Immanuel Wallerstein

American sociologist.
Died on Sunday September 1st 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Immanuel Wallerstein:

@LewisMwaura6: RT @postdiscipline: The great Immanuel Wallerstein has passed: "There are not, and cannot be multiple capitalisms because capitalism is a… - 5 years ago

@GastonLefranc: Bifurcation dans la "fin" du capitalisme. Réponse à Immanuel Wallerstein - 5 years ago

@didierdague80: RT @Gauche_RS: .@emmanuelmaurel: « Nous pensons, comme l’écrit Immanuel Wallerstein, la possibilité du progrès, pas son inéluctabilité. Ave… - 5 years ago

@MovFemCorunha: RT @yayo_herrero: Hace ya años planteó que las crisis cíclicas del capitalismo serían cada vez más rápidas por haber topado con los límites… - 5 years ago


@david_zelig: Con orgullo presento nota de mi autoría publicada por @revistaespoiler , espacio editorial de la @ubasociales Il… - 5 years ago

@lamiabouadi: RT @huret_romain: Libération m'a demandé de revenir sur le parcours de cet intellectuel important qui vient de disparaître. Le texte est pa… - 5 years ago

@o_zbaidi: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@LalehKhalili: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@TahirBinHussai2: RT @gotthetrotts: "Is there an option to go beyond racism?": Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein on Race, Nation, Class - 5 years ago

@g_nar: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@gotthetrotts: "Is there an option to go beyond racism?": Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein on Race, Nation, Class… - 5 years ago

@WolfgangKaiser: RT @VersoBooks: "Is there an option to go beyond racism?": Étienne Balibar and Immanuel Wallerstein on Race, Nation, Class - 5 years ago

@Yevre: RT @huret_romain: Libération m'a demandé de revenir sur le parcours de cet intellectuel important qui vient de disparaître. Le texte est pa… - 5 years ago

@WolfgangKaiser: RT @LMdiplo: How was the Enlightenment, which advocated equality, used to promote empire? Immanuel Wallerstein identified ‘four basic argum… - 5 years ago

@pedestrian: RT @eileanorr: With thanks to @ajl_max for this wonderful tribute to the life and work of Immanuel Wallerstein - 5 years ago

@pedestrian: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@drolette11: RT @SRContretemps: En guise d'hommage au grand penseur anticapitaliste et anti-impérialiste Immanuel #Wallerstein, un texte d'Étienne Balib… - 5 years ago

@jricole: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@FauxWatch: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@jedstevenson: Immanuel Wallerstein’s last commentary - 5 years ago

@SoheilAsefi: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

@goldosuri: RT @EskandarSadeghi: Immanuel Wallerstein on Frantz Fanon. Just as Fanon sought to demonstrate to French left Algerians weren’t irrationa… - 5 years ago

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