Ismail Petra of Kelantan

Malaysian royal
Died on Saturday September 28th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ismail Petra of Kelantan:

@typicalAbid: RT @rahayutasnimUTM: NST, KUALA LUMPUR: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illn… - 5 years ago

@Syuhadahrizal: RT @rahayutasnimUTM: NST, KUALA LUMPUR: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illn… - 5 years ago

@Nvszhrnl: Despite Oksana's insistence that Ismail Leon Petra is of royal blood, Kelantan's palace, (in this case, most probab… - 5 years ago

@Nvszhrnl: Interesting thing about this scandal is, as of now, their alleged offspring, Ismail Leon Petra has yet been recogni… - 5 years ago


@BeritaTV9: RT @akmalarif90: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan ne… - 5 years ago

@BuletinTV3: RT @akmalarif90: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan ne… - 5 years ago

@NewsMPB: RT @akmalarif90: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan ne… - 5 years ago

@akmalarif90: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabu… - 5 years ago

@akmalarif90: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@_azamh: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@edisi7ntv7: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@BeritaTV9: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@BuletinTV3: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@NewsMPB: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabu… - 5 years ago

@zulaikha_mrzuki: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@2king_george3: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@afiifahyusoff: Mom & Dad called me during weekend. And I know they might miss me. Dad tell me that Kelantan having special holida… - 5 years ago

@MaddyTasnim: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@Frhaniyliaa: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@TravelKelantan: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@nurayunieawang: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@RepsolOilMY: Al-Fatihah and our condolences to Sultan Ismail Petra, the father of Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, whom has passed… - 5 years ago

@mrizalar: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@nieyna_diandra: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@MiyaaaaZemang: RT @hanimNewsMPB: Tour of Peninsular 2019 tetap diadakan namun terpaksa mengubah laluan membabitkan Kelantan berikutan tempoh perkabungan n… - 5 years ago

@umwgranttlube: Al-Fatihah and our condolences to Sultan Ismail Petra, the father of Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, whom has passed… - 5 years ago

@pennzoilmy: Al-Fatihah and our condolences to Sultan Ismail Petra, the father of Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, whom has passed… - 5 years ago

@aaziemahmohamad: RT @mazlan_ramly: The Sultan of Kelantan's Crown . It was last used to crown Sultan Ismail Petra in 1980 . It has European style with 4 h… - 5 years ago

@literally458: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@FareezShaqimie: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@fsihhsbri: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@Intnj__: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Ismail Petra of Kelantan (69) Sultan of Kelantan - 5 years ago

@ifntldy: RT @Nvszhrnl: Condolences to Kelantan's Royal Family of the passing of His Highness Sultan Ismail Petra Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.… - 5 years ago

@rowanromano: RT @Haziq_Escobar: A 1990s photo of the late Sultan Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra of Kelantan with his nephew, singer, actor, producer an… - 5 years ago

@thefarihaamin: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@RoyalFamily_Fan: RT @LSzkopinski: A short video clip from the funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan. It was attended by Yang d… - 5 years ago

@mazlan_ramly: The lying-in-state for the Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra in the throne room of the Istana Balai Besar , Kota Bharu ,… - 5 years ago

@mazlan_ramly: The State of Pahang pays homage to the Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra by joining Kelantan in mourning for the death o… - 5 years ago

@nasirsumaa: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@wannerrunner: RT @Haziq_Escobar: A 1990s photo of the late Sultan Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra of Kelantan with his nephew, singer, actor, producer an… - 5 years ago

@Haziq_Escobar: A 1990s photo of the late Sultan Ismail Petra Sultan Yahya Petra of Kelantan with his nephew, singer, actor, produc… - 5 years ago

@hanysyafiqah: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@Apih_LA: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@irfannsyahmi: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@bawanggoreng9: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@ernyzaaa: A moment of silence for Ismail Petra of Kelantan 😔 - 5 years ago

@aimanrasul_: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@frmlnaa: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@nillynn: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@auniezani_: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@AuzaieIrfan: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@amzar_hassan: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@kimmizulkifli: RT @mazlan_ramly: The Sultan of Kelantan's Crown . It was last used to crown Sultan Ismail Petra in 1980 . It has European style with 4 h… - 5 years ago

@aqem942: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@payahs: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@nadhirachan: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@ciksyaacaa_: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@blackklysey: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@therealqilaz: RT @jsadiq: Two deaths today. Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away. Footballer M. Chandran, captain of the Olympic 72 team, passed a… - 5 years ago

