Issei Sagawa

Japanese murderer and cannibal
Died on Thursday December 1st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Issei Sagawa:

@imranfirdaus95: RT @NewsBFM: 🚨Trigger Warning: Violence & Rape 1. Issei Sagawa, who murdered and ate a Dutch student, dies at the age of 73. According to… - 2 years ago

@imranfirdaus95: RT @coffeehcrime: Issei Sagawa, known as the Japanese cannibal who murdered and ate Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in 1981, has died of pneu… - 2 years ago

@imranfirdaus95: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@asdfghjkLQ04: RT @Kadeesayong: โดยแถลงการณ์ของครอบครัวระบุว่า จะมีเพียงญาติเท่านั้นที่เข้าร่วมในพิธีศพและจะไม่มีการเปิดพิธีเป็นสาธารณะ - 2 years ago


@japundit: Death of the Kobe Cannibal | Issei Sagawa #japan #Cannibalism In 1981, Issei Sagawa killed his university classma… - 2 years ago

@brigadaph: Naging kontrobersiyal at usap-usapan sa buong mundo si Issei Sagawa dahil sa ginawa nitong krimen sa Paris noong 19… - 2 years ago

@brigadaph: MULING naging laman ng balita ang kontrobersiyal na si Issei Sagawa – ang Japanese national na pumatay at ‘kumain’… - 2 years ago

@elnshh: RT @joexy4c: وای داشتم پرونده جنایی issei Sagawa رو‌ میخوندم که آدمخواره و یارو عکس بدن تیکه تیکه شده‌ی مقتولش رو گذاشته توی یکی از کتاباش… - 2 years ago

@ryuz4k1L: RT @realbawamp: Issei Sagawa.. - 2 years ago

@realbawamp: Issei Sagawa.. - 2 years ago

@The_Rima_66: RT @francebleu: Issei Sagawa, surnommé le cannibale japonais, est décédé à Tokyo. L'occasion pour Willy Rovelli, de revenir sur l'abominabl… - 2 years ago

@fiend_ed: RT @joexy4c: وای داشتم پرونده جنایی issei Sagawa رو‌ میخوندم که آدمخواره و یارو عکس بدن تیکه تیکه شده‌ی مقتولش رو گذاشته توی یکی از کتاباش… - 2 years ago

@joexy4c: وای داشتم پرونده جنایی issei Sagawa رو‌ میخوندم که آدمخواره و یارو عکس بدن تیکه تیکه شده‌ی مقتولش رو گذاشته توی یکی… - 2 years ago

@zersinan1: RT @francebleu: Issei Sagawa, surnommé le cannibale japonais, est décédé à Tokyo. L'occasion pour Willy Rovelli, de revenir sur l'abominabl… - 2 years ago

@zabou_dchou: RT @francebleu: Issei Sagawa, surnommé le cannibale japonais, est décédé à Tokyo. L'occasion pour Willy Rovelli, de revenir sur l'abominabl… - 2 years ago

@_del_rio: RT @francebleu: Issei Sagawa, surnommé le cannibale japonais, est décédé à Tokyo. L'occasion pour Willy Rovelli, de revenir sur l'abominabl… - 2 years ago

@caileg_: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@francebleu: Issei Sagawa, surnommé le cannibale japonais, est décédé à Tokyo. L'occasion pour Willy Rovelli, de revenir sur l'a… - 2 years ago

@JagtoB: The Man who ate Human Flesh: Issei Sagawa Watch the full video⬇ #japanpsychokiller… - 2 years ago

@PhilippineStar: Issei Sagawa, known as the "Kobe Cannibal," was never jailed for his murder of a Dutch student. He died of pneumoni… - 2 years ago

@philstarlife: Issei Sagawa, known as the "Kobe Cannibal," was never jailed for his murder of a Dutch student. He died of pneumoni… - 2 years ago

@Gartheimer: RT @Mandarake_En: ★Mandarake Latest Store Topics★ December 8 4pm Update Nakano -3F- Hon-ten 2 - [Renovation 1st anniversary] Issei Sagawa - 2 years ago

@Mandarake_En: ★Mandarake Latest Store Topics★ December 8 4pm Update Nakano -3F- Hon-ten 2 - [Renovation 1st anniversary] Issei S… - 2 years ago

@kabdel_off: ...Kabdel Media Issei Sagawa, le « Japonais cannibale », est mort - 2 years ago

@LaurenceRHarvey: RT @GloutonsDu: S'inspirant du meurtre commis par le japonnais cannibale Issei Sagawa (dont la véritable histoire est encore plus glauque),… - 2 years ago

@mariiammkd: RT @japantimes: Issei Sagawa, a Japanese murderer known as the "Kobe Cannibal" who killed and ate a Dutch student but was never jailed, has… - 2 years ago

@norajjjjjj: RT @GloutonsDu: S'inspirant du meurtre commis par le japonnais cannibale Issei Sagawa (dont la véritable histoire est encore plus glauque),… - 2 years ago

