Ian Black

British journalist (The Guardian).
Died on Sunday January 22nd 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Ian Black:

@ajigeoisaac: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@3SheilaMedeiros: RT @ParadigmNYC: @Kevin_McKernan @IanCopeland5 Anyone can claim "black excellence," put a PHD in their "bio" and give themselves a White Na… - 2 years ago

@winwood_ian: RT @AllBlacks: Much love and support for All Black #1056 Campbell Johnstone for having the courage to share his story and helping create a… - 2 years ago

@AffinityXtra: #NP James Richards & Ian "Neuma" Martin - 48 Do I still have the Spirit if I don_t speak in tongues on Affinity Xtr… - 2 years ago


@lio_ian: RT @HowThingsWork_: Vantablack: This black coating holds an independently verified world record as the darkest man-made substance known. It… - 2 years ago

@Vodacom: @ian_kruger Hi Ian. When load shedding occurs depending on the configuration of nearby towers, this may cause a cov… - 2 years ago

@Michael16237217: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kibwana_ian: RT @LozzaFox: It was only a matter of time before Shola was going to blame the death of a black man at the hands of five black men in a cit… - 2 years ago

@kibwana_ian: RT @benshapiro: Apparently, five black police officers involved in the alleged murder of a black man are emissaries of white supremacy. Or… - 2 years ago

@conn_ian: @verashni So, you will only vote for them because they are black. How shallow you are. No party, no policy, just black. - 2 years ago

@ParadigmNYC: @Kevin_McKernan @IanCopeland5 Anyone can claim "black excellence," put a PHD in their "bio" and give themselves a W… - 2 years ago

@SamoanBronson: @andrewmacfnz @Sportsfreakconz @1NewsNZ Former All Black Makes Ian Roberts coming out in his prime at Manly seem even bigger - 2 years ago

@Gazzaunitedok: - 2 years ago

@ramaagod: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ian_mckelvey: Black white supremacy. Dangerous stuff. - 2 years ago

@Ian__Lee: RT @LozzaFox: It was only a matter of time before Shola was going to blame the death of a black man at the hands of five black men in a cit… - 2 years ago

@Concre87: @IanCopeland5 Asking people to come into your space to debate you then bad mouth them! Poor liberals! Shut your rac… - 2 years ago

@ian_reid: @not_on_twitta my only wish was that the black plastic was matte instead of gloss on the MP - 2 years ago

@ian_mckelvey: RT @libsoftiktok: White woman claims that white supremacy, and not police, is to blame for Tyre Nichols’ death. Tyre was murdered at the h… - 2 years ago

@Blackwolfeye2: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@MarinBourg: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@pragmaticmom: RT @MCChildsBookDay: Welcome to MCBD2023 Author sponsor Debbie Ridpath Ohi @inkyelbows ! Her most recent book is I’m Sorry, the newest in t… - 2 years ago

@MelchorBenito: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@scott_juninho: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@debhermes: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@robspada123: RT @ICILouisBlouin: Trois gymnastes renommés, Kyle Shewfelt, Rosie MacLennan et Ellie Black, demandent la démission du PDG de Gymnastique C… - 2 years ago

@ThingsIsee: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@thebiggestleii: @TrvXVV @200Foreva @SaycheeseDGTL ian say it did. i was jus surprised to see a black girlfriend - 2 years ago

@the_pillcounter: @IanKennedyCK Ian wakes up in the morning and looks for something to be offended by today. Surprised he hasn’t clai… - 2 years ago

@DavidMo67404142: RT @LonelyOakRadio: Thu, Jan 26 at 7:05 AM (Pacific Time), and 7:05 PM, we play 'Bound to Be Trouble' by The Ian Black Band @theianblackb… - 2 years ago

@Tdowder10: @IanKennedyCK Guaranteed this guy voted for Justin Trudeau and defended his “black face” antics. The problem with… - 2 years ago

@Ian_trf: RT @WillNoSmithh: I knew mahomes dad was black….but I ain’t know he was a NIGGA. Cheers to that 🥂 - 2 years ago

@luke_mcaoidh: B1881 2021 PANINI CHRONICLES PRIZM BLACK IAN BOOK PB-21 ROOKIE RC - $1.00 #LukeStax - 2 years ago

@kissjuiC: idc how bad my nerves get , ian smoking no black - 2 years ago

@RealTylerHan: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@keith2mg: @charlie2mg No wear black glasses in the room. You Ian Kasela? - 2 years ago

@gefersonk89: *1º show: Judas Priest (2005) *Último: Judas & Pantera (2022) *Melhor: Rolling Stones (2016) *Pior: Ian Anderson (… - 2 years ago

@Maguines_black: GALO DE LUTA MANDA RECADO PRA IAN NEVES | Cortes luideverso - 2 years ago

@Ian_Ward_Army: So when it's black police officers killing black person it's the white overlords controlling it and there clearly i… - 2 years ago

@ian_harson: @bl4ck74ck @Tita83079013 Si black Jack ini , bener2 gak tahu atau emang pura2 gak tahu ? Kalo emang bener2 gak ta… - 2 years ago

@ajgassan: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@hehshutup: @harlikane Wet Hot American Summer featuring Michael Ian Black and Bradley Cooper - 2 years ago

@jangelg777: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@junertcb: @Ian_Ward_Army Black supremacy. - 2 years ago

@nerdy_ian: RT @PopCulture2000s: shut up by the black eyed peas. - 2 years ago

@aegsven11021971: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ian_lyell: @MacroAlf Does this mean to the stock market in Italy and the world…..could it cause a black swan event? - 2 years ago

@brucejo22635572: Black Man Lab - Action feat. DKOMX & Ian (Official Music Video) - 2 years ago

@Dwikiwiky: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@RevRalphEWill: Her healthy husband died aged 26. The silent killer was in their home - 2 years ago

@BRL888: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@ian_kenefick: Nice report on #BlackBasta TTPs from September 2022. (same QakBot campaign and Brute Ratel sha256 as reported here… - 2 years ago

@ian_t666: @MattWalshBlog Swift action and justice was taken with Tyre but not with George Floyd. That is the difference. The… - 2 years ago

@tasandoval_: Como fã, já rezei e também estou com medo da adaptação de IAN, mano. Como não uso o nome em inglês, levei um tempi… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Ward_Army: How dare you say a black person can be racist - 2 years ago

@Ian_Ward_Army: RT @kokakola1x: @welshgirl64 @Ian_Ward_Army @SholaMos1 She's a race baiting grifter that makes money from being black, stating how badly bl… - 2 years ago

@kokakola1x: @welshgirl64 @Ian_Ward_Army @SholaMos1 She's a race baiting grifter that makes money from being black, stating how… - 2 years ago

@Dor__ian: RT @WillNoSmithh: I knew mahomes dad was black….but I ain’t know he was a NIGGA. Cheers to that 🥂 - 2 years ago

@afropunjabi: @nxkky i think it’s in the DePaul Special Archives history bc Ian ever hear abt no black face and minstrel shows here?!? - 2 years ago

@vox_unpopular: @michaelianblack Theory: Michael Ian Black is a Romosexual. - 2 years ago

@DavidAl81207696: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@dondisappoints: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@JohnWar50498552: @Ian_Zwerling @DiscussingFilm The sheriff's office raided his house. No charges. Last time I checked both black peo… - 2 years ago

@genge_ian: @DMacWake316 Even if it wasn't torn, he got hit right on an unpadded elbow. I slipped on some black ice and smacke… - 2 years ago

@kokakola1x: @Ian_Ward_Army I don't know why this racist motor mouth gets air time, she's just a race baiter. She needs to look… - 2 years ago

@ProjeckBaby: I knew bruh was black , but Ian know he was nigga black - 2 years ago

@jitak_: @gnuijtraehi UR SO ANTI BLACK CAUSE IAN EVEN DO NUN FR - 2 years ago

@Ian_Ward_Army: So black police officers kill a black man and its white supremacy does this idiot have any common sense - 2 years ago

@Frogthekeeper: Great fun fact discovered on the inside of a Speight’s bottle top - All Black #1, James Allan (1884 AB debut) playe… - 2 years ago

@CraigMacDonald3: @MadScientistFF Ian Black and Nicky Law - 2 years ago

@Ian_ders: RT @JoshuaPHilll: A sixth Memphis cop has been 'relieved of duty' after the brutal murder of Tyre Nichols. He's the one white officer, Pre… - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: Wait so 50% of "blindness" can be fixed in 10 minute procedure??? - 2 years ago

@nerdy_ian: RT @mefeater: Sprinkling some black family feels down your TL 💕 - 2 years ago

@richiemcc: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@RachelEG16: RT @Mislein: @Ian_Fraser @IndiaWilloughby @NeilMackay Have you ever seen "Behead Transwomen" or "I eat transwomen" placards at gatherings o… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Shelby: RT @_CharlesPreston: You're trying to reform police when they adopted the phrase "Blue lives matter" in response to people trying to hold t… - 2 years ago

@annie_shadrake: RT @WildlifeDales: One of the first signs of spring in the Dales is the return of our breeding waders, with several #Oystercatchers in with… - 2 years ago

@ian_gus_hudson: @SholaMos1 So let's get this right. A black guy is killed by 5 black police officers and it's white people who enco… - 2 years ago

@VctorPortelaMen: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@redjokerzero: @DanishMaoist @EllieGabalus @yungmarxistg @pogorelov_ian Tho unfortunately I have to side with Trotsky over Lenin r… - 2 years ago

@koyote12ga: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@chishancompy: Paula Archibald Ian Lewis Hulda Harry Black #沈阳按摩 #沈阳资源 #沈阳 - 2 years ago

@WomanPissedoff: RT @Mislein: @Ian_Fraser @IndiaWilloughby @NeilMackay Have you ever seen "Behead Transwomen" or "I eat transwomen" placards at gatherings o… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Ward_Army: RT @LozzaFox: It was only a matter of time before Shola was going to blame the death of a black man at the hands of five black men in a cit… - 2 years ago

@domgauthier: RT @ICILouisBlouin: Trois gymnastes renommés, Kyle Shewfelt, Rosie MacLennan et Ellie Black, demandent la démission du PDG de Gymnastique C… - 2 years ago

@RC_Sports: RT @ICILouisBlouin: Trois gymnastes renommés, Kyle Shewfelt, Rosie MacLennan et Ellie Black, demandent la démission du PDG de Gymnastique C… - 2 years ago

@indy_climate: Her healthy husband died aged 26. The silent killer was in their home - 2 years ago

@ian_10_19: RT @JoshuaPHilll: A sixth Memphis cop has been 'relieved of duty' after the brutal murder of Tyre Nichols. He's the one white officer, Pre… - 2 years ago

@TudorJets: @RapSheet Pat Mahomes isn't Black Ian. Nice race baiting attempt though. - 2 years ago

@SarahClift10: Her healthy husband died aged 26. The silent killer was in their home - 2 years ago

@takakasahoko717: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@raphael_SRC: RT @ICILouisBlouin: Trois gymnastes renommés, Kyle Shewfelt, Rosie MacLennan et Ellie Black, demandent la démission du PDG de Gymnastique C… - 2 years ago

@ICILouisBlouin: Trois gymnastes renommés, Kyle Shewfelt, Rosie MacLennan et Ellie Black, demandent la démission du PDG de Gymnastiq… - 2 years ago

@kwakara91: RT @FranklinVH2: Of course not. The moment you bring porn into the black market is the moment you expose porn watchers to horrible shit inc… - 2 years ago

@SidHeart4Life10: @sanuuloml @ayrus9793 @indiaforums Awwwwwww.... Anpadh gawaar ki fan to tu khud hai.... Main apni pic kyu lagau.. d… - 2 years ago

@crowstheatre: RT @joshualdwchong: Some performances I'll never forget: Ian Lake in MACBETH (2015), Sondra Radvanovsky in NORMA (2016), Jully Black in CA… - 2 years ago

@joshualdwchong: Some performances I'll never forget: Ian Lake in MACBETH (2015), Sondra Radvanovsky in NORMA (2016), Jully Black i… - 2 years ago

@pal_shenanigans: RT @brushmastery: @FLWillRegret22 She was a JAX First Coast News anchor and hosted a morning show. Her sister died around 2O13, her parents… - 2 years ago

@AtheistSpinster: RT @brushmastery: @FLWillRegret22 She was a JAX First Coast News anchor and hosted a morning show. Her sister died around 2O13, her parents… - 2 years ago

@MWenrich1: RT @brushmastery: @FLWillRegret22 She was a JAX First Coast News anchor and hosted a morning show. Her sister died around 2O13, her parents… - 2 years ago

@Blanc23021077: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@CrusePat: RT @Mislein: @Ian_Fraser @IndiaWilloughby @NeilMackay Have you ever seen "Behead Transwomen" or "I eat transwomen" placards at gatherings o… - 2 years ago

@LuisSerranoE: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_banham: RT @Dominiquetaegon: Let’s get this straight: a black man beaten to death by 5 black police officers, from a black majority police departme… - 2 years ago

@ian_relish: RT @levarburton: I don’t need to watch yet another Black man be beaten to death, especially by another Black man, to understand that rage i… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @piersmorgan: Unbelievable. Five black men kill a black man - but apparently it was because of ‘white supremacy.’ Race-baiting liars lik… - 2 years ago

