Ivana Trump

Czech-American businesswoman
Died on Thursday July 14th 2022

View other recent people: Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn, Huey Williams

Tweets related to Ivana Trump:

@JoshMalina: RT @sarahkendzior: Trump has been an associate of a transnational crime syndicate for forty years. THAT is why people are suspicious of Iva… - 3 years ago

@kaejaecamb: Ivana Trump eulogies: Junior describes being beaten by her, twice; Ivanka says Ivana wanted her to wear shorter ski… - 3 years ago

@bulletin_ex: Donald Trump and his family bid farewell to Ivana at funeral in New York - 3 years ago

@CurmudgeonCD21: RT @sarahkendzior: Trump has been an associate of a transnational crime syndicate for forty years. THAT is why people are suspicious of Iva… - 3 years ago


@vickizun: RT @sarahkendzior: In 1993, Harry Hurt III published the book Lost Tycoon. This is after Trump had gone bankrupt and left Ivana for Marla M… - 3 years ago

@vickizun: RT @sarahkendzior: Acts of violence Trump committed before he became POTUS were often kept tightly under wraps, in part because he dispatch… - 3 years ago

@MonicaRivpin: RT @BettyBowers: To attend the funeral of her mother-in-law, Ivana Trump, today, Lara Trump told her stylist: “OK, so I want to be, like, t… - 3 years ago

@techstoa: RT @sarahkendzior: As Cohen threatened journalists who sought to bring the spousal rape claim to light decades later, Ivana semi-retracted… - 3 years ago

@techstoa: RT @sarahkendzior: Based on documents from their divorce and interviews with the Trump's social circle, the book describes a horrific day i… - 3 years ago

@techstoa: RT @sarahkendzior: In 1993, Harry Hurt III published the book Lost Tycoon. This is after Trump had gone bankrupt and left Ivana for Marla M… - 3 years ago

@rhonmhon8: RT @sarahkendzior: Trump has been an associate of a transnational crime syndicate for forty years. THAT is why people are suspicious of Iva… - 3 years ago

@techstoa: RT @sarahkendzior: Acts of violence Trump committed before he became POTUS were often kept tightly under wraps, in part because he dispatch… - 3 years ago

@joannes13588661: RT @bellausa17: The Trump family’s rock, the best president the USA has ever had and will have, again! RIP Ivana; we love you President Tru… - 3 years ago

@republiquedujap: Obsèques d’Ivana Trump : Donald Trump meurtri, sa femme Melania, discret soutien à ses côtés - 3 years ago

@EightTons: RT @sarahkendzior: Trump has been an associate of a transnational crime syndicate for forty years. THAT is why people are suspicious of Iva… - 3 years ago

@techstoa: RT @sarahkendzior: "As a result of the sudden death of Ivana Trump, Don Jr and Ivanka's testimony was delayed. This kind of delay is standa… - 3 years ago

@LOSERAFlM: RT @swordsjew: imagine, at your funeral, your child speaking about the times you beat him until you were exhausted - 3 years ago

@techstoa: RT @sarahkendzior: Trump has been an associate of a transnational crime syndicate for forty years. THAT is why people are suspicious of Iva… - 3 years ago

@PamBrink: RT @annettejals: I’d like to inform you that Trump haters might just be some of the most unhinged and nasty people on the planet. Most of t… - 3 years ago

@RealEstateSA_PK: Donald Trump’s Family And Associates Gather For Ex-Wife Ivana’s Funeral - 3 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @frontlinepbs: Ivana Trump, who was married to former President Donald Trump from 1977 to 1992, died on July 14. The Trumps' often tumul… - 3 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Mid-East Agenda, Inflation, Abe Funeral, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Uvalde Tape, 988, Ivana Trump - 3 years ago

@Scotch63Scott: RT @CheriJacobus: Trump ally planted pipe bomb targeting VP-elect Harris. Epstein hangs himself in front of napping prison guards. Ivana fe… - 3 years ago

@tinymae6: RT @CheriJacobus: Trump ally planted pipe bomb targeting VP-elect Harris. Epstein hangs himself in front of napping prison guards. Ivana fe… - 3 years ago

@Ivana_M_Trump: @theliamnissan He learns this from his father, who is having two children with Elon's stepsister. - 3 years ago

@BedardFrancois: RT @FoxNews: .@DonaldJTrumpJr posts heartfelt tribute after mother Ivana's passing: 'we will miss you incredibly' - 3 years ago


