Ida Nudel

Israeli civil rights activist.
Died on Tuesday September 14th 2021

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Ida Nudel:

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @ashdodcafe: LA MERE DES REFUZNIKS, à la mémoire de l’héroine Ida Nudel décédée le 14-09-2021 à 90 ans par Rony Akrich - 3 years ago

@ashdodcafe: LA MERE DES REFUZNIKS, à la mémoire de l’héroine Ida Nudel décédée le 14-09-2021 à 90 ans par Rony Akrich - 3 years ago

@ZinniaSegev: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@ZinniaSegev: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago


@StarColombo: RT @adlisrael: Ida Nudel passed away today. A Refusenik and an icon of Soviet Jewry’s struggle to make Aliyah to Israel. She has been a sou… - 3 years ago

@MorrisDwayne3: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@MorrisDwayne3: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @PinarAkarturk: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@GuillaumondDel1: RT @rencontrejfm: International 7/9. Disparition d'une célèbre "refuznik" de l'ex-URSS, à l'heure où le Goulag fonctionne à nouveau sous Po… - 3 years ago

@PinarAkarturk: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @LoveoftheLand: The heroes of our generation are slipping away. And unless you were among the fortunate few to have gone to meet them in… - 3 years ago

@LoveoftheLand: The heroes of our generation are slipping away. And unless you were among the fortunate few to have gone to meet th… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @DanKosteckeJr: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@DanKosteckeJr: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @jerusalemprayer: Article: President Isaac Herzog ... “It’s important to remember and commemorate the stories of the Prisoners of Zion w… - 3 years ago

@jerusalemprayer: Article: President Isaac Herzog ... “It’s important to remember and commemorate the stories of the Prisoners of Zio… - 3 years ago

@sethcorey: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @hazelbrunette: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - 3 years ago

@hazelbrunette: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @jewishwebsight: How will we remember Ida Nudel? - 3 years ago

@jewishwebsight: How will we remember Ida Nudel? - 3 years ago

@ATGBrokers: New post (Ida Nudel in Israel gestorben) published on - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @NYTObits: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. https… - 3 years ago

@nonoLOOK: RT @NYTObits: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. https… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @AchtungBrazil: Ida Nudel - 3 years ago

@AchtungBrazil: Ida Nudel - 3 years ago

@xperelmuter1: RT @rencontrejfm: International 7/9. Disparition d'une célèbre "refuznik" de l'ex-URSS, à l'heure où le Goulag fonctionne à nouveau sous Po… - 3 years ago

@nyt_diff: - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @davidr: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@davidr: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @MaximDShrayer: Ida Nudel, Prisoner of Zion, Refusenik Hero #Heroes #Jewish #Israel #USSR #Russia #refusenik - 3 years ago

@MaximDShrayer: Ida Nudel, Prisoner of Zion, Refusenik Hero #Heroes #Jewish #Israel #USSR #Russia #refusenik - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @paularitchie3: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - 3 years ago

@paularitchie3: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @DjAmbalee: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@DjAmbalee: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@YourJudaism: Ida Nudel: 4 Life Lessons - 3 years ago

@lalojimjuarez: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @thepn_org: Ida Nudel – Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement This week I was saddened to learn of the - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @BunkerBlast: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - - 3 years ago

@BunkerBlast: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - - 3 years ago

@thepn_org: Ida Nudel – Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement This week I was saddened to learn of the - 3 years ago

@dslarsen: RT @straytski: A true giant. - 3 years ago

@straytski: A true giant. - 3 years ago

@DeBaule: RT @rencontrejfm: International 7/9. Disparition d'une célèbre "refuznik" de l'ex-URSS, à l'heure où le Goulag fonctionne à nouveau sous Po… - 3 years ago

@IsraelinNewYork: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@margreis9: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @JJohnsonLaw: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@RepuFrancesca: RT @rencontrejfm: International 7/9. Disparition d'une célèbre "refuznik" de l'ex-URSS, à l'heure où le Goulag fonctionne à nouveau sous Po… - 3 years ago