@Benoit_Beyeler: RT @AbrahamfundUK: The Abraham Initiates UK is greatly saddened by the loss of the amazing Ian Black. One of the greatest journalists of ou… - 2 years ago

@brushmastery: @FLWillRegret22 She was a JAX First Coast News anchor and hosted a morning show. Her sister died around 2O13, her p… - 2 years ago

@eggsofsatan: @EmmaTolkin It's got Michael Ian Black and Ken Marino. There's nonway that could suck. - 2 years ago

@raastha76: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@frenchlalita: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@xaedcascam: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@alravox: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ZimSanYT: RT @FranklinVH2: Of course not. The moment you bring porn into the black market is the moment you expose porn watchers to horrible shit inc… - 2 years ago

@Ian__Ford: @Real_Zaphod @SvLGenX Yup - even in the same black & white colour scheme they used for testing. - 2 years ago

@danitas098: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@FitnessGodDoc: Tin Foil Hat With @SamTripoli Episode 639: The Black Nobility and The Luciferians Verses The Molochians With The Wh… - 2 years ago

@evlkarl: Her healthy husband died aged 26. The silent killer was in their home - 2 years ago

@OmarSwano: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@VeniceLaura: RT @Mislein: @Ian_Fraser @IndiaWilloughby @NeilMackay Have you ever seen "Behead Transwomen" or "I eat transwomen" placards at gatherings o… - 2 years ago

@WildlifeDales: One of the first signs of spring in the Dales is the return of our breeding waders, with several #Oystercatchers in… - 2 years ago

@alain_wessel: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jimbo_oma: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@gorbalsgoebbels: @drjanaway @Soxwavingcat Don’t forget our Scottish clowns: Nicola Sturgeon Humza Yousaf Patrick Harvie Lorna Slate… - 2 years ago

@bravo8610: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@izrin_putih: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @Dominiquetaegon: Let’s get this straight: a black man beaten to death by 5 black police officers, from a black majority police departme… - 2 years ago

@vodkacontonica3: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JacobusRJ: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@lljurusik07: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Misty_: RT @squib_bie: Spider God이라는 영국의 블랙메탈 밴드가 작년 1월 낸 앨범에 트와 왓이즈럽 커버를 수록… (11번 트랙 Love) - 2 years ago

@randognsac: I'm watching #TinFoilHatPod episode 639: The Black Nobility and The Luciferians Verses The Molochians With The Whit… - 2 years ago

@axelnafta: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Hare23: RT @TajTheKing_30: Two Black QBs in the bowl 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 Black Excellence 💯 - 2 years ago

@ANNEPET31444410: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@slybaba3: The heart of the average 🇳🇬ian is black. Blacker than soot. We are the cause of our problems and that's why no poli… - 2 years ago

@DominateImpulse: @Ian_Schwartzman Gaming/exports / black faces in tech has been the brand goal since day one... - 2 years ago

@LorenzoOvel: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@d_majumdar92: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ForestBorther: But white people in the usa don't if it's against a black. *see Ian Cranston* - 2 years ago

@OrangBa13921152: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@manuel1891: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@hiddenmerocks_: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Masinac85: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Jose28041990: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AlisonGustavo02: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jaad85: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@junkieefunkie: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@1shellyyhuncho: My stupid nasty fuckin ass babydaddy got my nerves bad af rn & ian gotta black or no mfn weed 🙄😒 - 2 years ago

@sportsfan_ian: @FOS @Arjun_AJB15 A Super Bowl with two Black starting QBs for the first time, in 2023, is 17 years after the first… - 2 years ago

@Ian_in_Formby: RT @EuromaidanPress: Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister: one German submarine will kick Russian fleet out of Black Sea @MelnykAndrij calls… - 2 years ago

@agusmetal524: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@sportsfan_ian: @TheMostEerned @FOS Do you say Barack Obama was the first Black president of the United States or first biracial or mixed president? - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @LozzaFox: It was only a matter of time before Shola was going to blame the death of a black man at the hands of five black men in a cit… - 2 years ago

@oscarsemtts: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ian_brann: RT @AMugia: Thank you so much for collecting another edition of Black Moon in Pisces, @ian_brann I really appreciate your kind support 🙏🏼😊… - 2 years ago

@Ian_gm_F: RT @Justice_forum: POLICE are hunting a serial rapist in Reading after two women were attacked by an intruder in a puffer jacket. The rapi… - 2 years ago

@shooter0451: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@suzuborap: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Santiago_Alves_: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@petitgguy_stmac: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@tricefalostudio: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@nerdy_ian: RT @VincentJurist: To be fair, there was a 3-month notice period. The black community did advise that silly questions ought to be wrapped u… - 2 years ago

@AMugia: Thank you so much for collecting another edition of Black Moon in Pisces, @ian_brann I really appreciate your kind… - 2 years ago

@Pasabaporaquisi: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@EtherDistortion: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@gricenk11: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ian_brann: RT @AMugia: Black Moon Collection 🖤 The learning path of our shadow A collaborative project with @LazoDuke In @objktcom Join us in this… - 2 years ago

@ApenasEduarda_: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_D_Burrell: Josh Black, editor-in-chief of Insightia, a Diligent brand, provides in depth analysis into the 2023 proxy season a… - 2 years ago

@MColvinMcKenzie: RT @MishaGlenny: Very sad to learn of the death of the Guardian's former Middle East and Diplomatic Correspondent, Ian Black, my colleague… - 2 years ago

@Gamaramdi: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@gloryboykill: Ian gon lie as long as a black qb win a Super Bowl I’m happy. - 2 years ago

@theranger1872: @FrankyRN51 Anywhere between Maradonna and Ian Black. Worth every penny and more, to daylight robbery. Guess we’l… - 2 years ago

@rodrigolnacio: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@chriscclmd: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@thepublicgets: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@PorphyraBand: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Misty_: RT @beatink_jp: 【Black Country, New Road】 待望の初単独ジャパンツアー、新ポスター到着!! お店にこちらのポスターを貼ってくれるカフェ/レストラン/バー/ショップetc募集中! 全国どこでも発送いたします! 応募/詳細はDMにて✉️ ht… - 2 years ago

@aenaon2001: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AWavesL: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@SaribasJack: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@raulpumaaraujo: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kavekave719: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@heavy_metal_78: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@GoldenNoel: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ximena_tomala: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Bangladeshvsin1: Ian Nichol(s) Chasel Powell Nelly Hawthorne Hubery Black #上海按摩 #上海资源 #上海 - 2 years ago

@MatteoGeorge5: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@PabloCo25677234: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@novotoly: @Black_Aleksey @ian_matveev @sssmirnov Никто в России не признается, что он - инстаграм! - 2 years ago

@PrataDaLapa: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@LeonaVoladora: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_gm_F: RT @DaveAtherton20: In Memphis five black policemen killed another black man Tyre Nichols. Black Lives Matter inspired rioters looted multi… - 2 years ago

@WorkingToDie: @ian_townsend @pimpmytweeting You misspelled BLACK - 2 years ago

@MikeTomano: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@editya77: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Air15Navarro: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Kiselabombona3: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Sir_ian_: RT @piersmorgan: Unbelievable. Five black men kill a black man - but apparently it was because of ‘white supremacy.’ Race-baiting liars lik… - 2 years ago

@TZE_XO: RT @FranklinVH2: Of course not. The moment you bring porn into the black market is the moment you expose porn watchers to horrible shit inc… - 2 years ago

@IanMacQueen: Trying to explain to a 13 & 11 yr old why casually using the ‘N’ word is really very bad and unacceptable. “But Ian… - 2 years ago

@Alfonso36815623: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Edualonso1977: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@James_Reese_Jr: @JoeRivera85 @michaelharriot You and Ian Rowe are totally ignoring the challenges that a Black person has to overco… - 2 years ago

@jennjas30: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@TonyaWh89485819: @Ctrumpwasright @Ian_McDonough7 @FoxNews You talk as if she represents the entire Black race. Geez. - 2 years ago

@robertnicacio: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@BogoNativo: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@HctorAdasme1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@I9075: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@BANDMAID260: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kyrieeleison33: RT @officialtripoli: On TFH #639 we welcome Vedic Astrologer Ian Ferguson - 2 years ago

@Fetishdrummer: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@meltonartgal: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JLG025: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DanielDerGOAT: @Kung_Fu_Panzer @Ian_Whitchurch @KlausErmecke @NOELreports Air Dominance. The most important strategical advantage… - 2 years ago

@DanielE56596511: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @TommyRobinsonNS: Shola Mos-Shogbamimu blames 'white supremacy' for the killing of Trye Nichols by five BLACK police officers Ironicall… - 2 years ago

@faheypatrica1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Lesleygsmith3: RT @Mislein: @Ian_Fraser @IndiaWilloughby @NeilMackay Have you ever seen "Behead Transwomen" or "I eat transwomen" placards at gatherings o… - 2 years ago

@FranklinVH2: Of course not. The moment you bring porn into the black market is the moment you expose porn watchers to horrible s… - 2 years ago

@Ingleton_ian: @logan_unwin1 @OwenJones84 There was but that was because they are black apparently. Seems we can't dislike somethi… - 2 years ago

@SaundersRealty: New partner at Ian Black, new agent at Wagner Realty - Sarasota Herald-Tribune - 2 years ago

@cristianrcc: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ExtlETuoKl9TB6m: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@matiascas20: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@sservetgenc: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@HeraldTribune: REAL ESTATE: Sales associate becomes partner at commercial real estate firm - 2 years ago

@Sithmasta79: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@mcnf1974: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@william19914706: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@nymnhendra: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@WJADragon: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Mislein: @Ian_Fraser @IndiaWilloughby @NeilMackay Have you ever seen "Behead Transwomen" or "I eat transwomen" placards at g… - 2 years ago

@axeslinginfrog: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@metalWolf060: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@edemz92: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@iam_zelt: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@RAKUADAA: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MeciKarequa: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@mal_rare_pedal: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jdahupin: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@barisroll: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@RodrigoN13: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@vidovic_zlatko: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kenziymr: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@CourtRum: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@luckey_twitt: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@agustin_chester: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Smile__Petal: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@ian_w: @GButtie @bolddigger52 How do you feel about the current black players in cricket and rugby and football then ? - 2 years ago

@katfan4eva: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@arifdansesuatu: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Hayleigh_Max: RT @AP_Magazine: AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2023! #APOY2023 will be launching @photocrowd on 8th February and is kindly sponsored by… - 2 years ago

@jawk: Wait Michael Ian Black isn’t the lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins? - 2 years ago

@SAIKA62109137: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@MReco12: @BareLefter Ian Austin endorsed an anti black racist who had made frequent remarks denigrating the muslim community… - 2 years ago

@Feebeekiwi: @andrewmacfnz You’re right, it’s absolutely normal. It feels like a lifetime ago when Ian Roberts came out (NRL 199… - 2 years ago

@yuyiro_47212: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_H81: Also @SholaMos1 the 5 officers were black! So where you get “white supremacy” from is completely idiotic and shows… - 2 years ago

@Maryomaalaraimi: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@stunopps: Most in the city think it’s cool to put they friends on t shirts that’s why ian have no friends out the city told d… - 2 years ago

@nothatpaulallen: @ArbyHyde @andrewmacfnz Ooh Crikey… Are we allowed to laugh at this…? I roared… Sorry. My bad. I had flatmates back… - 2 years ago

@bakupc4: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@hihara_gt_DGW: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@rs200077: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@ian_ufc: @OvitchOvitch @MMA_Rage De fou frère c'est nimp avec les combattants de l'UFC et leurs coach , Poirier n'a pas le niveau d'une black belt - 2 years ago

@evhardin69: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@TheGoatNoIL: @mxneyway_jo @EverythingNick5 @NoPlugMedia I’m not black because I don’t get offended over a word? Nigga Ian as sof… - 2 years ago

@LReinkeChylik: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@mysteryladey: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@casennatm: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@apollon_ian: RT @TAGASAING: idk how well known this info is but some of my friends don’t know it so: adding color jitter to your usual painting brushes… - 2 years ago

@Martialpractit1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@LordiCavalera: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Pumacentro9: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Margare93300645: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@MEOVIZI_IAN_EEA: @keaaaaley The outfit isn’t it though … imagine if it was crimson or black suede - 2 years ago

@ScottMWest: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@NoSoyGalol: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jellibelly4: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@SittaLeonel: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Edward_Batch: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@BCKrispy: @DinoCazares @AaronGabriel80 No disrespect to Ian Anderson - but maaan, Jethro Tull was Boomer rock my uncles list… - 2 years ago

@maxitaxi3333: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@Daniglasses: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ian_M_Stone: How do we know Jack Black isn’t really the person responsible for White Lotus? - 2 years ago

@53517U: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@NazzyWazzy1994: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@steveconsultsp1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Black_Aleksey: @novotoly @ian_matveev @sssmirnov Фотожоп или инстаграм - 2 years ago

@YogaAdrianyoga6: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@abarthmen: RT @JoseAntonio_2_: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (PINK… - 2 years ago

@cat54175477: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@Erik_Sanchez_C: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jdanielv3: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Yugi_Lee: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ManDaveJobGood: I never realized Ian Mackaye wrote a song about being a black woman - 2 years ago

@loricieslarskii: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@NelleTheGazelle: RT @c_losnap: 2 black qb’s in the Super Bowl ian mad 🔥🔥 - 2 years ago

