Isaak Khalatnikov

Russian physicist (BKL singularity).
Died on Sunday January 10th 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Gay Caswell

Tweets related to Isaak Khalatnikov:

@jmbobi: Khalatnikov, le dernier représentant de la grande école russe de physique #Landau #Sakharov. Lire l'article de… - 4 years ago

@jeanpaulcurtay: Isaak Khalatnikov théoricien singularité du big bang vient de décéder à 101 ans - 4 years ago

@fabienprevots: RT @fabienprevots: FRENCHNEWTECH Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la bomb… - 4 years ago

@SCAMARONIRENE: - 4 years ago


@VieuxSolitaire: - 4 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @astrofiles: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la bombe A russe https:/… - 4 years ago

@JoelMeric: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la bombe A russe - 4 years ago

@astrofiles: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la bombe A russe… - 4 years ago

@Sendigital1: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la bombe A russe - 4 years ago

@fabienprevots: FRENCHNEWTECH Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la… - 4 years ago

@futura_etoiles: Décès de #IsaakKhalatnikov, théoricien de la singularité du Big Bang et co-créateur avec Landau de la #bombeA russe - 4 years ago

@fabienprevots: RT @fabienprevots: FRENCHNEWTECH Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@le_teuff: Futura: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe. via @GoogleNews - 4 years ago

@fabienprevots: RT @Tunnelbreeze: Death of Isaak Khalatnikov, last co-creator with Lev Landau of the Russian atomic bomb. - 4 years ago

@SciencesExtreme: - 4 years ago

@PressLakay: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@JoelMeric: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@astrofiles: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@laurentSacco: - 4 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @botfluxrdm: Sciences - "Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe" - 4 years ago

@AAsc49: RT @arnaud_thurudev: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@botfluxrdm: Sciences - "Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe" - 4 years ago

@Tunnelbreeze: Death of Isaak Khalatnikov, last co-creator with Lev Landau of the Russian atomic bomb. - 4 years ago

@Sendigital1: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@fabienprevots: FRENCHNEWTECH Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe… - 4 years ago

@arnaud_thurudev: Décès de Isaak Khalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec Lev Landau de la bombe atomique russe - 4 years ago

@futura_etoiles: Décès de #IsaakKhalatnikov, dernier co-créateur avec #LevLandau de la #bombeatomique russe - 4 years ago

@HippolytusCh: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@hlavnydennik: Fyzik Isaak Khalatnikov, najstarší člen Ruskej akadémie vied (RAS), zomrel vo veku 101 rokov. Vedec bol posledným ž… - 4 years ago

@IgorMinin6: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@haritonovanton: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@zhaxylyk86: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@bayvel_p: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@angelohrg: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@im_sergei: RT @NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was carried out… - 4 years ago

@NPNHWU: Isaak Khalatnikov (1919-2021) died today in Moscow. He was one of Landau's disciples, and much of his research was… - 4 years ago

@juifsdumonde: 🇺🇦 Isaak Khalatnikov est un physicien né en 1919 à Dnipro qui a développé la conjecture BKL. - 4 years ago

@RedKalaharian: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@handinsidepant: RT @nine_east: Last living participant of the team that built the first Soviet nuclear bomb, Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov, has died… - 4 years ago

@Momudin_Popuut: RT @nine_east: Last living participant of the team that built the first Soviet nuclear bomb, Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov, has died… - 4 years ago

@nine_east: Last living participant of the team that built the first Soviet nuclear bomb, Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov,… - 4 years ago

@Dubetsev1991: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@besthealthyou: @27khv Let's not forget that late Isaak Khalatnikov was Jewish. Lots of fake conspiracy theories still circulate ar… - 4 years ago

@besthealthyou: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@fotopak: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@J_Torres_J: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@CIAApprovedInfo: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@DDERSS: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@ModoMilitar: 🇷🇺|Por seu trabalho pioneiro, Isaak Khalatnikov recebeu o Prêmio Stalin - o maior prêmio civil na URSS até 1953. Ci… - 4 years ago

@Klllmanjaro: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@secmxx: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@grazdaninpoet: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Isaak Khalatnikov Death -Dead - Obituary - Cause of Death : legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has Died… - 4 years ago

@DEATHSNEWS: Isaak Khalatnikov Death -Dead – Obituary – Cause of Death : legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has Died . - 4 years ago

@thmkn: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@abdeljalil54: RT @27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create the first Sov… - 4 years ago

@27khv: The legendary Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov has died aged 101. Also a WW2 veteran, Khalatnikov helped create… - 4 years ago

@IzzoEdo: RT @FarodiRoma: Morto a 101 anni il fisico russo Isaak Khalatnikov, fu tra gli artefici della prima bomba atomica fabbricata in Unione Sovi… - 4 years ago

@STMEGI: Умер последний из создателей атомной бомбы Исаак Халатников - 4 years ago

@Indicator_ru: В Черноголовке на 102-м году жизни скончался ученик Ландау, старейший академик РАН, физик-теоретик, который участво… - 4 years ago

@Rob_Quantum: Russian physicist Isaak Khalatnikov, the last living participant of the team behind the first Soviet nuclear bomb,… - 4 years ago

@kizu91: Isaak Khalatnikov...Soviet...Ukraine...Russia...Dnipropetrovsk...State...University...Dnipro...Moscow...Great Patri… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Isaak Khalatnikov dies - #IsaakKhalatnikov #Isaak #Khalatnikov #rip - 4 years ago

@19rusInfo: Один из создателей советской атомной бомбы Исаак Халатников умер на 102-м году жизни - 4 years ago

@Aleph_News: Isaak Khalatnikov, cel mai bătrân membru al Academiei de Ştiinţe din Rusia, a murit la vârsta de 101 ani - 4 years ago

@STMEGI: Умер последний из создателей атомной бомбы Исаак Халатников - 4 years ago

@FarodiRoma: Morto a 101 anni il fisico russo Isaak Khalatnikov, fu tra gli artefici della prima bomba atomica fabbricata in Uni… - 4 years ago

@franck_ziegler: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@popo13301856: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@ElySOULE: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@004nino: RIP 21 047) #Russian #Prominent #Physicist #Isaak #Markovich #Khalatnikov 101 , #Involved In #Building 1s… - 4 years ago

@MLamineH: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@LovaBamako: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@Nouveaux_Poppys: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@DerenneClaude: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@medraissi: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@dzov11: RT @sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première bombe nu… - 4 years ago

@sputnik_fr: Le physicien Isaak Khalatnikov, le dernier scientifique à avoir directement participé à la création de la première… - 4 years ago

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