@JJohnsonLaw: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@J_Bella_S: RT @WorldJewishCong: Ida Nudel was known as a 'Guardian Angel,' helping fellow #Jewish refuseniks in the Soviet Union who were imprisoned o… - 3 years ago

@judiasionista: RT @rencontrejfm: International 7/9. Disparition d'une célèbre "refuznik" de l'ex-URSS, à l'heure où le Goulag fonctionne à nouveau sous Po… - 3 years ago

@judiasionista: RT @Santanumalbum: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@maxoufix: RT @rencontrejfm: International 7/9. Disparition d'une célèbre "refuznik" de l'ex-URSS, à l'heure où le Goulag fonctionne à nouveau sous Po… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @Santanumalbum: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @ykomska: In 1987, Ida Nudel, the famous refusenik, and her dog finally flew to Israel on Armand Hammer’s personal jet. - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @TownhallColumns: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - 3 years ago

@TownhallColumns: Ida Nudel - Petite Giant of the Soviet Jewry Movement - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @mitchrudin: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ This hero who changed the world should not be forgotten. - 3 years ago

@mitchrudin: via ⁦@nytimes⁩ This hero who changed the world should not be forgotten. - 3 years ago

@AlvinPrima9: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@ILRosa_PR: RT @nytimes: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, died on Tuesday. She wa… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @samueldanielil: @simonwiesenthal Gulag labor camp and KGB prison were cruel and brutal. Mutch people be killed of gulag and KGB Prison… - 3 years ago

@samueldanielil: @simonwiesenthal Gulag labor camp and KGB prison were cruel and brutal. Mutch people be killed of gulag and KGB Pri… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @judiasionista: Z.L Ida Nudel .ex refusemik . Conocida como "ángel de la guarda " - 3 years ago

@judiasionista: Z.L Ida Nudel .ex refusemik . Conocida como "ángel de la guarda " - 3 years ago

@Salosso: RT @TimesofIsrael: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Salosso: RT @nytimesworld: During the Cold War, Ida Nudel fought for the rights of Jews seeking to leave the Soviet Union. She also waged a 16-year… - 3 years ago

@ExoThinker: RT @nytimesworld: During the Cold War, Ida Nudel fought for the rights of Jews seeking to leave the Soviet Union. She also waged a 16-year… - 3 years ago

@ExoThinker: RT @TimesofIsrael: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@ExoThinker: RT @haaretzcom: Ida Nudel, legendary ex-Soviet ‘prisoner of Zion,’ dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @ICJWomen: ICJW joins the Jewish world in mourning the death of Ida Nudel, refusenik and role model. - 3 years ago

@ICJWomen: ICJW joins the Jewish world in mourning the death of Ida Nudel, refusenik and role model. - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @NancyRapoport: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@NancyRapoport: via @NYTimes - 3 years ago

@VenusMaple1: RT @nytimesworld: During the Cold War, Ida Nudel fought for the rights of Jews seeking to leave the Soviet Union. She also waged a 16-year… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @onefern: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@onefern: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @folha: Jaime Spitzcovsky | A despedida da 'mamãe' de dissidentes soviéticos. Ida Nudel morreu aos 90 anos em Israel, aonde chegou após… - 3 years ago

@Flavinha_AB: RT @folha: Jaime Spitzcovsky | A despedida da 'mamãe' de dissidentes soviéticos. Ida Nudel morreu aos 90 anos em Israel, aonde chegou após… - 3 years ago

@claudiofsts: RT @folha: Jaime Spitzcovsky | A despedida da 'mamãe' de dissidentes soviéticos. Ida Nudel morreu aos 90 anos em Israel, aonde chegou após… - 3 years ago

@thymarirochagm1: RT @folha: Jaime Spitzcovsky | A despedida da 'mamãe' de dissidentes soviéticos. Ida Nudel morreu aos 90 anos em Israel, aonde chegou após… - 3 years ago

