Ibrahim Abouleish

Egyptian pharmaceutical.
Died on Friday June 16th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Ibrahim Abouleish:

@Mozn: RT @rlafoundation: #AlternativeNobel Dr Ibrahim Abouleish passed away last week, but his legacy is strong in Egypt & elsw @sekemgroup https… - 8 years ago

@rlafoundation: #AlternativeNobel Dr Ibrahim Abouleish passed away last week, but his legacy is strong in Egypt & elsw @sekemgroup… - 8 years ago

@BinBerlinerIn: RT @AyodeleFanida: SAD Exit!!! I join d Biodynamics practitioner in Africa & the world to Commiserate with the family of Dr Ibrahim Aboulei… - 8 years ago

@callunacom: Les visionnaires partent trop tôt...comme Ibrahim Abouleish qui a fait fleurir son projet au milieu du désert #Sekem - 8 years ago


@callunacom: Such a great loss, Dr.Ibrahim Abouleish’s is gone.. as a founder of @sekemgroup,he turned a desert into organic master project in Egypt - 8 years ago

@Fruchtnews: In Memoriam: Ibrahim Abouleish, founder of SEKEM - 8 years ago

@AyodeleFanida: SAD Exit!!! I join d Biodynamics practitioner in Africa & the world to Commiserate with the family of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @BiodynamicUK - 8 years ago

@koordenhaag: Het is alweer een week geleden, maar ik hoor het nu pas: veel bewondering voor de oprichter van Sekem, een... - 8 years ago

@OrganicPortal: Sekem founder Ibrahim Abouleish dies #organic_tweet - 8 years ago

@ArnoNiesner: @monatsschrift @sekemgroup Ibrahim Abouleish verließ eine Welt, in der überALL noch viel zu tun ist: - 8 years ago

@aithamou29: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish has passed away. - 8 years ago

@brittsnl: @steen020 @Ramsterdamm En alleen op biojournaal beetje lullig RIP bericht maar deze man maakt woestijnen vruchtbaar… - 8 years ago

@rasikanbw: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish has passed away. - 8 years ago

@bert_erends: @sekemgroup May peace be with you, Ibrahim Abouleish. I send my condolences to the Sekem community. - 8 years ago

@bert_erends: Ik ben geschokt. In november ga ik naar Sekem, Egypte en had gehoopt Ibrahim Abouleish nog te ontmoeten. - 8 years ago

@bert_erends: Afgelopen donderdag 15 okt. is dr. Ibrahim Abouleish door de poort van de dood gegaan. Moge de vrede met hem zijn. - 8 years ago

@Aarthwith: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish overleden: - 8 years ago

@marjanke: RT @Biojournaal: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish overleden - 8 years ago

@brittsnl: RT @Biojournaal: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish overleden - 8 years ago

@Biojournaal: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish overleden - 8 years ago

@SteinersErben: Im Gedenken an Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish: - 8 years ago

@BasdeGroot77: An inspiring man has gone from here #IbrahimAboeish #sekem #biodynamic #agri #culture - 8 years ago

@Susenso: Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish van Sekem overleden: - 8 years ago

@joycemoewius: RT @demeter_de: Wir trauern mit unseren Partnern der @sekemgroup um Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish - 8 years ago

@KayBeeLon: RT @WillemFerwerda: We carry in our hearts: Ibrahim Abouleish @sekemgroup: a great visionary and entrepreneur in #re-greening and #communit… - 8 years ago

@impulsesLondon: The Demeter community mourns for Ibrahim Abouleish, visionary, founder of amazing project Sekem in Egypt - 8 years ago

@impulsesLondon: RT @evronia: Founder of #Sekem, Dr Ibrahim Abouleish, passed away. I hope his legacy continues & his remarkable work in #sustainability nev… - 8 years ago

@impulsesLondon: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@impulsesLondon: The Demeter community mourns for Ibrahim Abouleish, founder of Sekem - 8 years ago

@katmonlan: Die Demeter-Gemeinschaft trauert um Sekem-Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish | Demeter e.V. - 8 years ago

@RIP2017x: RT @rlafoundation: #AlternativeNobel & @GoodPolicies mourn #Egypt's sustainable devt trailblazer Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@UlintlEng: #Sekem-founder Ibrahim Abouleish dead. Sekem was a exemplary alternative cooperative. He also lived in Graz for man… - 8 years ago

@ULintl: Ibrahim Abouleish, Gründer von #Sekem, ägyptischer #Entwicklungsinitiative, der lange in Graz gelebt hat, verstorbe… - 8 years ago

@gruenehelden: RT @demeter_de: Wir trauern mit unseren Partnern der @sekemgroup um Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish - 8 years ago