@Am_Ib92: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@NysAhmd90: RT @KL_Reporter: The father of former Malaysian King Sultan Muhammad V, Sultan Ismail Petra passes away today at Hospital Raja Perempuan Za… - 5 years ago

@NysAhmd90: RT @jsadiq: Two deaths today. Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away. Footballer M. Chandran, captain of the Olympic 72 team, passed a… - 5 years ago

@edyredza: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@NysAhmd90: RT @Nvszhrnl: Condolences to Kelantan's Royal Family of the passing of His Highness Sultan Ismail Petra Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.… - 5 years ago

@NysAhmd90: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@Adelsexpertin: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@nettyroyal: RT @LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad occasi… - 5 years ago

@LSzkopinski: 2/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. Although it was a very sad… - 5 years ago

@LSzkopinski: 1/2 The funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan , in photos. #Malaysia Source: New Stra… - 5 years ago

@nettyroyal: RT @LSzkopinski: A short video clip from the funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan. It was attended by Yang d… - 5 years ago

@LSzkopinski: A short video clip from the funeral of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra, the former #Sultan of #Kelantan. It was attended by… - 5 years ago

@UkasyahRahman: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@KamikazieAzrul: RT @NST_Online: #NSTflash Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away at 8.11am today at the Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital in Kota Bhar… - 5 years ago

@devereaux000: RT @jsadiq: Two deaths today. Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away. Footballer M. Chandran, captain of the Olympic 72 team, passed a… - 5 years ago

@natdrnaaa: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@SiFrew: RT @arul86981955: I feel sad wth the news on the death of the former Kelantan Sultan and I wld like to express my condolences over the pas… - 5 years ago

@arul86981955: I feel sad wth the news on the death of the former Kelantan Sultan and I wld like to express my condolences over t… - 5 years ago

@BenFaridAzhar: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@d_aschrafraj: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@captadib98: RT @Nvszhrnl: Condolences to Kelantan's Royal Family of the passing of His Highness Sultan Ismail Petra Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.… - 5 years ago

@FaryH4n: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@gheegim: RT @Nvszhrnl: Condolences to Kelantan's Royal Family of the passing of His Highness Sultan Ismail Petra Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.… - 5 years ago

@ayshasofeaa: RT @Nvszhrnl: Condolences to Kelantan's Royal Family of the passing of His Highness Sultan Ismail Petra Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.… - 5 years ago

@ohmynabil: RT @KL_Reporter: The father of former Malaysian King Sultan Muhammad V, Sultan Ismail Petra passes away today at Hospital Raja Perempuan Za… - 5 years ago

@ohmynabil: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@MSyahmieS: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

@IshuGandi: RT @jsadiq: Two deaths today. Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan passed away. Footballer M. Chandran, captain of the Olympic 72 team, passed a… - 5 years ago

@____MimiDS: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@SwedeninMY: RT @DDannfelt: From the Embassy of Sweden to Malaysia, our heartfelt condolences to the Royal family and people of the State of Kelantan fo… - 5 years ago

@9Hafizah: RT @mazlan_ramly: HRH Tengku Anis , Raja Perempuan of Kelantan . Queen Consort and Queen Dowager to the Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra . ht… - 5 years ago

@NiniNorathira: RT @Nvszhrnl: Condolences to Kelantan's Royal Family of the passing of His Highness Sultan Ismail Petra Ibni Almarhum Sultan Yahya Petra.… - 5 years ago

@Nhmamat_: RT @KL_Reporter: The father of former Malaysian King Sultan Muhammad V, Sultan Ismail Petra passes away today at Hospital Raja Perempuan Za… - 5 years ago

@windyxwendy: RT @NST_Online: #NSTnation: Sultan Ismail Petra of Kelantan died this morning after a long bout with an unspecified illness. #AlFatihah… - 5 years ago

@mazlan_ramly: #Kelantanberkabung Kelantan is in mourning for 40 days due to death of the Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra - 5 years ago

@caboludwig: RT @EmbCarlosFelix: Our heartfelt condolences to the Royal family and people of the state of Kelantan for the passing of HRH Sultan Ismail… - 5 years ago

@ashadeerlight: RT @mazlan_ramly: Almarhum Sultan Ismail Petra on his coronation day in 1980 . At the same ceremony , Tengku Anis was installed as the Qu… - 5 years ago

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