@c_losnap: 2 black qb’s in the Super Bowl ian mad 🔥🔥 - 2 years ago

@JohnEthanWilli5: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@calalrubio: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ian___rust: RT @PortalHOTD: Rhaenyra, The Black Queen. #HouseoftheDragon - 2 years ago

@randognsac: RT @officialtripoli: On TFH #639 we welcome Vedic Astrologer Ian Ferguson - 2 years ago

@err__81: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@readingroxie99: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@niman00: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@lukmanpray: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@NicoGalo13: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Cshir_sapkota: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Narjen53: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@todolanoche: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kokolopa: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@Trends_Media_: It was the Americans who convinced Former Rhodesian Leader Ian Smith to accept Majority rule in Zimbabwe. US Secre… - 2 years ago

@Duarte_Ian: @CapedJoel People forget. If I remember correctly there’s one or two main actos in Black Panther also anti vaxxers,… - 2 years ago

@poloniacho: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@thesarge19691: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@vicente_ebm: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@GioberKuazeloko: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Davidri91594438: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Trisha_is_Back: RT @xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in custody that… - 2 years ago

@xskinn: Victorian coroner backs changes to 'disaster' bail laws after Veronica Nelson's death in cu…Another black death in… - 2 years ago

@Niyahhhh14: @beeen14k Ian talking bout the tape ins I’m saying in general they wanna be black how they dress how they starting to talk .. etc .. - 2 years ago

@DNuggiez: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@9x99x9x0: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@edrc30: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@laufretes_: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@CaptRascal: @kurellian So I am sure this doesn’t count, but my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE Michael Ian Black bit is about a movie from th… - 2 years ago

@marciombender: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Trestresjolie: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad Yes we voted a black man into the White House twice. Definitive proof of rampant racism. - 2 years ago

@PietroHaells: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ThrashRace: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@alexgoubeaux: @michaelianblack I don’t know why but it’s hard to root for anything Michael Ian Black related. - 2 years ago

@Ianzitooo_: @brenogoat Ian Cezar Nicácio Black - 2 years ago

@ChaBiggy: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@PayneIsReal: RT @ArthurBoreman: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad While the US was electing a black president (to two terms), Spanish soccer clu… - 2 years ago

@dpmilroy: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@garansi5tahun: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@SoothingDave: RT @ArthurBoreman: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad While the US was electing a black president (to two terms), Spanish soccer clu… - 2 years ago

@KlunderArmor: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@joemorro: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@gkg6qPWwt5YRwA0: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@murderiseasy: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@gusgrinha: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@auntiesam_2: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad All i know is that the casual racism against black people was very much o… - 2 years ago

@lmjinchains: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Javi41515153: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@olatoni: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@O_Kafros: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@danedri: RT @ArthurBoreman: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad While the US was electing a black president (to two terms), Spanish soccer clu… - 2 years ago

@ian_mckelvey: RT @ArthurBoreman: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad While the US was electing a black president (to two terms), Spanish soccer clu… - 2 years ago

@ArthurBoreman: @CharlesAblett @ian_mckelvey @bourbonroad While the US was electing a black president (to two terms), Spanish socce… - 2 years ago

@lunatacas: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@IwanMau13910403: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DashPantera: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Mr_Pilchard: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@ArnaldoCent: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@hrhm696980: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Robbie347: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@italosergio777: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@john1966olsen: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DexMacho: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@elisabeth_ian: @KitTayl58938936 @Az79923807 Google to see plenty of examples where Kate & RF aren't natural when it comes to embra… - 2 years ago

@kitzeyes: RT @assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@verymessybitch: @Chsi1980 I thought this was giving anti-black…took me 0.001secs of scrolling on your TL to find you antagonising B… - 2 years ago

@wisnupwisnup: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DiehlRich: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@arvida68: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@cmfuentez: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@chicacherrysola: RT @419kila: Black fashion tiktok tearing apart that Stella Williams chic n im here for it lol. Ever since she was mad at Lizzo because her… - 2 years ago

@sqlguru1960: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ValerieRoss14: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@nusky2011: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@IanMMTC: #refsheet #OC #OMORI Here's some ref sheets for the OMORI au variants of MMTC and Ian. Rules: don't use this for… - 2 years ago

@DPrietot88: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@IVANCORAL: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kevinareco20: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MarilynYKing: One was from Uncle Ian's wedding to Carmen. He is Christopher's biological father. Her 2 girls are not Ian's. Ian h… - 2 years ago

@the_secondhell: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@GuilbertGregory: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@BankrollDeion: So far I’m so glad Ian get no black eye peas for new years 🤞🏽 - 2 years ago

@dragonflyweed: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AleAtet: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@fabio_ibiapina: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@mdredd13: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@VeraWhisman1: @bren_wagner @heymrsbond I love this 1979 “black box” version with Ian McKellen and Judi Dench. - 2 years ago

@ItzamaLopezY: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@assistancecats: Too soppy? [Video shows Chloe the black cat rubbing her face on Ian’s. Ian gives her a kiss.] - 2 years ago

@alejoemabecerra: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@LORD_MEMPHIS: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@OnlyShadowDoc: @ian_of_ireland Also incorrectly calls black a cat. He's a dog - 2 years ago

@AdamVanHeusen: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@fierocanguro005: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@doubledrat: @michaelianblack The Michael Ian Black Prize for American Humor does have a nice ring to it. - 2 years ago

@vasopaulvaso: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@XANDAODAGAMA: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@_bkr3: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@medinadeth: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ra18s90: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ArriojaAzucena: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Hetfield44: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@OnurbRag: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JuicaNelda: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Abcnickk: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jeyson_riano: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AndrLou16833386: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Simon_Arrieta18: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@EIGHT4L: @OkayyIann ian approves of silencing black voices - 2 years ago

@F1shyBob: @FootballInT80s @Ian_Rush9 Black boots... - 2 years ago

@itsnotmeee1243: @Ian_in_SPACE @ralph_lynda @JuliaHB1 @DavidLammy You do realise Ian that if it was 7 white police men killing a bla… - 2 years ago

@RafikBakhouche: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@faviergarrido: RT @GebeilyM: Almost exactly 8 years ago, I was freelancing in Beirut & met @ian_black at a conference. He was thoughtful, patient, so well… - 2 years ago

@faviergarrido: RT @LSEMiddleEast: We're deeply saddened to hear that our wonderful colleague @ian_black has died. Ian joined us as Senior Visiting Fellow… - 2 years ago

@thevaliumsofa: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@foyster_ian: @softtail65 Bible Black - heaven and hell - 2 years ago

@Wiglette: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@JamesTCarterII: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@_CristianAj_: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@fvacotti: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@karluji: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@eechoessss: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Denis61020467: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@yuyorure: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JACLCISF: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Arrowheadbroken: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@EveryDeGames: @Colombiana2691 They're only saying that because the actor Ian McKellen is gay. His lifestyle choice has ZERO refle… - 2 years ago

@joichii_ian: RT @WSJ_manga: Weekly Shonen Jump Figurine Sets for Jujutsu Kaisen and SAKAMOTO DAYS in Issue #9. This special campaign will go on until I… - 2 years ago

@johnfredmeneses: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@2go_marume: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@morvraniara: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@sanz_conde: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@M4ur0_jr: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DanyAle66: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JoseDomenech666: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@bobito64: @BenABender It always depresses me a little when I see my favourite comic The Ballad of Halo Jones in a comic or bo… - 2 years ago

@sadd_gaming: @AGCast4 Wypipo guntube: Ian from Forgotten Weapons here, I'm a furry, vote for gun control. Now here's my good fri… - 2 years ago

@EduardoMayorg: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@F6JLitjGug9O64y: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Camilo_Avella: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AntoniojnsX: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@naosouemocrlh69: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@rdy358: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AndresRamirez76: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@natoawayrj: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@dcf03e6961f44be: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ProfesorOZZ: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@doug_DaBroke: @micdemolition @JoeBuddenPod @JoeBudden The day parks and Ian feel they are shutting on white people then I will un… - 2 years ago

@NicoleR56426190: RT @JimClarkTrust: 🏁🏁Black Sheep in the Fast Lane - Ian Scott-Watson🏁🏁 The fascinating Memoirs of the man who launched Jim Clark on his wa… - 2 years ago

@Sebastianx87: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@carmaibarua: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@wildone67: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@robstein666: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@chant_ian: 👏👏👏 Lady Susan Hussey joined the King et al at a church service at Sandringham, two months after resigning amid a f… - 2 years ago

@megacitydredd: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Metal_Ian_: RT @NatbyNature: The costume designer who made this outfit for me, Julie, also designed the very first ever Hart Foundation gear with her s… - 2 years ago

@Voodoo_Child_87: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@drtrmjmt: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Jorge_Montreal: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@SampoHuttunen: @RichardSndor @Ian__o_O @StevieJukes @MAstronomers Duh, it's obviously copypasted there. Why else the background wo… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @TommyRobinsonNS: This one blaming "white supremacy" for the 5 black police who killed the black guy in Memphis. Why do they always loo… - 2 years ago

@FelepPhillip: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@PrototypeMusiq: @batcountry1980 A couple of points. Ian MacDonald explores at great length in Revolution In The Head the theory of… - 2 years ago

@Black_cat_star: @2022Elections La tête de Ian Brossat...🤔😄 - 2 years ago

@DonDale001: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @_BarringtonII: No one finds it weird that even though this is a intraracial incident that involved SIX black men, that somehow, someway… - 2 years ago

@MonsieurFesses: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MegzzV20: RT @DundeeStars: FINAL SCORE: Trade-Mart Dundee Stars 4-5 Cardiff Devils 🚨 Craig Garrigan 🚨 Philippe Sanche 🚨 Ian Parker 🚨 Carter Folk 📸… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @neednooneknow: Black people in UK 'living in fear' over racism, say UN experts ….. I’m in fear of being stabbed… - 2 years ago

@JimSpenceDundee: RT @DundeeStars: FINAL SCORE: Trade-Mart Dundee Stars 4-5 Cardiff Devils 🚨 Craig Garrigan 🚨 Philippe Sanche 🚨 Ian Parker 🚨 Carter Folk 📸… - 2 years ago

@DundeeStars: FINAL SCORE: Trade-Mart Dundee Stars 4-5 Cardiff Devils 🚨 Craig Garrigan 🚨 Philippe Sanche 🚨 Ian Parker 🚨 Carter F… - 2 years ago

@PatoVicius: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Pelao_Kurdo: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@chalkiasathanas: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@owen1257: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@OldHeadPops: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@iamthecritic: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DukuuOnTuMuCT: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Nickfromupnorth: Ian Beesley. Bobbin liggers, Black Dyke Mills, Queensbury, Bradford, 1980s. - 2 years ago

@Streetthunder01: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JOSEALB15625993: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@dungeonlurker91: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@AndreyRav84: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@dihoppy: RT @officialtripoli: On TFH #639 we welcome Vedic Astrologer Ian Ferguson - 2 years ago

@MALV_010714: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@avaldiviezohhh: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@justchilling102: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@tzschegotx: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MUGGER1955: RT @MUGGER1955: Via John Kidwell: The Stella Shorts (1998-2002, Stella): Stella, the three-man comedy troupe of Michael Showalter, Michael… - 2 years ago

@enoc83303: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Aubess: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MartinchoVCF: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@paula_paula1991: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@BCMarino96: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jairomarrero211: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@HaramiBrat: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MarkW2000: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@natuhumuza_ian: @Beinomugisha_Iv @_Rachealk @Rachealkyy @KisobokaRaymond @bamwinejnr @mr___honey @Namanya_Rendar @Johnlaban256 Fram… - 2 years ago

@Wakes3019: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JimKnarrenheinz: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Ramvo74: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Alexroc03805903: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kakitangga: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@luanzera: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ian_frogman: RT @TheFungi669: Marjorie Greene: “If black people feel mistreated, why did they come to this country in first place?” - 2 years ago

@rafarrcha: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Tuttifratelli: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DiianaZaval: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@OpossumKing138: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@duarte_kalem: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@viewfromawindow: @WeatherWolds Ha a photo by our retired weatherman, the talented Ian Black, looking west on Parliament Hill earlier… - 2 years ago

@JOHANBESTVILAO: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Murilo_Prado: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@HardlyTimes: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@Palomo161: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@BigMoYNWA: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@kanuti1977: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MenaJohan: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@pepeAJCB: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@dfranke: @stevenfhayward @WilliamShatner In Fellowship of the Ring, Ian McKellen reads the ring verse (in the Black Speech)… - 2 years ago

@Vinny_G__: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@419kila: Black fashion tiktok tearing apart that Stella Williams chic n im here for it lol. Ever since she was mad at Lizzo… - 2 years ago

@sjgiardini: RT @MUGGER1955: Via John Kidwell: The Stella Shorts (1998-2002, Stella): Stella, the three-man comedy troupe of Michael Showalter, Michael… - 2 years ago

@JayMaynard: @stevenfhayward @WilliamShatner Ian McKellen uses both the Black Speech and one dialect of Elvish in the LotR series. - 2 years ago

@BenMustafaKAVAS: @coniwyt Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (PINK FLOYD… - 2 years ago

