István Bethlen

Hungarian aristocrat
Died on Thursday September 6th 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to István Bethlen:

@ShuffledOff: István Bethlen (72) Hungarian economist, politician - 7 years ago

@DeathByWiki: István Bethlen, Hungarian economist, politician, died 4th Sep aged 72. - 7 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: István Bethlen (born 1946) - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( István Bethlen - #IstvanBethlen #István #Bethlen #rip - 7 years ago


@nemzetinet: Elhunyt Bethlen István - 7 years ago

@Sztarklikk: Meghalt Bethlen István - 7 years ago

@nepszava: Gróf Bethlen István egykori magyar miniszterelnök leszármazottja volt - 7 years ago

@civilhetes: - 7 years ago

@indexhu: Meghalt Bethlen István, volt #MDF-es képviselő #antalljózsef #halálhír - 7 years ago

@Elobenhu: Bethlen István 1946. június 19-én született Kolozsváron Bethlen László jogász, országgyűlési képviselő és Teleki Ka… - 7 years ago

@Magyar_bmb: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@MiklosCseszneky: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@blikkhu: Nyugodjék békében! - 7 years ago

@banfihunyad: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@MONTESQUIEU1956: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@bacsmilvany: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@CorreaRollo: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@csesznek: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@dloresn69: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

@MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union… - 7 years ago

@kisroka_inks: RT @MiklosCseszneky: Count István Bethlen de Bethlen, former Hungarian MP and President of the Hungarian branch of the Paneuropean Union di… - 7 years ago

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