@folha: Jaime Spitzcovsky | A despedida da 'mamãe' de dissidentes soviéticos. Ida Nudel morreu aos 90 anos em Israel, aonde… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @AlwaysLinderell: @kitchen5203 Condolences to all who knew and loved Ida Nudel 😥💔 - 3 years ago

@AlwaysLinderell: @kitchen5203 Condolences to all who knew and loved Ida Nudel 😥💔 - 3 years ago

@bouaicha_fouad: RT @NTarnopolsky: #Breaking: Ida Nudel, 90, the legendary refusenik and 'guardian angel' of Soviet Prisoners of Zion, is dead. - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @brcandre: @rianhez Engraçado que o seu baita fio foi postado no mesmo dia que essa coisa: - 3 years ago

@brcandre: @rianhez Engraçado que o seu baita fio foi postado no mesmo dia que essa coisa: - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @JClickbaited: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 | The Times of Israel - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @NYTObits: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. https… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @EurAlmanac: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@EurAlmanac: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at… - 3 years ago

@DiasporaEngager: Soviet Jewish Activist and Refusenik Ida Nudel Dies in Israel at Age 90. Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (www... - 3 years ago

@DiasporaNews123: Soviet Jewish Activist and Refusenik Ida Nudel Dies in Israel at Age 90. Photo credit: DiasporaEngager (www... - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @EPJ33: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @instala07855542: OCURRIO HOY La activista sionista israelí Ida Nudel falleció a la edad de 90 años. Tras mudarse a Israel en 1987, N… - 3 years ago

@instala07855542: OCURRIO HOY La activista sionista israelí Ida Nudel falleció a la edad de 90 años. Tras mudarse a Israel en 1987… - 3 years ago

@EPJ33: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @coffeeownsme: Lives Lived: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, died… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @Algemeiner: Naftali Bennett called Nudel “a role model of a Jewish heroine.” Former Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein, also an ex-refuseni… - 3 years ago

@Algemeiner: Naftali Bennett called Nudel “a role model of a Jewish heroine.” Former Knesset speaker Yuli Edelstein, also an ex-… - 3 years ago

@coffeeownsme: Lives Lived: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel,… - 3 years ago

@jmhamiltonblog: RT @nytimes: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, died on Tuesday. She wa… - 3 years ago

@akuproxy: RT @HistoriasdeSion: Su fue a los 90 años Nos dejo su ejemplo de lucha De las impresindibles Ida Nudel Z´L - 3 years ago

@44cstark: RT @nytimes: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, died on Tuesday. She wa… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @DataDotcoaza: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 #ListenOrRead #news #media - 3 years ago

@DataDotcoaza: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 #ListenOrRead #news #media - 3 years ago

@Save_Vilna: RT @CotlerWunsh: Ida Nudel passed away. Grateful to @IrwinCotler for rendering her captivity a personal responsibility. Together w/Prison… - 3 years ago

@Save_Vilna: RT @IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly character… - 3 years ago

@GrantdeGraf: RT @IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly character… - 3 years ago

@bronsteinm: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@AJDMaru: RT @nytimes: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, died on Tuesday. She wa… - 3 years ago

@YWN: Ida Nudel, Celebrated Soviet Jewish Refusenik, Dies Aged 90 - 3 years ago

@Noted_Lives: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @Alex_Albert: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Alex_Albert: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Ravenroarke: RT @nytimesworld: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. ht… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @NYTObits: During the Cold War, Ida Nudel fought for the rights of Jews seeking to leave the Soviet Union. She also waged a 16-year figh… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @WorldFishNews: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@WorldFishNews: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: During the Cold War, Ida Nudel fought for the rights of Jews seeking to leave the Soviet Union. She also waged a 16… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @nytimesworld: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. ht… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @TheDailyPres: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @lixilamb: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@lixilamb: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@TheDailyPres: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@notnutjob1: RT @nytimesworld: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. ht… - 3 years ago

@JMTremblay1: RT @nytimesworld: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at 90. ht… - 3 years ago

