Islam Karimov

Uzbek politician
Died on Monday August 29th 2016

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Islam Karimov:

@budha1008: PM condoles the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov - 9 years ago

@LumeaLive: Liderul uzbek a murit, Rusia MUTĂ: Moartea președintelui uzbec  Islam Karimov, anunțată oficial pe 2 septembrie,… - 9 years ago

@twinsasno1: RT @BBCWorld: Many questions remain about death of Islam Karimov, future leadership and direction of Uzbekistan - 9 years ago

@PandoraTV_it: IN MORTE DI UN ERRORE DI PROSPETTIVA (di Giulietto Chiesa) La morte di Islam Karimov apre una successione... - 9 years ago


@TonySta74515873: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@NeilKC41: RT @CubaSinFrontera: Decretan duelo en Cuba por la muerte de dictador uzbeko - 9 years ago

@adibsiddiq19: RT @NajibRazak: My condolences to the people of Uzbekistan and the family of President Islam Karimov. Al-Fatihah - 9 years ago

@69follow: President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan dies at age 78 - 9 years ago

@CubaSinFrontera: Decretan duelo en Cuba por la muerte de dictador uzbeko - 9 years ago

@AbsanAlbar: Setelah Seperempat abad berkuasa, Islam Karimov ini wafat, Inalillahi.. - 9 years ago

@meta_guide_kg: Uzbekistan Dictator Islam Karimov Leaves a Complicated Legacy - The Weekly Standard (blog) - 9 years ago

@HeberRowan: RT @Donnachakaz: My opinion piece in today's @IrishTimes on the regime of #Uzbekistan dictator Islam #Karimov - 9 years ago

@Anonthought_: Islam Karimov and the massacre in Uzbekistan that the world forgot - 9 years ago

@Kanalukraine_en: The era of Islam #Karimov ended in #Uzbekistan: - 9 years ago

@Alpha_Brains: #PrimeMinister visits embassy of Uzbekistan and expresses heartfelt condolence over the demise of President Islam Karimov. - 9 years ago

@ConservaWonk: [WeeklyStandard] Uzbekistan Dictator Islam Karimov Leaves a Complicated Legacy - 9 years ago

@TEEITHIGH: Uzbekistan Dictator Islam Karimov Leaves a Complicated Legacy: Stephen SchwartzThe death of Islam Karimov, th... - 9 years ago

@AbdulMo45082886: RT @RadioPakistan: Prime Minister visits embassy of Uzbekistan and expresses heartfelt condolence over the demise of President Islam Karimo… - 9 years ago

@happylarka: Prime Minister visits embassy of Uzbekistan and expresses heartfelt condolence over the demise of President Islam Karimov. - 9 years ago

@bitslaw: Uzbekistan Dictator Islam Karimov Leaves a Complicated Legacy - 9 years ago

@CirceAeaea50: RT @abdujalil: 1991- Islam #Karimov w/ Sobchak, ex St. Petersburg mayor. Do u recognize the shy lookin guy behind them? #Uzbekistan https:/… - 9 years ago

@RevanasiddeshR: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@maryjc1609: Decretan Duelo Oficial en #Cuba por el fallecimiento del Presidente de #Uzbekistan Islam Karimov - 9 years ago

@navnk: RT @abhijitmajumder: President Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan, man who kept check on Islamism with iron fist, dies. The country, incidentally,… - 9 years ago

@portalpagina3: Uzbequistão enterra em Samarcanda o único presidente que já teve: Islam Karimov, o único presidente que o Uzb... - 9 years ago

@MiriamABerger: Meanwhile in #Uzbekistan, where war on terror lives forever (& why we get things wrong by discounting Central Asia) - 9 years ago

@ThisChemistry: RT: Excellent Karimov obituary by @ARothWP - 9 years ago

@KPWong11: RT @NajibRazak: My condolences to the people of Uzbekistan and the family of President Islam Karimov. Al-Fatihah - 9 years ago

@56perumal: RT @narendramodi_in: PM condoles the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov via NMApp - 9 years ago

@AlanSalehzadeh: Where the War on Terror Lives Forever - 9 years ago

@schwartztronica: #Uzbekistan: "The Making of Islam Karimov" by @BrucePannier -- essential reading: - 9 years ago

@56perumal: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@vinnycordeiro: RT @guilwitter: Morreu Islam Karimov, que era presidente do Uzbequistão DESDE 1991. E você achando ruim 13 anos de PT. - 9 years ago

@MrKurtKrut: ‘Ислам Каримов: Конец эпохи в истории Узбекистана’ - 9 years ago

@GLAAC: Decretan duelo en Cuba por la muerte de dictador uzbeko - El gobierno de la isla decretó un duelo oficial el lu... - 9 years ago

@ErdenebulganB: RT @ColumbiaSIPA: . @SSestanovich discusses the relative power of institutions and identity in Central Asian politics: @WSJ - 9 years ago

@ColumbiaSIPA: . @SSestanovich discusses the relative power of institutions and identity in Central Asian politics: @WSJ - 9 years ago

@maritovoz: Decretan duelo en #Cuba por la muerte de dictador uzbeko - 9 years ago

@VietLive: Uzbekistan’s Succession Question Is Russia’s Strategic Opportunity: Whoever succeeds Islam Karimov is likely ... - 9 years ago

@sarahbldj: RT @infos140: 🔴URGENT OUZBEKISTAN L’agence Interfax annonce la mort du président Islam Karimov - 9 years ago

@JonathanVoluzan: Vu sur @euronews: Ouzbékistan : funérailles de l’autocrate Islam Karimov - 9 years ago

