Ivo Banac

Croatian historian and politician.
Died on Tuesday June 30th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ivo Banac:

@YaleAlumAssocNY: RT @yale_history: In memoriam: Historian and politician Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@BeineckeLibrary: RT @yale_history: In memoriam: Historian and politician Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @markoah: Historian and politician Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@markoah: Historian and politician Ivo Banac - 5 years ago


@yale_history: In memoriam: Historian and politician Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@UKRinHRV: RT @VasylKyrylych: Otišao je veliki prijatelj Ukrajine Ivo Banac. On je imao dubinsko razumjevanje za Ukrajinu, njenu povijesnu sudbinu. S… - 5 years ago

@VasylKyrylych: Otišao je veliki prijatelj Ukrajine Ivo Banac. On je imao dubinsko razumjevanje za Ukrajinu, njenu povijesnu sudbin… - 5 years ago

@MirnesKovac: IN MEMORIAM: Intervju koji je profesor Ivo Banac dao Enveri Selimović u julu, 2002. godine. Vrijedi pogledati! - 5 years ago

@EnveraSelimovic: RT @MultimedijaBHRT: - 5 years ago

@EDeljkovic: RT @MultimedijaBHRT: - 5 years ago

@MultimedijaBHRT: - 5 years ago

@EnveraSelimovic: Ivo Banac volio je i poštovao Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Tačka… - 5 years ago

@EnveraSelimovic: Radio-televizija Bosne i Hercegovine je večeras emitovala In Memoriam: Intervju sa Ivom Bancem. Ivo Banac volio je… - 5 years ago

@MM810080851: @GlobeManipulate @SlavisaBor030 @hans_ar @bez_osobenosti @TacaM10 Tito je bio ološ. Ivo Banac je objasnio zašto je… - 5 years ago

@bajro_paravlic: RT @TacitusVoto: Prije četiri dana je preminuo hrvatski historičar i dobitnik nagrade "Počasni građanin Sarajeva" (2004. godine) Ivo Banac.… - 5 years ago

@NinoslavSafaric: Nikada nije vladala ta predodžba, nego nakon raskola Staljina i Tita kompromis prema YU komunizmu, koji se morao pr… - 5 years ago

@IvanaSaravanja: @markoah Počasni građanin Sarajeva.🙄 Kao i Stipe Mesić, Schwarz-Schilling, Valentin Inzko, Čeda Jovanović, ...? Št… - 5 years ago

@TacitusVoto: Prije četiri dana je preminuo hrvatski historičar i dobitnik nagrade "Počasni građanin Sarajeva" (2004. godine) Ivo… - 5 years ago

@Sysoon: Ivo Banac (1947 - 2020), died at age 73 years - 5 years ago

@NinoslavSafaric: The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics by Ivo Banac O mrtvima sv… - 5 years ago

@NinoslavSafaric: RT @bozo_kras: Danas je na groblju Mirogoj prema posljednjem počivalištu ispraćen hrvatski povjesničar Ivo Banac. Ispraćaj je predvodio rek… - 5 years ago

@RegnumCroatorum: RT @bozo_kras: Danas je na groblju Mirogoj prema posljednjem počivalištu ispraćen hrvatski povjesničar Ivo Banac. Ispraćaj je predvodio rek… - 5 years ago

@bozo_kras: Danas je na groblju Mirogoj prema posljednjem počivalištu ispraćen hrvatski povjesničar Ivo Banac. Ispraćaj je pred… - 5 years ago

@Marina87251891: RT @USEmbZagreb: Our deepest condolences to the family. Mr. Ivo Banac was a great friend of the @USEmbZagreb. Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@llela: @brokenknee777 @JLPhpp Ne znam nista o njegovoj familiji. Znam samo da je Ivo Banac bio anti-Srpski ideolog naklonj… - 5 years ago

@felix_justice1: RT @MirnesKovac: IN MEMORIAM: Intervju koji je profesor Ivo Banac dao Enveri Selimović u julu, 2002. godine. Vrijedi pogledati! - 5 years ago

@KoenNives: In memoriam: Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@m_ljubq: RT @llela: Ivo Banac proclaimed that the Ustasha were a postmodernist movement based on the traditions of the hajduk and were neither Nazi’… - 5 years ago