@ezherome: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@Miguelitrooooo: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@VP62416365: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@gioser666: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Skyword572: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@jp3ohl: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@JefersonGrando2: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@CARMEN_JONES_: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@EduRV_82: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ambugaton707: @imaKaiya @insomniumband @EnslavedBand Mastodon/Gojira/Lorna Shore on 4/20 in Concord CA. Godspeed You! Black Emper… - 2 years ago

@sober_talk: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@lanouette_ian: RT @jamiljivani: So-called progressives call black men sellouts for refusing to keep our mouths shut But this is precisely why I can't be… - 2 years ago

@josskari1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@yovyaguilar17: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@steelpen487: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@mcnarchie: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@limonlukola: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@PipeBluesrock: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ADRIANABRAVOE: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@LedZepFan1976: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@DVD_Daddy: Six Degrees of Separation (1993) A NYC couple finds their lives touched, intruded upon, & compelled by a mysterious… - 2 years ago

@Lolajus424tici1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@ParadiseTown2: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MagdaJeep666: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@superbeasto1: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@SteveDrakeford: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Sven31356387: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@Igor59006450: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@MarcusMueller2: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@alvaromlljr: RT @HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmour (P… - 2 years ago

@HeavyMetal_999: "Smoke On The Water" Bruce Dickinson (IRON MAIDEN) Tony Iommi (BLACK SABBATH) R.Blackmore (RAINBOW) David Gilmou… - 2 years ago

@Eric_A_Stanley: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@MUGGER1955: Via John Kidwell: The Stella Shorts (1998-2002, Stella): Stella, the three-man comedy troupe of Michael Showalter,… - 2 years ago

@biker_Ian: @StreetTripleMat @UKTriumph Yes, already seen that one. Black widow also do one in SS, £214.99. - 2 years ago

@CO_Photo_Mag: RT @AP_Magazine: AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2023! #APOY2023 will be launching @photocrowd on 8th February and is kindly sponsored by… - 2 years ago

@Ian_in_Formby: RT @MelnykAndrij: A month ago Germany DECOMMISSIONED frigate Lübeck. True,it was 32 ys. old. But still -with POLITICAL WILL- it could be tr… - 2 years ago

@RGC_BPPA: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@JonathanHsy: RT @ProfKFH: I feel like this #RaceB4Race convo could be nicely paired with parts of Ian Smith’s Black #Shakespeare in class #ShakeRace - 2 years ago

@VinceFrasier: RT @AP_Magazine: AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2023! #APOY2023 will be launching @photocrowd on 8th February and is kindly sponsored by… - 2 years ago

@ian_livingstone: @ActiveNick That's not true of all the @scholasticuk editions. The fantastic covers and black and white illustratio… - 2 years ago

@NO_TO_FIRE: RT @matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary where ia… - 2 years ago

@matrixgoth: you’re moving too fast!!! progress toward equity & justice is actually slow. one day. i was watching a documentary… - 2 years ago

@_Ian_Hansen_: RT @data_depot: Overall, only 14% of Americans want a reduced police presence in their neighborhoods. In fact, even 81% of African Americ… - 2 years ago

@bluebelle993: @Freedom16356531 @dragnauct The art of dark PR tactics using bots by Sunshine Sachs would be something to reveal to… - 2 years ago

@bnjd1837: @nolightupstairs @Ian_Gay_briel I mix my own spices, too, but I have never used lavender. Even supermarkets now sel… - 2 years ago

@LSEMiddleEast: RT @GebeilyM: Almost exactly 8 years ago, I was freelancing in Beirut & met @ian_black at a conference. He was thoughtful, patient, so well… - 2 years ago

@creativeblock_: It was a brave man that gave Ian Evatt a black eye… #bwfc - 2 years ago

@lfclee2011: RT @AP_Magazine: AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2023! #APOY2023 will be launching @photocrowd on 8th February and is kindly sponsored by… - 2 years ago

@AP_Magazine: AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2023! #APOY2023 will be launching @photocrowd on 8th February and is kindly spons… - 2 years ago

@kibwana_ian: RT @piersmorgan: I’m seeing people claim that five black men killing a black man was ‘racism.’ This is further evidence that the world’s go… - 2 years ago

@_dajji: @Michel_Kar0 A black man laying into another young black man wouldnt make a good viewing. Wrighty has carefully cho… - 2 years ago

@shakespearelovr: RT @ProfKFH: I feel like this #RaceB4Race convo could be nicely paired with parts of Ian Smith’s Black #Shakespeare in class #ShakeRace - 2 years ago

@FindItsKeeper: 2022 Topps Chrome Black Star Wars Emperor Palpatine Ian McDiarmid Auto /5 A-IM Seller: darpad24... -… - 2 years ago

@PaulaJR34: @Scotsman7 Hey Ian! I agree, I prefer the originals as well, but the black looks so sleek, I just love it. To be fa… - 2 years ago

@Stephen26830844: @Ian_in_SPACE @JuliaHB1 @DavidLammy That WOULD be true if the same outcry/ riots/ setting buildings on fire / rampa… - 2 years ago

@melspence2: @Ian_Fraser Clear from this letter that #Zahawi’s Prime Ministerial ambitions have not gone away, the UK dodged thi… - 2 years ago

@Alderley: @BerisfordRon He was one of the best, I saw him live with both Rainbow and Black Sabbath. I hold in equal esteem bo… - 2 years ago

@Ian_in_SPACE: @JuliaHB1 @DavidLammy Skin colour shouldn’t be relevant but seeing as this is yet another Black man killed by polic… - 2 years ago

@wwecraigsIist: every black sabbath vocalist ozzy osbourne (68-79, 97-06, 12-17) dave walker (fleetwood mac) (79) Dio (rainbow) (8… - 2 years ago

@MOG98525536: @ColinJMorgan @iannone_ian My 1st was a Fiat 1500, hand down from my father, owned from new in Malaysia to scrap in… - 2 years ago

@PrincetonTeague: @OneIWilli @streetfighthard This gotta be racist I can drop hella vids whites get they ass beat deff won’t add fema… - 2 years ago

@stwrbry: @sngmnbc 1 shot - dpr ian nerves - dpr ian welcome to the show - dpr ian black swan - bts sea - bts 3rd eye - skz s… - 2 years ago

@Ian_cnft: RT @CardanoKN: The next chapter of CKN is upon us. Nobles, are you ready? The mysterious power in the Black-core is about to leak, Firearm… - 2 years ago

@4321jc: @Mr_N_Wood @UnofficialOA @TeachersRunClub @RufusWilliam @ian_slade2 #gravel ride last night to check some lights. T… - 2 years ago

@ian_muroki: RT @MsPackyetti: What’s really clear about some of the reaction to the murder of #TyreNichols is that we’ve failed to fully understand race… - 2 years ago

@mattbuck4950: RT @MrTimDunn: @IanTwitts @networkrail ian please don't be exhausting; i'm muting this now - because the knee-jerk comments of a few like y… - 2 years ago

@furher_Ian: RT @georgenjoroge_: Who can logically demonstrate how the shooting of a black guy by five black police officers constitutes white supremacy? - 2 years ago

@kermitthecontr1: @paulbradley186 @MeRichEllis @ian_4fp Standard life lol. Very 2004. We use open market architecture platforms that… - 2 years ago

@ATM_YOUNGTIM: I feel like these camera man’s tryna black ball me , ain’t mf way in hell ian dropped yet - 2 years ago

@parkins_ian: RT @Bobstroudsnr: I wondered how the media would spin the story about 5 black cops killing a black man.The answer is they are showing video… - 2 years ago

@DimphoMoloi9: RT @KingsolomonZW: Ian Smith besides being a better leader he was more Zimbabwean and patriotic than all zanu pf leaders He never killed 2… - 2 years ago

@CBenguzana: Ian Smith was cruel and abusive to fellow - 2 years ago

@africayedu_au: @KingJayZim @KingJayZim thank you for setting the record straight.Ian Smith was a visionary leader 👑, yes they say… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Mortensen: RT @conureCC: "how can it be systemic racism if the cops were black" - 2 years ago

@violectrica: @NILES100 @michaelianblack Ngl this was pretty funny if you know who Michael Ian Black is. (Me, 37) N* to stop the… - 2 years ago

@mfanelo_sibanda: @wemavivitoe @Alick32948364 Even Ian Smith said not in thousands years Black people will not rule this country. I a… - 2 years ago

@tutles__: @Ashgard_ian black adam engga? - 2 years ago

@LauraKe18380848: RT @LonelyOakRadio: Thu, Jan 26 at 7:05 AM (Pacific Time), and 7:05 PM, we play 'Bound to Be Trouble' by The Ian Black Band @theianblackb… - 2 years ago

@bboportal: RT @jailynamorie: @LuxG713 @emondadonn who df hatin. jus cuz ion like one black business im doin white mans work. aigh 😹😹😹 ian finna argue… - 2 years ago

@BabyFaceBoi_: ❤️||: Just finished watching Black Friday with Thomas Ian Griffian as Cash. Bro I was drooling. - 2 years ago

@Soirbh62: RT @stephanieseneff: A moving personal story about coping with a debilitating neurodegenerative disease. - 2 years ago

@keeho3o: @joviseongie no blueberries - dpr ian the perfect pair - beabadoobee devil by the window - txt EVERYTHING - the bl… - 2 years ago

@jailynamorie: @LuxG713 @emondadonn who df hatin. jus cuz ion like one black business im doin white mans work. aigh 😹😹😹 ian finna… - 2 years ago

@iiprefer_geaa: i’m finna be off here cause ian wanna see no dog eating some black ass cooch - 2 years ago

@wandeto_ian: @Black_Starliner @2Cool2Blog @RerimoiDaniel 😂😂 - 2 years ago

@Dems4DeSantis24: @IanCopeland5 "Dangerous To The Black Community". We are Black, Unvaxxed and Healthy. What is dangerous is pushing poison IAN. - 2 years ago

@apollon_ian: RT @zei_squirrel: James Baldwin on black cops - 2 years ago

@KyleMoo06620217: @iansmithfitness The world would have been so much better if you were black all those times you got arrested Ian - 2 years ago

@bearman_ian: RT @MelnykAndrij: Hi guys, I know I’m gonna get a new shit storm, but I have another creative idea. Germany (ThyssenKrupp) produces one of… - 2 years ago

@forbiddenriffs: @Chale333 Ian Gillan was the best Deep Purple singer and the Mark II lineup was the best, so he's definitely a cont… - 2 years ago

@The_RiotACT: The gentle whisper of wind through she-oaks is one of Ian Fraser's favourite sounds. Visiting Glossy Black Cockatoo… - 2 years ago

@ian_area: @BehizyTweets Absent the system of white supremacy black people wouldn't feel the need to act violently against oth… - 2 years ago

@ian_area: @AttorneyGriggs @BarackObama Say his name: David Dorne. Or has everyone forgotten about the retired body guard that… - 2 years ago

@ian_area: @grg10018 The legacy of white supremacy is so prevalent throughout the country that some black people have chosen t… - 2 years ago

@dioneesoshy: Ian gon lie one of the best NON black Disney tv shows gotta be Andi mack - 2 years ago

@rottskiii: @ynreekk ian seen black panther 😂 - 2 years ago

@ian_10_19: RT @notafan_jo: some people aren't upset enough about teams backing out of doing pride jerseys + pride tape, like who knows if they'll stop… - 2 years ago

@self_ian: @jemelehill Lmfao black cops kill a man and yet it’s still white peoples fault?? 😂😂 wow - 2 years ago

@fwurib: RT @miGoo06: @franks_casket @LuisCam82062622 Both ways pops , It ain’t only the browns hatin on blacks 🤷 ian sayin the hispanic race in the… - 2 years ago

@dintonparkrun: @Readingparkrun @scouts_ian @parkrun We’ll happily take Ian under our black swan lake wing until you’re back on you… - 2 years ago

@danrisky: RT @stephanieseneff: A moving personal story about coping with a debilitating neurodegenerative disease. - 2 years ago

@ProfKori: RT @ProfKFH: I feel like this #RaceB4Race convo could be nicely paired with parts of Ian Smith’s Black #Shakespeare in class #ShakeRace - 2 years ago

@justplay_ian: @AoS_Marshy92 No black pudding - 2 years ago

@Ctrumpwasright: @Ian_McDonough7 @FoxNews Um, no. Black people are the only ones jealous of Jews having attention today. Talk about… - 2 years ago

@bobthompson1960: @Ian_Ward_Army A black friday sale on I suppose 😏 - 2 years ago

@worlad59: @LaveryJnr Don’t agree with your left wing politics Ian but he’s wearing black and white and that’s good enough for me. HWTL - 2 years ago

@Ian_McDonough7: @Ctrumpwasright @FoxNews Most people who are going to argue about the holocaust getting a day will also complain ab… - 2 years ago

@ian_garv: Phantom logo should be regular and one of the orange stripes should be black. then it would be perfect - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: If the Rock comes back and wins the Rumble🤯😱 - 2 years ago

@oldjarrovian: @ircowell I hope they’re blue and white stripes Ian as they certainly aren’t black 😂😂 - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: RT @wonderofscience: This is what an aurora looks like in real time. Credit: Matt Robinson - 2 years ago

@ian_mckelvey: When black block Marxist militants occupy the streets, shoot at police officers, and burn businesses to protest cap… - 2 years ago

