Brazilian scientist member of IPCC
Died on Saturday March 21st 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Miika Elomo

Tweets related to IPCC:

@Jozwik15: RT @LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Buns claim… - 5 years ago

@HorshamGardener: RT @LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Buns claim… - 5 years ago

@freesandstorm: RT @WWF_DG: #Nature is a big part of the solution to #climatechange Gvmnts & business should look at nature to strengthen their contributio… - 5 years ago

@ErrolLynch3: RT @ErrolLynch3: #Patent #InventorErrolRayLynch #ProjectYellowStonePark(PYSP)7 #Merger @IntlCrimCourt @antonioguterres @SustDev @sixsign @N… - 5 years ago


@Darbales1: RT @AmadeuAntonio: ☑️Nach Berichten des Weltklimarats @IPCC_CH sind sich die 830 führenden Klima-Expert*innen einig, dass der Einfluss des… - 5 years ago

@MULUC9: RT @LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Buns claim… - 5 years ago

@FPollies: @ChrisMartzWX @ClimateRealists MSM nearly all brainwashed by UN and IPCC re climate. - 5 years ago

@RosyKnight: RT @LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Buns claim… - 5 years ago

@65_jani: RT @AmadeuAntonio: ☑️Nach Berichten des Weltklimarats @IPCC_CH sind sich die 830 führenden Klima-Expert*innen einig, dass der Einfluss des… - 5 years ago

@VeronicaTalbot9: @GlenneDrover @realSteve1234 @0Sundance @markp1950 @Terry42580565 @ozhomeschool @JEM_Books @FriendsOScience… - 5 years ago

@69Woody1: RT @LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Buns claim… - 5 years ago

@Shroppietory: RT @LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Buns claim… - 5 years ago

@Sndris: @voldemars @IvarsNeiders Tas, ka uzturs ir sabalansēts, uzreiz nenozīmē, ka arī ilgtspējīgs, videi draudzīgs un ēti… - 5 years ago

@nriwords_vol3: [環境編]IPCC - 5 years ago

@sooden_black: Why does the news in the UK blast out record heat and never record cold. #BCC #itv i guess your all too stupid i… - 5 years ago

@Damo__73_: @TruthJr4 @GeraldKutney Yeah, but your "factual comment" disagrees with the IPCC report you're presenting as some s… - 5 years ago

@LenzKappov: ATTENTION SMALL SHOP OWNERS. Ignore the MUSLIM police officers telling you not to sell Easter Eggs & Hot-Cross Bu… - 5 years ago

@djriveraros: RT @WWF_DG: #Nature is a big part of the solution to #climatechange Gvmnts & business should look at nature to strengthen their contributio… - 5 years ago

@THICKLY_FAITH: RT @_Gelo01: IPCC music slaps!😥 - 5 years ago

@Ipcc_Cartagena: #Atención 📣 | Convocamos a artistas y gestores culturales de la ciudad a participar en la mesa de trabajo virtual "… - 5 years ago

@GoogleWAC: RT @cityatlas: @GoogleWAC @kernelsamders Ask for climate info on the home page, as there has been for Covid-19. Sharing info from the IPCC - 5 years ago

@dgg_news: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@canukcookie: RT @malta75616353: @patinaandcompan @OtagoGrad @LeslynLewis Support of IPCC is a deal breaker for me. On the other hand I don't care about… - 5 years ago

@firth_john: RT @Acclimatise: Acclimatise’s work during COVID-19/ Acclimatise Newsletter #420 - - 5 years ago

@Barbara61353150: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@R3NU3VA: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@onlyafewcows: RT @OtagoGrad: The views of @LeslynLewis "The existential debate over #ClimateChange seems to be settled. The (UN's) #IPCC has identifie… - 5 years ago

@cityatlas: @GoogleWAC @kernelsamders Ask for climate info on the home page, as there has been for Covid-19. Sharing info from… - 5 years ago

@NoahsArkCrew: RT @sfcharger: @vlaamsfront @Gio_tweets Please provide some links to the over 1300 peer reviewed papers that show the IPCC studies are wron… - 5 years ago

@Master_Obi_Ron: RT @chris__soda: she keeps asking for someone- any one- to show that the presence of CO2 alone is enough to heat something. no takers in… - 5 years ago

