SuperQueer619: Horacio the handsnake - Jack B. Weinstein - 4 years ago

@PPioer: RT @RabbinicalOf: - 4 years ago

@bart_spung: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@Redaler06632630: RT @RabbinicalOf: - 4 years ago

@RabbinicalOf: - 4 years ago

@LilithSiegel: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@weeser1: Jack B. Weinstein, 1921-2021 - 4 years ago

@lf092313: RT @democraticbear: Until the Judges now being Nominated by Biden, likely no Federal Judge further to legitimate liberal activism. The las… - 4 years ago

@democraticbear: Until the Judges now being Nominated by Biden, likely no Federal Judge further to legitimate liberal activism. The… - 4 years ago

@esorruzam: “In a stinging decision in 2018 in which he refused to dismiss a lawsuit against New York City police officers, he… - 4 years ago

@delbert_earl: Jack B. Weinstein, 1921-2021 - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who retired from the U.S. bench at 98, was the personification of the activist judge, defy… - 4 years ago

@Debt_Lawyer: The legal world has lost one of the great federal judges of recent history, Jack B. Weinstein. - 4 years ago

@JamieAgee6: Jack B. Weinstein, 1921-2021 - 4 years ago

@Felixbvh3: Jack B. Weinstein an ICON, a very special and committed human being. (Federal Jurist). he will be missed.👏👏 - 4 years ago

@Felixbvh3: Jack B. Weinstein, 1921-2021 - 4 years ago

@Jim21572663: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein (E.D. N.Y.) died today at age 99 - 4 years ago

@CourtsCommunity: RT @US9thCircuit: 9th Circuit honors Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who died June 15. Significant rulings include Vietnam Vets exposed to Agent O… - 4 years ago

@AppShema: RT @Chabad: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, 99, Eminent Jurist Who Sought the Rebbe’s Wisdom/ An early and enthusiastic proponent of criminal just… - 4 years ago

@MaryFer10390630: RT @Chabad: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, 99, Eminent Jurist Who Sought the Rebbe’s Wisdom/ An early and enthusiastic proponent of criminal just… - 4 years ago

@KalomaCardwell: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@NAlmuntaser3: RT @BklynCollege411: On Tuesday, we lost famed U.S. judge and @BkCollegeAlumni Jack B. Weinstein '43. In 53 years on the bench, he was best… - 4 years ago

@BkCollegeAlumni: RT @BklynCollege411: On Tuesday, we lost famed U.S. judge and @BkCollegeAlumni Jack B. Weinstein '43. In 53 years on the bench, he was best… - 4 years ago

@mfue92: RT @NYTObits: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who retired from the U.S. bench at 98, was the personification of the activist judge, defying decade… - 4 years ago

@NYTObits: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who retired from the U.S. bench at 98, was the personification of the activist judge, defy… - 4 years ago

@BrooklynBarLRS: RT @BklynBarAssn: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@MWebbWords: RT @DorothyERoberts: Brooklyn federal judge Jack Weinstein, who ordered NYC ACS to stop taking children solely because their mothers had ex… - 4 years ago

@phpps19147: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@Janido10: RT @krim_rub: Auch Aktivisten können alt werden: Jack Weinstein, a famously independent federal judge who assailed and circumvented federal… - 4 years ago

@krim_rub: Auch Aktivisten können alt werden: Jack Weinstein, a famously independent federal judge who assailed and circumvent… - 4 years ago

@boonecutler: RT @NYTObits: In his 53 years on the bench, Judge Jack B. Weinstein was known for his bold jurisprudence and his outsize personality. He ha… - 4 years ago

@ChronLaw: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 – The New York Times ChronLaw Jurisprudence Ne… - 4 years ago

@NCCortes2: RT @DorothyERoberts: Brooklyn federal judge Jack Weinstein, who ordered NYC ACS to stop taking children solely because their mothers had ex… - 4 years ago

@Shirlisas: RT @Chabad: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, 99, Eminent Jurist Who Sought the Rebbe’s Wisdom/ An early and enthusiastic proponent of criminal just… - 4 years ago

@ProfKFranke: RT @ColumbiaLaw: Jack B. Weinstein ’48, the longest-serving federal judge in U.S. history and a venerated member of the Columbia Law facult… - 4 years ago

@LizKukura: RT @DorothyERoberts: Brooklyn federal judge Jack Weinstein, who ordered NYC ACS to stop taking children solely because their mothers had ex… - 4 years ago

@BluegrassRabbi: RT @dovidmargolin: The eminent Judge Jack B. (Yehoshua Binyamin) Weinstein passed away yesterday at 99. In 2019 I visited him with his frie… - 4 years ago

@thecob82: RT @tommy_robb: The late great Jack Weinstein, to a a veteran Mafioso up for sentencing who is seated across from him at a table in his cou… - 4 years ago

