Irena Veisaitė

Lithuanian theatre scholar
Died on Friday December 11th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Irena Veisaitė:

@LithuaniaInSA: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@djxtrees: - 4 years ago

@MarijusPetruson: Last Friday, Irena Veisaitė, a Jewish-Lithuanian literary scholar and Holocaust survivor, passed away at the age of… - 4 years ago

@MarijusPetruson: “My relationship with my hometown is special. Kaunas is in my blood. I have lived in Vilnius since 1943, but I stil… - 4 years ago


@LTembassyDE: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@house_apartment: Our dear friend Irena Veisaitė has passed away, RIP. Indomitable spirit, a font of kindness and knowledge. - 4 years ago

@LCI_Lithuania: RT @ArvoPartCentre: Irena Veisaitė (09.01.1928–11.12.2020), an outstanding Lithuanian literary and theatre scholar, the long-standing Presi… - 4 years ago

@nextkabinett: Möge Ihnen die Erde leicht sein. Ruhen Sie wohl, Irena Veisaite. 🕯️🙏 - 4 years ago

@HHDSeb20: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie entging den Nazihäschern und überlebt… - 4 years ago

@Roterhut1: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Executed journalist Ruhollah Zam; actress Myriam Sienra; poet Manglesh Dabral; scholar and activist Ire… - 4 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Executed journalist Ruhollah Zam; actress Myriam Sienra; poet Manglesh Dabral; scholar and ac… - 4 years ago

@eiifi: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@Zelda83426: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@designateduses: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@TazKultur: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@ANTGUY10: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@elkemarber: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@RMNF12: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@FatBoy2013LE: RT @tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wurde… - 4 years ago

@tazgezwitscher: Die litauische Intellektuelle Irena Veisaite ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Sie über lebte die Nazi-Verfolgung und wu… - 4 years ago

@CaroDugo: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@vrusinaite: We are standing on the shoulders of giants. She survived the Holocaust by escaping the Kaunas Ghetto, her adoptive… - 4 years ago

@DrusseFrau: RT @JuedischeOnline: Litauen trauert um eine führende Intellektuelle des Landes: Im Alter von 93 Jahren ist die Literatur- und Theaterwisse… - 4 years ago

@FrauenfFreiheit: RT @JuedischeOnline: Litauen trauert um eine führende Intellektuelle des Landes: Im Alter von 93 Jahren ist die Literatur- und Theaterwisse… - 4 years ago

@anamcara2709: RT @JuedischeOnline: Litauen trauert um eine führende Intellektuelle des Landes: Im Alter von 93 Jahren ist die Literatur- und Theaterwisse… - 4 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Trauer um Irena Veisaite: Litauen trauert um eine führende Intellektuelle des Landes: Im Alter von 93 Jahren ist di… - 4 years ago

@JuedischeOnline: Litauen trauert um eine führende Intellektuelle des Landes: Im Alter von 93 Jahren ist die Literatur- und Theaterwi… - 4 years ago

@jonnbousfield: Not much in English about Holocaust survivor, humanist intellectual and lifelong tolerance campaigner Irena Veisait… - 4 years ago

@Bekesius: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@doppelvizsla: I remember reading some of her work on Heine in college. May she rest in peace. - 4 years ago

@BR_Kultur: Irena Veisaite, #Holocaust Überlebende und zeitlebens überzeugte #Europäerin ist mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Cornelia… - 4 years ago

@JanPrygoda: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@Saphira3111: RT @WallsteinVerlag: Wir trauern um die litauische Schriftstellerin und Holocaust-Überlebende Irena Veisaitė, die heute im Alter von 92 Jah… - 4 years ago

@ladydobe1: RT @TonyLea17: All these notable people from around the world appear on today's Wikipedia 'Deaths in 2020' page. All of them died today fro… - 4 years ago

@eervinas: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@TonyLea17: All these notable people from around the world appear on today's Wikipedia 'Deaths in 2020' page. All of them died… - 4 years ago

@natalkachoms: RT @mel_huang: Survive the Holocaust, just to lose one's life to COVID... RIP Irena Veisaitė. - 4 years ago

@colour171207: RT @mel_huang: Survive the Holocaust, just to lose one's life to COVID... RIP Irena Veisaitė. - 4 years ago

