Irena Sedlecká

Czech sculptor.
Died on Tuesday August 4th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Irena Sedlecká:

@obituarywriter: RT @wwry_jp: ☆ Irena Sedlecka obituary | Register - The Times - 5 years ago

@wwry_jp: ☆ Irena Sedlecka obituary | Register - The Times - 5 years ago

@Zepapou: Et un jour de voyage en #Suisse, face à la statue de Freddie #Mercury à #Montreux (bronze de la sculpteure tchèque… - 5 years ago

@rocktorado: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago


@Purrpatrol: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Queen4everBlog: Queen Forever Blog: Chi era Irena Sedlecka, la scultrice che ha realiz... - 5 years ago

@AleSteShock: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@DonovanGrvss: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@hlavnydennik: Minulý týždeň zomrela sochárka Irena Sedlecká, ktorá je autorkou sochy legendárneho speváka vo švajčiarskom Montreu… - 5 years ago

@andrs_leal: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Queen4everBlog: Queen Forever Blog: Chi era Irena Sedlecka, la scultrice che ha realiz... - 5 years ago

@HervinT: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@malvina_rocio_: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@17queenmum: RT @jaydenswiz: RIP Irena Sedlecká. The Czech sculptor Irena Sedlecká, who created the statue of Freddie Mercury in Montreux, passed away… - 5 years ago

@freddievocals: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@DJ_Musicologist: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@WalkingEmoFreak: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Adrian_Piccone: RT @LatitudGay: - 5 years ago

@LatitudGay: - 5 years ago

@metallicaanger: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@pigmeocosmico: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@A21Anais: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@stars24cz: Zemřela Irena #Sedlecká (†91): Freddie #Mercury díky ní znovu povstal! - 5 years ago

@TeillaudE: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@dollcenal: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@nancy_csehoski: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@tarableatnames: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@jormamgej: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@busblog: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@AMLoOpOo: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@dougiegyro: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@smflyaway: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@hazzslout: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@zpqXurn3oriU4SM: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@80sJuh: RT @QueenOnlineBr: Hoje tivemos a triste notícia do falecimento de Irena Sedlecka, a escultora responsável pela estátua de Freddie Mercury… - 5 years ago

@amalqa_21: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@LudovitStur1: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@MichalDvorak8: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@MartinchoVCF: RT @aqueenofmagic: Adiós a Irena Sedlecká, la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury - 5 years ago

@myfatherisdead: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@angy_urdiain: RT @Queen_Frases: Falleció la artista checa Irena Sedlecka, creadora de la estatua de #FreddieMercury situada en Montreux. - 5 years ago

@JorgeAlvarezCa: RT @aqueenofmagic: Adiós a Irena Sedlecká, la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury - 5 years ago

@bethfrombackrow: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@cristin81944931: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@PizzaFugazzetta: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Queenlionel: RT @Queen_Frases: Falleció la artista checa Irena Sedlecka, creadora de la estatua de #FreddieMercury situada en Montreux. - 5 years ago

@sarka_sarinka5: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@TributeAngel: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@1nikdo: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Queen_Frases: Falleció la artista checa Irena Sedlecka, creadora de la estatua de #FreddieMercury situada en Montreux.… - 5 years ago

@KrimovaIvana: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@DrakulkaCZ: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Kachnenka: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@CzechView21: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Ian_Willoughby: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Gabby83837785: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@frxddiezmercury: RT @QueenOnlineBr: Hoje tivemos a triste notícia do falecimento de Irena Sedlecka, a escultora responsável pela estátua de Freddie Mercury… - 5 years ago

@carolinemuir15: RT @MJenningsSculpt: RIP the great sculptor Irena Sedlecka, laid down her chisel this Tuesday aged 91. I learned a lot from her. She used t… - 5 years ago

@Camacaro64: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@alicia1720: RT @aqueenofmagic: Adiós a Irena Sedlecká, la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury - 5 years ago

@HesseVanesa: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@rosidel84: RT @aqueenofmagic: Adiós a Irena Sedlecká, la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury - 5 years ago

@aqueenofmagic: Adiós a Irena Sedlecká, la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury - 5 years ago

@CzechMFA: RT @CzechCentreLnd: The Czech sculptor Irena Sedlecká, who created the statue of Freddie Mercury in Montreux, Switzerland passed away on Tu… - 5 years ago

@Queen4everBlog: Queen Forever Blog: Chi era Irena Sedlecka, la scultrice che ha realiz... - 5 years ago