@GloutonsDu: S'inspirant du meurtre commis par le japonnais cannibale Issei Sagawa (dont la véritable histoire est encore plus g… - 2 years ago

@ashleeeyyyyjc: Why am I just now learning that Issei Sagawa died on Thanksgiving?! 😳 - 2 years ago

@KingsClint: @sosadity_a @big_business_ It's a vice interview with Issei sagawa - 2 years ago

@PHLNewsInsider: RT @PEPalerts: Hindi inilihim ni Issei ang kanyang ginawang krimen. Sa katunayan, pinagkakitaan pa niya ito. “My desire to eat a woman had… - 2 years ago

@alexlaskine: @GSouvenirs Issei Sagawa... - 2 years ago

@adriengodartoff: RT @CerfiaFR: 🗞️ - 2 years ago

@ShaminBECA: Issei sagawa fallecio... Y eso hace que mi espiritu tenga paz... Si existe un infierno... Espero que sufra alli... - 2 years ago

@Vilhelm_Ortwig: Descanse en grill - 2 years ago

@Agavedreamm: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@wangbluff: Issei Sagawa fvcking finally died. The fvcking audacity of walking free is truly a shame on all forms. - 2 years ago

@RebecaLen15: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@Cas_RM: Muere Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés que asesinó y devoró a su compañera de clase - 2 years ago

@yanjaa_b: 🤮🤮🤮 - 2 years ago


@nelmaropi: Le cannibale japonais est mort . - 2 years ago

@JournalLaMarne: RT @actufrparis: Mort d'Isseï Sagawa, le cannibale japonais de la rue Erlanger à #Paris ⤵ - 2 years ago

@heri__wicaksono: RT @VICE_ID: Kanibal Jepang bernama Issei Sagawa meninggal alami di usia 73. Dia mengaku membunuh karena ingin makan daging manusia, tapi u… - 2 years ago

@MikeNakanishi1: Good News Issei Sagawa, Japanese cannibal who walked free, dies at 73 - 2 years ago

@nellow__: the Vice in North Korea, the Liberia warlords episode and the Issei Sagawa interview >> - 2 years ago

@jayysongonzaga: RT @PhilippineStar: Issei Sagawa, a Japanese murderer known as the "Kobe Cannibal" who killed and ate a Dutch student but was never jailed,… - 2 years ago

@filafresh: RT @PhilippineStar: Issei Sagawa, a Japanese murderer known as the "Kobe Cannibal" who killed and ate a Dutch student but was never jailed,… - 2 years ago

@PhilippineStar: Issei Sagawa, a Japanese murderer known as the "Kobe Cannibal" who killed and ate a Dutch student but was never jai… - 2 years ago

@coloneldimples: Issei sagawa has died??? Good i hope he rots in hell - 2 years ago

@valengates: RT @VICE_ID: Kanibal Jepang bernama Issei Sagawa meninggal alami di usia 73. Dia mengaku membunuh karena ingin makan daging manusia, tapi u… - 2 years ago

@liliith23_: Issei Sagawa finally fucking died, hope he's burning in hell 🤞 - 2 years ago

@irvnhnv: RT @VICE_ID: Kanibal Jepang bernama Issei Sagawa meninggal alami di usia 73. Dia mengaku membunuh karena ingin makan daging manusia, tapi u… - 2 years ago

@peachy_unic0rn: My blood boiled when I find out what he did to the innocent victim. His mental illness should never be an excuse fo… - 2 years ago

@VICE_ID: Kanibal Jepang bernama Issei Sagawa meninggal alami di usia 73. Dia mengaku membunuh karena ingin makan daging manu… - 2 years ago

@brigadaph: Naging kontrobersiyal at usap-usapan sa buong mundo si Issei Sagawa dahil sa ginawa nitong krimen sa Paris noong 19… - 2 years ago

@brigadaph: MULING naging laman ng balita ang kontrobersiyal na si Issei Sagawa – ang Japanese national na pumatay at ‘kumain’… - 2 years ago

@aoeytuan: RT @Offchainon: ‘ฆาตกรกินเนื้อมนุษย์’ อิซเซ ซากาวะ ตายด้วยโรคปอดบวมในวัย 73 หลังก่อคดีฆาตกรรม เรเน่ ฮาร์ทเวล ที่ปารีส เมื่อ 41 ปีก่อน ก่อ… - 2 years ago

@Helenaist4ever: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@wikkiebear: ISSEI SAGAWA FINALLY FUCKING DIED - 2 years ago

@xenaime: ISSEI SAGAWA DIED!! I hope he rots. - 2 years ago

@boodraws: Shut up Issei Sagawa did not die on fucking -Thanksgiving- What is this universe - 2 years ago

@PigPublishing: This one was really great. Hope they do a Issei Sagawa episode, - 2 years ago