@LingroveSF: "According to the IPCC’s latest report, #humanity has until 2030 to reduce #globalemissions by 45 percent if we are… - 5 years ago

@SlagKogel: RT @chris__soda: she keeps asking for someone- any one- to show that the presence of CO2 alone is enough to heat something. no takers in… - 5 years ago

@TruthJr4: @Damo__73_ @GeraldKutney 2050 is commonly referenced with some portions stating forecasts to 2100. - 5 years ago

@chris__soda: she keeps asking for someone- any one- to show that the presence of CO2 alone is enough to heat something. no tak… - 5 years ago

@WWF_DG: #Nature is a big part of the solution to #climatechange Gvmnts & business should look at nature to strengthen their… - 5 years ago

@evens_evens5: RT @RG7337: ⁦@AnderssonMagda⁩ @SwedishPM @socialdemokrat @VansterniEU @miljopartiet @liberalerna @Centerpartiet @svt ⁦ Vakna och se sanni… - 5 years ago

@freedom6413: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@KlimafaktenKurs: RT @KlimafaktenKurs: Wir sind auch dabei! Mit unseren Petitionen für IPCC Pflichtfortbildungen für PolitikerInnen: - 5 years ago

@sanelemas: @sya_nkabinde Check with all those from IPCC ebekumele bashade ngephasika - 5 years ago

@s_briero: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@tatendam82: @united__UK Gordon Brown's timing is wrong. Citizens of the world r calling for giving power back to the people &… - 5 years ago

@tripleleapco: What, why and who collects tax? What are the components of income tax? Watch the video to know more:… - 5 years ago

@wolvessoccer01: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@GladysEducamos: RT @LaCarretaLitera: #BuscandoLectores2020 #MeQuedoEnCasa #UnLibroUnFragmentoUnaEmocion @ClaMoralesM @ColombiaSM @rcnradio @Fundacion_SM @i… - 5 years ago

@LyssLand: Today I worked on a concept for an industry-wide, international design program to define new sustainability criteri… - 5 years ago

@GerritHiemstra: @CrazyEarthLover @vaantje1 Het effect van vliegtuigwolken wordt niet vergeten. Het wordt gewoon meegenomen in de kl… - 5 years ago

@wilpadmer: RT @Ipcc_Cartagena: #Atención 📣| Esta es una información importante para aquellos proyectos ganadores de la Convocatoria de Circulación de… - 5 years ago

@bgc85: RT @OtagoGrad: The LIBs have said they'll raise the #CarbonTax to $50/tonne in 2022. The UN's @IPCC_CH demands we raise it to a minimum of… - 5 years ago

@nicknet100: @xryouthcambs @plastics2fuel "we don’t do it because it’ll stop the climate crisis, we do it because it’s right" T… - 5 years ago

@LlewelynPritch: RT @RainforestNORW: In addition to ending #deforestation, #IPCC shows that we must let our natural #forests regrow and expand. In the Xingú… - 5 years ago

@Ellen_Ojala: @kaikkonen_niko IPCC. - 5 years ago

@iBlackSheep: RT @indianpueblo: Our new Virtual Culture Guide includes IPCC’s rich online offerings. Videos of our cultural Native dances, reading ideas… - 5 years ago

@indianpueblo: Our new Virtual Culture Guide includes IPCC’s rich online offerings. Videos of our cultural Native dances, reading… - 5 years ago

@Hannasplanet: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@PNsengiyumva: RT @anna_pirani: How is #Covid_19 impacting international #ClimateScience and how the community will be able to contribute to the @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago


@ackapekape: #QuedateEnCasa #KapeObserva Repost by _reposta ——— Maira Jayariyú, comunicadora indígena del Pueblo Wayuu, nos cuen… - 5 years ago

@RoyPentland: RT @0Sundance: @Michael_D_Crow @markp1950 @FriendsOScience @Barbarajdurkin @RedDragonFly19 @GillesnFio @MartinBrampton @Samuel_Dinkels @Ver… - 5 years ago