@JLPhpp: RT @llela: Ivo Banac proclaimed that the Ustasha were a postmodernist movement based on the traditions of the hajduk and were neither Nazi’… - 5 years ago

@rokorumora: "Na tragu toga profesor je bio istinski branitelj svih onih tekovina na kojima je podizana zapadna civilizacija, či… - 5 years ago

@JTasioulas: RT @ceu: CEU Rector and President @M_Ignatieff on the passing of former CEU professor #IvoBanac: “Ivo was a man of remarkable talent and e… - 5 years ago

@ceu: CEU Rector and President @M_Ignatieff on the passing of former CEU professor #IvoBanac: “Ivo was a man of remarkab… - 5 years ago

@KarstenSchrder: RT @StimmeKroatiens: Der kroatische Historiker, Politiker und Schriftsteller Ivo #Banac ist am Montag nach einer schweren Krankheit im Alte… - 5 years ago

@StimmeKroatiens: Der kroatische Historiker, Politiker und Schriftsteller Ivo #Banac ist am Montag nach einer schweren Krankheit im A… - 5 years ago

@hutomomotyupa: RT @kaoritokagetora: 先日、クロアチアの歴史家イヴォ・バナツが亡くなりました。彼の著書”Wirth Stalin against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism”は、ユーゴスラヴィア政治亡命者に… - 5 years ago

@Balkanite87: RT @United_Bosnia: A brilliant intellectual and historian Mr. Ivo Banac has recently left us. He was one of the greatest Balkan historians… - 5 years ago

@kaoritokagetora: 先日、クロアチアの歴史家イヴォ・バナツが亡くなりました。彼の著書”Wirth Stalin against Tito: Cominformist Splits in Yugoslav Communism”は、ユーゴスラヴィア政治亡… - 5 years ago

@llela: @ReufBajrovic The deceased spent a good chunk of his career kowtowing to Croat nationalist and relativising the gen… - 5 years ago

@HelsinkiComm: RT @ivanavicvic: Two of my fellow witnesses in the 2009 @HelsinkiComm hearing on the #WesternBalkans are now gone: first, Paddy Ashdown, no… - 5 years ago

@ReufBajrovic: RT @ivanavicvic: Two of my fellow witnesses in the 2009 @HelsinkiComm hearing on the #WesternBalkans are now gone: first, Paddy Ashdown, no… - 5 years ago

@ivanavicvic: Two of my fellow witnesses in the 2009 @HelsinkiComm hearing on the #WesternBalkans are now gone: first, Paddy Ashd… - 5 years ago

@BosniakFez: RT @United_Bosnia: A brilliant intellectual and historian Mr. Ivo Banac has recently left us. He was one of the greatest Balkan historians… - 5 years ago

@TheBosniakGOAT: RT @United_Bosnia: A brilliant intellectual and historian Mr. Ivo Banac has recently left us. He was one of the greatest Balkan historians… - 5 years ago

@Rogaticar: RT @United_Bosnia: A brilliant intellectual and historian Mr. Ivo Banac has recently left us. He was one of the greatest Balkan historians… - 5 years ago

@United_Bosnia: A brilliant intellectual and historian Mr. Ivo Banac has recently left us. He was one of the greatest Balkan histor… - 5 years ago

@Mudassi45243263: RT @markoah: Key Ivo Banac insight, that a lot of scholars of the former Yugoslavia still don't get: the nationalisms of the former Yugosla… - 5 years ago

@AasaRaiko: RT @markoah: Key Ivo Banac insight, that a lot of scholars of the former Yugoslavia still don't get: the nationalisms of the former Yugosla… - 5 years ago

@DeadManTalk1: Ivo Banac je bukvalno bio foto-robot pseudo-liberalne NATO-sluškinje. - 5 years ago

@balkanin1: Ivo Banac: Bez neovisne BiH nema slobode i sigurnosti u regiji - 5 years ago

@ConversationsEu: Croatie : disparition de l'historien et homme politique Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@USAmbCroatia: RT @USEmbZagreb: Our deepest condolences to the family. Mr. Ivo Banac was a great friend of the @USEmbZagreb. Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@llela: Or @ReufBajrovic, who aside from praising Ivo Banac, also likes to bestow praise on Stipe Mesic, another rightwing… - 5 years ago