@cding98526405: @RnRNationlive @RnRliveRadio Black Sabbath in 83 with Ian Gillan singing - 2 years ago

@Horwood_Ian_M: RT @hodgetwins: If you’re blaming black cops killing a black man because of “racism”, then you’re just a race hustler and part of the probl… - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: RT @fasc1nate: The evolution of Coca-Cola bottle design over almost a century. - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: RT @exavierpope: For people saying “but the police who killed Tyre Nichols are Black, how is that racist?” crowd, anti-Blackness is cultura… - 2 years ago

@obilove1369: RT @stephanieseneff: A moving personal story about coping with a debilitating neurodegenerative disease. - 2 years ago

@istewartm3_ian: RT @Lindstar24: Black man killed by white policeman gets a state funeral. media hysteria and violent marches by BLM everywhere. Black man… - 2 years ago

@whereshundon: @Safyuan @souljaian ian is a successful black man ain’t he ? multiple women but none can’t take him to court correc… - 2 years ago

@ScriptMashups: Black Mirror [1999] - Series 7, Episode 5 : Ann Perkins cried "I’m not asking for the moon on a stick, Ian. They'r… - 2 years ago

@ian_labour: RT @DavidLammy: It’s traumatic, exhausting and tragic to watch footage of yet another Black man killed by those whose duty it is to protect… - 2 years ago

@istewartm3_ian: RT @piersmorgan: I’m seeing people claim that five black men killing a black man was ‘racism.’ This is further evidence that the world’s go… - 2 years ago

@Ian_evans129: RT @cliintasha: a black widow sequel without natasha romanoff………. - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @DaveAtherton20: In St Helens, Merseyside Police have warned parents about 'stranger danger'. A number of men are driving around the La… - 2 years ago

@istewartm3_ian: RT @alkemp57: Five black police officers beat a black man to death The silence from BLM is deafening - 2 years ago

@KaisaTshepo: RT @OranjeSwaeltjie: Lie: Ian Smith did nothing to educate natives. Truth. Rhodesia's Black people were one of the most educated Africans o… - 2 years ago

@TamaraAlexis: Learn Ow tell Ian oar well Ian to mass med this sin bad — double dash — > see any CNE ? Notice notice TO boards are… - 2 years ago

@RespectYourself: RT @EnterpriseSBox: ...with bruises and black eyes, a chipped front tooth, missing hair and a number of visits to A&E after fights with Ian… - 2 years ago

@ikSaltyy: @Advocate141 @aidenfwtwt @rimasmith327 @TingBigman @AdinUpdatess @adinross @KaiCenat Ian black nice try lol - 2 years ago

@MrTimDunn: @IanTwitts @networkrail ian please don't be exhausting; i'm muting this now - because the knee-jerk comments of a f… - 2 years ago

@epsunburst: RT @_i0n: What's Starmer like? Ask Julian Assange Ask Jean Charles de Menezes Ask Karen Reilly Ask Ian Tomlinson Ask Mark Duggan Ask Alfie… - 2 years ago

@Ian_gm_F: RT @DaveAtherton20: In Memphis 5 black officers killed another black man, Tyre Nichols. But it still white people's fault. - 2 years ago

@Ian_gm_F: RT @alkemp57: Five black police officers beat a black man to death The silence from BLM is deafening - 2 years ago

@LaveenLadharam: @EliotWilson2 Playing for time I think. Ian Smith was (his claim at least) patrician by nature and wanted to build… - 2 years ago

@ian_mckelvey: RT @WhitlockJason: My overall narrative is the destruction of the nuclear family (God's natural order) is the number 1 obstacle damaging bl… - 2 years ago

@manowarriors2: @NoClass_Radio Black tuvo dos ex deep, a gillan y a Glenn, whitesnake tuvo a lord y Ian, que épocas - 2 years ago

@Ian_in_Formby: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Official: Russia keeps 3 Kalibr cruise missile carriers in Black Sea. Russia currently has three Kalibr cruise miss… - 2 years ago

@ratewrestle: First Reign Maverick Mayhew vs. Tom Thelwell ⭐⭐ 3/4 RJ Singh vs. Benjamin Black ⭐⭐ 3/4 Lucia Lee vs. Aurora Teves… - 2 years ago

@Ian_58_254: @black_bhoy_ @CFCMod_ And has a release clause😭 - 2 years ago

@vanqso: @sunstolfo зараз напишу трішки про себе я вансо/єва^ JAZZ! слухаю cigarettes after sex, конана грея,ньюджинс,адел… - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: The fact that yawl pay for this - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: He better get in a much trouble as the other guy - 2 years ago

@AsherMedia: RT @JohnOxley777: Open @Spotify And give a listen to this brilliant ( New Single No Survivors. By » THE CONVALESCENCE « @TCONband (ft.Sco… - 2 years ago

@AsherMedia: RT @JohnOxley777: Check out this brilliant new single ‘No Survivors (ft. Scott Ian Lewis of @Carnifex) By » THE CONVALESCENCE « ⁦@TCONband… - 2 years ago

@LoveNike_DoeDoe: Ian gon lie the way they react to black cops fucking up to a white cop fucking ups is crazy - 2 years ago

@SimoneClaire6: @1980sRewind @officialcharts The Cutter for me. I was obsessed with Echo and the Bunnymen. Even had a long black co… - 2 years ago

@f1pickle: still not used to seeing ian james in orange and black. put him back in a white shirt - 2 years ago

@ian_10_19: RT @msolurin: It is very common that Black police officers who brutalize and kill Black people are charged and that white people are not. T… - 2 years ago

@digitalplantpot: @IanDHall1 @iamyesyouareno Oh Ian, we had lots of issues with school and my dress sense. We got through the cowboy… - 2 years ago

@rent_hero: @ian_joo_korea @farahkanaan The majority of MENA people are brown, and many even black. Yes, there are many with wh… - 2 years ago

@TheRangersScout: @PenaCartel He's been doing his best Ian black impression for the past 3 months - 2 years ago

@MDUDUZI16766013: RT @KingsolomonZW: The liberation war was not necessarily: Zanu killed more black people than Ian Smith during Gukurahundi, zanu has jailed… - 2 years ago

@Amon__Duul: @ledzeppelicious Glenn Hughes no Deep Purple e Ian Gillan no Black Sabbath - 2 years ago

@Shrews_Tyke: @DeepPurplePod @glenn_hughes I don’t particularly like Glenn Hughes singing but this album is the one exception. I… - 2 years ago

@parkins_ian: RT @alkemp57: Five black police officers beat a black man to death The silence from BLM is deafening - 2 years ago

@Ralphs_Ian: 48 species this AM at #Coombehill inc 11 species of water fowl with 1200 Teal and 142 Pintail, 150 Lapwing + Black-… - 2 years ago

@roldphonik: Dj Cleo Oskido Ganyani Iggy Smallz Dj Thokzen(Mmthi's selection) Dj Bubbles Revolution Dj Fresh Euphonik Dj Kent G… - 2 years ago

@LtDrebin1: RT @_i0n: What's Starmer like? Ask Julian Assange Ask Jean Charles de Menezes Ask Karen Reilly Ask Ian Tomlinson Ask Mark Duggan Ask Alfie… - 2 years ago

@ronanceroze: @zoonfu 😭 im black ian got no choice - 2 years ago

@Ian_gm_F: RT @DaveAtherton20: A man who allegedly is an asylum seeker, who allegedly is following women & girls in Penkridge in South Staffordshire.… - 2 years ago

@DillGilbertson: @Ian_Face I remember finding almost a whole set. The black ones were only given at panels to audience members with… - 2 years ago

@ian_and_corgi: RT @lindyli: Tyre Nichols, a young Black man was just beaten to death by 5 police over a traffic stop Meanwhile, DeSantis has banned AP Af… - 2 years ago

@ian_larman: RT @TheEnglishRebel: White police kill a black man and whites go mental. Black police kill a black man and… Whites don’t say a word. It… - 2 years ago

@WopTros3x: Ian neva seen cops get charged this fast is it cause they black? - 2 years ago

@jjsmclaughlin: @Ian_Parsley Blue ticks are immune from suspension unless a pretty high level twitter employee approves it. Reports… - 2 years ago

@Itsjaybebe: @ian_seibert816 @LawrenceKS_PD Black out or go home 😂 - 2 years ago

@ian_and_corgi: RT @BerniceKing: You don’t have to watch the video of #TyreNichols being beaten by police. You don’t have to subject yourself to that tra… - 2 years ago

@shedmaster48: Dave Black(Elvis!) Ian Anderson(Jethro Tull) Caro(The Jordan) "Jaffa" Moore(Sir Roger Moore & UNICEF tribute are “I… - 2 years ago

@Danny__Hoffman: @ian_mckelvey All while pushing white supremacy on 5 black cops making them kill a black man and supporting putin a… - 2 years ago

@SOTAwatch: 13:28 G4WTF/P (Ian) on GW/SW-041 (Black Mountain, 703m, 6 pts) 7.116 SSB: Cq [G4WTF] - 2 years ago

@blacky_ian: RT @LutonTown: ⚠ To any fans currently heading south on the A1 towards Bedford, please DO NOT take the A421 where there has been a multi-ve… - 2 years ago

@SOTAwatch: 13:21 G4WTF/P (Ian) on GW/SW-041 (Black Mountain, 703m, 6 pts) 7.116 SSB: Cq [G4WTF] - 2 years ago

@AronGrunstein: RT @aircrewtv: Another stunner from Ian Black. - 2 years ago

@KmK_Ian: RT @ElieNYC: I feel like people who are *surprised* that the cops who did this are black are about to learn a part of "the Talk" that my pa… - 2 years ago

@SOTAwatch: 12:58 G4WTF/P (Ian) on GW/SW-041 (Black Mountain, 703m, 6 pts) 145.500 FM: CQ [G4WTF] - 2 years ago

@epuro2014: @elnocturno Recién termino por segunda vez la lectura de “Black Dogs” de Ian McEwan. Una bella historia que nos rec… - 2 years ago

@ve_laris: Como que eu n vou cadelizar pelos morenos altos gente? Meus primeiros crushs literários lá da época de 13 anos eram… - 2 years ago

@Ker1244: RT @_i0n: @Desuetudine And his attitude towards Julian Assange, Jean Charles de Menezes, Karen Reilly, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan, Alfie Me… - 2 years ago

@Ingleton_ian: @46since96 As long as that's black pudding lurking under the egg next to the mushroom then 10/10 - 2 years ago

@Deke54J: @iantheCROAT OMG Ian! This matchup is hard, but have to go with Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath 🎶 - 2 years ago

@ian_helm: RT @ikeijeh: When white police killed George Floyd we were told their race was crucial. Now black police have killed black Tyre Nichols the… - 2 years ago

@TeriCeeCee: RT @_i0n: What's Starmer like? Ask Julian Assange Ask Jean Charles de Menezes Ask Karen Reilly Ask Ian Tomlinson Ask Mark Duggan Ask Alfie… - 2 years ago

@louiseleelee: RT @_i0n: What's Starmer like? Ask Julian Assange Ask Jean Charles de Menezes Ask Karen Reilly Ask Ian Tomlinson Ask Mark Duggan Ask Alfie… - 2 years ago

@AnnBattle1: RT @_i0n: What's Starmer like? Ask Julian Assange Ask Jean Charles de Menezes Ask Karen Reilly Ask Ian Tomlinson Ask Mark Duggan Ask Alfie… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Parsley: @TheGayChrist Meh. I say agression. They just felt like beating the shit out of someone. This is why all black dr… - 2 years ago

@jayneb64: RT @_i0n: @Desuetudine And his attitude towards Julian Assange, Jean Charles de Menezes, Karen Reilly, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan, Alfie Me… - 2 years ago

@Am_downtown: @hotspringydingy @ahlswedecollect @renesperezii @NILES100 @michaelianblack michael ian black should retire from joking around - 2 years ago

@furher_Ian: RT @DonaldBKipkorir: The killing of Tyre Nichols, a 29 year old black by US Police in Memphis is beyond belief! If it was the Police of Rus… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @DaveAtherton20: A man who allegedly is an asylum seeker, who allegedly is following women & girls in Penkridge in South Staffordshire.… - 2 years ago

@NOfPPlus: “His­panic or Latino” and a new en­try, “Mid­dle East­ern or North African, ” as well as the cur­rent racial cat­e­… - 2 years ago

@QuotesTap: BOBBI: ...and a man’s arm extended out up to here holding onto the leash and pushing a black glove in her face to s… - 2 years ago

@ian_larman: @ElaineDavies943 Maybe not - but it does put the issue into perspective - a very small number compared with the Hol… - 2 years ago

@ian_larman: Another racist post. Black people are not special. They are just the same as other human beings (but a heck of a lo… - 2 years ago

@ian_vacances: RT @ADATA_XPG_JP: 🌅新年おめでとう&福袋キャンペーン🎁 抽選で🧧合計8名様にプレゼント🧧 🎉景品 XPGのPCケース「STARKER AIR」White/Blackを各2台 合計4名様 XPGのノベルティー福袋を4名様 🧐応募方法 ① @ADATA_XPG… - 2 years ago

@el_arab_ian: Djeneba la black Panther du Wakanda tu va la fermer ta geule ptn les pute de mtn si on les laisse pas s’afficher co… - 2 years ago