@Leila38_: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@Vivek44239530: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@nytimesworld: Ida Nudel, who personified the Cold War struggle of Jews to immigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel, has died at… - 3 years ago

@rrohit778: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@TrendNewsIndia1: Ida Nudel, ‘Angel’ to Soviet Jews Seeking to Flee, Dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @imshin: - 3 years ago

@HebMacMan: RT @imshin: - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly character… - 3 years ago

@ianreed288: RT @IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly character… - 3 years ago

@stephenalbert11: RT @IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly character… - 3 years ago

@barb_hill: RT @IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly character… - 3 years ago

@IrwinCotler: 1/ Very sad to learn of the passing of Ida Nudel, the heroic leader of the Soviet Jewry movement, who was justly ch… - 3 years ago

@CharlesTPowell: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@francescpassani: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@MRGUMEDE28: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@MRGUMEDE28: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @judiosenmexico: Murió “el ángel de la guarda”, la ex refusenik y activista judía soviética Ida Nudel - - 3 years ago

@judiosenmexico: Murió “el ángel de la guarda”, la ex refusenik y activista judía soviética Ida Nudel - - 3 years ago

@DiHirsh: RT @ICJWomen: ICJW joins the Jewish world in mourning the death of Ida Nudel, refusenik and role model. - 3 years ago

@MacFrico: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@mma0307: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@JojoGradon: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @ibangel: Soviet Jewish activist and refusenik Ida Nudel dies in Israel at age 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @ibangel: We’re losing them ... in memory of Ida Nudel - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @JTAnews: Ida Nudel, one of the most prominent faces of Jewish refusal in the Soviet Union, has died. She was 90. - 3 years ago

@jozmark73: RT @HistoriasdeSion: Su fue a los 90 años Nos dejo su ejemplo de lucha De las impresindibles Ida Nudel Z´L - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @MeravMichaeli: Ida Nudel was a courageous and inspiring leader in the struggle for the rights of Soviet Jews. At a time of darkness and… - 3 years ago

@FpaddyFernando: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@sonsoles8: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@Ndouka1965: RT @MeravMichaeli: Ida Nudel was a courageous and inspiring leader in the struggle for the rights of Soviet Jews. At a time of darkness and… - 3 years ago

@CarmenMamelita: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@lui57883409: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@Lumeoh: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @darreljorstad: A Life Lived: Soviet Jewish activist and refusenik Ida Nudel dies in Israel at age 90 - 3 years ago

@georgina_cannon: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

@darreljorstad: A Life Lived: Soviet Jewish activist and refusenik Ida Nudel dies in Israel at age 90 - 3 years ago

@feruizdiaz: RT @HistoriasdeSion: Su fue a los 90 años Nos dejo su ejemplo de lucha De las impresindibles Ida Nudel Z´L - 3 years ago

@celtas60: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@RoberRomer: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@MLuisaBueno1: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@JLAZULYROJO: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@Star_Foreign: RT @Star_Foreign: Ida Nudel, celebrated Soviet Jewish refusenik, dies aged 90 - 3 years ago

@AbelNeuman: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@YidInfoNews: Bennett, Israeli lawmakers mourn the death of Ida Nudel, 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Activist Ida Nudel; actor Lung Shao-hua; bishop and advocate John Shelby Spong; composer and music direct… - 3 years ago

@lennybendavid: Hebrew readers: Naomi Shemer, the legendary Israeli song writer and poet, wrote this to her "sister" Ida Nudel who… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @lennybendavid: Ida Nudel, the brave Soviet Prisoner of Zion, died this wk. BDE. My family would spend Shabbat at Ulpan Akiva, where we… - 3 years ago

@AndreaRemmen: RT @lennybendavid: Ida Nudel, the brave Soviet Prisoner of Zion, died this wk. BDE. My family would spend Shabbat at Ulpan Akiva, where we… - 3 years ago

@lennybendavid: Ida Nudel, the brave Soviet Prisoner of Zion, died this wk. BDE. My family would spend Shabbat at Ulpan Akiva, whe… - 3 years ago