@HellenBittewen: RT @0Sundance: @Michael_D_Crow @markp1950 @FriendsOScience @Barbarajdurkin @RedDragonFly19 @GillesnFio @MartinBrampton @Samuel_Dinkels @Ver… - 5 years ago

@NepSci: RT @MtnResearch: Please consider supporting the Technical Support Unit of the @IPCC_CH Working Group I in learning more about how #COVID19… - 5 years ago

@KellyTurberfie1: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@INTELONE2: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@carrollev1: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@najemnikt: RT @KlimaKoalice: Zajímá vás, jak se změnila klimaskepse od vydání přelomové zprávy @IPCC_CH o oteplení o 1,5 °C a masivní expanze klimatic… - 5 years ago

@DaveBreshears: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@GEWEX_WCRP: The IPCC Working Group I Technical Support Unit solicits the research community's views regarding how the Coronavir… - 5 years ago

@sueytonius: @corchem @NoelTurner194 @Tangomitteckel @OnionPirate @HMS_Indomitable @TheDisproof @GillesnFio @TonyBaduy… - 5 years ago

@ikaznaw: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@NPSUngagged: According to IPCC 2007 report, sea levels will rise by 7-23 inches by the end of this century due to global warming. - 5 years ago

@Kenneth72712993: @JoeTheAtheist @EthonRaptor @horrdorr @Gladfly1 @ClimatePoet @Albert_Redstone @insane_voice @OscarsWild1… - 5 years ago

@SumErgoMonstro: @RogerPielkeJr Formal mechanisms like "IPCC" and "Consensus"? - 5 years ago

@Snyggois: RT @GWLarsson: @Snyggois Genom IPCC deras lobby organisation bedrivs rent o skört skojeri. Studenter sitter o trixar i studier o tabeller f… - 5 years ago

@marlurez: RT @LaCarretaLitera: 10 de los últimos cuentos infantiles que hemos leído y compartido con nuestros seguidores en redes sociales #BuscandoL… - 5 years ago

@laprincesa1030: RT @LaCarretaLitera: 10 de los últimos cuentos infantiles que hemos leído y compartido con nuestros seguidores en redes sociales #BuscandoL… - 5 years ago

@LaCarretaLitera: #BuscandoLectores2020 #MeQuedoEnCasa #UnLibroUnFragmentoUnaEmocion @ClaMoralesM @ColombiaSM @rcnradio @Fundacion_SM… - 5 years ago

@DamnedNewSweden: RT @RG7337: ⁦@AnderssonMagda⁩ @SwedishPM @socialdemokrat @VansterniEU @miljopartiet @liberalerna @Centerpartiet @svt ⁦ Vakna och se sanni… - 5 years ago

@MATTP1949: @heisenburgal2o3 @JamesAbbott2013 @chris__soda @CymaticWave @DawnTJ90 @HVACPerformance @SlagKogel @Robin_Hagues… - 5 years ago

@SkyMomorin17: RT @anna_pirani: How is #Covid_19 impacting international #ClimateScience and how the community will be able to contribute to the @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@lenergeek: #LeSaviezVous: "Le mode de développement sur lequel se sont inscrites les dernières décennies n’est pas compatible… - 5 years ago

@RedWayuu: Maira Jayariyú, comunicadora indígena del Pueblo Wayuu, nos cuenta todo sobre el coronavirus en idioma Wayuunaiki.… - 5 years ago

@HMS_Indomitable: RT @corchem: @sueytonius @NoelTurner194 @Tangomitteckel @OnionPirate @HMS_Indomitable @TheDisproof @GillesnFio @TonyBaduy @PeterDClack @3GH… - 5 years ago

@ClaMoralesM: RT @LaCarretaLitera: 10 de los últimos cuentos infantiles que hemos leído y compartido con nuestros seguidores en redes sociales #BuscandoL… - 5 years ago

@corchem: @sueytonius @NoelTurner194 @Tangomitteckel @OnionPirate @HMS_Indomitable @TheDisproof @GillesnFio @TonyBaduy… - 5 years ago

@casaif10: CA INTER/IPCC GST MCQ by ICAI... COMMENT NOW YOUR ANSWER ... Question uploaded on every 15 minutes.... . . . . . .… - 5 years ago