@ian_chitechi: RT @WycPrester: The relationship between some people n black clothes is a true love story which can't be explained..😆😆😆🤲🤲🤲 - 2 years ago

@JENNYACOOK: RT @CookiesClassics: Rebus - the 2000 version starring John Hannah as Ian Rankin's classic detective. Jim Norton guest starred in the first… - 2 years ago

@Scottyoung290: @LewisRoss1872 I honestly think I’d rather watch that than the Europa final I think you can look back at 2014 and… - 2 years ago

@AnnTrezise1: So the politburo Ian in black is giving a report in the condition of her constituency & quality of life … it’s a co… - 2 years ago

@lilo11: RT @Brian_Whit: So sad to hear about the death of Ian Black, a fine journalist who wrote about the Middle East with knowledge and understan… - 2 years ago

@ian_cushing: What if education policy described as 'what works' is actually working against and discriminating against Black chi… - 2 years ago

@ABroadBrush: RT @guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Ian_talia01: @Trissy001 Black one😎 - 2 years ago

@notgoodinternet: RT @officialtripoli: On TFH #639 we welcome Vedic Astrologer Ian Ferguson - 2 years ago

@LukaDayLee3: @ifdmp_ian @newscomauHQ Ok, is what they did ok because they’re black? - 2 years ago

@ifdmp_ian: @LukaDayLee3 @newscomauHQ You are a laugh a minute story involves black police and you put up a pic of a white cop.… - 2 years ago

@Ian_ders: RT @Olas_Truth: Don’t let these people brand the murder of Tyre Nichols as a Black-on-Black crime issue when it’s about police violence and… - 2 years ago

@TaakiTiki: @MarioNawfal Ian, Daniel shaver was shot by Philip brailsford—-the cop was not black. You clearly hv racial tendencies. - 2 years ago

@self_ian: RT @TVext: Y’all Niggas will riot when black cops kill one black man but STAY silent when the big Pharma killing tens of thousands on us -… - 2 years ago

@TerrenceeeG: @stillgray there goes ian. Always bringing down a black man. - 2 years ago

@NorbaTuli1970: RT @stephanieseneff: A moving personal story about coping with a debilitating neurodegenerative disease. - 2 years ago

@br___ian: i arrive dressed in black, am friendly, do some dishes, and am out the door before anyone thinks to ask my name or… - 2 years ago

@teriiibb: @Duarte_Ian @NatetheLawyer Statistics of pd vs black men. Not necessarily white pd. Nate's example is about a syste… - 2 years ago

@KnifeNft: @MarioNawfal Dear Ian Please educate yourself about Black Agenda . You look Asian though 😆 - 2 years ago

@vprl2008: @MarioNawfal Ian the foreigner having opinions about the issues of Black lives in Amerikkka. 🤦🏻‍♂️ - 2 years ago

@Glimenem: @NotKhary Ehhh idk he kinda right cause just recently multiple woman of FB went viral for sexualizing a lil black b… - 2 years ago

@sheptone: @zimzam_exe @pogorelov_ian transparency, i think? twitter shows transparent pixels as black in the timeline but white when you open it - 2 years ago

@Black_Walnut91: @ian_edgar Ni por moda te la escucho, perdón pero no me llama tanto - 2 years ago

@LukaDayLee3: @ifdmp_ian @newscomauHQ This is a tweet from a media outlet. Reporting black offenders. Where’s the reluctance? I c… - 2 years ago

@IndieOperaTO: RT @obsidiantheatre: Big Black opera with an all-Black cast! Introducing the cast for OF THE SEA by @KanikaAmbrose & Ian Cusson. Mar 25-Ap… - 2 years ago

@Real_Ian_Huff: RT @dereckapurnell: all of the reforms failed at the same damn time - black cops, body cameras, multiple cops on the scene, tasers instead… - 2 years ago

@GiveMeAnAxeNow: @Wor1f1 @3mperor_Ian @EndWokeness You're right those cops (who are black) are racist because they killed a guy (who is also black) - 2 years ago

@itsshaniidtm: Nope ian buying them. Ill rather buy a black owned version of em like Vagabond or Waydamin💯 - 2 years ago

@ifdmp_ian: @LukaDayLee3 @newscomauHQ Media very quick to tell us about white cops in strife but reluctant to report black offe… - 2 years ago

@1LilGabe: Ian gone lie being suspended from twitter for a week I realized my mental health was so much better I get back on t… - 2 years ago

@radicalhoeshit: Why some bitch gon throw a box at me at work? And my boo gon say what I do? Ian do shit but be black - 2 years ago

@imhere2retweet: @VinhLeRealty @MarioNawfal @stillgray in regards to that ninja dude saying there weren't black voices in the space,… - 2 years ago

@IanLewis2024: RT @MP_DogsBaseball: Black Squad evens up the series with an 8-5 win. Lake Evans goes 2-3. Arnold, Jenkins(2B) , and White all have a hit.… - 2 years ago

@yesISai16831554: @MarioNawfal Ian is f disruptive and clearly loves cops and hates black folks - 2 years ago

@ifdmp_ian: @LukaDayLee3 @newscomauHQ Get a grip mate ,the police officers involved are black. - 2 years ago

@ifdmp_ian: @newscomauHQ Black police officers. - 2 years ago

@shortridge_matt: @mrpinkribbon95 @ian_mckelvey @KirkLatino Exactly. Doesn’t have to be just one or the other. Black people in the… - 2 years ago

@RawSharkTexts: a woman with long black hair (oddly familiar, the more he stares) -- -- and Ian. Eric swallows, hands hesitating… - 2 years ago

@realMoffTarkin: @stillgray Yes Ian, a system of white supremacy coerced these men into becoming police officers thereby perpetuatin… - 2 years ago

@foyster_ian: @Daniel75848403 Black crowes - 2 years ago

@elona_parody: @stillgray @Cernovich It amazes me, that the Asian BIGOT Ian, isn’t defending these officers, like he defends every… - 2 years ago

@IAN_1664: RT @_SaveOurStatues: Huge new Black Boy Lane sign put up. This is what happens when our authorities try to divide the people. The people f… - 2 years ago

@MP_DogsBaseball: Black Squad evens up the series with an 8-5 win. Lake Evans goes 2-3. Arnold, Jenkins(2B) , and White all have a hi… - 2 years ago

@IAN_1664: RT @JoelBrownMD: I'm not cisgender. I wholly reject that identity label or any affiliated political assumptions about what that means about… - 2 years ago

@2bearsblake: RT @officialtripoli: On TFH #639 we welcome Vedic Astrologer Ian Ferguson - 2 years ago

@ian_atrus: RT @AbueloRetroWave: the black cat - Pixelart -2021 ~𝘢𝘳𝘸 - 2 years ago

@ian_chitechi: RT @OJessica28: @light_is_king @AmaraBlessing_ @drpenking Nah she is way finer than you even with your 3D makeup . See black beauty na http… - 2 years ago

@SNBracken: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@Ian_in_OH: RT @DanHaygarth1: This wedding photo was taken in Poland in 1931. The bride and groom moved to Liverpool later that year. Everyone else pic… - 2 years ago

@mcgee_cricket: Listening to Tin foil and enjoying conversation - of course lol Anyway, guy quoted Robert Antoine Wilson My head RA… - 2 years ago

@DaphneHunter19: RT @_i0n: @Desuetudine And his attitude towards Julian Assange, Jean Charles de Menezes, Karen Reilly, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan, Alfie Me… - 2 years ago

@therealrobcook: RT @CookiesClassics: Rebus - the 2000 version starring John Hannah as Ian Rankin's classic detective. Jim Norton guest starred in the first… - 2 years ago

@CookiesClassics: Rebus - the 2000 version starring John Hannah as Ian Rankin's classic detective. Jim Norton guest starred in the fi… - 2 years ago

@Mohammed_Amin: I was saddened to hear on the "Unholy" podcast today that Ian Black had died. I met him a couple of times at event… - 2 years ago

@czopanser: 21 January 1967 Nottingham Evening Post Gerald Harper with belly dancers Sumantha and Sumanda in the lost 'Adam Ad… - 2 years ago

@GiacomoTrivel: @MsMichelleR @_harjitsingh a white author writing about black people doesn' t prevent anyone black to tell his stor… - 2 years ago

@ian_mcgreevy: @time_nw Heading north, this is the last roundabout on the A1 until Biggleswade South and if we include the traffic… - 2 years ago

@3speach3: @dads_tired @KEVINTOMIRANDA Ian Flemings James Bond never dies. He's a timeless character. Ian Fleming never change… - 2 years ago

@genge_ian: RT @ChrisBHaynes: Graphic video to be released today of five Black Memphis officers fatally beating Tyre Nichols (29), who is Black. All fi… - 2 years ago

@Bamakoinsider: @ian_joo_korea @farahkanaan well white christian america didn't want a black jesus so the courts declared him whit… - 2 years ago

@patfurious: @DFisman @politicalham @ianhanomansing @vera_tenacious @mihaiwilson @MamaToronto @sameo416 @JBuriak… - 2 years ago

@Bamakoinsider: @ian_joo_korea @farahkanaan in the early 20th century a man from the levant went to court asking for clarification… - 2 years ago

@Bamakoinsider: @ian_joo_korea @farahkanaan as a moroccan i can tell you the concept black and white has no meaning in our history… - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: I just got the call that my son had a bad week at school #ThisEndsNow - 2 years ago

@The_Rain_Dogs: RT @The_Rain_Dogs: Work is well advanced on the new album, which amongst other things contains two tracks originally intended for “Slow Bla… - 2 years ago

@Architarist: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: Highly questionable was awesome until we learned it was a paid actor NOT his father... I questioned all parties inv… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Sun: RT @exavierpope: For people saying “but the police who killed Tyre Nichols are Black, how is that racist?” crowd, anti-Blackness is cultura… - 2 years ago

@GlenrothesFCU20: 🔴 Starting line up for our under 20’s ⚪️ 1.Charlie miller 2.Dougie Frew 3.Ellis Mcquade 4.Charlie Fotheringham 5.… - 2 years ago

@Call_Him_Ian: @AlexRHernandez4 Not sure why it’s fucked it? Imo it’s pretty smart and a good way to prompt nuance and complexity.… - 2 years ago

@AdrianthePFR: Ian Black @BlickyIan Saw this beaut on a LL FB page. Was operating in LFA7 today 😎 Photo credit to James Bird - 2 years ago

@rockingfoxradio: At 8pm whoever was supposed to secure the perimeters is in big trouble because Ian's got back in and he's brought h… - 2 years ago

@DanielP58776753: RT @LonelyOakRadio: Thu, Jan 26 at 7:05 AM (Pacific Time), and 7:05 PM, we play 'Bound to Be Trouble' by The Ian Black Band @theianblackb… - 2 years ago

@ian_cushing: New work available open access - teachers pushing back against anti-Black linguistic racism in schools and the inst… - 2 years ago

@ldfpme: RT @ItmakesSNS: We were incredibly saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Ian Black. We just wanted to add our own modest tribute to h… - 2 years ago

@ian_omrf: RT @The_Agent_Neo: Black and white vibes - 2 years ago

@therealsucarm_: and ik imma really black out if i get physical with a mfer which is why i keep tryna refrain from doing it but mfer… - 2 years ago

@hardie_ian: RT @celticbars: Bit of a flurry of CSC's sending me their history today, including Dumfries CSC, Plough Bhoys Philadelphia CSC, Black Count… - 2 years ago

@drxkoOtw: @ShibaCoinCrypto @20sheartthrob @raphousetv2 Everything true but dat bed part don’t nb wanna be hittin back shots f… - 2 years ago

@ZahrahV: RT @lincolnsinn: The Black Books Society lecture on 2 February will now take place online. Dr Ian Williams will talk about the collection… - 2 years ago

@lightismylaugh1: @andyspurs2 @TheLastLeg @AngelaRayner Rosie Duffield. Mhari black Jeremy corbyn Ian blackford Tanmanjeet Singh dhesi - 2 years ago

@seanmccracken88: @pavelkennedy Back in Ian black - 2 years ago

@Black_Author: RT @TalkTV: Ian reacts to Jeremy Hunt's speech: "Did anyone stay awake longer than 45 seconds to hear what Mr Hunt was saying?" - 2 years ago

@garethbouch: RT @The_Rain_Dogs: Work is well advanced on the new album, which amongst other things contains two tracks originally intended for “Slow Bla… - 2 years ago

@The_Rain_Dogs: Work is well advanced on the new album, which amongst other things contains two tracks originally intended for “Slo… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Costa18: RT @dodo_sec: @vxunderground Breaking news: Lockbit acquired by the a Johnnie Walker group, announces Lockbit Gold, Blue and Double Black t… - 2 years ago

@mrdissent: @RangersFC @acdc Back in Ian Black.... - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: I wanted to be a teacher... then I joined Army... - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: RT @STEFisDOPE: Really gotta ask yourself who is raising these kids. It’s time to have some uncomfortable conversations. - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: What happened to the days of "I'm an artists and what to appreciated for my art, craft and hard work . Not some sex… - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: I get the multicolor pack of the 5s to this day! - 2 years ago

@Ayden_u13: RT @MP_DogsBaseball: 2023 Black-Gold Series Game 1 Gold wins 13-5 C.Mitchell, Gore, Causey, Lewis, Brooks, and Ussery all had 2 hits. Carr,… - 2 years ago

