Jaakko Hintikka

Finnish philosopher and logician.
Died on Wednesday August 12th 2015

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Jaakko Hintikka:

@news24hita: #notizie Agosto pensando  ai paletuvieri: Ricordo di Renato Zangheri e del filosofo Jaakko Hintikka. La botani...

@aelpidorou: Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015) on PSA

@rawmenudo: RT @johnfsymons: Nice photo of my friend and mentor Jaakko. I'll miss him.

@CSUEBPhilosophy: RIP Jaakko Hintikka ...


@PhilSciAssoc: Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015)

@Akiro_Vigila: :-O DEP Jaakko Hintikka

@johnfsymons: Nice photo of my friend and mentor Jaakko. I'll miss him.

@ChienteWu7: 著名邏輯學家Jaakko Hintikka逝世 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網

@mimigeroru: Obituary of Jaakko Hintikka 1929 – 2015

@photo_topics_us: Jaakko Hintikka 1929-2015, father of game-theoretic semantics (and husband/biographer of JFK's love…

@MikaAaltola: RT @SuomenKuvalehti: Jaakko Hintikka 1929–2015 (€) #americana

@MarkoMaunula: Jaakko Hintikka im memoriam.

@SuomenKuvalehti: Jaakko Hintikka 1929–2015 (€) #americana

@Meg632Meg: RT @PhilosophersEye: In Memoriam: Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015)

@UUTISET247: Jaakko Hintikka 1929–2015 ([b] Suomen Kuvalehti):

@SysoonMemorial: Kaarlo Jaakko Juhani Hintikka (1929 - 2015), died at age 86 years: was…

@SaraLUckelman: @gravbeast Paper, and reprinted in Jaakko Hintikka (ed.) The Philosophy of Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 1969, if that helps.

@DirkvanderWulp: RT @filipbuekens: Jaakko Hintikka is overleden. U kent hem niet, maar alle analytische filosofen kennen hem.

@writingcapital: RT @MikathePunk: Philosopher Jaakko Hintikka is no longer... R.I.P The main architect of game-theoretical semantics. #philosophy


@gott_g: R.I.P Jaakko Hintikka

@kgmtk: RT @analytic_philo: Analytical philosopher Jaakko Hintikka has passed away today, 12 August 2015.

@kgmtk: RT @RrrichardZach: Jaakko Hintikka, 1929-2015

@Andric70: RT @bsassoli: Jakko #Hintikka (one of the discoverers of #possibleworldsemantics among many other things) passed away 3 days ago.

@bsassoli: So Jaakko felt insecure and Merrill was JFK's lover? #Philosophy #gossip #Hintikka

@bsassoli: Jakko #Hintikka (one of the discoverers of #possibleworldsemantics among many other things) passed away 3 days ago.


@TimoMontonen: Kirjailijaksi vai kuvataiteilijaksi? 80-luku mielessäin. Veijo Meri ja Jaakko Hintikka innoittajina. R.I.P.

@iptamai: RT @Kaan_H_Okten: Hintikka ölmüş... :( "Finnish logician and philosopher Jaakko Hintikka died at the age of 86 on August 12, 2015."

@baharbicenaras: RT @Kaan_H_Okten: Hintikka ölmüş... :( "Finnish logician and philosopher Jaakko Hintikka died at the age of 86 on August 12, 2015."

@epistemepraksis: RT @Kaan_H_Okten: Hintikka ölmüş... :( "Finnish logician and philosopher Jaakko Hintikka died at the age of 86 on August 12, 2015."

@Kaan_H_Okten: Hintikka ölmüş... :( "Finnish logician and philosopher Jaakko Hintikka died at the age of 86 on August 12, 2015."

@PeterFosl: Adieu Jaakko.

@marcosgarbi1982: Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015) | Daily Nous

@marcosgarbi1982: Jaakko Hintikka » Philosophy | Blog Archive | Boston University


@MathVault: Jaakko Hintikka, famous for his contribution in Symbolic Logic, passed away on August 12, 2015. #Hintikka

@LuisMVillalon: RT @helsinkiuni: Philosopher Jaakko Hintikka, one of the founders of modern logic, has passed away. Sad news.

@Zin5ki: Esteemed Finnish philosopher Jaakko Hintikka has passed away. Somehow his surname always reminded me of food without being food related.

@Pekkajok: Näin pienessä kansassa ollut monta kansainvälisen luokan filosofia kuten Jaakko Hintikka Helsingin Sanomat:

@CapaGira: @marytheluckyone have you heard about the death of Jaakko Hintikka?

@karadza999: Jaakko Hintikka, 1929-2015

@ante_jeric: RT @PhilosophersEye: To celebrate the long life and career of Dr. Jaakko Hintikka, we've made free a small collection of his articles. http…

@Puistofilosofia: Suuri suomalainen filosofi Jaakko Hintikka on poissa (1929 - 2015).

@bosuyo: RT @DailyNousEditor: Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015)

@MartinMontoya__: In Memoriam: Jaakko Hintikka (1929-2015)

@McOmghall: A vós impórtavos un carallo, pero antonte morreu Jaako Hintikka, un dos máis grandes lóxicos da historia.

@KarKuo: RT @KangasSari: ”Minulla on uusia ideoita koko ajan. Ne vain pitäisi esittää niin, että toisetkin ihmiset ymmärtävät.” (Jaakko Hintikka)

@fesatbey34: RT @IUFelsefe: Finli filozof Jaakko #Hintikka dün vefat etti. Eserleri ile yaşayacak...

@alphabetofbeing: RT @PhilosophersEye: To celebrate the long life and career of Dr. Jaakko Hintikka, we've made free a small collection of his articles. http…

@EvaKarmitsa: Ajankohtaista:filosofi Jaakko Hintikka kertoo rakkaustarinansa

@Tcsgrv: Farewell, Jaakko Hintikka (12 Jan 1929- 12 Aug 2015) Philosopher and Logician.

@RQueralt: Jaakko Hintikka (Vantaa, 12 de enero de 1929-Porvoo, 12 de agosto de 2015) fue un filósofo y lógico finés.

@fedorsh: RT @snaranovich: Хинтикка умер. О Витгенштейне у него отменная книжка

@EmrahErsoy4: RT @IUFelsefe: Finli filozof Jaakko #Hintikka dün vefat etti. Eserleri ile yaşayacak...

@mr_konn: RT @PhilosophersEye: To celebrate the long life and career of Dr. Jaakko Hintikka, we've made free a small collection of his articles. http…

@WEilenberger: sad:

@falanster: RT @snaranovich: Хинтикка умер. О Витгенштейне у него отменная книжка

@Giljain: Jaakko Hintikka on kuollut.

@Daseinsart: Hace dos días se murió Jaakko Hintikka y a vosotros os dará igual pero era un lógico que me gustaba mucho y :(

@snaranovich: Хинтикка умер. О Витгенштейне у него отменная книжка

@Annoula64: RT @nyhetsbubbla: Filosofen Jaakko Hintikka död vid 86 års ålder, gjorde viktiga bidrag inom modal logik

@CraigClunas: RT @MinnaFranck: @HCollegium Honorary Fellow Professor Emeritus Jaakko Hintikka has passed away at the age of 86. RIP #philosophy #logic

@filipbuekens: Nogmaals Hintikka.

@Nekrologium: Jaakko Hintikka, finnischer Philosoph, am 12.08.2015 im Alter von 86 Jahren -

@ytb_at_twt: RT @PhilosophersEye: To celebrate the long life and career of Dr. Jaakko Hintikka, we've made free a small collection of his articles. http…

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