@mensaandproud1: RT @kathrynresister: Donald Trump has way too many "coincidences" too often. I am suspicious of him to begin with, but these coincidences a… - 3 years ago

@d_mollin: RT @CheriJacobus: I'm on edge w/a sense that Trump is about to hit us with something big that once and for all seals the deal. The "acciden… - 3 years ago

@Lightning_2017: RT @CheriJacobus: Trump ally planted pipe bomb targeting VP-elect Harris. Epstein hangs himself in front of napping prison guards. Ivana fe… - 3 years ago

@fox5sandiego: Friends and family of Ivana Trump will gather Wednesday at the St. Vincent Ferrer Roman Catholic Church in New York… - 3 years ago

@MarthaBug121215: RT @CheriJacobus: Trump ally planted pipe bomb targeting VP-elect Harris. Epstein hangs himself in front of napping prison guards. Ivana fe… - 3 years ago

@GregMcHallam: RT @rmayemsinger: The SS "accidentally" deleted texts on Jan 5 and 6? Ivana Trump "fell down" the stairs right before her kids were slated… - 3 years ago

@Krystlelae: RT @SebGorka: Ivana Trump has passed at age 73. RIP - 3 years ago

@NewsNation: Donald and Melania Trump landed in New York City ahead of Ivana's funeral, #Banfield senior story producer Paula Fr… - 3 years ago

@StephonKennedy: RT @thehill: Ivana Trump funeral plans are set - 3 years ago

@GregMcHallam: RT @donteatthepods: So Ivana Trump is found dead at the bottom of a staircase & the dumb son, Eric, finds her & waits 90 min to call for he… - 3 years ago

@francoisv1324: @RyanShead 3. Who really killed Ivana Trump - 3 years ago

@CFitzBroadway: RT @CheriJacobus: Trump ally planted pipe bomb targeting VP-elect Harris. Epstein hangs himself in front of napping prison guards. Ivana fe… - 3 years ago

@ShawBatch: RT @CheriJacobus: How did she manage to "fall" down the stairs without that cup of coffee spilling at the start of the fall -- up the stair… - 3 years ago

@traceyK75883839: RT @realTuckFrumper: Here's why Sarah Palin raced to see Ivana Trump at an Anchorage JC Penney's - 3 years ago

@MMCOWRD: Ivanka Trump reflects on her late mother Ivana as 'Wicked. Vim. Vigor. Always there for us' - 3 years ago

@nancy_drc: Watch "Rare 80s Ivana Trump Footage" on YouTube - 3 years ago

@ChakataLatulipe: CQFD?!! ( Cf/ Assassinat IVANA TRUMP pour distraire les médias) - 3 years ago

@DecoderOfTruth: After 22 years, Paolo Alavian closed his iconic Soho restaurant Savore and replaced it with Altesi Located at 26 E… - 3 years ago

@Masky_Jay_Hoody: RT @CUPCAKEWILLIAM6: What did Ivana Trump know about many crimes (biz frauds, tax frauds, 01/06, Trump & Epstein pedophilia...) that Morona… - 3 years ago

@samlo_xo: RT @fancynancysays: @ReallyAmerican1 @sandibachom #KGB asset spooted when he first dated #Soviet #Ivana - 3 years ago

@ZossoLavonna: RT @DoctorHenryCT: Ivana Trump's funeral is Wednesday in NYC. Trump and the kids' depositions should be rescheduled for Friday. And before… - 3 years ago

@LevinInches: RT @NeverTrumpTexan: Do I think Ivana Trump was the victim of foul play? Not at all. But if Joe Biden's ex wife- who testified under oat… - 3 years ago

@nancy_drc: Watch "Ivana Trump, Donald Trump’s first wife, found dead in NYC apartment | 9 News Australia" on YouTube - 3 years ago

@jmreycroft: RT @DoctorHenryCT: Ivana Trump's funeral is Wednesday in NYC. Trump and the kids' depositions should be rescheduled for Friday. And before… - 3 years ago

@NHousteau: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@Ilene3youtz: RT @OccupyDemocrats: If you think that it's absolutely shameful for Donald Trump to exploit the death of his first wife Ivana — who died fr… - 3 years ago

@lanita_darden: RT @DoctorHenryCT: Ivana Trump's funeral is Wednesday in NYC. Trump and the kids' depositions should be rescheduled for Friday. And before… - 3 years ago