@PopYoshikage: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@asu49er: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@valentovaaal: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@TiedeDth: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@jerry_seungheon: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@ClearElphaba94: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@bakerkells: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Sara__Galante: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@LizzbethRodrig3: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@anknebula: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mcmar777: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@furbehrrr: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@annaandy40: @freddie_mercury R.I.P. Irena Sedlecka, what a magnificent monument you left behind for us to admire in Montreux.… - 5 years ago

@crossmediapubli: Top story: - 5 years ago

@IsabelaRaposo9: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@QUEENADAMLAMBE2: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@lawton_kath: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Chudiee_Q: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@sarahcecily: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@LadybugFrancais: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@arewenwhitetree: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@LightspeedLady: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@whitexqueenx: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@eezeisa: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mariacamargo555: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@PANDA49153599: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Andrea_51544005: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@AKAKyan1: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@PANTERASAGRADA1: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@brenda_gdlp: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@ProfSpagnoli: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@freddiequeenluv: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@QueenDavidElton: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@fredaxl: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@balletoneYOKO: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@M_GuerreroA: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@fashionedRog: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@BobbysBrother: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@PavelTorralba: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@126mgp: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@RoyThomasBaker: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@lawnatural: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Alezoq: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@amedawg18: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@SachiyoMeHer: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@kaokaos5101: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@_fairysss: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@BatVan69: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Rosa_Maria_02: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mercury_magic46: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@lapofthegodsxr: Irena Sedlecká💫 So we say goodbye, it’s a really sad thing... we lose such an amazing artist but she is with Fredd… - 5 years ago

@GAROinthemix: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mflorbp: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@JimmySouza65: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@ATQM_OnAir: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@brumendes_7: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@underatteck: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Giomayy666: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@izzy_gm: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@CherylLittell1: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@uni__0923: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@booxtaylah: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@maria_britta: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@yamico835: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@kohl_fuhs: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@paulaibarauzo: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@LaCapaRouja: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Mca_ccpp: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@MJenningsSculpt: RIP the great sculptor Irena Sedlecka, laid down her chisel this Tuesday aged 91. I learned a lot from her. She use… - 5 years ago

@GatinhaSulista: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@misskat333: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@SweetReunion22: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@ImMrBadGuy: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@91BOWlE: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mercuryw2016: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@fernandovegas01: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@jayfloyd94: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@enya_elyssa: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Velvet__Unicorn: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@samurai_artist: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@sarabistudios: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@beverlysmarshh: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Doctor and humanitarian Hawa Abdi; drummer Tony Costanza; writer Kathleen Duey; sculptor Irena Sedlecka… - 5 years ago

@m4riabelenx: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@sandraximenaco3: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@spellpoesie: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@laulezz850: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Octavskyg: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@HanNovotna: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@eugenia19200: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@JunHimekawa: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@bearzebra1: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@wasp_lastchance: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mrherculy: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@itskthtiny: RT @portalqueenbr: Irena Sedlecká, escultora responsável pela icônica estátua do Freddie, faleceu no início dessa semana. Situada em Montre… - 5 years ago

@ADepecherom: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@4fnYz7M4zX92qgU: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@adrienriquezmos: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@HowIwant_adrink: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Kia_InSpace: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@SuziIga: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@keroyon369: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@K_San0932: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@JmJmsil: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@szilviade_: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@SlaterBroadway: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@sssseeeennnn: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Yobaira: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@killerqueen128: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@RickGates281: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@revelo666: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@luisdaniel195_: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@hsvintagecurls: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Mr9Nuria: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@sheerigby: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@rinrin_nu: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@TAMTAMsun: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@RAMMF1898: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@emilyhegarty: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@kinnekopeacek: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@10coisunyanta: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@dugites: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@PussySlayerz21: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@CountryManCasey: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Cristinadelmas1: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@KlaineAreDads: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@auntiesiannan: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Andrea89437887: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@kelly_coulson: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Hollster86: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@GrouchoMas: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@DAMSFENTY: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@alightinthewood: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@Schulle61811498: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@mei_ohuyei: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@shnchk789: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@TheMysteriousC8: RT @freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist commis… - 5 years ago

@freddie_mercury: RIP Irena Sedlecká 🙏It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Irena Sedlecká, the Czech artist com… - 5 years ago

@maykillerqueen: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@Cheyenn92554341: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@oylgyNQRVIk8gLk: RT @QFCG: Irena Sedlecká ist verstorben - 5 years ago

@Cheyenn92554341: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@BetoKori: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@QFCG: Irena Sedlecká ist verstorben - 5 years ago