@john003: @DavQuinn Same as with the IPCC climate change models...They have 4 different scenarios...RCP 8.5. RCP 6.0 RCP 4.5… - 5 years ago

@MitziNickel: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@Matber8: Don Carlos, desengañese, eso es una prueba evidente del Calentamiento-Agujero de Ozono y 1.000 cosas mas. Las previ… - 5 years ago

@MathewABarlow: RT @anna_pirani: How is #Covid_19 impacting international #ClimateScience and how the community will be able to contribute to the @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@CB900F2: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@Europakonzept: @AlexE1789 @GraefinErlach Die Informationsfreiheit ist schon lange gefährdet, das zeigt auch die Diskriminierung der IPCC-Kritiker. - 5 years ago

@flude_tom: Piers Corbyn Man Made Climate Change Doesn’t Exist Extinction Rebellion Pensions IPCC 28419 - 5 years ago

@cappuccino64: @Inevitable_ET UN, IPCC, piss all of them off! - 5 years ago

@uniknot: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@SonyaLegg: RT @anna_pirani: How is #Covid_19 impacting international #ClimateScience and how the community will be able to contribute to the @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@moomooguy: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@katie_shank: RT @anna_pirani: How is #Covid_19 impacting international #ClimateScience and how the community will be able to contribute to the @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@Yolanda33086702: RT @CarlAll28905667: ignored by @ClaireKober @VpoDr @cpsuk @MaxHillQC #ipcc/@policeconduct @policesupers @PoliceChiefs @PoliceInspForum a "… - 5 years ago

@ShantanuBagwe: Dear Students, A warm message for all my friends. Hope this will keep you motivated. Regards, CA Shantanu… - 5 years ago

@SonumRisus: @crimethink @susanhughes123 Perhaps .. but I’ve just had a call from the IPCC to tell me that contrary to expectati… - 5 years ago

@Ipcc_Cartagena: ¡Buenos días, Cartagena! ☀️ Que estos tiempos de aislamiento social nos permitan reconectarnos con los que más quer… - 5 years ago

@tomyhub: @SchaerWords @DerMellitz Es zeigt, dass bei Organisationen der UN — auch wenn sie ein nicht-politisches Mandat habe… - 5 years ago

@p00rpete: RT @EcoSenseNow: Rebellion in the ranks of IPCC experts. As the “climate science” falls apart piece by piece and the predictions fail one b… - 5 years ago

@MacRaider: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@HarmSaeijs: @IPCC_CH The effect of rising average temperatures on nature seems unambiguous, e.g. when watching desertification… - 5 years ago

@nkalagram: @Ma_Nkala I need IPCC on my ‘special’ day ngoba alilamazwi amahle! Also, gotta make sure my mani is red. Ta! - 5 years ago

@TheBEATNews: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@S_Martrenchard: RT @valmasdel: En ce lundi matin, 3 définitions étroitement liées : #écosystème #servicesécosystémiques #systèmessocioécologiques Source… - 5 years ago

@den6292: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@scottsmoulton: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@WernerHellwich: @47apollo @berndfachinsson @RepelTorman @heritage_lost @Die_Gruenen Ein Datensatz aus dem IPCC-Bericht ist doch pee… - 5 years ago

@glum_gary: @GMB @Lauratobin1 The link between carbon dioxide and global warming has not been proven, the IPCC's claims are fal… - 5 years ago

@SIRAKIYOSIKAZ: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@AJamesW2: @JWSpry @CSIRO @IPCC_CH @nytimes As this Grand Solar Minimum continues its cooling pace throughout the remains of i… - 5 years ago

@AndyDal02045409: @JWSpry @Carbongate @CSIRO @IPCC_CH @nytimes Dare I say it? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤔 I blame Global warming! 🤣🤣 - 5 years ago

@Carbongate: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@GeBruno91: RT @valmasdel: On a Monday morning, 3 closely related definitions: #ecosystem #ecosystemservices #socialecologicalsystem Source: @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@jacottrell51: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@Unicorns4truth: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@StomperStains: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@Forumeteoclimat: RT @valmasdel: En ce lundi matin, 3 définitions étroitement liées : #écosystème #servicesécosystémiques #systèmessocioécologiques Source… - 5 years ago

