Ivar Martinsen

Norwegian Olympic speed skater (1948
Died on Tuesday September 25th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ivar Martinsen:

@bambam1729: RT @OldestOlympians: Following the death of Ivar Martinsen of Norway several days ago, Asplund is now the oldest living Olympic speed skate… - 6 years ago

@OldestOlympians: Following the death of Ivar Martinsen of Norway several days ago, Asplund is now the oldest living Olympic speed sk… - 6 years ago

@Nekrologium: Ivar Martinsen, norwegischer Eisschnellläufer, am 24.09.2018 im Alter von 97 Jahren. - 6 years ago

@kjerstin_micha: Hvil i fred, farfar! <3 Rest in peace, grandpa! Vi er så glad i deg og savner deg! We love you and miss you so much! - 6 years ago


@opk136: Flotte ord! - 6 years ago

@bambam1729: RT @OldestOlympians: Following the death yesterday of Ivar Martinsen, Brudevold is now the oldest living Norwegian Olympian as well. Read m… - 6 years ago

@OldestOlympians: Following the death yesterday of Ivar Martinsen, Brudevold is now the oldest living Norwegian Olympian as well. Rea… - 6 years ago

@servicern: R I P - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Ivar Martinsen - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: R.I.P Ivar Martinsen - #IvarMartinsen #Ivar #Martinsen #rip - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Ivar Martinsen (97) Norwegian speed skater - 6 years ago

@DeathByWiki: Ivar Martinsen, Norwegian speed skater, died 24th Sep aged 97. - 6 years ago

@wikireaper: RIP Ivar Martinsen, Norwegian speed skater. - 6 years ago

@ABCNyheter: Tidligere skøyteløper Ivar Martinsen er død - 6 years ago

@OldestOlympians: Oldest Olympians is saddened to report that Ivar Martinsen, who represented Norway at the 1948 and 1952 Winter Game… - 6 years ago

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