@ptbohorse: 2 man acoustic cover band Brisk Recharge is at The Black Horse this Saturday at 5 PM! Ian Clement Dylan Delesky pe… - 2 years ago

@seirioldavies: RT @kevpeellab: Just saw Betty: A Sort of Musical @rxtheatre. Black Rod singing about his big stick, a handbag fight with Maggie Thatcher,… - 2 years ago

@Kevinc90roghan: Thanks Ian Black for the follow! I´m very happy about it. - 2 years ago

@AgHusky: @AdinUpdatess @adinross @KaiCenat Adin ain’t Ian black he white as a mf 😂😭 - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: @squidbilly929 I knew I liked you for some reason 😂 - 2 years ago

@linopopz: wts lfb want to sell for sale skz stray kids hyunminsung hyunjin lee know han jisung maxident yes24 appmus apple mu… - 2 years ago

@The_Rain_Dogs: Work is well advanced on the new album, which amongst other things contains two tracks originally intended for “Slo… - 2 years ago

@ian_mccabe: @mikecorrcircus @Teddycavebear @FightHaven It's like the white gi guys Vs the black gi guys in karate kid lol - 2 years ago

@haig_ian: RT @JohnDaffern2: MISSING!!!From afternoon of the 17th January 2023 black ash female maine coon, 14 months old #microchipped. Location Kiwi… - 2 years ago

@AffinityXtra: #NP James Richards & Ian "Neuma" Martin - 19 Does your time as a Christian affect your place in the Kingdom on Affi… - 2 years ago

@r1tch2e: RT @_i0n: @Desuetudine And his attitude towards Julian Assange, Jean Charles de Menezes, Karen Reilly, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan, Alfie Me… - 2 years ago

@eris_mumu_23: RT @_i0n: @Desuetudine And his attitude towards Julian Assange, Jean Charles de Menezes, Karen Reilly, Ian Tomlinson, Mark Duggan, Alfie Me… - 2 years ago

@TopCatSimmo: @Ian_Parsley Whoa racist much. What's next will you be comparing black people to monkeys. You bigots make me sick - 2 years ago

@ian_doc: RT @CelticFCShop: Back In Black! ⚡ The @CelticFC Away Kit is back in stock and available in-store and online now ⚫🍀 Order now ➡️ - 2 years ago


@Ian_Crichton: RT @CelticFCShop: Back In Black! ⚡ The @CelticFC Away Kit is back in stock and available in-store and online now ⚫🍀 Order now ➡️ - 2 years ago

@StephenTriciaT: @Wullie28239214 @SeafarerMichael One 1 trophy out of 10 🤣 Better inducting Aaron Ramsay, brought onto a pitch to do… - 2 years ago

@bro_its_ian: RT @ElieNYC: People noticing how quickly these black cops were charged (as opposed to their murderous white fellows in other situations) sh… - 2 years ago

@Vicious2707: To Ian ❤️ - 2 years ago

@ian_brann: RT @LiliHzn: 🚨DROP ALERT🚨 "Turn To Black" will be live for sell at Jan 27th 10 AM on @manifoldxyz Editions: 12 Price: 0.018 - 2 years ago

@Joe_Coffey: @TamseIIicsonIII Hunderstruck. Dirty dodds done dirt cheap. Back In Ian Black. You Shook Scott Wright all night long. Some setlist. - 2 years ago

@AGWisahoax: @iancollinsuk @TalkTV “…and buy packets of wet wipes to get rid of the remnants of Alan Brazil and Stan Collymore”… - 2 years ago

@ian_adiksakape: RT @Rechiecorpuz07: wearing black is too addicting - 2 years ago

@brasqizyzz: @OkTataByByeKhtm @WolfRMFC Do I have to repeat what I said? Calling ppl rats no matter their race wouldn't be racis… - 2 years ago

@TheSportsShop1: It’s time to Bet On Black with Ian. Last week was 1-2 vs the spread. Bengals over Chiefs (-1) Eagles over Niners… - 2 years ago

@dgebb: @martinsuth90 People not wanting tillman is baffling! They’re the ones that wanted Ian black - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: RT @OfficialBlueyTV: Activating: Dance Mode the Album! 💙🪩 17 brand new Bluey songs coming 21st April ➡️ #BlueyDa… - 2 years ago

@ian_brann: RT @marxswell: BLACK HATS 🧡😌🎇 - 2 years ago

@ian_wegerle: RT @LibertarianZA: Black racists shooting themselves in the foot again. - 2 years ago

@JoeBarn02727515: RT @officialtripoli: On TFH #639 we welcome Vedic Astrologer Ian Ferguson - 2 years ago

@Ian_1Govament: RT @FDamarni: You now have the power of the Black Panther - 2 years ago

@Ian_Parsley: @audreybbonbon @sophielouisecc But you also choose to believe their crap because it kind of fits with what you and… - 2 years ago

@PTFblog: @CairtersSMFC There’s a Back Ian Black joke to be worked out there. - 2 years ago

@PhilB6vis: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@PhilB6vis: RT @jonhenley: This is such terribly sad news. A wise writer, a generous colleague, a lovely man - 2 years ago

@oti_ian: @black_4300 My experience is not as extreme as yours, in my case oral painkillers don't work. - 2 years ago

@oti_ian: @black_4300 Ouch that sucks. - 2 years ago

@ian_larman: @realK3dar They weren't black matey 😂 - 2 years ago

@ian_larman: @DEJACKS43492044 @realK3dar I've just had a verbally violent response from a black fellah - proving the stereotype. - 2 years ago

@JohnOxley777: RT @JohnOxley777: Check out this brilliant new single ‘No Survivors (ft. Scott Ian Lewis of @Carnifex) By » THE CONVALESCENCE « ⁦@TCONband… - 2 years ago

@ian_larman: @DEJACKS43492044 @realK3dar Probably not their skin colour but the type of people they are. White people and black… - 2 years ago

@rowsell_ian: RT @MarkACollett: At a nursery, a black boy takes a toy from a white boy, when the white the boy attempts to take the toy back, a black nur… - 2 years ago

@SLUG_MrIBlack: RT @REFLEX_CD_VINYL: Have you listened to SLUG's Thy Socialite yet? Our current Album of the Week - from Sunderland musician Ian Black - c… - 2 years ago

@BossieJessie: @raphousetv2 He disrespected black ppl and was rewarded a scholarship BY blck ppl, ahead of other blk ppl who were… - 2 years ago

@Ian_A86: RT @EmileYX: Yesterday I posted an article of Black Noise Hip Hop Group in Word Up Magazine, but before I sent that article, I sent this pi… - 2 years ago

@kjsloghome: @michaelianblack I believe the greatest comedy act i could witness would be Michael Ian Black to go on after Jim Br… - 2 years ago

@TerryMcNamara: @TheAFDPodcast @Scott_Ian @ZakkWyldeBLS @ExodusAttack @Anthrax I’m going to this Gig in Corbin Ky Anthrax Exodus… - 2 years ago

@Ian_Kiioko: RT @JAY_Z_Daily: Jay-Z album I think is underrated: The Dynasty Jay-Z album I like: The Blueprint 3 Jay-Z album I love: The Black Album Jay… - 2 years ago

@ConneelyL: RT @ItmakesSNS: We were incredibly saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Ian Black. We just wanted to add our own modest tribute to h… - 2 years ago

@human_bartender: @bigfootballscot @EwenDCameron @stevenmill Ian Black pudding Leon Bagelun Hatate Scone - 2 years ago

@DEJACKS43492044: @ian_larman @realK3dar In American society, black people, are portrayed as being prone to violence or crime. This v… - 2 years ago

@arionjournal: On this day in 1934, the Apollo Theater in Harlem reopened and first admitted Black patrons. For today, take a look… - 2 years ago

@ZSickmind: @DoubleA97954090 @nite202 @Oxx28 @Drakesoldmore @DailyLoud Yes just mute it be cause you clearly don’t know what yo… - 2 years ago

@ian_joo_korea: When Americans say "Black people" what do they mean? (North) Americans with African ancestry? Anyone with African a… - 2 years ago

@NextAvenue: RT @bonnerjeanne: Michael Ian Black on Vulnerability, Masculinity and Teaching His Son to Be a Better Man @NextAvenue - 2 years ago

@bonnerjeanne: Michael Ian Black on Vulnerability, Masculinity and Teaching His Son to Be a Better Man @NextAvenue - 2 years ago

@Goffee71: RT @julianborger: I sat next to Ian at work for years and it was a humbling experience. One minute, he would be chatting to a source in Heb… - 2 years ago

@SBethlenfalvay: - 2 years ago

@ninajblack: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@BLACK_GRAS: RT @JavierVillamor: Seguro que Ian Fleming pensaba en una mujer negra cuando creó a James Bond, al igual que los elfos negros de Tolkien. - 2 years ago

@HunterFelt: RT @MartinPengelly: Ian Black obituary - 2 years ago

@missb62: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@assistancecats: I’m glad when Chloe looks after herself. [Video shows Chloe the black cat grooming herself when on Ian’s shoulder.] - 2 years ago

@Kash_SRK_ian: RT @Hipsterrrific: Kisine socha tha tickets iss zamane mein black mein bikegi? A friend just told me ₹130 tickets are being sold for ₹400-5… - 2 years ago

@PCSoblahdeehell: RT @ukigoni: "Ian was not interested in debating points, but rather in uncovering complexity." (@Freedland on @ian_black) I met Ian during… - 2 years ago

@bungdan: RT @Dr_Ulrichsen: - 2 years ago

@FarFriki: RT @DelMcu: Bon dia! L'artista visual Ian Joyner ha revelat al seu IG l'aspecte final de Strange Supreme dels Illuminati a l'Univers Earth-… - 2 years ago

@ian_mahlatse: RT @Bheki_Nyathi: Black excellence and he is still doing it abroad🔥✍️ the best South African born coach currently - 2 years ago

@snevinoj: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@snevinoj: RT @ukigoni: "Ian was not interested in debating points, but rather in uncovering complexity." (@Freedland on @ian_black) I met Ian during… - 2 years ago

@roripierpont1: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@wicardossa1957: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@lrozen: RT @Freedland: "Even if they rarely agreed on much else, they found common ground on this: when it came to coverage of the Middle East, you… - 2 years ago

@AnnNeff8: RT @Freedland: Ian was a wonderful colleague: warm, wise, generous. His reporting and insight will be missed by everyone who cares about Is… - 2 years ago

@DelMcu: Bon dia! L'artista visual Ian Joyner ha revelat al seu IG l'aspecte final de Strange Supreme dels Illuminati a l'Un… - 2 years ago

@BrianBtinternet: @PatrickSMurphy4 @Dee8Jay8 @ToddCantwell_10 Or abusing Israeli players wives, or Israeli players, or Ian Wright bec… - 2 years ago

@tina64288265: Called me names. And told had no family this was a b staff from living. Mears living who a support worker she was b… - 2 years ago

@Bigfella_Ian_: RT @CapitalLivNews: MISSING: 15 year old Rabar Qader's not been seen by his family since Wednesday the 11th January. He is described as bei… - 2 years ago

@mohammedaliamla: RT @ItmakesSNS: We were incredibly saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Ian Black. We just wanted to add our own modest tribute to h… - 2 years ago

@TheNewArabVoice: RT @The_NewArab: Ian Black spoke with The New Arab's podcast @TheNewArabVoice in 2020 about the struggles Palestinians faced under the prev… - 2 years ago

@parkins_ian: RT @_Janey_J: If it’s in a video clip in front of their face with the words come out of the screen to them, or printed in black and white b… - 2 years ago

@_SonOfTheDesert: RT @Day_Saving_Recs: The @Day_Saving_Recs crew enjoyed this review immensely and may have laughed til we wept. iAn bLAck jUsT hAs tHat eFFe… - 2 years ago

@IAN_LEE_SJ: RT @asuka_spod1864: SP drives a black luxury car to and from kindergarten to pick up his young daughter born to plotja. When SP first arriv… - 2 years ago

@submergedplanet: @dia_vis @zimzam_exe @pogorelov_ian in black ops 1 u literally have to assassinate fidel castro hahahahaha - 2 years ago

@EricaInTheSkyy: @Black_Ian_Mild I hate that it was handled this way because there’s definitely a different way that could’ve prevented all of this 🫤 - 2 years ago

@soha_BBC: @ian_black RIP - 2 years ago

@EmmaPeel_Knight: RT @EmmaPeel_Knight: RIP Ian Black 69 Jahre alt Ehemaliger @guardian-Journalist, ex-Diplomatie- und Europa-Experte, später spezialisiert a… - 2 years ago

@wavetop: RT @The_NewArab: Ian Black spoke with The New Arab's podcast @TheNewArabVoice in 2020 about the struggles Palestinians faced under the prev… - 2 years ago

@The_NewArab: Ian Black spoke with The New Arab's podcast @TheNewArabVoice in 2020 about the struggles Palestinians faced under t… - 2 years ago

@SW33TERGRL: like what happened to a simple "i love black men" y'all taking abt they the prize and wonder why they asses be on h… - 2 years ago

@ian_kruger: @_Josephmaluleke @okaMashaba No I think its the other way around. Far more racist black parties around than amy other color. - 2 years ago

@TikiShades: @pogorelov_ian probably that one game where you gun down black people as a klan member or something - 2 years ago

