Ian Johnson

Australian television executive (Nine Network
Died on Tuesday July 2nd 2019

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Ian Johnson:

@ian_wacker: RT @haveigotnews: Boris Johnson responds to allegations he threw Sir Kim Darroch under the bus: - 6 years ago

@814Pirates: RT @Iankah: Pittsburgh Pirates owner, Barney Dreyfuss wanted a change in baseball after Ban Johnson ruled against him by taking star prospe… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @gavinesler: One of the problems in Washington is talented people ask why they should work for a president who is so disloyal to those w… - 6 years ago

@theangelremiel: @KateMaltby @youngvulgarian Boris Johnson's inner seriousness is as much admired as Ian Paisley's staunch Catholicism. - 6 years ago


@ismleod_ian: RT @BenPBradshaw: In case you needed any more evidence that Boris Johnson is totally unfit to be Prime Minister. - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @march_change: Boris Johnson is selling us out even before he gets in. We are not Trump’s poodle. We are proud Brits who stand with… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @elisled: Boris Johnson's words beamed onto Big Ben: "Trump.... unfit for public office." 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏@ByDonkeys - 6 years ago

@Iankah: Pittsburgh Pirates owner, Barney Dreyfuss wanted a change in baseball after Ban Johnson ruled against him by taking… - 6 years ago

@ian_kennedy4: Big day for the Endurance Squad @WimborneAC . @PiersCopeland1 competes in Sweden tonight in heat @EuroAthletics u23… - 6 years ago

@JohnHurr: “Tuesday reminded us that, in Johnson’s world, other people are always expendable. Ask the former London police chi… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Lineham: @TomTugendhat @mrjamesob Can you confirm that you and the others therefore have no confidence that Johnson is the right man to be PM? - 6 years ago

@Brian_Tibbels: @BorisJohnson In Johnson’s world other people are always expendable. Ask the former London police chief Ian Blair,… - 6 years ago

@marlor_ian: @JohnnyMercerUK @JillGore8 Your mate Mr Johnson hasn’t helped has he?! - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @HackedOffHugh: Boris Johnson Shows That He’s Donald Trump’s Poodle | The New Yorker - 6 years ago

@DaveHill: Boris Johnson got rid of Met Police chief Sir Ian Blair in 2008 - or rather, someone else did the dirty work and he… - 6 years ago

@SianJasper: RT @elizabethf100: ‘For Johnson, other people are expendable: former London police chief Ian Blair, sacked by Johnson in one of the most di… - 6 years ago

@ian_black: RT @LordRickettsP: This won’t wash. @BorisJohnson was happy to shower praise on Sir Kim once he’d resigned, but when the guy really needed… - 6 years ago

@randombigbird: RT @elizabethf100: ‘For Johnson, other people are expendable: former London police chief Ian Blair, sacked by Johnson in one of the most di… - 6 years ago

@Tsunami65: RT @elizabethf100: ‘For Johnson, other people are expendable: former London police chief Ian Blair, sacked by Johnson in one of the most di… - 6 years ago

@EIektraMovie: @LunaVeg87 Cary Elwes was also in Saw directed by James Wan, director of Furious 7 starring Dwayne Johnson, who was… - 6 years ago

@peepsmacdonald: Do you meet folk under 50 who think Boris Johnson is a 'good thing ' ? @Ian_Fraser @JohnRentoul… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Politic: RT @JohnJCrace: Kim Darroch resigns for doing his job. The prime minister fails to stand up to Trump. Johnson throws Darroch to the wolves.… - 6 years ago

@pad_ian: If you're criteria for qualifying to be PM is smearing by the BBC you must agree that Corbyn is way ahead.… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @BBCNormanS: Oooof. Sir John Major taking chunks out of Boris Johnson. "National leaders must put the interests of the country first..no… - 6 years ago

@Kalista63: @SocialistGav @PoliceServiceNI @LADFLEG @wee_baldy_ian He’s tightly connected to Trump, Farage, Johnson, Priti Pate… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @itvpeston: .@PhilipHammondUK says Boris Johnson’s comment that the costs of no deal would be “vanishingly small” if we prepare is “just… - 6 years ago

@PhilMorandi: RT @HereticBaruch: @_MrCommonSense Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt, Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, Richard Burgon, Bill Cash, Diane… - 6 years ago

@HereticBaruch: @_MrCommonSense Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt, Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, Richard Tice, Richard Burgon, Bill Cash, D… - 6 years ago