@Rabbi_Sykes: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@SagyPM: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

@LisRSalander: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@Lunamber: RT @JoopSoesan: Meer over de vandaag overleden Ida Nudel, die na 16 jr , waaronder een strakamp in Siberië in 1987 Rusland mocht verlaten e… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @adlisrael: Ida Nudel passed away today. A Refusenik and an icon of Soviet Jewry’s struggle to make Aliyah to Israel. She has been a sou… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @ICJWomen: ICJW joins the Jewish world in mourning the death of Ida Nudel, refusenik and role model. - 3 years ago

@ICJWomen: ICJW joins the Jewish world in mourning the death of Ida Nudel, refusenik and role model. - 3 years ago

@CaroleNl: RT @adlisrael: Ida Nudel passed away today. A Refusenik and an icon of Soviet Jewry’s struggle to make Aliyah to Israel. She has been a sou… - 3 years ago

@JavierOres: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@JorgeChusit: RT @HistoriasdeSion: 1. El 15 de octubre de 1987 Ida Nudel y su perro, arriban al aeropuerto Ben Gurion después de una lucha de 16 años. Sí… - 3 years ago

@chinopelado: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@SpiritGaza: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@MayerFertig: RT @EFLyons: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @CatherinelGinn1: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @EFLyons: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@EFLyons: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Leonard23077395: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@KimMacthomas: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - The Times of Israel Shalom✡️🇮🇱🕯 - 3 years ago

@LauraPVignatti: Radio Jai 🇮🇱 - 3 years ago

@arantxacc: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@Bertilak3: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@TabithaStevens8: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@lolasoler12: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@alexmenachin: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@Puc01829930: - 3 years ago

@barbaraebj: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ida Nudel, the diminutive Prisoner of Zion who made #aliyah after winning her battle against the #SovietUnion, died on… - 3 years ago

@NoWay80151889: RT @JoopSoesan: Voormalig refusnik Ida Nudel overleden, na 16 jaar ervoor vechten waaronder 4 jr in strafkamp in Siberië, mocht ze eindelij… - 3 years ago

@Mariazell2: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@LeonNudel: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ida Nudel, the diminutive Prisoner of Zion who made #aliyah after winning her battle against the #SovietUnion, died on… - 3 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Ida Nudel, the diminutive Prisoner of Zion who made #aliyah after winning her battle against the #SovietUnion, died… - 3 years ago

@ElCoyoteHispano: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@Studiositas: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@franmb1: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@JohnNicklay2: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@AranAranzazu: RT @veroniri: Se nos ha ido Ida Nudel, una de los grandes disidentes de la URSS, “el angel de la guarda” de los prisioneros políticos judío… - 3 years ago

@5IYYAR: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@cashewsandeggs: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

@poupko: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@SuzanneWolinsky: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NCSEJ: NCSEJ mourns the death of former Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel who died on Tuesday in Israel at 90. Known as the “Guar… - 3 years ago

@RahavRan: RT @MeravMichaeli: Ida Nudel was a courageous and inspiring leader in the struggle for the rights of Soviet Jews. At a time of darkness and… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @IsraelBondsNews: Israel Bonds mourns the passing of Ida Nudel, former refusenik and dedicated Soviet Jewish activist. May her memory fo… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @CotlerWunsh: Ida Nudel passed away. Grateful to @IrwinCotler for rendering her captivity a personal responsibility. Together w/Prison… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@ruinofzimbabwee: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@R_U_Home: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Ravbaruch: RT @CotlerWunsh: Ida Nudel passed away. Grateful to @IrwinCotler for rendering her captivity a personal responsibility. Together w/Prison… - 3 years ago

@IsraelBondsNews: Israel Bonds mourns the passing of Ida Nudel, former refusenik and dedicated Soviet Jewish activist. May her memory… - 3 years ago

@tovahlazaroff: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@27kislev5719: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@RBatDavid: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@EnLiEretzAheret: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: RT @stevelinde: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@IrwinCotler: RT @CotlerWunsh: Ida Nudel passed away. Grateful to @IrwinCotler for rendering her captivity a personal responsibility. Together w/Prison… - 3 years ago