@Black_Ian_Mild: I've learned of you say one thing it means get ready for of dang my bad story - 2 years ago

@FarahTavakoli: RT @borzou: Terrible loss of a kind, generous and super-talented fellow journalist. RIP - 2 years ago

@borzou: Terrible loss of a kind, generous and super-talented fellow journalist. RIP - 2 years ago

@Yasm1nK: Such saddening news to hear of Ian’s loss. One of the absolute best and always so kind. I only ever knew @ian_black… - 2 years ago

@ghaliakabbani: خبر محزن رحيل الصحفي البريطاني المرموق إيان بلاك مسؤول شؤون الشرق الأوسط سابقا في #الغارديان. شرفني التعرف عليه ع… - 2 years ago

@trsleman: RT @guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@phil_maynard: RT @julianborger: RIP a great journalist, colleague and human being Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 https:/… - 2 years ago

@zaiamehdi: Such sad news to hear. Ian was a bright, friendly, and charasmatic soul who I had the pleasure of attending Arabic… - 2 years ago

@larrydisgusted: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 RIP - 2 years ago

@CamRobertson5: RT @arusbridger: Sad, sad news about Ian Black. Endlessly curious, wise, even-handed and knowledgable in covering a story where such qualit… - 2 years ago

@pgreenfielduk: Ian was a lovely human and a brilliant reporter. - 2 years ago

@nancycjenkins: RT @SimonCollis11: Very sad news. Ian Black combined insight with compassion, wrote beautifully, and was such a lovely and honourable man t… - 2 years ago

@RealLeeBruns: @biker_Ian Yep, British Petroleum. Only company in the US with green gas and black diesel handles - 2 years ago

@JohnLowe56: RT @julianborger: RIP a great journalist, colleague and human being Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 https:/… - 2 years ago

@clarefarrell: RT @julianborger: RIP a great journalist, colleague and human being Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 https:/… - 2 years ago

@homeandaway_win: RT @KitAid: Some more wonderful #Watfordfc kits helping these kids in #Moshi #Tanzania Thanks to Dougal and Ian for delivering them on the… - 2 years ago

@carlCurrelley: RT @DrBalsamAhmad: RIP. Ian Black the Guardian’s former Middle East editor & one of the most distinguished journalists covering the Middle… - 2 years ago

@DavidCButter: So sad to learn that Ian Black has died. Knew so much about Middle East, and cared, but realised how much more ther… - 2 years ago

@carlCurrelley: My brain is shrinking – and so is my world. Could I find out what’s wrong with me? - 2 years ago

@VMedve: RT @_i0n: What's Starmer like? Ask Julian Assange Ask Jean Charles de Menezes Ask Karen Reilly Ask Ian Tomlinson Ask Mark Duggan Ask Alfie… - 2 years ago

@saskjournalist: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@intlibecosoc: RT @jack_mcginn: Awful news that a wonderful and generous colleague, Ian Black, has died from his neurological condition. He had an incisiv… - 2 years ago

@ekaraduman1070: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@steeplechasing: My brain is shrinking – and so is my world. Could I find out what’s wrong with me? - 2 years ago

@nyurkad: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@crossmediapubli: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@jmattos2001: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@SaraLApps: @Doylech @ian_black Oh gosh that's so sad. - 2 years ago

@yeghig: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@tweet_the_news: RT @guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@DavidCButter: RT @erin_snider: Incredibly sad news. Ian was a brilliant writer and a generous soul. I have such fond memories from a panel discussion I w… - 2 years ago

@4VisionPR: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@MrAlias1: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@fajreen: @republikaonline Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@ayshamoolla: RT @matthewteller: So very sad to read of the death of Ian Black. His writing on Israel-Palestine was never less than brilliant. He generou… - 2 years ago

@ArielBlocker: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 Black, who was also a former diplomatic and European e… - 2 years ago

@tarakangarlou: What an absolute loss. You will be missed Ian. “Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69.” via… - 2 years ago

@arabictype: This is incredibly sad news... @ian_black was a foremost expert on the politics of the middle east. I referenced hi… - 2 years ago

@MANSOOR_ALJAMRi: So sad to read news of death of legendary Ian Black. He was so kind whenever I frequently visited him in London and… - 2 years ago

@CHAIRRDRF: I knew Ian when we were in the same youth/political group in the 70s. Very moving account of his illness previousl… - 2 years ago

@DRSYEDABUKHARI1: Glenn Loury, Ian Rowe, and Robert Woodson Debunk Myths about the Black E... - 2 years ago

@NicolaiofArabia: RT @matthewteller: So very sad to read of the death of Ian Black. His writing on Israel-Palestine was never less than brilliant. He generou… - 2 years ago

@unhippyman: RT @KitAid: Some more wonderful #Watfordfc kits helping these kids in #Moshi #Tanzania Thanks to Dougal and Ian for delivering them on the… - 2 years ago

@CynthiaLarbey: RT @arusbridger: Sad, sad news about Ian Black. Endlessly curious, wise, even-handed and knowledgable in covering a story where such qualit… - 2 years ago

@BakerLuke: A wonderful human and an exceptional correspondent. What a terrible loss. Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East ed… - 2 years ago

@makramrabah: @guardian @ian_black may you rest in peace a great person and a great writer - 2 years ago

@MazenMahdi: RT @MuirJim: Desperately sad news that @ian_black formerly and eminently of the Guardian has died after a long and courageous struggle with… - 2 years ago

@madeleinemaste4: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Dr_Robert_Mason: Sad to see this. Ian took part in my public lecture series in Cairo in 2018. Sociable and always interested in enga… - 2 years ago

@kampeas: RT @AnshelPfeffer: Ian Black ז״ל was a wonderful friend, a great journalist, generous with his time, patience, encouragement and humour tow… - 2 years ago

@edrishlongwane: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@matthewteller: So very sad to read of the death of Ian Black. His writing on Israel-Palestine was never less than brilliant. He ge… - 2 years ago

@AllisonKSommer: RT @AnshelPfeffer: Ian Black ז״ל was a wonderful friend, a great journalist, generous with his time, patience, encouragement and humour tow… - 2 years ago

@Petrospiccolus: RT @guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@mona_zeineddine: RT @jack_mcginn: Awful news that a wonderful and generous colleague, Ian Black, has died from his neurological condition. He had an incisiv… - 2 years ago

@Ramdog1980: Top story: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@JudithZingerle: SocialMed News Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 | The Guardian | The Guardian… - 2 years ago

@connellyandrew: RT @guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@MazenMahdi: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@ukigoni: Sad news. We worked on a story he was doing that involved him coming to Argentina. Ian was an absolute charm. 😪 Ian… - 2 years ago

@MazenMahdi: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@noraj27: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@SerendipitySays: RT @PeterRNeumann: This is dreadfully sad. 👇 - 2 years ago

@Dr_Ulrichsen: This is terribly sad news - Ian was a wonderful journalist and an extremely nice person - he will be greatly missed - 2 years ago

@lindseyhilsum: What a great journalist and gentleman #IanBlack was. I respected him hugely. - 2 years ago

@SinemCngz: This is really sad news. Ian Black, whom I met personally & had an insightful conversation in 2018, was an exceptio… - 2 years ago

@MuirJim: Desperately sad news that @ian_black formerly and eminently of the Guardian has died after a long and courageous st… - 2 years ago

@arusbridger: Sad, sad news about Ian Black. Endlessly curious, wise, even-handed and knowledgable in covering a story where such… - 2 years ago

@Morr_1980: RT @leahmcelrath: Ian Black has died. He was 69 years old and the former Middle East editor for the Guardian. My Egyptian, Bahraini, and… - 2 years ago

@gnuseibeh: Ian Black @ian_black was probably the most knowledgeable Western journalist on Israel/Palestine, certainly Britain’… - 2 years ago

@_EmmaGH: Ian was so kind to me when I joined the Guardian, knew no one in London and was starting to write for the first tim… - 2 years ago

@DianeEugenio: RT @leahmcelrath: Ian Black has died. He was 69 years old and the former Middle East editor for the Guardian. My Egyptian, Bahraini, and… - 2 years ago

@MuddeiA: RT @sommervilletv: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@marwanbishara: Terribly sad … Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@MurphDugan: RT @leahmcelrath: Ian Black has died. He was 69 years old and the former Middle East editor for the Guardian. My Egyptian, Bahraini, and… - 2 years ago

@tbt444: RT @guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@essgeeiv: RT @leahmcelrath: Ian Black has died. He was 69 years old and the former Middle East editor for the Guardian. My Egyptian, Bahraini, and… - 2 years ago

@ConcernedFruit: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@Ziya_Meral: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@leahmcelrath: Ian Black has died. He was 69 years old and the former Middle East editor for the Guardian. My Egyptian, Bahraini… - 2 years ago

@WNN7Com: The Guardian: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 #WNN7 #WNN7com… - 2 years ago

@UkraineOnGround: RT @sommervilletv: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@marty_mcd: RT @sommervilletv: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@KyrkeSmith: Through his incisive and empathetic writing, Ian Black taught me a great deal of what I've come to know about the M… - 2 years ago

@neesheth: RT @PeterRNeumann: This is dreadfully sad. 👇 - 2 years ago

@ezekopel: Uno de los very best. Por mucho - 2 years ago

@hendopolis: RT @sommervilletv: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@TzfatBlog: RT @Istanbultelaviv: This really is a loss. I never knew him personally, but I greatly enjoyed reading his work. He is someone that I would… - 2 years ago

@josephwillits: RT @Doylech: Just seen that @ian_black has passed away. Just so sad. Ian was always so generous with his time with me ever since I firs… - 2 years ago

@gregorydjohnsen: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@sophiaponders: RT @reider: Ian Black was a real one: a MENA reporter as solid as they come, who took cub journos from the region seriously long before any… - 2 years ago

@sophiaponders: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@Matthew36972140: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@Istanbultelaviv: This really is a loss. I never knew him personally, but I greatly enjoyed reading his work. He is someone that I wo… - 2 years ago

@arabdigest: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@AnnalisaB: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@kathyinbluebell: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@maitelsadany: RT @LinaKhatibUK: Deeply saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Ian Black. We last corresponded just few months ago and I really hoped… - 2 years ago

@DontFol29568980: @ian_mckelvey I didn't know this existed and I've never seen it before. Why on earth would law enforcement want to… - 2 years ago

@erin_snider: Incredibly sad news. Ian was a brilliant writer and a generous soul. I have such fond memories from a panel discuss… - 2 years ago

@haselden_thomas: @dommett_ian @democracynow @jeremycorbyn Yes, but that's all bollocks, that was all lies & black propaganda, mate !… - 2 years ago

@BinDerStefan: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@janarl2tuc: Some of the very best reporting from the region during the (poorly named) Arab Spring came from Ian Black. - 2 years ago

@davidfolkenflik: RT @glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@TheStephenRalph: RT @ragehomaar: V sad to hear @ian_black has died. Rigorous, exacting & didn't suffer fools gladly. But generous with time & his considerab… - 2 years ago

@paul__johnson: Very sad. An extraordinary journalist And a wonderful colleague - 2 years ago

@glcarlstrom: Sad news. A talented and knowledgeable journalist, and a kind and generous man as well. - 2 years ago

@reider: Ian Black was a real one: a MENA reporter as solid as they come, who took cub journos from the region seriously lon… - 2 years ago

@SaraHirschhorn1: So very sorry to hear that Ian Black passed away - I knew him a little when I lived in the UK over our shared inter… - 2 years ago

@TheUsmanButt: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@heba_yo: RIP Ian Black Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69 - 2 years ago

@SaraHirschhorn1: So very sorry to hear that Ian Black passed away - I knew him a little when I lived in the UK over our shared inter… - 2 years ago

@WeClappingPoles: RT @mia305_bob: Seeing people under that post bashing ED Reed for exposing they ass, shows me the problem in America. And Ian talking black… - 2 years ago

@SayighYezid: Tremendously sorry to hear this. A special human being as well as a special journalist. Ian Black, former Guardian… - 2 years ago

@keridouglas: RT @rohantalbot: Such sad news! Rest in peace Ian Black. - 2 years ago

@omaniexplorer: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@Naboumerhi: Ian Black @ian_black 🖤 - 2 years ago

@shattenstone: RT @ragehomaar: V sad to hear @ian_black has died. Rigorous, exacting & didn't suffer fools gladly. But generous with time & his considerab… - 2 years ago

@AngelaR111111: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@AnshelPfeffer: Ian Black ז״ל was a wonderful friend, a great journalist, generous with his time, patience, encouragement and humou… - 2 years ago

@ghoshworld: RT @odriscoll_dylan: Ian Black, former Guardian Middle East editor, dies aged 69. RIP - 2 years ago

@shattenstone: Such sad news. - 2 years ago

@willo_ian: @Robbo07121981 @LilySpendlove Bet you've seen me with my two black shih-tzu's. 😂 - 2 years ago

@DalrympleWill: RT @rohantalbot: Such sad news! Rest in peace Ian Black. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Ian Black dies - #IanBlack #Ian #Black #rip - 2 years ago

@GulrizSen: So sad to hear the passing of Ian Black. His news and analyses always offered great insights and perspective into M… - 2 years ago

@LinaKhatibUK: Deeply saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Ian Black. We last corresponded just few months ago and I really… - 2 years ago

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