@llela: It’s important to expose people like Ivo Banac for what he was - a rightwing nationalist and ustasha sympathiser wh… - 5 years ago

@llela: Ivo Banac proclaimed that the Ustasha were a postmodernist movement based on the traditions of the hajduk and were… - 5 years ago

@nprepalas: RT @SKalyvas: Ivo Banac was a great historian and a wonderful colleague. I can’t forget his impish sense of humor and his smile - 5 years ago

@SKalyvas: Ivo Banac was a great historian and a wonderful colleague. I can’t forget his impish sense of humor and his smile - 5 years ago

@fskeja: RT @mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the academics… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@llela: It’s important to expose people like Ivo Banac for what he was - a Croat nationalist and ustasha sympathiser who un… - 5 years ago

@llela: If one considers the views Ivo Banac propagated, then one will quickly understand why fascism in Croatia has never… - 5 years ago

@llela: In 1990, Ivo Banac organised Franjo Tudjmans famous lecture @Yale. This is the same year Franjo Tudjman won the Cr… - 5 years ago

@llela: ‘Acclaimed’ Historian and @Yale professor, Ivo Banac died today. For those unfamiliar with his work, this is Ivo Ba… - 5 years ago

@Moniq_44: RT @fbieber: Sadden by the passing of Ivo Banac. He was a great professor and I learned a lot from him. His political & academic views in r… - 5 years ago

@VladanLausevic: RT @markoah: Ivo Banac was a stalwart friend of Bosnia and fierce critic of Tudjman's Bosnian policy. He celebrated the Croatian Serbs as p… - 5 years ago

@artanbehrami: RT @mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the academics… - 5 years ago

@Cynical0bserver: RT @PeytonCity: Umro je Ivo Banac. Iz njegovog opusa kao pozitivno bi izdvojio antikomunizam. Kao negativno bi izdvojio njegovu odvratnu pl… - 5 years ago

@llela: @fbieber Ivo Banac ‘Ustaštvo je predmoderni pokret, jer baštini tradiciju hajdučkih pokreta’ says a lot about Ivo B… - 5 years ago

@miranbo: #RIP #IvoBanac. His ex-Yugoslav language tables at @Yale were crucial in keeping us expat students sane while the r… - 5 years ago

@FazlicDamir: RT @markoah: Ivo Banac was a stalwart friend of Bosnia and fierce critic of Tudjman's Bosnian policy. He celebrated the Croatian Serbs as p… - 5 years ago

@IsaBlumi: RT @fbieber: Sadden by the passing of Ivo Banac. He was a great professor and I learned a lot from him. His political & academic views in r… - 5 years ago

@dojinovi: #RIP #IvoBanac - 5 years ago

@MBokovoyunmhist: RT @JasminMuj: Croatian media are reporting that historian Ivo Banac has passed away in Zagreb. Doubtlessly one of the most influential sch… - 5 years ago

@AntiKomentar: RT @PeytonCity: Umro je Ivo Banac. Iz njegovog opusa kao pozitivno bi izdvojio antikomunizam. Kao negativno bi izdvojio njegovu odvratnu pl… - 5 years ago

@PeytonCity: Umro je Ivo Banac. Iz njegovog opusa kao pozitivno bi izdvojio antikomunizam. Kao negativno bi izdvojio njegovu odv… - 5 years ago

@heroinatbp: RT @mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the academics… - 5 years ago

@Petrit: RT @mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the academics… - 5 years ago

@RubenAvxhiu: RT @mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the academics… - 5 years ago

@LazovicMl: RT @DraganPopovic11: Videh da je umro Ivo Banac - on me uvek podseti kako i najveći naučnici i intelektualci izgube moć rasuđivanja kad ih… - 5 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @markoah: He was my mentor and friend, a brilliant intellectual and the greatest ever historian of the national question in Yugoslavia.… - 5 years ago

@MeanSvetislav: @TerreRosse21 Ivo Banac - "Odlazak povjesničara sa velikim P(izda)" - 5 years ago

@PropaliD: @jedan_pirke Fraza "morbidna ustaška vucibatina Ivo Banac" zvuči kao naslov Šekijeve knjige... - 5 years ago

