Ip Ching

Chinese martial artist.
Died on Sunday January 26th 2020

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ip Ching:

@groovenugget: Remembering Ip Ching (1936-2020) - 5 years ago

@HaruRen364: Just learned that Ip Ching, one of the grandmasters of Wing Chun and Ip Man’s son, has passed away January 26th at… - 5 years ago

@DragonShadowLV: RT @Black_Belt_Mag: #Martialarts legend #IpMan’s son, Ip Ching, has died – 5 things to know about the #wingchun grandmaster - 5 years ago

@BearMartialArts: Remembering Ip Ching, the son of martial arts legend Ip Man #bearmartialarts #martialarts - 5 years ago


@n3thousand: RT @xTerrastrial: RIP 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@NoozOnScreen: RIP Ip Ching - 5 years ago

@HarshadKeval: RIP Sifu. - 5 years ago

@KoloKennethK: LMFAO. MARTIAL is trending and I thought the big reveal has been Mande, where we see a gun behind Martial's head as… - 5 years ago

@robertowt: Grandmaster Ip Ching died of illness on 26 January 2020. Night vigil of Sifu Ip Ching will be held on 7th February… - 5 years ago

@antoniopachioli: Rest In Peace ip Ching an inspiration to me - 5 years ago

@NInt3rnational: Respect to the grandmaster Ip Ching. Martial arts legend Ip Man’s son, Ip Ching, has died – 5 things to know ab… - 5 years ago

@KiaraAn09775337: RT @Black_Belt_Mag: #Martialarts legend #IpMan’s son, Ip Ching, has died – 5 things to know about the #wingchun grandmaster - 5 years ago

@TheIronDojo: - 5 years ago

@AndrewVerdo: RT @Black_Belt_Mag: #Martialarts legend #IpMan’s son, Ip Ching, has died – 5 things to know about the #wingchun grandmaster - 5 years ago

@babyjaynerocks: RT @brscottmy: Remembering Ip Ching, the son of martial arts legend Ip Man - 5 years ago

@ohmymaii: RT @wcillustrated: Sad news reached us from Hong Kong today. Sifu Ip Ching, Grandmaster Ip Man’s youngest son, left us peacefully last nigh… - 5 years ago

@xTerrastrial: RIP 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@brscottmy: Remembering Ip Ching, the son of martial arts legend Ip Man - 5 years ago

@tamtotwit: RT @wcillustrated: Sad news reached us from Hong Kong today. Sifu Ip Ching, Grandmaster Ip Man’s youngest son, left us peacefully last nigh… - 5 years ago

@mdfrhn08: RT @wcillustrated: Sad news reached us from Hong Kong today. Sifu Ip Ching, Grandmaster Ip Man’s youngest son, left us peacefully last nigh… - 5 years ago

@mpozii: Martial arts legend Ip Man’s son, Ip Ching, has died – 5 things to know about the wing chun grandmaster… - 5 years ago

@Channel_Fight: RT @xTerrastrial: RIP 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@JayChance12: - 5 years ago

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