@RebHarms: RT @mel_huang: Survive the Holocaust, just to lose one's life to COVID... RIP Irena Veisaitė. - 4 years ago

@NekropoleENG: Irena Veisaitė Linguist, COVID-19 , Litterateur, died 11.12.2020. - 4 years ago

@mel_huang: Survive the Holocaust, just to lose one's life to COVID... RIP Irena Veisaitė. - 4 years ago

@saareman: RT @ArvoPartCentre: Irena Veisaitė (09.01.1928–11.12.2020), an outstanding Lithuanian literary and theatre scholar, the long-standing Presi… - 4 years ago

@ArvoPartCentre: Irena Veisaitė (09.01.1928–11.12.2020), an outstanding Lithuanian literary and theatre scholar, the long-standing P… - 4 years ago

@karolisvy: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@jonnbousfield: RT @LtCultureUK: Very sad news- Professor Irena Veisaitė, Holocaust survivor, scholar & the epitome of decency and tolerance, has left us a… - 4 years ago

@sankuperis: RT @LCI_Lithuania: You may learn about Irena Veisaitė's extraordinary life in her book "Life Should be Transparent: Conversations about Lit… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @LCI_Lithuania: Please find an amazing conversation among Irena Veisaitė, Aleida Assmann and translator Claudia Sinnig on Irena's book a… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @LCI_Lithuania: You may learn about Irena Veisaitė's extraordinary life in her book "Life Should be Transparent: Conversations about Lit… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @sankuperis: Sad news: 🇱🇹 theatre scholar, intellectual, human rights activist, Holocaust survivor Irena Veisaitė has passed away. She d… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @edasbori: Today we lost professor Irena Veisaitė - a prominent figure, Holocaust survivor, literature & theatre scholar and human right… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @MVitureau: Irena Veisaite n'est plus. Critique de théâtre, germaniste, celle qui avait survécu à l'Holocauste, sauvée par une famille l… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@CNikolajew: RT @WallsteinVerlag: Wir trauern um die litauische Schriftstellerin und Holocaust-Überlebende Irena Veisaitė, die heute im Alter von 92 Jah… - 4 years ago

@SebastianRejak: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@DrFrancisYoung: RT @sankuperis: Sad news: 🇱🇹 theatre scholar, intellectual, human rights activist, Holocaust survivor Irena Veisaitė has passed away. She d… - 4 years ago

@dziejepl: Zmarła litewska intelektualistka Irena Veisaite - 4 years ago

@WallsteinVerlag: Wir trauern um die litauische Schriftstellerin und Holocaust-Überlebende Irena Veisaitė, die heute im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben ist. - 4 years ago

@am_goussard: RT @MinonzioP: @am_goussard @HarmattanParis « Du bonheur de connaître Irena Veisaitė » -ont écrit- Yves Plasseraud et Suzanne Pourchier « Q… - 4 years ago

@MinonzioP: @am_goussard @HarmattanParis « Du bonheur de connaître Irena Veisaitė » -ont écrit- Yves Plasseraud et Suzanne Pour… - 4 years ago

@buchamade: Schriftstellerin Irena Veisaite ist gestorben - Salzburger Nachrichten - 4 years ago

@edasbori: Today we lost professor Irena Veisaitė - a prominent figure, Holocaust survivor, literature & theatre scholar and h… - 4 years ago

@NSW216: Zmarła prof. Irena Veisaite. - 4 years ago

@DariusSemaska: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@DSuziedelis: RT @BNSLithuania: Lithuanian intellectual, theatre critic and Holocaust survivor Irena Veisaitė dies aged 92 - 4 years ago

@DSuziedelis: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@grantgochin: A giant has left us: - 4 years ago

@saareman: Further background on Irena Veisaitė, thanks to a 2012 article link provided by @edwardlucas in his newsletter's In… - 4 years ago

@saareman: A Google assisted translation of the above #Estonian language article can be read here: - 4 years ago

@RadioZagranica: W wieku 92 lat zmarła znana litewska teatroznawczyni i działaczka na rzecz praw człowieka Irena Veisaite. W ubiegły… - 4 years ago