@aksinhaster: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@shamsher122: RT @RashtrapatiBhvn: Heartfelt condolences on the passing away of Mr. Islam Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan #PresidentMukh… - 9 years ago

@NewsTUT_RU: Ислам Каримов, последние новости 2016: в стране объявлен траур, известны сроки п Читать... - 9 years ago

@sirchandresh: RT @MedvedevRussiaE: Heartfelt condolences to the people of Uzbekistan on the passing of President Islam Karimov - 9 years ago

@CLARAIsabelcord: RT @BBCBreaking: Uzbek government confirms that President Islam Karimov has died - 9 years ago

@IsaBurakGonca: RT @IsaBurakGonca: Who is likely to succeed president Islam #Karimov in #Uzbekistan after his death? - 9 years ago

@clawdiamann: Uzbekistan holds its breath over future as president Islam Karimov is buried - 9 years ago

@newseuropeeu: Between East and West: Islam Karimov’s Death Leaves Uzbekistan in Limbo - 9 years ago

@RMunsel: RT @ASLuhn: Uzbekistan holds its breath over future as president Islam Karimov is buried - 9 years ago

@tosompatel: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@NewsGram1: Uzbeks bury long-ruling President Islam Karimov on Sept 3: - 9 years ago

@krrishojha: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@mssipmann: Tras iniciales desmentidos se confirma la muerte del presidente #Uzbekistán, Islam #Karimov. Gobernó desde independencia de la URSS en 1991 - 9 years ago

@mariannerigaux: Je vais en Turquie > coup d'Etat. Je vais en Ouzbekistan > le président meurt. - 9 years ago

@AmnestyNI: Heavy human toll of Islam #Karimov's 27-year rule of #Uzbekistan: Amnesty's @AnnaNeistat - 9 years ago

@Zoniman: RT @ShoebridgeC: How for West, gold, gas, arms deals, 'war on terror' & rivalry with Russia counted more than democracy in Uzbekistan https… - 9 years ago

@BartekLech: Sunday morning read #democracy #humanrights #InternationalCriminalLaw - 9 years ago

@drmarjbeirut: RT @AJEnglish: What will Islam Karimov's death mean for Uzbekistan and the region? - 9 years ago

@taur13: RT @abdujalil: 1991- Islam #Karimov w/ Sobchak, ex St. Petersburg mayor. Do u recognize the shy lookin guy behind them? #Uzbekistan https:/… - 9 years ago

@HiJakarta: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan: Islam Karimov, Presiden Uzbekistan selama seperempat abad tera... - 9 years ago

@argumenid: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan: Islam Karimov, Presiden Uzbekistan selama seperempat abad tera... - 9 years ago

@EnricoVerga: RT @UZB_OFFICIAL: Happening now: The body of Islam Karimov arrived in Samarkand. The whole nation began mourning. #Karimov - 9 years ago

@EnricoVerga: RT @Sputnik_Not: BREAKING: #Uzbekistan's dictator Islam #Karimov dies for the fourth time aged 78 - 9 years ago

@beritaza: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - 9 years ago

@_SouLast_: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - 9 years ago

@frady08: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - 9 years ago

@BeritaNegeriIni: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan: Islam Karimov, Presiden Uzbekistan selama seperempat abad tera... - 9 years ago

@kommud: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - 9 years ago

@kommud: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - 9 years ago

@kommud: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan: Islam Karimov, Presiden Uzbekistan selama seperempat abad tera... - 9 years ago

@Mat_Uddin: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan: Islam Karimov, Presiden Uzbekistan selama seperempat abad tera... - 9 years ago

@GEMAWAHYUH: @info: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - 9 years ago

@GEMAWAHYUH: @info: Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan - - 9 years ago

@kelanabumi: #Berita #Dunia | Presiden Uzbekistan Islam Karimov dimakamkan: Islam Karimov, Presiden… - 9 years ago

@anu_asm: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@Jewish_Chron: Uzbekistan prepares for Islam Karimov funeral: Preparations for large funeral under way in hometown of presid... - 9 years ago

@praveensaini10: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@ajujangir1: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@rakesh_raje: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@sanjeev20mal: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@mmpagi: Islam Karimov: Ruler of Uzbekistan who was favoured by West despite his exceptional brutality is DEAD and guess... - 9 years ago

@VianneyMadeline: Islam Karimov, un apparatchik soviétique devenu président à vie - 9 years ago

@tintinreports: RT @akramsharifi: Islam Karimov Uzbek President funeral ceremony. @JZarif Iran's FM attended this ceremony - 9 years ago

@dlazerbaijan: Uzbekistan preparing to bury President Islam Karimov: - 9 years ago

@prembhatt0286: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@sanjay_rai: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@ASharmua: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@joseacontreras: Islam Karimov, un apparatchik soviétique devenu président à vie - 9 years ago

@AlexanderVelky: "I am ready to rip off the heads of 200 people." - RIP Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan and undisputed master of political language. - 9 years ago

@Civ5Fanatic: RT @narendramodi: I condole the passing away of Uzbekistan President Mr. Islam Karimov. May his soul rest in peace. - 9 years ago

@A_Addams_: RT @itele: #Ouzbékistan > Islam Karimov, le président du pays depuis un quart de siècle est mort >> - 9 years ago

@shk1234: RT @ImanMAwed: What a wonderful start to this blessed day :) #JummahMubarak "Uzbek president Islam Karimov has died, three... - 9 years ago

@ghazalympadri: RT @NajibRazak: My condolences to the people of Uzbekistan and the family of President Islam Karimov. Al-Fatihah - 9 years ago

@shk1234: RT @shariahaisha: Seeing the coverage on Islam #Karimov's death and feeling nothing but relief that this criminal will now face the court o… - 9 years ago

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