@pad_ian: #newsnight Johnson wants businessmen to replace our diplomats! This is capitalism grabbing the power of govenment. - 6 years ago

@Sam_Johnson_: RT @wcpoetsoccer: 13! Not 10, 13 All Academic Players on our team! The most on any team at Whittier College. Special shout out to Ian, Matt… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @Andrew_Adonis: Boris Johnson’s failure to stand by Kim Darroch, who served him loyally when Foreign Secretary, shows his moral worthles… - 6 years ago

@PDXRandyLee: @renee_m_johnson @AlexStevensKent @SteveTransform @newscientist @ian_hamilton_ @PaculaRosalie @rmaccoun That's like… - 6 years ago

@PDXRandyLee: @renee_m_johnson @AlexStevensKent @SteveTransform @newscientist @ian_hamilton_ @PaculaRosalie @rmaccoun Larger samp… - 6 years ago

@bth77police: RT @Mantra1298: Horrific Couples Theresa and Philip May Amber Rudd and Kwasi Kwarteng Rees Mogg and Nanny Michael Gove and Sara Vine Phili… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @tom_watson: This is a personal tragedy for Kim Darroch. It is the inevitable result of a leak organised by dark forces who do down our… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @mrjamesob: What Johnson did, and what he will always do as Prime Minister, is prioritise his personal interest over the national. In hi… - 6 years ago

@DannyCunningh11: @MansfieldHammer @WestHamMatters We were relegated with 4 of those players (and Di Canio, Kanoute & Ian Pearce push… - 6 years ago

@ian_labour: RT @bbclaurak: Darroch’s position was probably impossible after Johnson didn’t back him last night but British ambassadors around the world… - 6 years ago

@ifabio_ian: RT @TracyAnnLilly11: BBC doing a hatchet job on Boris... very sickening to watch this mauling on politics live and bbc news. I’m seriously… - 6 years ago

@Ian_in_OH: RT @NickCohen4: The first act of Johnson's premiership is to allow a foreign power to drive out our diplomats - and the worthless oaf isn't… - 6 years ago

@ojessen: RT @kateferguson4: David Lidington nods his head in agreement as SNP leader Ian Blackford says it’s a “great pity” Boris Johnson refused to… - 6 years ago

@Ian_in_OH: RT @SebastianEPayne: Whitehall sources told @FinancialTimes that Sir Kim watched Mr Johnson in the televised debate on Tuesday evening and… - 6 years ago

@Peradventur3: RT @kateferguson4: David Lidington nods his head in agreement as SNP leader Ian Blackford says it’s a “great pity” Boris Johnson refused to… - 6 years ago

@joannaccherry: RT @kateferguson4: David Lidington nods his head in agreement as SNP leader Ian Blackford says it’s a “great pity” Boris Johnson refused to… - 6 years ago

@SmallStateTakes: @tired_tuesdays Jay, you should rename your account, “bad takes, anonymous” because that’s all you’ve become! I don… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @Kevin_Maguire: That sniggering is European, US, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Middle East countries laughing at the prospect o… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @EmmaKennedy: Trump bitch tweets, Johnson jumps. Get used to it. - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @lunaperla: I'm disgusted .@BorisJohnson & .@IsabelOakeshott have between them put .@KimDarroch into such an untenable position that he… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @alfonslopeztena: Kim Darroch resigns as UK ambassador to Washington following Trump’s fury — He watched Boris Johnson in the televised… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @Louise_Bell: @TomTugendhat Johnson has behaved despicably. How can moderate Tories look at themselves in the mirror and say the country… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @Haggis_UK: Alan Duncan - Boris Johnson, instead of supporting our diplomat in Washington, basically dived for cover & threw him under t… - 6 years ago

@slug77_ian: How the fuck has Boris Johnson got this far in the race to rule the country,absolutely no substance in his debates… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @gmai_sutton: @SebastianEPayne @FinancialTimes Effectively Johnson made his position untenable. He should sue for constructive dismissal. - 6 years ago

@Ian_Callender: @SimonMarksFSN @mrjamesob @LBC Only inevitable because Johnson refused to back him! #trumpspuppy - 6 years ago

@Ian_Lineham: #thelastleg #isitok that Cockwomble Johnson has thrown the UK ambassador to the US under a bus - 6 years ago

@ian_troop: RT @SebastianEPayne: Whitehall sources told @FinancialTimes that Sir Kim watched Mr Johnson in the televised debate on Tuesday evening and… - 6 years ago