@_edinh: RT @EmilKerenji: Ivo Banac (1947-2020). - 5 years ago

@CapriFini: RT @JasminMuj: Croatian media are reporting that historian Ivo Banac has passed away in Zagreb. Doubtlessly one of the most influential sch… - 5 years ago

@MilanMJovanovic: R.I.P. Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

@fbd_2013: In memoriam IVO BANAC O Jugoslaviji - 5 years ago

@mircosich1: @tomopik_zd Jedan je od šestero potpisnika otvorenoga pisma (Krsto Cviić – Ivo Banac – Vesna Pusić – Ozren Žunec –… - 5 years ago

@DalmatinskiP: - 5 years ago

@laurasilber: So sad to hear about the passing of Ivo Banac, a great and wise historian. My condolences to his loved ones. - 5 years ago

@infomediabalkan: Preminuo hrvatski političar i historičar Ivo Banac | Infomedia Balkan - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Ivo Banac is no longer with us - #IvoBanac #Ivo #Banac #rip - 5 years ago

@svjetlanarasic: Ivo Banac, gost Tamare Nikčević u emisiji Teleskopija #RTCG - upravo počelo. Ne znam kad je snimljeno. - 5 years ago

@Schorax: Umro Ivo Banac. Zašto uvek odlaze najbolji? 😐 - 5 years ago

@PjerBezuhov: Bio je liberalni ustaša ili ustaški liberal. Tako bih ga nazvao. - 5 years ago

@Holger_Nehring: RT @johnpaul_newman: Sad to hear about the passing of Yale emeritus Ivo Banac. His great study 'The National Question in Yugoslavia' inspir… - 5 years ago

@Fatale31452318: Ivo Banac is fatally dead. #IvoBanac - Add some flowers to their memorial! - 5 years ago

@smedj: RT @USEmbZagreb: Our deepest condolences to the family. Mr. Ivo Banac was a great friend of the @USEmbZagreb. Rest in peace. - 5 years ago

@nazif_mandaci: RT @BulentSarperAg: RIP Ivo Banac. Grateful for your influential studies on the Balkans. - 5 years ago

@tomezig: - 5 years ago

@ReufBajrovic: RT @preporod: Prošlogodišnji intervju s profesorom Ivom Bancem za Preporod. Povjesničar, političar i pisac Ivo Banac preminuo je danas nako… - 5 years ago

@BulentSarperAg: RIP Ivo Banac. Grateful for your influential studies on the Balkans. - 5 years ago

@CathieDC: RT @johnpaul_newman: Sad to hear about the passing of Yale emeritus Ivo Banac. His great study 'The National Question in Yugoslavia' inspir… - 5 years ago

@LTregoures: RT @CdBalkans: C’est une grande figure intellectuelle et politique croate qui s’en est allée. Ivo Banac est décédé à l’âge de 74 ans. Il av… - 5 years ago

@stevanbozanich: RT @johnpaul_newman: Sad to hear about the passing of Yale emeritus Ivo Banac. His great study 'The National Question in Yugoslavia' inspir… - 5 years ago

@sharenao: RT @fbieber: Sadden by the passing of Ivo Banac. He was a great professor and I learned a lot from him. His political & academic views in r… - 5 years ago

@Gazela_Pudar: RT @DraganPopovic11: Videh da je umro Ivo Banac - on me uvek podseti kako i najveći naučnici i intelektualci izgube moć rasuđivanja kad ih… - 5 years ago

@qendrimrgashi: RT @mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the academics… - 5 years ago

@mbrajshori: Sad that one of the best historians on the Balkans and a true liberal voice passed away. Ivo Banac was one of the a… - 5 years ago

@ektrit: RT @markoah: Key Ivo Banac insight, that a lot of scholars of the former Yugoslavia still don't get: the nationalisms of the former Yugosla… - 5 years ago

@ektrit: RT @markoah: Ivo Banac was a stalwart friend of Bosnia and fierce critic of Tudjman's Bosnian policy. He celebrated the Croatian Serbs as p… - 5 years ago

@BENG42885134: RT @Enver_Hoxhaj: Preminuo je povijesničar, političar i pisac Ivo Banac. Ivo je bio dobar prijatelj i kolega, i stalni zagovornik neovisnos… - 5 years ago

@rgjoni: RT @balkannews: #CdBalkans Croatie : disparition de l'historien et homme politique Ivo Banac - 5 years ago

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