@hewillrockyou: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@LurexTom: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@JiriGracka: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@asagaonatyu: RT @east_green_blue: 昨日から海外アカウントがツイートされてた、モントルーのフレディ像の作者Irena Sedlecka(イレーナ・セドレツカ)さんが8月4日に91歳で亡くなったとのことです。ずっとロンドン在住だったんですね…。 - 5 years ago

@AaronBarros1: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@RayEmpanadas: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@fm09051: RT @east_green_blue: 昨日から海外アカウントがツイートされてた、モントルーのフレディ像の作者Irena Sedlecka(イレーナ・セドレツカ)さんが8月4日に91歳で亡くなったとのことです。ずっとロンドン在住だったんですね…。 - 5 years ago

@10coisunyanta: RT @east_green_blue: 昨日から海外アカウントがツイートされてた、モントルーのフレディ像の作者Irena Sedlecka(イレーナ・セドレツカ)さんが8月4日に91歳で亡くなったとのことです。ずっとロンドン在住だったんですね…。 - 5 years ago

@crazybulsara: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@Luccioofficial: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@shibusuto: RT @east_green_blue: 昨日から海外アカウントがツイートされてた、モントルーのフレディ像の作者Irena Sedlecka(イレーナ・セドレツカ)さんが8月4日に91歳で亡くなったとのことです。ずっとロンドン在住だったんですね…。 - 5 years ago

@QqueeeeeeeeenQ: RT @east_green_blue: 昨日から海外アカウントがツイートされてた、モントルーのフレディ像の作者Irena Sedlecka(イレーナ・セドレツカ)さんが8月4日に91歳で亡くなったとのことです。ずっとロンドン在住だったんですね…。 - 5 years ago

@farreaza0608: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@10coisunyanta: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@east_green_blue: 昨日から海外アカウントがツイートされてた、モントルーのフレディ像の作者Irena Sedlecka(イレーナ・セドレツカ)さんが8月4日に91歳で亡くなったとのことです。ずっとロンドン在住だったんですね…。 - 5 years ago

@east_green_blue: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@BettyBella51: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@feniccia: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@jerikalayne: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@10coisunyanta: RT @jfbl65: モントルーのフレディマーキュリー像を作ったチェコの彫刻家イレーナセドレカさんが、2020年8月4日にロンドンで亡くなったようです。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 5 years ago

@QueenOnlineBr: Hoje tivemos a triste notícia do falecimento de Irena Sedlecka, a escultora responsável pela estátua de Freddie Mer… - 5 years ago

@jaydenswiz: RIP Irena Sedlecká. The Czech sculptor Irena Sedlecká, who created the statue of Freddie Mercury in Montreux, pass… - 5 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@nakko3720: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@EbVzla: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@platoyvaso: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@Wanbox82: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@emiliachiqui: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@Purrpatrol: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@woolther22: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@discobarley: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@YumiKoboyashy: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@J_AVIERANA: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@psychovicky1: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@DebDarkPetal: RT @ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury install… - 5 years ago

@DebDarkPetal: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@JuditaDurynska: RT @NickArcherFCO: Zemřela Irena Sedlecká: Slavná sochařka zemřela v Londýně. Very sad news. Much respected. - 5 years ago

@JuditaDurynska: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@yunikoon1: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@sherrydevries: RT @In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Irena SEDLECKÁ (1928-2020), Czech sculptor and Fellow of the Royal British Society of Sculptors. She sculpted ma… - 5 years ago

@fredmiot: RT @FanklubQueen: Zmarła Irena Sedlecka - 5 years ago

@annyanazco: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@ActualArtistica: In Memoriam: Irena Sedlecká - 5 years ago

@sassa_madu: RT @QueenOnlineBr: RIP Irena Sedlecká 😢 É com muita tristeza que anunciamos que a escultora tcheca Irena Sedlecká, que criou a estátua de… - 5 years ago

@oitobridgertons: RT @QueenOnlineBr: RIP Irena Sedlecká 😢 É com muita tristeza que anunciamos que a escultora tcheca Irena Sedlecká, que criou a estátua de… - 5 years ago

@QueenOnlineBr: RIP Irena Sedlecká 😢 É com muita tristeza que anunciamos que a escultora tcheca Irena Sedlecká, que criou a estátu… - 5 years ago

@Sass99Sass: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@_merina__: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@DoubleD17999325: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@MartinchoVCF: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@MundooQueen: RT @QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercury en… - 5 years ago