@saareman: A recent #Estonian language article (March 2020) provides some additional background from when Veisaitė was intervi… - 4 years ago

@LTembassyDE: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@Agenparl: Lithuania's Acting Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius expresses condolences on the passing of Professor Irena Veisa… - 4 years ago

@saareman: RIP Irena Veisaitė (9 January 1928 - 11 December 2020) #Lithuanian theatre scholar and Holocaust survivor has passe… - 4 years ago

@DeWilcz: "Życzyłabym sobie, by nasi politycy bardziej się rozumieli, nie obrażali się wzajemnie, wypowiadali się rozważnie i… - 4 years ago

@LtCultureUK: Very sad news- Professor Irena Veisaitė, Holocaust survivor, scholar & the epitome of decency and tolerance, has le… - 4 years ago

@Agenparl: Lithuania's Acting Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius expresses condolences on the passing of Irena Veisaitė -… - 4 years ago

@nomad19621: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@LTembassyRU: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@LTinCanada: RT @LCI_Lithuania: You may learn about Irena Veisaitė's extraordinary life in her book "Life Should be Transparent: Conversations about Lit… - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Irena Veisaitė Death – Dead / Irena Veisaitė Obituary / Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@LTinCanada: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@skusev: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@VJurkonis: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@USEmbVilnius: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@LithuaniaMFA: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@mseputyte: RT @MVitureau: Irena Veisaite n'est plus. Critique de théâtre, germaniste, celle qui avait survécu à l'Holocauste, sauvée par une famille l… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Irena Veisaitė has passed away - #IrenaVeisaite #Irena #Veisaitė #rip - 4 years ago

@LCI_Lithuania: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@LTembassyIL: Lithuanian intellectual, theater critic and Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Prof. Ire… - 4 years ago

@sankuperis: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@jabolins: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@CarloAngrisano: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@BronekKozicki: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@VaskeleviciusK: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@sursmi: RT @LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, Lithuan… - 4 years ago

@LinkeviciusL: Lithuania has lost a giant. Prof. Irena Veisaitė, a Holocaust survivor, a true patriot of Lithuania and of Jewry, L… - 4 years ago

@Int_Wydarzenia: W ubiegłym roku otrzymała w Polsce tytuł "Człowiek Pogranicza 2019". - 4 years ago

@RaMurmoka: RT @narajournalism: „Supratau, kad blogis kuria blogį. O aš norėjau kurti gėrį.“ – profesorė, Atviros Lietuvos fondo benraįkūrėja Irena Vei… - 4 years ago

@LCI_Lithuania: Please find an amazing conversation among Irena Veisaitė, Aleida Assmann and translator Claudia Sinnig on Irena's b… - 4 years ago

@LCI_Lithuania: You may learn about Irena Veisaitė's extraordinary life in her book "Life Should be Transparent: Conversations abou… - 4 years ago

@jana_egle: RT @sankuperis: Sad news: 🇱🇹 theatre scholar, intellectual, human rights activist, Holocaust survivor Irena Veisaitė has passed away. She d… - 4 years ago

@NAUZANNEAU: RT @MVitureau: Irena Veisaite n'est plus. Critique de théâtre, germaniste, celle qui avait survécu à l'Holocauste, sauvée par une famille l… - 4 years ago

@LRTenglish: Irena Veisaitė, a Lithuanian Jewish literary scholar and Holocaust survivor, has passed away aged 93. Her family co… - 4 years ago

@narajournalism: Per Holokaustą Irena Veisaitė prarado mamą, o per Stalino trėmimus – ją, žydę paauglę, priglaudusią gelbėtoją. Nepa… - 4 years ago

@narajournalism: „Supratau, kad blogis kuria blogį. O aš norėjau kurti gėrį.“ – profesorė, Atviros Lietuvos fondo benraįkūrėja Irena… - 4 years ago

@KresySiberia: RT @sankuperis: Sad news: 🇱🇹 theatre scholar, intellectual, human rights activist, Holocaust survivor Irena Veisaitė has passed away. She d… - 4 years ago

@sankuperis: Sad news: 🇱🇹 theatre scholar, intellectual, human rights activist, Holocaust survivor Irena Veisaitė has passed awa… - 4 years ago

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