@ReneDercksen: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@JWSpry: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@DeyumSinead: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@nuclear_for: RT @wstrzelecki: Interesting analysis of differences between France & Germany in terms of their approach towards nuclear. Hard to disagree… - 5 years ago

@KICKINGASS2016: RT @LokeWeiSueCNA: Why it's so hard to move on tackling global warming. The latest report from #IPCC suggests we really should act now. And… - 5 years ago

@pantonenko2: RT @HiFiWhiPhi: Richard Lindzen, Sloan Prof. of Meteorology at MIT and lead author of Ch 7 IPCC 3rd Report, is an atmospheric physicist and… - 5 years ago

@dunvirkin: RT @mccaffreydanie1: @dunvirkin The period 1978 to 1998 was warm. High sun spot cycles 21,22,23 and positive Pacific Decadal oscillation. P… - 5 years ago

@KellyTurberfie1: RT @TFIE1: .@MichaelEMann and I recently sat down at an appropriate #SocialDistance -- Canada to Australia -- to talk about #ClimateChange… - 5 years ago

@hussain5353: @canacofficial SIR, your EDU91 team is not helpful to me .I have purchased CA IPCC SM laptop online classes , the a… - 5 years ago

@Category10Jenn1: RT @OtagoGrad: The LIBs have said they'll raise the #CarbonTax to $50/tonne in 2022. The UN's @IPCC_CH demands we raise it to a minimum of… - 5 years ago

@58ManOfSteel: @OtagoGrad @IPCC_CH So when JT is out can we burn the docs roast marshmallows and sing kumbyya. - 5 years ago

@sheilawalker73: @OtagoGrad @IPCC_CH Probably the real reason the wanted to be free of oversight TIL December 2021. - 5 years ago

@OilerFanVirdee: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@BeverlyTymchuk: RT @Pierre403: @Cypress_NL - 5 years ago

@ILuvCO2: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@jaytheredneck1: @OtagoGrad @IPCC_CH FUCK the UN! - 5 years ago

@spikesmom4: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@Pic_Fotodesign: @erwinloewe @47apollo @berndfachinsson @Die_Gruenen So ist es, sogar der IPCC gibt Grafiken raus wo man bei genauen… - 5 years ago

@Mdg22531484: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@Mugzy30: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@YouKanCallMeAl: RT @MorphyFanLL: @TristinHopper This should actually expose the total fraud of most UN institutions including IPCC. It’s funny how all UN… - 5 years ago

@thunderbayrules: RT @MLatikainen: @cathmckenna Co2 based climate change is a lie that was created in the UN\IPCC to herd the masses into carbon taxes & soci… - 5 years ago

@AnnStew80895938: RT @OtagoGrad: The LIBs have said they'll raise the #CarbonTax to $50/tonne in 2022. The UN's @IPCC_CH demands we raise it to a minimum of… - 5 years ago

@MartinGrover7: @mario_phys I enjoyed the last 2 (lessons 11 and 12). A lot more numbers, facts and graphs that I've never seen bef… - 5 years ago

@fluxcapdoodah: RT @jritch: Why is IEA’s fossil CO2 outlook clearly diverging from the high emission scenarios used in climate science and policy? Is it ju… - 5 years ago

@NuniSasYu: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@ravingpuckster: @jamft Weather discussions are only when it supports the narrative. You can't discuss weather that in any way disag… - 5 years ago

@DemBourbon: @orochi235 @james_roe @johntehan @joshfoxfilm @BernieSanders It's been out since August Whether it strikes you as… - 5 years ago

@taztembys: @smh @p_hannam "In addition, the report said, the world would have to swiftly develop and deploy technology to remo… - 5 years ago

@taztembys: @smh @p_hannam "To stay below 2 degrees, emissions have to decline to zero by around 2075. Virtually all of the coa… - 5 years ago

@taztembys: @smh @p_hannam "Holding warming to 1.5 would entail a staggering transformation of the global energy system beyond… - 5 years ago

@CarlAll28905667: they have shown this mother no form of concerns for what Toni aka Ruth Lovell has been saying surrounding the detai… - 5 years ago