@aquino4congress: RT @aquino4congress: #AmericaFirst candidate Darren Aquino today we are remembering the passing of Ivana Trump mother of Donald Junior Eric… - 3 years ago

@bfs2020: Melania Trump won't be at Ivana's funeral according to a family source Ooh, jealous and tacky! - 3 years ago

@dgtngn: RT @iVoteArizona: ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to the passing of Ivana Trump, the Arizona Trump Rally in Prescott Valley is rescheduled for Friday, Ju… - 3 years ago

@33health33: Former US president Donald Trump's first wife Ivana dies suddenly aged 73 - 3 years ago

@tootootees: RT @EliseHolzworth: Re: Ivana Trump Death -- If I was the NYC Medical Examiner, I would have called in two well-known experts to concur wit… - 3 years ago

@Sucesosenlinea: RT @Sucesosenlinea: Forense revela la causa de muerte de Ivana Trump Ivana Trump, de 73 años, habría muerto en un accidente por las lesione… - 3 years ago

@DonShelbyUK: - 3 years ago

@aufreedom: RT @brill_leah: @mtownjoe @nathaliejacoby1 Ivana was packed for a trip to San Trope’ after staying in during Pandemic. The Secret Service d… - 3 years ago

@Mingcat: Ivana Trump died from accidental blunt impact injuries, medical examiner says - CBS News - 3 years ago

@DavidSharesNews: Without Ivana, There's No 'The Donald' - POLITICO - 3 years ago

@pegkeohan: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@jeguru1: When Ivana Trump Met Sarah Palin - 3 years ago

@HanaOGanon: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@Danylo_fedir: RT @cnnbrk: Ivana Trump, an ex-wife of former President Donald Trump, has died. She was 73. - 3 years ago

@Danylo_fedir: RT @cnnbrk: Ivana Trump, an ex-wife of former President Trump, died of "blunt impact injuries" to the torso, medical examiner says, ruling… - 3 years ago

@forester6291: RT @davenewworld_2: Never forget that Ivana Trump used the term "rape" to describe an encounter with Donald Trump. Her book said he was fru… - 3 years ago

@GOPlacksmorals: RT @Nulli_Secunda_3: @smc429 Just like Ivana Trump, Melania is a Russian agent. Trump has been in bed with Russia for much longer than is u… - 3 years ago

@bobbie_and_leo: RT @smc429: People reported that the days before Ivana Trump died, she had trouble moving and getting around. Yeah, it's judgmental, but wh… - 3 years ago

@jennycook266: RT @Newsweek: Fresh 1/6 testimonies are scheduled less than 24 hours after the funeral of Donald Trump's ex-wife, Ivana. - 3 years ago

@ladydshops: RT @hrkbenowen: Ivana Trump’s funeral will be Wednesday at 1:30 in NYC’s Upper East Side. No word yet if Trump will attend the service. - 3 years ago

@elpoliticonews: 🇺🇸 Las autoridadeds de Nueva York están investigando si Ivana #Trump se cayó por las escaleras antes de morir, segú… - 3 years ago

@FraseSimple: Entérate aquí 👉 Murió Ivana Trump, exesposa de Donald Trump - 3 years ago

@jbevan1952: RT @hrkbenowen: Ivana Trump’s funeral will be Wednesday at 1:30 in NYC’s Upper East Side. No word yet if Trump will attend the service. - 3 years ago

@WalkFromDems: RT @eclipsethis2003: This was Trump's original post on the death of Ivana on Truth Social. The left altered it and tried to say Trump had a… - 3 years ago

@cheddar: Here are today's headlines you Need2Know! ✅Ivana Trump's cause of death ruled as an accident ✅Jennifer Lopez & Ben… - 3 years ago

@MZimny: @DrGJackBrown I'm sure trump had one of his "special" doctors do Ivana's autopsy. - 3 years ago

@KodoJast: Why Ivana Trump's Death Has Conspiracy Theorists Buzzing - 3 years ago

@DonMora25894544: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@_davidstoltz65: RT @EarlOfEnough: 📌I am saddened that Ivana Trump died from "blunt impact injuries" to her torso. That seems like a scary, painful, terribl… - 3 years ago

@Coll1313: @ScottAdamsSays Scott, heard you question Trumps statement on Ivana... I encourage you to watch this interview in i… - 3 years ago