@sandy_jaye: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@QUEENxSiempre: Hoy el arte y el fandom está de luto. Falleció Irena Sedlecká quién es la escultora de la estatua de Freddie Mercur… - 5 years ago

@MrsCat9: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@jfbl65: モントルーのフレディマーキュリー像を作ったチェコの彫刻家イレーナセドレカさんが、2020年8月4日にロンドンで亡くなったようです。ご冥福をお祈りします。 - 5 years ago

@Dbergkamp95: You built arguably the most iconic bit of sculpture in rock history. That won't ever be forgotten. Rip Irena Sedl… - 5 years ago

@Tikisrose: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@laley07: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@Kdoggdawgyman: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@WKulczewska: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@chub_city_: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@RayulFrank: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@tJoFHqUgVsIqrcI: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@Queen4everBlog: Queen Forever Blog: Chi era Irena Sedlecka, la scultrice che ha realiz... - 5 years ago

@numpty8012: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@didigawv: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@Velvet__Unicorn: RIP Irena Sedlecka. She sculpted the Freddie Mercury statue in Montreaux we all love. She was 91. - 5 years ago

@Kapparasu: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@JanieMusch: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@chuchlaCZ: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@sunsunnystyles: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@brianvanderbest: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@andreintl: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@readseveryday: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@xx1Zuk0nujarhY5: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@balletoneYOKO: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@23ladoB: RT @aqueenofmagic: Tal día como hoy de 1996 se inaugura la estatua de Freddie Mercury (creada por Irena Sedlecka) en Montreux, Suiza. http:… - 5 years ago

@23ladoB: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@maykillerqueen: RT @lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented artist who… - 5 years ago

@m_eilane: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@adricarolina18: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@stephy_flor: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@soniasarria22: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@hellflame_17: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@mrmercury36: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@lizzyb9521: Very sad to hear about the passing of Irena Sedlecká.😢 May she Rest In Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 She was an amazing, talented ar… - 5 years ago

@maurotorrescl: Q.E.P.D. Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa Irena Sedlecká, quien creó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux,… - 5 years ago

@quipedra: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@Cesarbulsara: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@La_altica: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@SelvaStefa: RT @ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury install… - 5 years ago

@LordKry81: RT @ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury install… - 5 years ago

@QueenFansItali3: È venuta a mancare il 4 agosto 2020, all’età di 91 anni, Irena Sedlecká, la scultrice che ha realizzato la statua d… - 5 years ago

@Claudia21Santi: RT @ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury install… - 5 years ago

@littlewing2016: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@kaitouruby7474: RT @ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury install… - 5 years ago

@wfp0123: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@eleitaliana: RT @ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury install… - 5 years ago

@Byako_D: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@ComunitaQueenIT: #NEWS | È morta ieri all'età di 91 anni l'artista ceca Irena Sedlecká. Realizzò la statua di @freddie_mercury inst… - 5 years ago

@kanzashiland: RT @aqueenofmagic: DEP Irena Sedlecká. La escultora checa que realizó la estatua de Freddie Mercury en Montreux falleció ayer, 4 de agosto… - 5 years ago

@LudovitStur1: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@Kemir_66: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@Erik30395815: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@forpav: RT @UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské o… - 5 years ago

@UKinCR: V Londýně ve věku 91 let zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, která se proslavila zejména svými díly zpodobňující… - 5 years ago

@NickArcherFCO: Zemřela Irena Sedlecká: Slavná sochařka zemřela v Londýně. Very sad news. Much respected. - 5 years ago

@wasp_lastchance: 🖤🙏🏻🥀 - 5 years ago

@MikesVerca: RIP Irena Sedlecká-Kodymová plzeňská rodačka - 5 years ago

@Vohralda: Nemusíme být fanoušci sochařství, ale buďme hrdý na sochařku, pocházející z naší vlasti, která stvořila impozantní… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Irena Sedlecká has passed away - #IrenaSedlecka #Irena #Sedlecká #rip - 5 years ago

@Rkubicko: Zemřela slavná česká rodačka Irena Sedlecká: Její dílo milují i fanoušci skupiny Queen! - 5 years ago

@270dan: Zemřela slavná česká rodačka Irena Sedlecká: Její dílo milují i fanoušci skupiny Queen! - 5 years ago

@RadanKubant: V Londýně zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká - 5 years ago

@sifoid: V Londýně zemřela česká sochařka Irena Sedlecká, bylo jí 91 let. Proslula zejména svými díly zpodobňujícími britské… - 5 years ago

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