@farfel54: RT @NYTObits: Jack B. Weinstein, who became the personification of the activist judge in 53 years on the bench and nearly a decade as the c… - 4 years ago

@abekay2: RT @Chabad: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, 99, Eminent Jurist Who Sought the Rebbe’s Wisdom/ An early and enthusiastic proponent of criminal just… - 4 years ago

@MicheleMayberr3: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@josephsams: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@marcporis: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@fouadissmart: RT @BklynCollege411: On Tuesday, we lost famed U.S. judge and @BkCollegeAlumni Jack B. Weinstein '43. In 53 years on the bench, he was best… - 4 years ago

@CourthouseNews: Jack B. Weinstein, a trailblazing federal judge who sought to transform criminal justice, died on Tuesday, several… - 4 years ago

@nkschueller: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@easy_mfpeasy: RT @AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual work, not… - 4 years ago

@AfricanaCarr: Got a minute? read Judge Weinstein’s obituary in today’s NY Times. We try to teach students that intellectual wor… - 4 years ago

@BlakeIFox: The last living Judge appointed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Jack B. Weinstein, has died. - 4 years ago

@DJInsom: RT @DorothyERoberts: Brooklyn federal judge Jack Weinstein, who ordered NYC ACS to stop taking children solely because their mothers had ex… - 4 years ago

@vicharmonnyc: In law school, I don’t recall another jurist who brought up such awe in me when reading his opinions. Jack B. Wei… - 4 years ago

@coalhoof: RT @DorothyERoberts: Brooklyn federal judge Jack Weinstein, who ordered NYC ACS to stop taking children solely because their mothers had ex… - 4 years ago

@jostonjustice: Judicial heroes watch: Jack Weinstein, activist federal judge, dies at age 99. The New York Times obituary notes wi… - 4 years ago

@BklynCollege411: On Tuesday, we lost famed U.S. judge and @BkCollegeAlumni Jack B. Weinstein '43. In 53 years on the bench, he was b… - 4 years ago

@DandekerLisa: RT @Chabad: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, 99, Eminent Jurist Who Sought the Rebbe’s Wisdom/ An early and enthusiastic proponent of criminal just… - 4 years ago

@BechtelDebra: RT @brooklynlaw: The @brooklynlaw community mourns the loss of Jack B. Weinstein, former Chief Judge for EDNY and adjunct professor at the… - 4 years ago

@ProspectHtPatch: Judge Jack B. Weinstein was nominated to the federal bench by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967 and known as a "l… - 4 years ago

@27kislev5719: RT @dovidmargolin: The eminent Judge Jack B. (Yehoshua Binyamin) Weinstein passed away yesterday at 99. In 2019 I visited him with his frie… - 4 years ago

@Chabad: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, 99, Eminent Jurist Who Sought the Rebbe’s Wisdom/ An early and enthusiastic proponent of c… - 4 years ago

@PPVSRB: RIP Judge Weinstein “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate.” - 4 years ago

@MikPappas: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@williamnelligan: RT @Adam_Zimmerman: I've never met a person who could squeeze so much life and love into each day. Never a wasted moment. For nearly 100 ye… - 4 years ago

@MichaelRikon: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@foldedsunset: RT @tommy_robb: The late great Jack Weinstein, to a a veteran Mafioso up for sentencing who is seated across from him at a table in his cou… - 4 years ago

@ebf10010: The first federal judge before I ever appeared, at which time he turned a conference into a pro se trial. - 4 years ago

@EricWStern: May his memory be a blessing. - 4 years ago

@scottawilsons: @jrtoastyman - 4 years ago

@gesmer: "Judge Weinstein was revered, feared and disparaged, sometimes in the same sentence" End of an era - 4 years ago

@tacayler: RT @tommy_robb: The late great Jack Weinstein, to a a veteran Mafioso up for sentencing who is seated across from him at a table in his cou… - 4 years ago

@winsjuliet: RT @tommy_robb: The late great Jack Weinstein, to a a veteran Mafioso up for sentencing who is seated across from him at a table in his cou… - 4 years ago

@tommy_robb: The late great Jack Weinstein, to a a veteran Mafioso up for sentencing who is seated across from him at a table in… - 4 years ago

@scrawford: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@aecnyc: via ⁦⁦@nytimes⁩ I took evidence with JBW ⁦@ColumbiaLaw⁩ and then had various cases in front of him for 20+ years, s… - 4 years ago

@jonbirenbaum: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ Alev Ha Shalom Hon. Jack B Weinstein - 4 years ago

@MatthewJFranck: When it wants to celebrate judicial activism, the @nytimes knows exactly what that means—the opposite of conservati… - 4 years ago

@DennisCMcMahon: RT @DennisCMcMahon: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@JClickbaited: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - The New York Times - 4 years ago

