Issam Zahreddine

Died on Wednesday October 18th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Issam Zahreddine:

@Finkley1: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@owsmediagroup: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@AudioviSol15M: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@revoltmedios: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago


@nikkyschiller: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@DeepDishTV: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@notmynypd: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@OccupyNZ: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@GlobalRevLive: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@YourAnonGlobal: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@dumptrumpnyc: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@vladteichberg: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@LAPeoplesMedia: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@artoflistening3: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@glassbeadian: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@occupySYDNEY: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@Watch25s: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@oqven: RT @ThomasWictor: (21) Issam Zahreddine is said to have been killed by a land mine. Bull. - 7 years ago

@oqven: RT @ThomasWictor: (12) Issam Zahreddine and Suheil al-Hassan saturated civilian centers with high-explosive artillery. - 7 years ago

@oqven: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@60sReno: RT @ThomasWictor: (12) Issam Zahreddine and Suheil al-Hassan saturated civilian centers with high-explosive artillery. - 7 years ago

@60sReno: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@azimechproject: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@katistraveling: RT @ThomasWictor: (12) Issam Zahreddine and Suheil al-Hassan saturated civilian centers with high-explosive artillery. - 7 years ago

@ginosansonetto: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@3arabawy: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@iyad_elbaghdadi: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@LazarusDeLargeV: RT @ThomasWictor: (12) Issam Zahreddine and Suheil al-Hassan saturated civilian centers with high-explosive artillery. - 7 years ago

@t_sloughter: RT @joeyayoub: Italian fascists honouring the Syrian regime war criminal Issam Zahreddine, calling him 'the lion of the Euphrates' - 7 years ago

@jihadaeon1: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@LazarusDeLargeV: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@battlefrontgen1: RT @ThomasWictor: (12) Issam Zahreddine and Suheil al-Hassan saturated civilian centers with high-explosive artillery. - 7 years ago

@ThomasWictor: (12) Issam Zahreddine and Suheil al-Hassan saturated civilian centers with high-explosive artillery. - 7 years ago

@AFRKN_: RT @ConYemen_: Mensaje que Yaroub, hijo del General Issam Zahreddine, escribió a través de su cuenta oficial de Facebook: - 7 years ago

@ImperialismoNO: RT @descifraguerra: Batalla de Deir ez-Zor: Ejército Sirio expulsa a Estado Islámico de Isla Hawijah Saker, la fortaleza donde Issam Zahred… - 7 years ago

@TurntableKittah: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@jdeebee267: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@battlefrontgen1: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@BarrSharp: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@nancy_faust: RT @ThomasWictor: (8) Issam Zahreddine solved all his problems with massive artillery barrages. - 7 years ago

@Eltipaa: RT @tOPeTEGZ: Hoy se nos fue Issam Zahreddine en una explosión contra su convoy ! Descansa en Paz gran General! - 7 years ago

@Leo52535791: RT @LilySej1: HONOR AND R.I.P.!🌹#HERO🇸🇾 L'EROE SIRIANO Issam #Zahreddine è stato ucciso durante le operazioni contro IS sull'Isola di Saqr… - 7 years ago

@LilySej1: RT @LilySej1: HONOR AND R.I.P.!🌹#HERO🇸🇾 L'EROE SIRIANO Issam #Zahreddine è stato ucciso durante le operazioni contro IS sull'Isola di Saqr… - 7 years ago

@DFBbear: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@phoenx7: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@ChariiDavid: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@ClubBayern: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@AWAKEALERT: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@Alkibiadez: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@NenuialXV: RT @1982cgd: Periodista en el terreno Sohayb Masri anuncia que el Estado Islámico se está retirando de la isla Hawijah Saqr donde murió Iss… - 7 years ago

@IsidroRodes: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@HinojosaResiste: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@EIconfidente: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@casajuntoalrio: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@syrie_info: RT @Abubassel97: Italy streets after the martyrdom of general issam zahreddine. - 7 years ago

@xhornytrashx: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@djradiostruga: @IvanSidorenko1 a victory in memory of Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@gaston810: RT @TeamMediaWarIq: The battle to defeat entrenched #ISIS militants incurred a heavy cost, including the death of one of its generals Issam… - 7 years ago

@TeamMediaWarIq: The battle to defeat entrenched #ISIS militants incurred a heavy cost, including the death of one of its generals Issam Zahreddine #Syria - 7 years ago

@Aco1Z: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@integrity_UK: The battle to defeat entrenched #ISIS militants incurred a heavy cost, including the death of one of its generals Issam Zahreddine #Syria - 7 years ago

@eleonora_ilieva: [Adam Garrie: Issam Zahreddine's name will be written in the stars! - YouTube] is good,have a look at it! - 7 years ago

@maz__27: RT @hamza_780: Terrible news: Major General Issam Zahreddine has been martyred R.I.P - 7 years ago

@eleonora_ilieva: [Tribute to the martyr, Major General Issam Zahreddine - Respect 💘 - 7 years ago

@ismene2: RT @1982cgd: Periodista en el terreno Sohayb Masri anuncia que el Estado Islámico se está retirando de la isla Hawijah Saqr donde murió Iss… - 7 years ago