@__ian_johnson: RT @Scarfolk: Just a quick reminder that facts & telling the truth no longer have any place in politics. #Darroch - 6 years ago

@ifabio_ian: @thecarolemalone @Jeremy_Hunt @BorisJohnson Boris Johnson is the best man for us now carole came what may. - 6 years ago

@ian_sewell4: RT @Johnny_Marr: I wish people would stop referring to “Boris” like he’s some cuddly fun character. They should refer to him by his full na… - 6 years ago

@DBFole13: @Lisamboo @ian_ibbotson @SurreyAmps Dorries is too thick even for a Johnson cabinet. - 6 years ago

@ian_lawley: RT @paul__johnson: ‘The smirks, the smugness, the self-love, the bluster and the hyperbole told us that Britain is about to be landed with… - 6 years ago

@Ginga_Macca: RT @Adam_Johno85: Here is what @BarrowAFC manager @ianevatt23 said last night when i spoke to him after the pre season game against Furness… - 6 years ago

@ProudGranny24: @MattCarr55 @GirloftheN @7cats28paws Boris Johnson stood with one hand in his pocket. Casual body language. Arrogan… - 6 years ago

@RoadsideMum: @doctor_oxford Ian Brady emotionally blackmailed Winnie Johnson until her dying day by witholding the possibility o… - 6 years ago

@ian_ibbotson: RT @Johnny_Marr: I wish people would stop referring to “Boris” like he’s some cuddly fun character. They should refer to him by his full na… - 6 years ago

@martinharman: @nornirishfella @sidneymufc @itvnews Agreed. Johnson is Victorian Dads and Ian Duncan Smith’s puppet. - 6 years ago

@ian_haywood: RT @Johnny_Marr: I wish people would stop referring to “Boris” like he’s some cuddly fun character. They should refer to him by his full na… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @Steven_Swinford: Breaking: John Major announces he will seek a judicial review if Boris Johnson prorogues Parliament to force through… - 6 years ago

@Adam_Johno85: Here is what @BarrowAFC manager @ianevatt23 said last night when i spoke to him after the pre season game against F… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Wigan: RT @berniespofforth: Let’s see how many remain voters will cover a £200k loss on a case they also lost. Struggling to find sympathy. https:… - 6 years ago

@SteveHa37376304: @nickeardleybbc @theSNP Ian Blackheart, the simple crofter. Scotland's answer to Boris Johnson - 6 years ago

@ian_black: RT @Kevin_Maguire: Cowardly, cowardly, cowardly of a plastic patriot Johnson too craven unable to say he'd keep and decide who is Britain's… - 6 years ago

@ian_stamp: @annettedittert Johnson - 6 years ago

@ian_itavener: @hexsteph @shackas You should definitely watch the movie it comes from called Jerimiah Johnson. It’s shot in the mo… - 6 years ago

@ian_johnson96: RT @EricVespe: I just learned that pretty much every under-30 Twitterer thinks this gif is Zach Galifianakis nodding, not Robert Redford in… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @derekjames150: Do you remember when Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson et al complained about Barack Obama's comments during the EURef 2016? S… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @BethRigby: Both sides in spin room are claiming victory but Hunt had edge in 2nd half. Rattled Johnson on tax cuts & clearly won room o… - 6 years ago

@ian_algie: RT @DavidLammy: The ultimate irony of a young Muslim man pushing leaflets through letterboxes to unseat Boris Johnson is too sweet to squan… - 6 years ago

@VidSoon: Hercules (2014) - Stars: Dwayne Johnson (the rock), John Hurt, Ian McShane.. - 6 years ago

@Iankah: The importance of Ban Johnson cannot be under-estimated when it came to the growth of baseball during the early par… - 6 years ago

@Peradventur3: @Ian_Fraser So Isabel Oakeshott has gifted Boorish Johnson the chance to be the floppy-haired hero, our Love Actual… - 6 years ago

@ian_algie: RT @britainelects: On who is most likely to deliver Brexit by 31 Oct: B. Johnson: 35% J. Hunt: 5% Neither: 33% via @YouGov, 07 - 08 Jul… - 6 years ago

@Prof_ian_shaw: RT @JosephineCumbo: Boris Johnson pledges to fix the NHS #pensions crisis driving a staff meltdown but diagnoses the wrong problem. The Ann… - 6 years ago