@Emilie_Le_Fur: RT @valmasdel: Nouvelle définition du jour : #gestiondurabledesterres Source : glossaire du rapport #SRCCL du #GIEC Pour en savoir + : ht… - 5 years ago

@aldavidson99: @CBCTheHouse @ElizabethMay @Tzeporah @cbc Very easy decision. The public health COVID-19 crisis is real. There is n… - 5 years ago

@davidmatheson27: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@MySter_Brun_s: RT @valmasdel: Today's new definition related to climate change: #sustainablelandmanagement Source: @IPCC_CH #SRCCL glossary. More: http… - 5 years ago

@MySter_Brun_s: RT @valmasdel: Nouvelle définition du jour : #gestiondurabledesterres Source : glossaire du rapport #SRCCL du #GIEC Pour en savoir + : ht… - 5 years ago

@niteshbhati007: @canacofficial Sir , is there use of getting certified papers (ipcc) because I am unable to understand what answer… - 5 years ago

@Aranis0I: RT @valmasdel: Nouvelle définition du jour : #gestiondurabledesterres Source : glossaire du rapport #SRCCL du #GIEC Pour en savoir + : ht… - 5 years ago

@Ipcc_Cartagena: #Atención 📣| Esta es una información importante para aquellos proyectos ganadores de la Convocatoria de Circulación… - 5 years ago

@OnlineMeteo: "the communication of CMIP6 results to the #impact, #mitigation and adaptation communities… - 5 years ago

@jones_russell1: RT @ciabaudo: So Mark Burns-Williamson, the man tasked with investigating Bettison's tampering with evidence in the Stephen Lawrence case,… - 5 years ago

@kivimies: @Hohheli @AnttiViinanen @oula_silver Lainaamasi jenkkiyhteisöt toistavat sanoja: largely, signifigant, indicate, pr… - 5 years ago

@ciabaudo: RT @ciabaudo: So Mark Burns-Williamson, the man tasked with investigating Bettison's tampering with evidence in the Stephen Lawrence case,… - 5 years ago

@sfcharger: @vlaamsfront @Gio_tweets Please provide some links to the over 1300 peer reviewed papers that show the IPCC studies… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @KlausLindh @juhota @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@janusPrime: @___n2k1 @HalleVerkehrt @OliverHaas19 @ForchheimEka @tonline_news Es werden einige Modelle aber nicht alle genannt… - 5 years ago

@KlausLindh: @Tutkija5 @juhota @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @juhota @KlausLindh @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@PierreTherrie14: @TyotoRiffle @TQMKA @afrommi @Schtickery @OscarsWild1 @wlbeeton @GillesnFio @BulldogLoyalty @JamesRider3 @aSinister… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @juhota @KlausLindh @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@AlbertStienstra: RT @68Ed68: @AlbertStienstra Het #RIVM #IPCC #KNMI ... ik zie overeenkomsten... - 5 years ago

@TyotoRiffle: @PierreTherrie14 @TQMKA @afrommi @Schtickery @OscarsWild1 @wlbeeton @GillesnFio @BulldogLoyalty @JamesRider3… - 5 years ago

@landersch: @seniortoallin @InfoViajera IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) @IPCC_CH - 5 years ago

@BarrattPeter: @KIVUNature @0Sundance @PierreTherrie14 @Matt_Clough @OscarsWild1 @BulldogLoyalty @aSinister @SupermanEditor… - 5 years ago

@tweeds24: @Vasily254 @UreyZen @GretaThunberg I love that you use the word “fact” so loosely and often. Even the IPCC admits t… - 5 years ago

@FCNL: RT @adlaiamor: @JamieDeMarco1 We only have 9 years and 8 months to stop the climate crisis, according to @IPCC_CH #ActonClimate #SpringLo… - 5 years ago

@adlaiamor: @JamieDeMarco1 We only have 9 years and 8 months to stop the climate crisis, according to @IPCC_CH #ActonClimate #SpringLobbyWeekend @FCNL - 5 years ago

@ccia_geneva: RT @valmasdel: Today's new definition related to climate change: #sustainablelandmanagement Source: @IPCC_CH #SRCCL glossary. More: http… - 5 years ago

