Ingram Olkin

American professor of statistics.
Died on Thursday April 28th 2016

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Ingram Olkin:

@004nino: RIP 8565) Ingram #Olkin (1924-2016) , #American #professor of #statistics , #Died at 91 : April 28, 2016 - 9 years ago

@DeonHinds_Inc: Ingram Olkin, American professor of statistics, Died at 91 - 9 years ago

@damionhinds: Ingram Olkin, American professor of statistics, Died at 91 - 9 years ago

@121reggae: Ingram Olkin, American professor of statistics, Died at 91 - 9 years ago


@VybzEn: Ingram Olkin, American professor of statistics, Died at 91 - 9 years ago

@phillipwilby: Ingram Olkin, American professor of statistics, Died at 91 - 9 years ago

@entbuz: Ingram Olkin, American professor of statistics, Died at 91 - 9 years ago

@TedHayes007: RIP Ingram Olkin #metaanalysis...Influential statistician, professor Ingram Olkin dies at 91 - 9 years ago

@Sarah_Guan: RT @Stanford_Daily: Olkin was an early champion for women in academia. - 9 years ago

@Stanford_Daily: Olkin was an early champion for women in academia. - 9 years ago

@LoveStats: RT @cturner50: Influential statistician, professor Ingram Olkin dies at 91 - 9 years ago

@cturner50: Influential statistician, professor Ingram Olkin dies at 91 - 9 years ago

@linnieVII: I don't know this Stanford Professor at all, but I hope my obituary reads even half as rad: - 9 years ago

@stanford_dp: Ingram Olkin, influential Stanford professor of statistics and education, dies at 91 #stanford - 9 years ago

@PaloAltoNews: Influential statistician, professor Ingram Olkin dies at 91: Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Education Ingram… - 9 years ago

@Education_agen: Ingram Olkin, influential Stanford professor of statistics and education, dies at 91 - Stanford University News - 9 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: :( Ingram Olkin - #IngramOlkin #Ingram #Olkin #rip - 9 years ago

@WomenWorldNews1: #Women #Education Ingram Olkin, influential Stanford professor of statistics and education, d... - 9 years ago

@TSC_T_Suzuki: RT @Ron_Wasserstein: The statistical world lost two giants this week, Ingram Olkin - 9 years ago

@signmagazine: RT @Ron_Wasserstein: The statistical world lost two giants this week, Ingram Olkin - 9 years ago

@BristOliver: I will always treasure the lovely email I got from Ingram Olkin last March when I sent him the preprint. - 9 years ago

@BristOliver: Very sad indeed to learn via @AmstatNews that Ingram Olkin died last Thursday. I loved working on the Shepp-Olkin conjecture for 9 years. - 9 years ago

@StatisticsViews: Saddened to hear of the death of Prof Ingram Olkin. Exec Ed Jon Gurstelle had honour of interviewing him last Dec - 9 years ago

@NISSSAMSI: We are very saddened to hear of Ingram Olkin's passing. Our best to his family and friends. - 9 years ago

@rmolinac2003: RT @borgesre: La semana pasada fallecieron dos Extraordinarios Estadísticos: James H. Ware e Ingram Olkin, Paz a sus restos! - 9 years ago

@floresula: RT @borgesre: La semana pasada fallecieron dos Extraordinarios Estadísticos: James H. Ware e Ingram Olkin, Paz a sus restos! - 9 years ago

@borgesre: La semana pasada fallecieron dos Extraordinarios Estadísticos: James H. Ware e Ingram Olkin, Paz a sus restos! - 9 years ago

@borgesre: RT @Ron_Wasserstein: The statistical world lost two giants this week, Ingram Olkin - 9 years ago

@mpusto: A giant of statistics, and my husband's academic grandfather, has passed away: - 9 years ago

@KorichevaLab: Ingram Olkin, great statistician and meta-analyst, died April 28 aged 91. He was a wonderful man, one of a kind. RIP - 9 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Ingram Olkin is a goner: - 9 years ago

@umnbiostat: RIP two giants of our field: Jim Ware of Harvard and Ingram Olkin of Stanford. Both great guys and hugely... - 9 years ago

@tz33cu: Sad news arrived today: the counting ended yesterday. RIP, Professor Ingram Olkin. - 9 years ago

@xd_jiang: RT @Ron_Wasserstein: The statistical world lost two giants this week, Ingram Olkin - 9 years ago

@petercraigmile: RT @Ron_Wasserstein: The statistical world lost two giants this week, Ingram Olkin - 9 years ago

@BrandyRMaynard: RIP Ingram Olkin. Your presence will be missed, but your influence will live on in your work & those you've touched. - 9 years ago

@ASA_SciPol: RT @AmstatNews: AMSTAT NEWS | Read about Ingram Olkin's 65-years-and-counting career: - 9 years ago

@ASA_SciPol: RT @sallycmorton: With my hero Ingram Olkin at his 90th birthday celebration at alma mater Stanford - 9 years ago

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