@kdf815: RT @BaseballUPA: BUPA 17U Frantz gets the W at Rutgers. offense was paced by Rocco Stark, Peyton Johnson, Logan Wagner, Jaxon Dalena and Ia… - 6 years ago

@Prof_ian_shaw: RT @DavidLammy: The ultimate irony of a young Muslim man pushing leaflets through letterboxes to unseat Boris Johnson is too sweet to squan… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @bbc5live: Conservative MP Bob Stewart tells @EmmaBarnett he’s backing Boris Johnson because when he “concentrates” he gets a “really go… - 6 years ago

@ian_black: RT @carlbildt: Donald Trump effectively cease diplomatic relations with the UK until Boris Johnson becomes PM and sends an ambassador that… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @DavidLammy: The ultimate irony of a young Muslim man pushing leaflets through letterboxes to unseat Boris Johnson is too sweet to squan… - 6 years ago

@ian_parsnip: @SteveBakerHW ERG & Bozo still peddling lies...... 👍.... WTO Boss torpedoes GATT24 con... 👍 - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @acgrayling: Bill Maher nails Steve Bannon: 'You look for morons [Palin, Trump - Farage, Johnson?] and fill their heads with your ideas'. - 6 years ago

@TheBSRevolution: RT @WTM_London: Making Strides In LGBT+ Tourism with Ian Johnson - 6 years ago

@ian_parsnip: @BorisJohnson @foreignoffice Aye right so Bozo... Anything u say..... BTW You got it wrong again!! - 6 years ago

@ian_fryer: RT @StevePeers: Remind us, did you criticise Boris Johnson for referring to Obama as "part Kenyan" with "an ancestral dislike of the Britis… - 6 years ago

@pad_ian: Difficult knowing exactly what Hunt & Johnson are "promising". Seems they agree had govenment followed Darling's po… - 6 years ago

@watson7_ian: RT @LuckyHeronSay: Boris Johnson secretly dreads being seen as the UK's Donald Trump RT if that's how you see him #Dispatches - 6 years ago

@Chriswebber2012: RT @runnymonkey: @Ian_Fraser @carolecadwalla The Obama administration called Johnson "Trump with better hair" Very perceptive. - 6 years ago

@michaelden: RT @ShehabKhan: WATCH: Remarkable moment during #PMQs as Ian Blackford accuses Theresa May of "cowardice", says Boris Johnson was "the wors… - 6 years ago

@ian_stamp: RT @Rachel5742: Johnson's #Brexit plans dismissed by head of #WTO So many holes in his plans its looking like his ship of state may sink w… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @AnthonyMortlock: Yes correct..now boycotting any company waving the brexit flag..e.g. Wetherspoons,Dyson,Daylesford(Bamfords supporting… - 6 years ago

@Carlsonsports: I am waiting for Mogg or Johnson or Ian Duncan Shit or *unt to respond to these ideas - 6 years ago

@WTM_London: Making Strides In LGBT+ Tourism with Ian Johnson - 6 years ago

@edward__ian: RT @robdelaney: Fun watching the inbred British press trash Labour as they grapple with the upcoming nightmare Johnson premiership they kno… - 6 years ago

@Prof_ian_shaw: RT @Dr_RJByrne: When will #BorisJohnson et al tell him he's wrong? Boris Johnson's Brexit plans dismissed by head of WTO - 6 years ago

@AwayCallaway: Ian Darke Gus Johnson close second - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @joswinson: Whether Johnson or Hunt take the keys to Number 10, both will continue to roll over and put up with President Trump’s tantru… - 6 years ago

@ian_baylis: @realDonaldTrump Boris Johnson should Fire this narcissist idiot immediately. Placing himself before his responsibi… - 6 years ago

@ESLBruce: @kevinsxu @JiayangFan @eosnos Michael Meyer, Luisa Lim Nation of Amnesia, Rob Schmitz Street of Eternal Happiness,… - 6 years ago

@cpersing: RT @BaseballUPA: BUPA 17U Frantz gets the W at Rutgers. offense was paced by Rocco Stark, Peyton Johnson, Logan Wagner, Jaxon Dalena and Ia… - 6 years ago

@BerkFriendsMtg: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@BaseballUPA: BUPA 17U Frantz gets the W at Rutgers. offense was paced by Rocco Stark, Peyton Johnson, Logan Wagner, Jaxon Dalena… - 6 years ago