@HawaiiLegalNews: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@DennisCMcMahon: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@PLinnenburger: RIP #judgeweinstein one of the most impressive and influential jurists to grace the bench. Your humanity and remind… - 4 years ago

@EricWStern: Rest In Power. - 4 years ago

@ZachTumin: When he ruled, New York - and the United States - listened. Amazing career. Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an A… - 4 years ago

@NYTNational: Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who retired from the U.S. bench at 98, was the personification of the activist judge, defy… - 4 years ago

@bengardnernyc: Weinstein and Katzmann within a week - 4 years ago

@TobyCharleston: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@lapilipinotown: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@ReedBrody: A giant of a man. I learned so much about the law from Jack Weinstein’s evidence class at Columbia Law School…46 ye… - 4 years ago

@StephieTheLefty: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@BradSohn: So sad. This man was an absolute beast on the bench (and lest anyone not understand that’s a compliment of the high… - 4 years ago

@JaneSepmeier: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@ThatJediScum: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@TrumpZiegfeld16: RT @BenWeiserNYT: NEW: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate” - Judge Jack B. Weinst… - 4 years ago

@LoriBKohn: RT @marty_lederman: Still reeling from the unspeakable loss of my friend and teacher Bob Katzmann, my dear Judge is now gone, too. I was tr… - 4 years ago

@allieiswriting: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@_Gampr: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@SusieusMaximus: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@2020istrash2020: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@inforenique: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@detroit_rachel: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@horacioicaza: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@ProfMMurray: RT @BennettCapers: I suspect many academics have a Judge Weinstein story. Never met him in person, but early on I sent him one of my artic… - 4 years ago

@GreekYankee: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@wbkotv: Jack B. Weinstein, a former federal judge who earned a reputation as a tireless legal maverick while overseeing a s… - 4 years ago

@DouglasLMo1: RT @aaldef: RIP Jack Weinstein, a brilliant & compassionate federal judge in the Eastern District of NY, at age 99, - 4 years ago

@lawandlitprof: RT @chanenson: The end of an era. May his memory be a blessing. Read the recent Federal Sentencing Reporter issue honoring Judge Weinstein… - 4 years ago

@SLandP: RT @chanenson: The end of an era. May his memory be a blessing. Read the recent Federal Sentencing Reporter issue honoring Judge Weinstein… - 4 years ago

@NBC29: Jack B. Weinstein, a former federal judge who earned a reputation as a tireless legal maverick while overseeing a s… - 4 years ago

@aaldef: RIP Jack Weinstein, a brilliant & compassionate federal judge in the Eastern District of NY, at age 99,… - 4 years ago

@hatton2009: RT @BenWeiserNYT: NEW: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate” - Judge Jack B. Weinst… - 4 years ago

@Gwendolyncolle4: RT @innercitypress: Courthouse sadness, in-box from EDNY C.J. Margo K. Brodie: "It is with profound sadness that we report the passing of t… - 4 years ago

@AmeriCannaBlunt: RT @innercitypress: Courthouse sadness, in-box from EDNY C.J. Margo K. Brodie: "It is with profound sadness that we report the passing of t… - 4 years ago

@jbmilliken: One of the great federal judges of our time. As a law student and lawyer in NYC, I was awed by Judge Weinstein, wh… - 4 years ago

@FloLake: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@innercitypress: Courthouse sadness, in-box from EDNY C.J. Margo K. Brodie: "It is with profound sadness that we report the passing… - 4 years ago

@noeleenwalder: RT @BenWeiserNYT: NEW: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate” - Judge Jack B. Weinst… - 4 years ago

@NYTMetro: RT @BenWeiserNYT: NEW: “I’m convinced our country is bound to equalize, democratize and to save with love, not hate” - Judge Jack B. Weinst… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Dead - Obituary - Cause of Death : Jack B. Weinstein, US Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 Click link t.… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Dead - Obituary - Cause of Death : Jack B. Weinstein, US Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 Click link t.… - 4 years ago

@PieroDelecto: Truly the end of an era. - 4 years ago

@IsaaSofer: Today we lost a real mensch a giant in Empathetic Justice. Should be blessed his memory. - 4 years ago

@wmcdonaldnyt: A great American judge. Full stop. Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@DawnLauri: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@BeccaTheWitz: RT @jacobtaber: BDE - 4 years ago

@US9thCircuit: The Ninth Circuit was sorry to learn today of the passing of a great jurist, Senior Judge Jack B. Weinstein of the… - 4 years ago

@wmcdonaldnyt: via @NYTimes A great American judge. Full stop. - 4 years ago

@wmcdonaldnyt: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@Law360: Former U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein, who worked on the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case and sat o… - 4 years ago