@RutkowskiDr: - 3 years ago

@ArtistaSion: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@27kislev5719: RT @CotlerWunsh: Ida Nudel passed away. Grateful to @IrwinCotler for rendering her captivity a personal responsibility. Together w/Prison… - 3 years ago

@CotlerWunsh: Ida Nudel passed away. Grateful to @IrwinCotler for rendering her captivity a personal responsibility. Together w… - 3 years ago

@TooMuch_Hate: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@Geekprincess28: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@JewishIndy: RT @MoshePhillips3: 2015 article by Naomi Klass Mauer of @JewishPress as today Ida Nudel has passed "In The Presence Of Greatness: My Enco… - 3 years ago

@27kislev5719: RT @JewishPress: Former Soviet 'Prisoner of Zion,' Jewish Refusenik Ida Nudel Passes Away at 90 - - 3 years ago

@mayanotbfor7da1: RT @Data_Male: RIP Ida Nudel - a hero - a living testament to the radical left’s hostility to Jews. In Moscow - 1972, she secretly learn… - 3 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: 'Guardian Angel’ Ida Nudel dies at 90: Ida Nudel was a Prisoner of Zion who made aliyah with her faithful collie, P… - 3 years ago

@JRsChinaBlog1: Ida Nudel has died in Israel today, aged 90. - 3 years ago

@StarColombo: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@StarColombo: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@JewishPress: Former Soviet 'Prisoner of Zion,' Jewish Refusenik Ida Nudel Passes Away at 90 - - 3 years ago

@jamilkar: RT @enlacejudio: Fue conocida como el "Ángel de la Guarda" por su campaña para proporcionar artículos humanitarios a los Prisioneros de Sio… - 3 years ago

@enlacejudio: Fue conocida como el "Ángel de la Guarda" por su campaña para proporcionar artículos humanitarios a los Prisioneros… - 3 years ago

@isra_net: Décès d’Ida Nudel, ancienne refuznik et militante pour les Juifs soviétiques #Israël #ישראל - 3 years ago

@CountsRosann: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @dan_elbaum: Many of us love Israel, but can you answer the question of whether you would be willing to spend 4 years in a Siberian pris… - 3 years ago

@jozmark73: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@JewishAgency: RT @dan_elbaum: Many of us love Israel, but can you answer the question of whether you would be willing to spend 4 years in a Siberian pris… - 3 years ago

@dan_elbaum: Many of us love Israel, but can you answer the question of whether you would be willing to spend 4 years in a Siber… - 3 years ago

@ihe_onu: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@ihe_onu: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@EduMontesin: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@NMNJorg: RT @imshin: - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @sneaker2speaker: Ida Nudel died. In early ‘70s, a leader of “refuseniks”,resisting Soviet’s refusal to let Jews leave.Tended to needs o… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @kgreen3: May Ida Nudel rest in the Kingdom of G-d in comfort and ease. Amain 🙏. A true warrior, hero and leader💞 - 3 years ago

@aniruddh_kewat: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

@kgreen3: May Ida Nudel rest in the Kingdom of G-d in comfort and ease. Amain 🙏. A true warrior, hero and leader💞 - 3 years ago

@sneaker2speaker: Ida Nudel died. In early ‘70s, a leader of “refuseniks”,resisting Soviet’s refusal to let Jews leave.Tended to need… - 3 years ago

@ManojKu15121681: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@ManojKu15121681: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago


@SanjayS97360146: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@SanjayS97360146: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@ForASafeIsrael: RT @MoshePhillips3: 2015 article by Naomi Klass Mauer of @JewishPress as today Ida Nudel has passed "In The Presence Of Greatness: My Enco… - 3 years ago

@ForASafeIsrael: RT @MoshePhillips3: Deeply saddened to read of the passing of Zionist heroine Ida Nudel ZT"L #Zionism - 3 years ago