@VidSoon: Hercules (2014) - Stars: Dwayne Johnson (the rock), John Hurt, Ian McShane.. - 6 years ago

@Sim_Elliott: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @Suewilson91: Cabinet ministers against no-deal Brexit are 'sitting on their hands' instead of voting to stop it, Justine Greening says… - 6 years ago

@revthomps: RT @PeteStrobl: Enjoyed reading @Ian_Johnson_22’s first book and definitely recommend it for players trying to better understand their own… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @acgrayling: Premise 1: If Boris Johnson cannot command a majority in parliament, the Queen cannot invite him to be prime minister. Prem… - 6 years ago

@hjtherealj: (GSN) THE DL HUGHLEY SHOW Monday through Thursday at 10 PM/9C on TV One. Featured guest this week: Ian Edwards on M… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @JamesMelville: So we are about to have Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Opposition trying to navigate… - 6 years ago

@pad_ian: #Newsnight Not to worry Kim's email will only cost us the #NHS and Johnson will be pleased to give it. - 6 years ago

@ian_lawley: @Peston @theresa_may @BorisJohnson @KimDarroch So much for ‘sovereignty’. What was all that nonsense spouted by the… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @buckielugger21: @SirBrianClough1 @martin_lowe @HeckSausages @HeckFood I see Heck have tried to issue some kind of plea to not boycott t… - 6 years ago

@FrankEBoulton: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @GirloftheN: @HeckFood Think you can market your sausages using Boris Johnson? He’s an emetic. You’ll have to hope Tory and Brexit Ltd… - 6 years ago

@ismleod_ian: RT @VesperUK: @petertimmins3 @HeckFood Mr Johnson is a threat to national security who accepts money from questionable sources. Please dist… - 6 years ago

@londonquakers: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@Timewalkproject: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@Ian_SRML: RT @BarristerSecret: With typical brilliance, @Barristerblog forensically dissects Boris Johnson’s ludicrous wibblings on criminal sentenci… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @BethRigby: And as for Sir Kim Darroch, Trump says he’ll no longer deal with him. Due to leave US in Jan anyhow but this an early test f… - 6 years ago

@Lewis_Not_Ian: RT @PippaCrerar: 💥BREAKING: After talks today the unions have agreed a common position on Brexit: whatever deal negotiated by Boris Johnson… - 6 years ago

@watson7_ian: RT @PaulEmbery: I went on BBC Politics Live to explain the threat that Boris Johnson poses to public services in our country. He is a cutte… - 6 years ago

@MartinWood2003: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@NickRiv61280803: @Iblogtoglasgow Fuck me Elton Pat Butcher John Inman Ian Krankie Boris Johnson & Jim Bowen all in there😂😂😂 - 6 years ago

@barfilfarm: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@Ekklesia_co_uk: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@Carlsonsports: So a couple of days after the media trumpeted Ian Duncan Shit's endorsement of Little Johnson, the changes to IDS'… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @acgrayling: Premise 1: If Boris Johnson cannot command a majority in parliament, the Queen cannot invite him to be prime minister. Prem… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Fraser: RT @TripeUK: TMB Advisory We regret to inform customers that we will no longer be proceeding with plans to promote the 'Boris Johnson Tripe… - 6 years ago

@qkrgran4peace: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@haig_ian: RT @TrojanManifesto: Top cop says Boris Johnson is 'unfit to be PM' after abuse inquiry slur - 6 years ago

@haig_ian: RT @TechnicallyRon: Boris Johnson: Absent for 9 votes on gay rights, voted against gay rights twice. Theresa May: Absent for 9 votes for ga… - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @gordoncraig11: @JMPSimor Who benefited from the leak by Brexit supporting Oakeshott most? How did Farage and the assortment of right w… - 6 years ago

@BarbaraBone: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@acrossthemargin: RT @PeteStrobl: Enjoyed reading @Ian_Johnson_22’s first book and definitely recommend it for players trying to better understand their own… - 6 years ago

@CtcMissioner: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@Lewis_Not_Ian: I'm torn. I obviously cannot abide Johnson, but this just seems like a bad PR decision. Heck create high quality p… - 6 years ago

@RobinRitchie1: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@BigPapaT101: @LBC @clivebull Boris Johnson. Role Model of the decade. Ok on one condition. They learn English. And you do a spec… - 6 years ago

@vanessasa1213: Dwayne Johnson is talented Ian Somerhalder is approachable Candice Swanepoel is eye-catching and so on - 6 years ago