@JamesTate121: RT @kitchen5203: This! Rest in Peace, Jack😢👨‍⚖️🕯️ Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@njdangelo: RT @Adam_Zimmerman: I've never met a person who could squeeze so much life and love into each day. Never a wasted moment. For nearly 100 ye… - 4 years ago

@cynthiakouril: Sad news. Eastern District Judge Jack B. Weinstein passed away this morning in his 100th year. He was 100 years ol… - 4 years ago

@bill_of_lefts: By all accounts, Judge Weinstein embodied what our profession should and can be. May his memory be a blessing - 4 years ago

@shtetlicious: Sorry to hear about the passing of Judge Weinstein -- a true legend of the federal bench, a WWII vet, Brown v. Boar… - 4 years ago

@kitchen5203: This! Rest in Peace, Jack😢👨‍⚖️🕯️ Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@CoreyRYung: RT @JFagan46: RIP Jack. Incalculable loss, and sadness. I appeared twice in his court as an expert. Each time was a penetrating exchange… - 4 years ago

@lennyesq: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@ojelibom: RT @MylesMill: This hurts. Jack Weinstein was a giant among men. After law school he worked for the ⁦@NAACP_LDF⁩ on Brown vs. Board of Ed &… - 4 years ago

@DouglasLMo1: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@JFagan46: RIP Jack. Incalculable loss, and sadness. I appeared twice in his court as an expert. Each time was a penetratin… - 4 years ago

@DouglasLMo1: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein (E.D. N.Y.) died today at age 99 - 4 years ago

@BradGeyer: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein (E.D. N.Y.) died today at age 99 - 4 years ago

@Spacereportern1: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 In 53 years on the bench and nearly a decade… - 4 years ago

@steingart: RT @mabon_sally: It will be 13 yrs in September that @steingart and I were married by Jack Weinstein. A true advocate for people disenfranc… - 4 years ago

@mabon_sally: It will be 13 yrs in September that @steingart and I were married by Jack Weinstein. A true advocate for people dis… - 4 years ago

@howappealing: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein (E.D. N.Y.) died today at age 99 - 4 years ago

@LeftLois: RT @marty_lederman: Still reeling from the unspeakable loss of my friend and teacher Bob Katzmann, my dear Judge is now gone, too. I was tr… - 4 years ago

@joelmsiegel: RT @MylesMill: This hurts. Jack Weinstein was a giant among men. After law school he worked for the ⁦@NAACP_LDF⁩ on Brown vs. Board of Ed &… - 4 years ago

@edgardogen: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@JuliaRoseKraut: RIP Judge Weinstein - 4 years ago

@NewYorkSEO123: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@Cynoviant: RT @akbarth3great: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@agent_guzman: RT @akbarth3great: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@ZTSecure: RT @akbarth3great: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@Pentagon_2016: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@akbarth3great: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@AppellateDaily: RT @FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein (E.D. N.Y.) died today at age 99 - 4 years ago

@jkimballcook: RT @AmyMulzer: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@AmyMulzer: via @NYTimes - 4 years ago

@JhonNewsReports: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@dailynews390: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@mw3moddedacc2: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@sameepshastri: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@NewYorkCity_b: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 (Nytimes) In 53 years on the bench and nearly… - 4 years ago

@FedJudicialHist: Senior U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein (E.D. N.Y.) died today at age 99 - 4 years ago

@JasonTheBest13: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@JoeyHorn_: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@psi_the: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@thepuresearch: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT… - 4 years ago

@lisawborden: RT @ToddSStewart: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@lawprofblawg: RT @ToddSStewart: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@ToddSStewart: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@JanHoffmanNYT: Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99 - 4 years ago

@TrailersNowGA: Read this: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@CleverWealthNow: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@florentinobm: "Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. Judge With an Activist Streak, Is Dead at 99" by Laura Mansnerus via NYT - 4 years ago

@BrooklynConf: LT. (J.G.) JACK B. WEINSTEIN, son of Mr & Mrs H.L. Weinstein of 1437 W. 8th St, has received a Letter of Commendati… - 4 years ago

@alahav: RT @alanigolanski: RIP Jack B. Weinstein. His legal opinions were treatises, as were his treatises. #ComplexLitTwitter #appellatetwitter #… - 4 years ago

@alanigolanski: RIP Jack B. Weinstein. His legal opinions were treatises, as were his treatises. #ComplexLitTwitter… - 4 years ago

@FedSocCLC: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@PerryECooper: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@plscanushutup: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@kcjohnson9: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@MI4DeSantis: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@ckieser13: RT @fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still serving on t… - 4 years ago

@fedjudges: This is the end of an era: Judge Jack Weinstein was the last federal judge appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson still ser… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Jack B. Weinstein dies - #JackBWeinstein #Jack #B.Weinstein #rip - 4 years ago

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