Igor Korobov

Russian intelligence officer
Died on Thursday November 22nd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Igor Korobov:

@petalola: RT @Mannyotiko: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assassinatio… - 6 years ago

@Trumpssxruples: RT @Mannyotiko: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assassinatio… - 6 years ago

@SheripetersonS: RT @Mannyotiko: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assassinatio… - 6 years ago

@Mannyotiko: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assa… - 6 years ago


@vicky8651: RT @ImEmmaE: Uh huh. Of course. Head of Russian spy agency accused of U.S. election hack, U.K. spy poisoning dies Igor Korobov, 62, who… - 6 years ago

@DebraTdmbg: RT @tonydphotog: These seem so similar. GRU head Igor Korobov, 63, fell ill in Oct. & died from the “serious and long illness” Damon Nelso… - 6 years ago

@headovmetal: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assa… - 6 years ago

@balkanbarbaros: RT @BBCWorld: Russian military intelligence chief Igor Korobov dies aged 62 - 6 years ago

@ddarek75: RT @konradkra: Angela Merkel zachęca do Armii Europejskiej. Putin popiera. Angela Merkel twierzi że suwerenne państwa to przeżytek. Szef GR… - 6 years ago

@joshuachuminski: RT @RepMikeRogers: You may have missed it over the Thanksgiving holiday, but Igor Korobov, the head of Russia's Main Intelligence Directora… - 6 years ago

@kitzju: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assa… - 6 years ago

@TouchoHoney: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assa… - 6 years ago

@therussophile: Igor Korobov, head of Russian military intelligence, succumbs age 63 — state media - 6 years ago

@lennutrajektoor: RT @RiddleRussia: What will happen to #GRU after Igor Korobov's death? - 6 years ago

@AbraxasSpa: RT @RiddleRussia: What will happen to #GRU after Igor Korobov's death? - 6 years ago

@ABarbashin: RT @RiddleRussia: What will happen to #GRU after Igor Korobov's death? - 6 years ago

@ManchurianDevil: RT @RiddleRussia: What will happen to #GRU after Igor Korobov's death? - 6 years ago

@IrisovaOlga: RT @RiddleRussia: What will happen to #GRU after Igor Korobov's death? - 6 years ago

@RiddleRussia: What will happen to #GRU after Igor Korobov's death? - 6 years ago

@JanJansemn: RT @KremlinRussia_E: The President offered his condolences to the family and dear ones on the death of GRU head Igor Korobov - 6 years ago

@ArtnowLexine: RT @BenKTallmadge: Head Of Russian Intel Agency GRU Dies: Igor Korobov,whose agency is Accused of an assassination attempt in the UK agains… - 6 years ago

@angeloglasen: RT @ScottMStedman: The head of Russia's GRU, Igor Korobov, is dead at age 62 after rumors that Putin berated him last month over various fa… - 6 years ago

@kjones88swag: RT @ScottMStedman: The head of Russia's GRU, Igor Korobov, is dead at age 62 after rumors that Putin berated him last month over various fa… - 6 years ago

@GmanisQ: RT @sethcahn: @GmanisQ @GlennF @Alba_Dawn Nah, but Oleg's boss's boss's boss? That's a guy you don't want to piss off. - 6 years ago

@abhomeron: RT @hotradero: Russia GRU chief Igor Korobov dies of illness after UK spy poisoning cc:@ruliharahap - 6 years ago

@kozarisit: RT @BenKTallmadge: Head Of Russian Intel Agency GRU Dies: Igor Korobov,whose agency is Accused of an assassination attempt in the UK agains… - 6 years ago

@kjones88swag: RT @ASLuhn: The head of the GRU military intelligence agency Igor Korobov has died at 62 from a "serious and long-lasting illness." His pre… - 6 years ago

@jpcrailjr: You can guarantee the illegitimate President wishes he could make stuff like this happen too. - 6 years ago

@123andgo: RT @RepMikeRogers: You may have missed it over the Thanksgiving holiday, but Igor Korobov, the head of Russia's Main Intelligence Directora… - 6 years ago

@konradkra: Angela Merkel zachęca do Armii Europejskiej. Putin popiera. Angela Merkel twierzi że suwerenne państwa to przeżytek… - 6 years ago

@DickXaivier: RT @ImEmmaE: Uh huh. Of course. Head of Russian spy agency accused of U.S. election hack, U.K. spy poisoning dies Igor Korobov, 62, who… - 6 years ago

@Gnarvey: UH. "The head of Russian military intelligence died "after a long and serious illness." In March, the Trump adminis… - 6 years ago

@themusekill: RT @RepMikeRogers: You may have missed it over the Thanksgiving holiday, but Igor Korobov, the head of Russia's Main Intelligence Directora… - 6 years ago

@spybusters: "A Tough Year for the GRU" via Kevin's Security Scrapbook - Igor Korobov, head of the Russian military intelligence… - 6 years ago

@mordor_cat: RT @leonidvolkov: Еще один не дожил до пенсионного возраста. - 6 years ago

@RepMikeRogers: You may have missed it over the Thanksgiving holiday, but Igor Korobov, the head of Russia's Main Intelligence Dire… - 6 years ago

@krystalwolfgrl: Vladimir Putin's GRU spy chief falls ill after furious showdown with Russian leader over his unit’s Novichok 'moron… - 6 years ago