@Lebensbaum_: Am vergangenen Donnerstag ist ein großer Visionär, Sekem-Gründer Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, von uns gegangen. Wir... - 8 years ago

@willemlageweg: RT @Sekemvrienden: SEKEM-oprichter Ibrahim Abouleish op 15 juni overleden. - 8 years ago

@KoenvanSeijen: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@SID_Hamburg: World Future Council: ‘Alternative Nobel’ and World Future Council Mourn Egypt’s Sustainable Development Trailblaze… - 8 years ago

@evronia: Founder of #Sekem, Dr Ibrahim Abouleish, passed away. I hope his legacy continues & his remarkable work in #sustainability never disappears - 8 years ago

@Sekemvrienden: SEKEM-oprichter Ibrahim Abouleish op 15 juni overleden. - 8 years ago

@luenzer: Ibrahim #Abouleish (Ägypten) ist gestern (15.6.17) in die geistige Welt gegangen. Er war am 23. März 1937 in Masht… - 8 years ago

@BasdeGroot77: Just heard that Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish of @sekemgroup has past away. I am thankfull for the inspiration that he gave. - 8 years ago

@heike_schormann: RT @demeter_de: Wir trauern mit unseren Partnern der @sekemgroup um Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish - 8 years ago

@zeRapunzel: RT @demeter_de: Wir trauern mit unseren Partnern der @sekemgroup um Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish - 8 years ago

@demeter_de: Wir trauern mit unseren Partnern der @sekemgroup um Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish - 8 years ago

@biggi_renner: Sekem-Initiative: Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish gestorben - 8 years ago

@biggi_renner: Sekem-Initiative: Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish gestorben - - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Ibrahim Abouleish, Egyptian pharmacologist, Died at 80 - 8 years ago

@sheskat3: RT @fcarrionmolina: Ha fallecido Ibrahim Abouleish,el egipcio que convirtió un pedazo de desierto en vergel.Aquí su gesta contada por él ht… - 8 years ago

@WillemFerwerda: We carry in our hearts: Ibrahim Abouleish @sekemgroup: a great visionary and entrepreneur in #re-greening and… - 8 years ago

@trinitiesinfo: RT @GAPMarilyn: The world has lost one of its gentle giants. RIP Ibrahim Abouleish. - 8 years ago

@SabinePetersen: RT @SteinersErben: Wir trauern um unseren Freund und Buch-Autor Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, Gründer der Sekem-Initiative und Brückenbauer... htt… - 8 years ago

@biomarktinfo: Sekem-Initiative: Gründer Ibrahim Abouleish gestorben - - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Ibrahim Abouleish - #IbrahimAbouleish #Ibrahim #Abouleish #rip - 8 years ago

@GAPMarilyn: The world has lost one of its gentle giants. RIP Ibrahim Abouleish. - 8 years ago

@Nekrologium: Ibrahim Abouleish, ägyptischer Chemiker, Unternehmer und Entwicklungshelfer, am 15.06.2017 mit 80 Jahren. - 8 years ago

@christineax: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@resonanzen: newslichter: Rücklicht: Ibrahim Abouleish - 8 years ago

@newslichter: Rücklicht: Ibrahim Abouleish - Buch-Autor Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, "Gründer der Sekem-Init... - 8 years ago

@newslichter: Rücklicht: Ibrahim Abouleish - Buch-Autor Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, "Gründer der Sekem-Init... - 8 years ago

@monatsschrift: Zum Gedenken an Ibrahim Abouleish: sein Sohn Helmy über "Das Beispiel SEKEM" @sekemgroup #sozialezukunft - 8 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Ibrahim Abouleish (80) Egyptian scientist - 8 years ago

@wikireaper: Dearly departed, Ibrahim Abouleish, Egyptian scientist, now defunct. - 8 years ago

@amourification: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@rolane_eissa: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@lect: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@Agrarkultur: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@AnnaLeidreiter: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@Texturkraft: Ibrahim Abouleish - 1937 - 2017 - 8 years ago

@ylwamb: Ibrahim Abouleish, författare och grundaren av Sekem i Egypten har avlidit. - 8 years ago

@JimFruchterman: The renowned social entrepreneur Ibrahim Abouleish passed away today. My condolences to Helmy. Schwab Fdn - 8 years ago

@rlafoundation: #AlternativeNobel & @GoodPolicies mourn #Egypt's sustainable devt trailblazer Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @sekemgroup… - 8 years ago

@sschurig: RT @Good_Policies: Today, we are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Ibrahim Abouleish @rlafoundation @sekemgroup - 8 years ago

@ElMundoInter: RT @fcarrionmolina: Ha fallecido Ibrahim Abouleish,el egipcio que convirtió un pedazo de desierto en vergel.Aquí su gesta contada por él ht… - 8 years ago

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