@Mawdesley: RT @BritishQuakers: UK opposition leaders in Westminster call on Hunt and Johnson to hold an inquiry into arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Lett… - 6 years ago

@GovWorldMag: Ian Lavery responds to comments by Boris Johnson that he could earn more money outside politics - 6 years ago

@ifabio_ian: RT @Jacob_Rees_Mogg: Boris is the one to trust. #BackBoris - 6 years ago

@Wolves_Ian: RT @withorpe: Johnson and Hunt, both of whom have spent 9 years supporting austerity, have each promised about £60b of increased spending i… - 6 years ago

@ian_stamp: RT @RCorbettMEP: Public would prefer to simply cancel #Brexit or hold a second #referendum rather than have a Halloween no-deal, poll shows… - 6 years ago

@ifabio_ian: RT @LBC: If Boris Johnson wins the Tory leadership contest, he will be the 20th Prime Minister to be educated at Eton, @richardpbacon asks:… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Johnson_22: RT @PeteStrobl: Enjoyed reading @Ian_Johnson_22’s first book and definitely recommend it for players trying to better understand their own… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Johnson97: RT @MLBStats: Is @Max_Scherzer pitching the best ⚾️ of his career? - First @Nationals /Expos player to win 7 straight starts since @45Ped… - 6 years ago

@bruce_ian: RT @TomLondon6: Corbyn-haters be careful what you wish for If this Socialist offering HOPE is destroyed by smears, lies and dirty tricks,… - 6 years ago

@unmitigated_ian: RT @AllyEncampment: Rossann Williams and Kevin Johnson are cops. Starbucks sucks - 6 years ago

@Jamison_Nee: RT @PeteStrobl: Enjoyed reading @Ian_Johnson_22’s first book and definitely recommend it for players trying to better understand their own… - 6 years ago

@offord63: @JeremyTaylorNB @OliverKamm @Ian_Politic @gsoh31 @skwawkbox Boris Johnson congratulated Hungarian Premier Viktor Or… - 6 years ago

@Koocheekoo11: @gaslitnation Gonna drop this here, a thread by Ian Madrigal from 11/18, posted by Sarah in 1/19. A trove of detail… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Politic: RT @tnywalsh: What Rory Stewart says about Boris Johnson is interesting. That he sees politics like captaining a rugby team. If you keep sa… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Politic: RT @davidyelland: People I trust, competent, well placed friends, suspect Kim Darroch is victim of a dark conspiracy and that Farage gets h… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Politic: RT @SimonFraser00: 1/9: The debate on #Brexit isn’t moving forward. At best it’s going round in circles. Or regressing to the pre Chequers… - 6 years ago

@ian_ibbotson: RT @nja5: Boris Johnson comes unstuck after brutal Tory hustings question about his wealth - Mirror Online - - 6 years ago

@ian_bec: RT @peterjukes: There was always going to be some kind of deal between Johnson and Farage (both are mates with Bannon, and both backed by… - 6 years ago

@ianmc46_ian: RT @CorbynistaTeen: Here’s Ali Milani, who’s going to unseat Boris Johnson. Support him and support the future. - 6 years ago

@ian_wacker: RT @JMPSimor: This man is leading Johnson’s campaign. He has slagged off the judiciary, the civil service and now a former head of MI6. He… - 6 years ago

@Polly_Politics: RT @p13tobler: Some of the team behind Boris Johnson : Steve Baker Mark Francois Jacob Rees-Mogg Andrea Jenkyns Dominic Raab Ian Duncan Smi… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Molyneaux_: RT @IanDunt: Johnson insists "we're uniting the country and bringing it together". May was fond of saying the same thing. Neither of them e… - 6 years ago

@Ian_Molyneaux_: RT @PickardJE: facepalm moment in this superb profile of Boris Johnson by ⁦@GeorgeWParker⁩ and ⁦@SebastianEPayne⁩ - 6 years ago

@Ian_McKinley: RT @mrjamesob: They’re all cults now. Brexit, Corbyn, Johnson, Trump - all kept afloat by people insisting that observable reality can be a… - 6 years ago

@VidSoon: Hercules (2014) - Stars: Dwayne Johnson (the rock), John Hurt, Ian McShane.. - 6 years ago

@Ian_Politic: RT @Kevin_Maguire: You couldn't make up The Times now backing for PM a Boris Johnson it sacked as a trainee journalist for fabricating a qu… - 6 years ago

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