@ShelfLifeCC: RT @ScottMStedman: The head of Russia's GRU, Igor Korobov, is dead at age 62 after rumors that Putin berated him last month over various fa… - 6 years ago

@2020BlueVote: RT @ImEmmaE: Uh huh. Of course. Head of Russian spy agency accused of U.S. election hack, U.K. spy poisoning dies Igor Korobov, 62, who… - 6 years ago

@sethcahn: @GmanisQ @GlennF @Alba_Dawn Nah, but Oleg's boss's boss's boss? That's a guy you don't want to piss off. - 6 years ago

@JosephOConnell3: @chrislhayes Now I know he was ill but the recent death of Russian Military Intelligence Igor Korobov give pause… - 6 years ago

@Fobbsie: Igor Korobov reportedly fell ill after President Vladimir Putin berated him for botching an assassination in the UK… - 6 years ago

@roseann55044331: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@BarryWest10: @ZoeTillman Surprised Paul Manafort hasn’t heard General Igor Korobov Head of GRU died after "a serious & long illn… - 6 years ago

@ZeljkoLazarevic: RT @MoscowTimes: Chief of Russia's GRU military intelligence agency Igor Korobov dies from illness - 6 years ago

@SleihySusan: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@JaxCandy76: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@dspalten: RT @meduza_en: Korobov 's predecessor, Igor Sergun, died suddenly on Jan. 3, 2016. Officially, he passed away at his home outside Moscow af… - 6 years ago

@JaiceyLove: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assa… - 6 years ago

@PVArkol: @GOP @realDonaldTrump Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness - Putin doesn't tol… - 6 years ago

@PVArkol: @GOP @realDonaldTrump @cindyhydesmith Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness - P… - 6 years ago

@PVArkol: @realDonaldTrump @VoteBradRaff Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness - Putin do… - 6 years ago

@PVArkol: Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness - Putin doesn't tolerate failure well. I… - 6 years ago

@luketomhanrahan: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@Syr829: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@RodentialRay: Beautifully written: “General Colonel Korobov, 62, reportedly started feeling unwell in mid-September, after a meet… - 6 years ago

@K77A9LMOpOjTdnv: Умер Игорь Коробов: топ-провалов ГРУ за время его руководства - 6 years ago

@JeffersonObama: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@KarlaTKO: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@LauraD_In_Indy: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@Edweard: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@katehentz: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@vanandv3: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@blkdogstar59: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@SusanBu49126530: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@JohnLaprise: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@tweetzydeetzy: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@lpr1836: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@moreldilemmas: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@HelloOElaine: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@del_puesta: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@theGOAPT: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@LeeBrown1273: RT @NPR: Igor Korobov, the head of Russian military intelligence, has died amid mounting accusations that his agency was behind subversive… - 6 years ago

@thecyberwire: #CWBriefing: General Igor Korobov, director of #Russia's #GRU since 2016, has died at the age of 62 after what the… - 6 years ago

@blacktoproad: @DavidCornDC “Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness” - 6 years ago

@rose_lingering: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@grls_2: @business Just a follow up convince manufactured after Igor Korobov's death. - 6 years ago

@NorthForkerEM: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@KiernanKathleen: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@EarlKnights: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@Lumiere_Pacific: RT @aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumsta… - 6 years ago

@aliasvaughn: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear ci… - 6 years ago

@thecyberwire: #CWBriefing: General Igor Korobov's deputy, Vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov, who’s commanded #Russian forces in #Syria… - 6 years ago

@DianaPrice5: RT @ScottMStedman: The head of Russia's GRU, Igor Korobov, is dead at age 62 after rumors that Putin berated him last month over various fa… - 6 years ago

@waynefilms: @CNNPolitics Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness - 6 years ago

@waynefilms: @CNNSitRoom Russia's chief of military intelligence, Igor Korobov, dies after illness - 6 years ago

@HedgeBz: Igor Korobov, head of Russia’s GRU spy agency, dies at 62 #HEDGE - 6 years ago

@MyBeachChair: No Surprise here - Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him… - 6 years ago

@Haziq_Escobar: RT @KremlinRussia_E: The President offered his condolences to the family and dear ones on the death of GRU head Igor Korobov - 6 years ago

@Bonnhere: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@challlass: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@mattfrendewey: Here's a real shocker, his predecessor also died suddenly and unexpectedly. - 6 years ago

@LeesaDeAndrea: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@theonesnickers: RT @BenKTallmadge: Head Of Russian Intel Agency GRU Dies: Igor Korobov,whose agency is Accused of an assassination attempt in the UK agains… - 6 years ago

@tabfreeweir: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@GVForsyth: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@smell3roses: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@queenieF2013: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@anrimaca100: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@hairgoddess1221: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@federicoalves: RT @CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear circumst… - 6 years ago

@CheriJacobus: “Korobov took charge of the GRU in January 2016 after his predecessor, Igor Sergun, died at age 58 under unclear ci… - 6 years ago

@samtyler47: Head of Russia's GRU spy agency dies from 'serious illness' after Putin reportedly berated him for botching an assa… - 6 years ago

@msemails: RT @krassenstein: BREAKING: Igor Korobov, the Head of Russia's Military Intelligence (GRU) has died. This was the man responsible for dir… - 6 years ago

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