@r12ons: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@plexaleOK: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

@elpaseomaritimo: RT @NTarnopolsky: #Breaking: Ida Nudel, 90, the legendary refusenik and 'guardian angel' of Soviet Prisoners of Zion, is dead. - 3 years ago

@CeciliaBTory: #IdaNudel #RIP.A true heroine for #freedom and human rights ! - 3 years ago

@RaptorBorealis: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@edrormba: Former refusenik and #Soviet #Jewish #activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@PeggiMontreal: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@tuviaklein: RT @imshin: Ida Nudel has passed away, aged 90. ברוך דיין האמת - 3 years ago

@MaatVillacian: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@MaatVillacian: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@alexrugem: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@alexrugem: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@Zbabo18: Rest In peace Ida Nudel A prisoner of zion Refusenik Social activist - 3 years ago

@DebraVWilson: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@BJLife: PM Bennett Eulogizes Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel - 3 years ago

@DebraVWilson: Ida Nudel: - 3 years ago

@IsraelinIreland: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@Lyndagee49: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@IsraelinIreland: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @JoopSoesan: Meer over de vandaag overleden Ida Nudel, die na 16 jr , waaronder een strakamp in Siberië in 1987 Rusland mocht verlaten e… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@GhayasM73: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@KingPraveena: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@ThembaRajuili: RT @IsraeliPM: PM Bennett: "Even after she immigrated, Ida Nudel continued to act in Israel for the education of the children of new immigr… - 3 years ago

@ThembaRajuili: RT @IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett eulogized Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel: "Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel, a symbol of the struggle f… - 3 years ago

@JoopSoesan: Meer over de vandaag overleden Ida Nudel, die na 16 jr , waaronder een strakamp in Siberië in 1987 Rusland mocht ve… - 3 years ago

@imshin: - 3 years ago

@The_Proletariat: RT @MeravMichaeli: Ida Nudel was a courageous and inspiring leader in the struggle for the rights of Soviet Jews. At a time of darkness and… - 3 years ago

@tuviaf: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@WashingtonViews: 1987 Video Flashback: The Government of Israel Welcomes the release and coming-to-Israel of "Prisoner of Zion" Ida… - 3 years ago

@SandaCl98133568: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@BeerShevaReal: Умерла известная еврейская правозащитница, «Узница Сиона» Ида Нудель - 3 years ago

@STMEGI: Умерла известная еврейская правозащитница, «Узница Сиона» Ида Нудель - 3 years ago

@jb90703: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

@v9ow7o: RT @MeravMichaeli: Ida Nudel was a courageous and inspiring leader in the struggle for the rights of Soviet Jews. At a time of darkness and… - 3 years ago

@MeravMichaeli: Ida Nudel was a courageous and inspiring leader in the struggle for the rights of Soviet Jews. At a time of darknes… - 3 years ago

@mosestamakloe: RT @TimesofIsrael: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @TimesofIsrael: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @israelradioguy: RIP #IdaNudel - great woman whose struggle against the Soviet Union to be a free Jewish person in Israel inspired a ge… - 3 years ago

@NuesslinNudelt: RT @Shmarya: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 Known as ‘Guardian Angel’ for humanitarian work on behalf of… - 3 years ago

@Shmarya: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 Known as ‘Guardian Angel’ for humanitarian work o… - 3 years ago

@27kislev5719: RT @israelradioguy: RIP #IdaNudel - great woman whose struggle against the Soviet Union to be a free Jewish person in Israel inspired a ge… - 3 years ago

@jazmasigan_2: RT @TimesofIsrael: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@israelradioguy: RIP #IdaNudel - great woman whose struggle against the Soviet Union to be a free Jewish person in Israel inspired… - 3 years ago

@TimesofIsrael: Former refusenik and Soviet Jewish activist Ida Nudel dies at 90 - 3 years ago

@Ithacaron: RT @StandWithUs: #BREAKING: Famed Zionist activist Ida Nudel passed away today at the age of 90. She was an iconic leader of the refusenik… - 3 years ago

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