@Armandodearma17: RT @smc429: People reported that the days before Ivana Trump died, she had trouble moving and getting around. Yeah, it's judgmental, but wh… - 3 years ago

@CorneliusMill15: RT @ABC: BREAKING: Ivana Trump, the ex-wife of former Pres. Donald Trump, has died at age 73, the family told @ABC News. - 3 years ago

@2dogknight: RT @dbiggs0001: 😔😔These are Ivana's Predecessors: Young Trump Execs, all w Families. And Two Lease Copter Pilots. (Why the Hell would Trump… - 3 years ago

@NYT_said_where: @NYT_first_said "It was at most a minibeat for me, focused on Donald and Ivana Trump’s divorce case." occurred in: - 3 years ago

@AliciaHollinger: @pbcdmx @STL_JC @DrGJackBrown Ivana was in constant contact with Trump. Even if she was subpoenaed (which there is… - 3 years ago

@ThePsysquatch: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@BornAlaskan: Ivana Trump said d the following about “poor-loser Donald” “He's not a good loser," she added. "He doesn't like to… - 3 years ago

@MartePaa: RT @freetofindtruth: Is Ivana Trump's death related to Donald Trump's 2024 run? /w Adam Francisco & Zachary K. Hubbard - 3 years ago

@kabreslow: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Mid-East Agenda, Inflation, Abe Funeral, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Uvalde Tape, 988, Ivana Trump - 3 years ago

@BelindaAnn1: RT @fancynancysays: @ReallyAmerican1 @sandibachom #KGB asset spooted when he first dated #Soviet #Ivana - 3 years ago

@HthrHayes: RT @realTuckFrumper: Ivana Trump Died From Blunt Force Trauma — and the Conspiracy Theorists are Out in Force - 3 years ago

@starlight5girl: Honestly, I can't believe I found out about Yung Gravy's leaked tape before I found out about Ivana Trump's death - 3 years ago

@Onsomerealshi11: RT @kiyohiroo: yung gravy sex tape leaked, ricky martin going to jail, elon musk dad weird asf, ivana trump died in an odd way, and lil uzi… - 3 years ago

@CharlesCyr12: RT @kevinwitvliet00: Ivana Trump was pushed. You'll never convince me otherwise - 3 years ago

@milt_pat: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@CITIZNWARRIOR: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@NsAPesarDeTodo: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@ClaireRenault: RT @jeromegodefroy: Dans les années 80, Ivana Trump (qui vient de disparaître) incarnait à New York avec son mari Donald le clinquant du po… - 3 years ago

@Elizabe45314738: RT @kimguilfoyle: In lieu of flowers, we kindly ask you to support Ivana Trump in her mission to help dogs and donate to Big Dog Rescue Ran… - 3 years ago

@assappapichulo: RT @kiyohiroo: yung gravy sex tape leaked, ricky martin going to jail, elon musk dad weird asf, ivana trump died in an odd way, and lil uzi… - 3 years ago

@LoriDegross: RT @TrendingLiberal: Who thinks Donald Trump would push Ivana Trump to her death to avoid prison? - 3 years ago

@M75Sylvie: RT @GALAfr: Mort d’Ivana Trump : les causes de son décès révélées - Gala - 3 years ago

@unKleBING: With all do respect its been what 4 -5 days now? Does Ivana really still need to be the top what's happening? It ha… - 3 years ago

@WoodyHunt5: RT @nathaliejacoby1: Does anyone find it suspicious that Ivana Trump passed away the day before her two children and Donald Trump were sche… - 3 years ago

@crazyforscones: @nytimes perhaps most revealing but certainly not surprising development on character of Trump family and campaign… - 3 years ago

@ClaireRenault: RT @freshpeople_off: 🔴 Décès de Ivana Trump, première épouse de Donald Trump, et mère de ses 3 enfants aînés, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr… - 3 years ago

@Reggiebub: RT @kathrynresister: I thought it was really interesting that the coroner in the Ivana Trump death called her death "accidental" within 48… - 3 years ago

@ClaireRenault: RT @Le_Figaro: Décès d'Ivana Trump, la première épouse de Donald Trump La police de New York s'est rendue à son appartement après un appel… - 3 years ago

@ShootesStraight: RT @RepMTG: My prayers are with the Trump family for the loss of a treasured family member, Ivana Trump. May Ivana Rest In Peace. - 3 years ago

