Ivan Štraus

Bosnian architect (Belgrade Museum of Aviation).
Died on Sunday August 26th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ivan Štraus:

@Revija_Outsider: 24. 8 je v svojem Sarajevu umrl Ivan Štraus, arhitekt slovenskega rodu z dvema karierama. Imel je dvomljivo priložn… - 6 years ago

@ZNovice: Štiriindvajsetega avgusta je v Sarajevu umrl Ivan Štraus, ki se je v tem nacionalno fluidnem in nemirnem okolju ide… - 6 years ago

@FrajlaCajka: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@ZigicBranko: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago


@SocModernism: Museum of Aviation (formerly the Yugoslav Aeronautical Museum) Serbia, Belgrade, built between 1975-89 architect: I… - 6 years ago

@Crnaruza90: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@ermina02061445: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@jheljic: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@R_25199312: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@lifeonground: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@aerokonj: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@bajro_paravlic: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@GeraldinaHir: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@Tvita8: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@CountessBezuhov: RT @Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. https… - 6 years ago

@Alex_Marton: Jedan od najvećih arhitekata SFRJ Ivan Štraus otišao je tiho. Umro je pre 6 dana u svom Sarajevu u 90.godini života. - 6 years ago

@VoiceBosnia: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@GeraldinaHir: RT @igorzuna: Bivsi Dom JNA,sada Centar za kulturu u Derventi. Veliki arhitekta Ivan Straus je i u Derventi ostavio svoj pecat. - 6 years ago

@autohtonibosanc: RT @igorzuna: Bivsi Dom JNA,sada Centar za kulturu u Derventi. Veliki arhitekta Ivan Straus je i u Derventi ostavio svoj pecat. - 6 years ago

@igorzuna: Bivsi Dom JNA,sada Centar za kulturu u Derventi. Veliki arhitekta Ivan Straus je i u Derventi ostavio svoj pecat. - 6 years ago

@azazelo_s: Miljenko Jergović: U Sarajevu je, bez prisustva vlasti, makar ijednog njezinog predstavnika, ispraćen jedan od neko… - 6 years ago

@AminaBosnia1: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@HeleenTouquet: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@datchery8: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@ICProstor: U Sarajevu je danas sahranjen arhitekta i akademik Ivan Štraus (1928-2018). - 6 years ago

@radiotitograd: Preminuo Ivan Štraus, projektant nikšićkog hotela Onogošt - - 6 years ago

@KRUG_99: Otišao je u pamćenje Ivan Štraus..... - - 6 years ago

@Memrea1: Preminuo Ivan Štraus, projektant čuvenog nikšićkog hotela Onogošt - 6 years ago

@cafemontenegro: #Nikšić Preminuo Ivan Štraus, projektant čuvenog hotela Onogošt - 6 years ago

@cristinamora66: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@psittarch: Danas je u Sarajevu sahranjen veliki jugoslovenski arhitekta Ivan Štraus. Neka mu je večna slava i hvala. Za neupu… - 6 years ago

@SaadKre: Ivan Straus 1928-2018. #architecture - 6 years ago

@agencijafena: Last farewell to Ivan Štraus who witnessed his works being destroyed and rebuilt | FENA - 6 years ago

@XeniaBusse: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@OnogostMe: Čuveni sarajevski arhitekta i akademik - 6 years ago

@Somiatwiter: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@Bamrezacom: [Avaz] Sarajevo bi bez njega bilo potpuno drugačije: Ivan Štraus realizirao je brojne projekte visoke arhitektonske… - 6 years ago

@jadranas: R.I.P. arch. Ivan Štraus ( 1928 - 2018) Muzej avijacije,l 1990, Aerodrom Nikola Tesla u Beogradu Foto: Jadranka Šus… - 6 years ago

@jadranas: R.I.P. arch. Ivan Štraus ( 1928 - 2018) Elektroprivreda BiH ( izgrađena 1978, znatno oštećena za vrijeme opsade Sa… - 6 years ago

@BRuiz_Bejarano: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@devisvicent: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@GabrielleMarieD: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@ElviraMeligrana: RT @MMolleda_RNE: Falleció Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo,capital de Bosnia.Entre sus obras destacan el emblemático hotel Holiday I… - 6 years ago

@MMolleda_RNE: Falleció Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo,capital de Bosnia.Entre sus obras destacan el emblemático hotel Hol… - 6 years ago

@ROSFON: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@ricardotejada19: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@JJMadueno: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@finnonna: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@Villarejo: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@LauCVEM: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@manuelmadrid_lv: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@Cutralla: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@mentetransfuga: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@ColouringWords: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@oscarmijallo: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@rafaeldiazarias: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@xibiett: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@IrinaHirondelle: RT @MMolleda_RNE: Falleció Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo,capital de Bosnia.Entre sus obras destacan el emblemático hotel Holiday I… - 6 years ago

@ReginaLaguna: RT @EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de periodist… - 6 years ago

@EsmaKucukalic: Adiós a Iván Straus, el arquitecto de Sarajevo. Entre sus creaciones esá el mítico hotel HolidayInn, cobijo de peri… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Ivan Štraus (90) Yugoslav architect - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Ivan Štraus - 6 years ago

@aldin_ww: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@BostjanBugaric: In loving memory of Ivan Štraus #architecture @architectuul @kulturnik @divisare_ @MuseumModernArt @dezeen… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Ivan Štraus dies - #IvanStraus #Ivan #Štraus #rip - 6 years ago

@OKnauss: RT @WaldoKanto: R.I.P. Ivan Štraus - July 24, 1928 - August 24, 2018 - 6 years ago

@MiteshDixit: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@GpressMedia: RT @Campocheco: Ha fallecido Ivan Štraus, pilar de la mágica edad de oro de la arquitectura yugoslava del siglo XX. Sus hitos: las torres g… - 6 years ago

@Jgpress: RT @Campocheco: Ha fallecido Ivan Štraus, pilar de la mágica edad de oro de la arquitectura yugoslava del siglo XX. Sus hitos: las torres g… - 6 years ago

@EsmirMilavic: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@WaldoKanto: R.I.P. Ivan Štraus - July 24, 1928 - August 24, 2018 - 6 years ago

@WaldoKanto: BiH renowned Architect Ivan Straus died at the Age of 90 - Sarajevo Times - 6 years ago

@NeckoD: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@selma_skrijelj: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@italyinbih: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@nikollayzhird: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@Jasmin_Vuk: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@tomescritt: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@krasnohrasno: Sve je super za ove ideje ulice Johnu McCaineu, ali mislim da je Ivan Štraus više zaslužio ulicu u Sarajevu. - 6 years ago

@Campocheco: Ha fallecido Ivan Štraus, pilar de la mágica edad de oro de la arquitectura yugoslava del siglo XX. Sus hitos: las… - 6 years ago

@SarajevoTimes: BiH renowned Architect Ivan Straus died at the Age of 90 - 6 years ago

@rudinavoca: RT @MatevzCelik: Saddened by the news that Ivan Štraus, one of the greatest Yugoslav architects, died. His outstanding architectural output… - 6 years ago

@Tajo1922: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@SPGuerra: RT @brezaleksandar: Ivan Štraus, one of the most notable Bosnian and Yugoslav architects of his generation, died in Sarajevo today. Štraus… - 6 years ago

@MediaServis1: BiH: Preminuo je čuveni sarajevski arhitekt i akademik, Ivan Štraus. Neki od najznačajinijih projekata na kojima je… - 6 years ago

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