Ian Ker

English priest and scholar.
Died on Monday November 7th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ian Ker:

@rumapumpum: @urso_bruto @ShadiBartsch Really? I helped a friend make a documentary about him a few years ago. We traveled to O… - 2 years ago

@jamescotton123: RT @omnialnchristo: Alan Fimister on the late Newman scholar Fr Ian Ker’s approach to Lewisian ecumenism - 2 years ago

@ajwehrsj: RT @CatholicHerald: Obituary: Fr Ian Ker was a priest and scholar who opened up Newman's thinking to the world - 2 years ago

@FrHarrison: RT @CatholicHerald: Obituary: Fr Ian Ker was a priest and scholar who opened up Newman's thinking to the world - 2 years ago


@omnialnchristo: Alan Fimister on the late Newman scholar Fr Ian Ker’s approach to Lewisian ecumenism - 2 years ago

@jwest_edm: Saddened to learn of the passing of the greatest scholar of the life and thought of St. John Henry Newman, Fr. Ian… - 2 years ago

@MusaddiqBangash: Rizwan ney aaj Ian Bishop ko musalmaan ker k hi Syndey sey Jana hai - 2 years ago

@danielmgmoylan: I didn’t know, of course, when I made this short intervention, that Fr Ian Ker was to die within the week. I’m glad… - 2 years ago

@CarlosBlasco4: @fonsoparedes @EdicionesRialp ¡Muchísimas gracias don Alfonso! Si no hubiese sido por usted quizás hubiese tirado… - 2 years ago

@ian_dachs: @Maboule14 Kebule, keramika, kečup, kentaur, kerblík, kel, keř, kepr, kemp, kejhák... - 2 years ago

@RosettaAtchley5: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Newman biographer Fr Ian Ker died on Saturday at the age of 80, the same day as Fr Jeremy Davies. Please pray the soul… - 2 years ago

@breachway: Care a bein’ or ker rib Ian - 2 years ago

@Mccrimmons: RT @Sochest: In Memoriam: Ian Ker (1942-2022) @cworldreport. - 2 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @traditionwisdom: A magnificent tribute to Fr Ian Ker: - 2 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @Sochest: In Memoriam: Ian Ker (1942-2022) @cworldreport. - 2 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @bishop_conley: I lost a dear friend and mentor this weekend, Fr. Ian Ker, an Oxford professor and definitive biographer of St. John Hen… - 2 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @LC_Institute: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Fr. Ian Ker, longtime friend of the Lumen Christi Institute. In his mem… - 2 years ago

@RyanProng: RT @CatholicHerald: Obituary: Fr Ian Ker was a priest and scholar who opened up Newman's thinking to the world - 2 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @CatholicHerald: Obituary: Fr Ian Ker was a priest and scholar who opened up Newman's thinking to the world - 2 years ago

@angelo_bottone: RT @RVCDiocese: Statement re: the passing of Fr. Ian Ker by Most Rev. John O. Barres To read Heart Speaks to Heart, please visit: - 2 years ago

@CatrionaRitchie: RT @CatholicHerald: Obituary: Fr Ian Ker was a priest and scholar who opened up Newman's thinking to the world - 2 years ago

@CarlosBlasco4: RT @EEncuentro: Lamentamos el fallecimiento de Ian Ker (1942-2022), brillante académico, biógrafo y experto en la obra y vida de John Henry… - 2 years ago

@RVCDiocese: Statement re: the passing of Fr. Ian Ker by Most Rev. John O. Barres To read Heart Speaks to Heart, please visit:… - 2 years ago

@mahen_irfan: RT @CTSpublishers: On Saturday, two great English priests went to their eternal reward. CTS had the privilege to publish texts written by b… - 2 years ago

@NYCatholicRadio: RT @GeraldMurray8: Fr. Gerald E. Murray, Pastor of Holy Family Church will be celebrating a Memorial Mass for Fr. Ian Ker (1942-2022), the… - 2 years ago

@GeraldMurray8: Fr. Gerald E. Murray, Pastor of Holy Family Church will be celebrating a Memorial Mass for Fr. Ian Ker (1942-2022),… - 2 years ago

@titoedwards: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Newman biographer Fr Ian Ker died on Saturday at the age of 80, the same day as Fr Jeremy Davies. Please pray the soul… - 2 years ago

@CommanderKlj: Fr. Ian Ker, author of many books on now St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, discusses Pope Francis and shares his thou… - 2 years ago

@philominaEapen: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Newman biographer Fr Ian Ker died on Saturday at the age of 80, the same day as Fr Jeremy Davies. Please pray the soul… - 2 years ago

@Catheri92042326: RT @ProtecttheFaith: Newman biographer Fr Ian Ker died on Saturday at the age of 80, the same day as Fr Jeremy Davies. Please pray the soul… - 2 years ago

@pierpaolofinal1: RT @CTSpublishers: On Saturday, two great English priests went to their eternal reward. CTS had the privilege to publish texts written by b… - 2 years ago

@AskPastorP: RT @CatholicHerald: Obituary: Fr Ian Ker was a priest and scholar who opened up Newman's thinking to the world - 2 years ago

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