@ClaireRenault: RT @The_best_man_57: Ivana Trump, la première épouse de Donald Trump et mère de ses trois aînés, est décédée à New York, a annoncé l'ancien… - 3 years ago

@sci_writer: RT @sarahkendzior: @ashtonpittman I don’t know how Ivana died. I do know that when I wrote a book about Trump’s forty-year career in busine… - 3 years ago

@RobsonB02173723: RT @DanScavino: RIP, Ivana Trump — My condolences to the entire Trump Family. Thoughts, prayers, and love with @IvankaTrump, @DonaldJTrumpJ… - 3 years ago

@GemGirl4Life: RT @AP: The medical examiner says Ivana Trump died of blunt impact injuries to the torso caused by an accident. Police are looking into whe… - 3 years ago

@moul291945: so blond ivana trump - 3 years ago

@sci_writer: RT @shannonrwatts: I’m very confused as to why these glowing media accounts of the Trump marriage never mention that Ivana Trump accused Do… - 3 years ago

@grsambo: RT @DoringHaak: TRUMP RALLY FOR TONIGHT RESCHEDULED FOR 22 July 2022 due to passing of Ivana - 3 years ago

@ViticoBL: Ivana Trump Died From Blunt Force Trauma, Medical Examiner Rules - 3 years ago

@iksweb: Ivana Trump Cause of Death: Police Investigate Stair Fall Theory She knew too much about the business. I’m surpris… - 3 years ago

@so10961305: RT @piyushmittal: Donald Trump's reach is astonishing. Et tu, medical examiner? I hope AG Letitia James does something. - 3 years ago

@tednsocal: BREAKING: Autopsy reveals that Ivana Trump, Donald's first wife, died from blunt impact injuries incurred by a fall… - 3 years ago

@JoeyParry_: RT @TheRickyDavila: The depositions of Donald, Trash Jr and Crimestress Ivanka have been delayed due to Ivana trump’s death just a day befo… - 3 years ago

@ahblizz: RT @DonLew87: Ivana fell down the stairs and died. Trump wanted folks to believe he cried. To delay his deposition. Folks questioned his p… - 3 years ago

@NWallis7777: RT @VVFriedman: In memory of Ivana Trump, and the way she defined a certain go-go 1980s New York style. "One in which your limo could never… - 3 years ago

@AlyafeiKarima: RT @TonyUbiquitymme: Ivana Trump died when she accidentally fell down the stairs of her Manhattan home —where a maintenance man found her b… - 3 years ago

@juliewa43117224: RT @gail_sandler: @MayoIsSpicyy @jcbanksaoh Ivana Trump was of the Trump ilk. She sounded, behaved, and thought just like “the Donald” et a… - 3 years ago

@Brayam78789818: What caused Ivana Trump’s death? Blunt force trauma is identified as the death’s cause. » PHOOSI - 3 years ago

@jasmeel: RT @shannonrwatts: I’m very confused as to why these glowing media accounts of the Trump marriage never mention that Ivana Trump accused Do… - 3 years ago

@educator_kyle: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Autopsy reveals that Ivana Trump, Donald's first wife, died from blunt impact injuries incurred by a fall do… - 3 years ago

@NetSparsh: How Did Ivana Trump Die? New Details Emerge From Her NYC Townhouse | NBC New York - 3 years ago

@Snowyross1: RT @bblock29: After Ivana Trump's "fall" Tiffany better watch her back. The Trumps may want to stall the NY deposition a few more weeks! - 3 years ago

@amckenc633: RT @Spawn_03: So Trump is excused from his deposition today due to Ivana Trump's death, but has no problem attending his rally in AZ this w… - 3 years ago

@Gnushound: RT @DoringHaak: TRUMP RALLY FOR TONIGHT RESCHEDULED FOR 22 July 2022 due to passing of Ivana - 3 years ago

@KamVTV: RT @kimguilfoyle: In lieu of flowers, we kindly ask you to support Ivana Trump in her mission to help dogs and donate to Big Dog Rescue Ran… - 3 years ago

@PegCain1: RT @JoJoFromJerz: HOLY SHIT: Ivana Trump died from injuries she sustained as the result of a fall - per the medical examiner. 👀 - 3 years ago

@piyushmittal: Donald Trump's reach is astonishing. Et tu, medical examiner? I hope AG Letitia James does something. - 3 years ago

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