@1982cgd: Periodista en el terreno Sohayb Masri anuncia que el Estado Islámico se está retirando de la isla Hawijah Saqr donde murió Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@Artur_Voronchuk: RT @Abubassel97: Italy streets after the martyrdom of general issam zahreddine. - 7 years ago

@s_total_s2: RT @Abubassel97: Italy streets after the martyrdom of general issam zahreddine. - 7 years ago

@DSpieluhr: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@HeluaBilbo: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@voglia_tanta: RT @Abubassel97: Italy streets after the martyrdom of general issam zahreddine. - 7 years ago

@af1Rzu3pccdicpT: RT @Abubassel97: Italy streets after the martyrdom of general issam zahreddine. - 7 years ago

@Anti_otan1984: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@EDDYDON9: RT @Abubassel97: Italy streets after the martyrdom of general issam zahreddine. - 7 years ago

@Corso_88: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@TooLegit_2Quit: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@VanoKranov: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@EmilianoLauren1: RT @TheArabSource: Breaking: Prominent Syrian general Issam #Zahreddine killed in Deir Ezzor - 7 years ago

@tareke1113: @JesusFlawers @DRKLI @ISIS_Hunters Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@tareke1113: @DRKLI @JesusFlawers @ISIS_Hunters Dude. The guy above is Issam Zahreddine... - 7 years ago

@Shalom2023: RT @TheArabSource: Breaking: Prominent Syrian general Issam #Zahreddine killed in Deir Ezzor - 7 years ago

@di_dioniso: RT @BUGMIR: Sassari, 22 ottobre 2017. Si rende onore al martire generale Issam Zahreddine, caduto liberando la sua patria dalla barbarie im… - 7 years ago

@jirinas22: RT @Shababeeksouria: #Italy. #Memorial action. In honor of Issam Zahreddine. The Lion of #Euphrates. #Syria #SAA #bitcoin #DeirEzZor #bitc… - 7 years ago

@GrbicAleks: RT @Shababeeksouria: #Italy. #Memorial action. In honor of Issam Zahreddine. The Lion of #Euphrates. #Syria #SAA #bitcoin #DeirEzZor #bitc… - 7 years ago

@MUPALESTINE1: RT @LenaFarra_: There’s a special place in hell inshallah for Issam Zahreddine 😂 - 7 years ago

@4Tuga: RT @Shababeeksouria: #Italy. #Memorial action. In honor of Issam Zahreddine. The Lion of #Euphrates. #Syria #SAA #bitcoin #DeirEzZor #bitc… - 7 years ago

@LaHaineInfo: Honor y gloria Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@mattiasdahlpoli: RT @christerstolt: Europa behöver en egen Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@christerstolt: Europa behöver en egen Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@Conflictwatcher: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria R.I.P. #SRG #SyrianRepublicanGuard Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine - عصام جدعان زهر الدين - 7 years ago

@k90006668: RT @islamonde_info: Issam Zahreddine, rappelez vous cette crapule qui s'adonnait à ce genre de découpage gore ! Le peuple syrien n'aura plu… - 7 years ago

@k90006668: RT @islamonde_info: une belle nouvelle aujourd'hui pour le peuple syrien : ce bourreau, Issam Zahreddine, ne pourra plus massacrer de syrie… - 7 years ago

@k90006668: RT @RevolutionSyria: Top #Assad army General Issam Zahreddine is killed. Reports suggest he was terminated by #Assad men for becoming too… - 7 years ago

@MauthausenGusen: SIRIA. Honor y gloria Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@jose_aguirre: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@MMohamed77171: RT @SyriaGeneral: Issam Zahreddine with his family listening to some poetry about how the #Druze fought off the French occupation of #Syria… - 7 years ago

@DevinRice: RT @IvanSidorenko1: #Syria One of the last messages from Issam Zahreddine "Everywhere in Syria is Syrian - We wont let any factions occupy… - 7 years ago

@DermotFoley6: RT @Shababeeksouria: #Italy. #Memorial action. In honor of Issam Zahreddine. The Lion of #Euphrates. #Syria #SAA #bitcoin #DeirEzZor #bitc… - 7 years ago

@atali_sanchez: RT @medulio22: SIRIA. Honor y gloria Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@medulio22: SIRIA. Honor y gloria Issam Zahreddine - 7 years ago

@tania_valeri: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@saboteamos: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@DimKomesarios: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@caparrones: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@Conchetta9: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

@pablogutierre37: RT @AndresRublev: La historia siempre recordará al brigadier general Issam Zahreddine. Resistió durante años a ISIS en Deir Ezzor. Ha muert… - 7 years ago

@s0fritoCoins: RT @Shababeeksouria: #Italy. #Memorial action. In honor of Issam Zahreddine. The Lion of #Euphrates. #Syria #SAA #bitcoin #DeirEzZor #bitc… - 7 years ago

@Shababeeksouria: #Italy. #Memorial action. In honor of Issam Zahreddine. The Lion of #Euphrates. #Syria #SAA #bitcoin #DeirEzZor… - 7 years ago

@pazgabela: RT @ConYemen_: La ciudad italiana de Parma honra al General Issam Zahreddine con una gran pancarta 😍😭🙏 #Italia 🇮🇹❤️🇸🇾 - 7 years ago

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