@cutie_melo: RT @andy_whats: En el año 1981 Issei Sagawa le disparó a una compañera de la cual estaba enamorado con un rifle calibre 22, luego de que el… - 2 years ago

@freixecava: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@kafzeil: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@besoksenin: Lelaki Kanibal asal Jepang Ini Tidak Dipenjara Meski Memutilasi dan Makan Temannya - 2 years ago

@makun88: RT @afpbbcom: 「パリ人肉事件」の佐川さん死去 73歳 「パリ人肉事件」で知られる佐川一政(Issei Sagawa)さんが11月24日、肺炎のため死去した。73歳。親族の発表によると、葬儀は親族と友人のみで執り… - 2 years ago

@Scoliing: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@jhglub: lendo isso só consegui lembrar do caso do issei sagawa kk :/ - 2 years ago

@WonderwalI__: RT @andy_whats: En el año 1981 Issei Sagawa le disparó a una compañera de la cual estaba enamorado con un rifle calibre 22, luego de que el… - 2 years ago

@Pasteltwtx: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@Eridann: Issei Sagawa, le « Japonais cannibale », est mort - 2 years ago

@ATGBrokers: News (Issei Sagawa: Kannibale in Japan gestorben – Mord in Frankreich 1981) has been published on… - 2 years ago

@lacittanews: Issei Sagawa, la storia del famoso cannibale che uccise e mangiò una studentessa “per amore”. Famoso per non aver m… - 2 years ago

@Lator78: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@4Anjell: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@jramiroMX: ¿Quién fue Issei Sagawa? El caníbal de Kobe murió a los 73 años de edad vía @sdpnoticias - 2 years ago

@1talpelirroja: RT @andy_whats: En el año 1981 Issei Sagawa le disparó a una compañera de la cual estaba enamorado con un rifle calibre 22, luego de que el… - 2 years ago

@InvaderMiyu: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@EspressoYourAMV: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@REEEEEEEE_bitch: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@Repinga98: RT @andy_whats: En el año 1981 Issei Sagawa le disparó a una compañera de la cual estaba enamorado con un rifle calibre 22, luego de que el… - 2 years ago

@Eduardo16076728: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@Xamry07: RT @coffeehcrime: Issei Sagawa, known as the Japanese cannibal who murdered and ate Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in 1981, has died of pneu… - 2 years ago

@ClashPulp99: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@ATGBrokers: News (An einer Lungenentzündung: Japanischer Kannibale Issei Sagawa gestorben) has been published on… - 2 years ago

@Pixelatedotters: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@irisdskye_95: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@Clonazepam700mg: Consumir conteúdo de true crime pega uma parte considerável da minha saúde mental... Ainda mais em casos como o do… - 2 years ago

@dreadorchidclub: RT @albalaguna81: Ha muerto Issei Sagawa, el caníbal japonés acusado de matar y devorar a una estudiante holandesa en 1973. Explicó su vida… - 2 years ago

@bot_berita: Kabar Update : Lelaki Kanibal asal Jepang Ini Tidak Dipenjara Meski Memutilasi dan Makan Temannya - 2 years ago

@florthense: RT @rencontrejfm: Tout le monde l'avait oublié, mais sa disparition nous rappelle son souvenir. On apprend dans cet article qu'il n'aura ét… - 2 years ago

@amxrhxzeq: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@rencontrejfm: Tout le monde l'avait oublié, mais sa disparition nous rappelle son souvenir. On apprend dans cet article qu'il n'a… - 2 years ago

@lexinmundo: #Japonia: #Issei Sagawa, canibalul japonez care a rămas liber, a murit la 73 de ani. - 2 years ago

@lexinmundo: #Japan: #IsseiSagawa, #Japanese #cannibal who walked free, dies at 73. - 2 years ago

@spicysinner: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@InqPOP: His body was cremated at Hokubu Salen in Kawasaki, Japan, and was given a private ceremony attended only by his rel… - 2 years ago

@voidchilismngr: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@Tak89377150: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@alatusgrace: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@CatBoyRonny: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@clivesolaris: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@0000000a77: RT @coffeehcrime: Issei Sagawa, known as the Japanese cannibal who murdered and ate Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in 1981, has died of pneu… - 2 years ago

@BlankPonyboy: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@psyberchan: Chocado que o Issei Sagawa morreu - 2 years ago

@Tatakainoaizu: RT @andy_whats: En el año 1981 Issei Sagawa le disparó a una compañera de la cual estaba enamorado con un rifle calibre 22, luego de que el… - 2 years ago

@Ultimate_Koti: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@piratekid_1: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Sagawa Issei, who killed and cannibalized Dutch student Renee Hartevelt in Paris, got away with it, and then made mone… - 2 years ago

@S_kisaragi: RT @Nice_Matin: Décès à 73 ans d'Issei Sagawa, le "cannibale japonais" qui avait mangé une étudiante - 2 years ago

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