@KlausLindh: @juhota @Tutkija5 @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @FeliLefler @firnella @karugire @kbrian5 @jovia_nantongo @JeromeFosterII @irrenid @IreneKananura @KHayhoe -… - 5 years ago

@NatCitAlliance: @canucklaw1 @EliseTRobby @JackNationalist @MaximeBernier It took him 14 months after that to say anything but never… - 5 years ago

@pascal_b45: RT @valmasdel: Today's new definition related to climate change: #sustainablelandmanagement Source: @IPCC_CH #SRCCL glossary. More: http… - 5 years ago

@robgarde: @pfc_benbissett @SurreyRoadCops by the way are you talking about the same ipcc which does exist now , that did a re… - 5 years ago

@jlcameron1960: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@edd_acgrenoble: RT @valmasdel: Nouvelle définition du jour : #gestiondurabledesterres Source : glossaire du rapport #SRCCL du #GIEC Pour en savoir + : ht… - 5 years ago

@flude_tom: Scientists Speak Out UN IPCC's = Hocus Pocus Science! climate Change Belief IS Belief In A Lie - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @juhota @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @KlausLindh @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@pfc_benbissett: @robgarde @SurreyRoadCops My gut instinct says they probably didnt.. But, you appear to have beef with the police o… - 5 years ago

@johnnyweston12: @Neruun @Luisamneubauer wer ist heutzutage in keiner Lobby ich ziehe alle Quellen zu Rate und nicht so wie Ihr nur… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @juhota @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @ShhSami @KlausLindh @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@A_BALLZ: RT @aubreygci: Thanks for heads-up Ben. "Thermokarst: something not even the IPCC has really considered - the land that gets ravaged whenev… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @HilppaGregow @Erik_Wbrg @juhota @ShhSami @KlausLindh @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@ViejuNel: @AndreuEscriva @asolers Pues yo estoy hasta los cojones de los técnicos adiestrados por el sistema que no saben que… - 5 years ago

@CarlReddin: RT @IPCC_CH: Learn more about #ClimateChange. The #IPCC has put together three Special Reports that cover all aspects of our climate and it… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @Erik_Wbrg @juhota @HilppaGregow @ShhSami @KlausLindh @markkumyllykan2 @AtteHarjanne @SannaHellstrom @vihreat… - 5 years ago

@Lisbapple: RT @valmasdel: Nouvelle définition du jour : #gestiondurabledesterres Source : glossaire du rapport #SRCCL du #GIEC Pour en savoir + : ht… - 5 years ago

@temeluchusjohns: @yyc_millennial @WBrettWilson "Climate change and energy experts are quick to point out that projections, while val… - 5 years ago

@notironic1: RT @julianjon: Great read on climate change, history of the UNFCCC, and IPCC. @MaryHeglar ends saying "You have to go out and make your o… - 5 years ago

@SylvainAllemand: RT @valmasdel: Today's new definition related to climate change: #sustainablelandmanagement Source: @IPCC_CH #SRCCL glossary. More: http… - 5 years ago

@ysaheb: RT @valmasdel: Today's new definition related to climate change: #sustainablelandmanagement Source: @IPCC_CH #SRCCL glossary. More: http… - 5 years ago

@perjoste1: IPCC pressure tactics exposed: A Climategate Backgrounder - 5 years ago

@greeksteve: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@mejiafontalvo: RT @LaCarretaLitera: #BuscandoLectores2020 #MeQuedoEnCasa #UnLibroUnFragmentoUnaEmocion @ClaMoralesM @ColombiaSM @rcnradio @Fundacion_SM @i… - 5 years ago

@Homer4K: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@FrankChanged: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@SRdeOZ: RT @HenriB09024086: Let u even op welk vies trucje @RobJetten toepast. Hij heeft het voortdurend over "de wetenschap", maar in werkelijkhei… - 5 years ago

@merc5555: RT @thegwpfcom: The @IPCC_CH vice-chairman @JPvanYpersele is gloating that Covid-19 will punish Britons for their Brexit vote. The @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@BurianUdo: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@JackKaj3: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@mattwridley: RT @thegwpfcom: The @IPCC_CH vice-chairman @JPvanYpersele is gloating that Covid-19 will punish Britons for their Brexit vote. The @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@PeaceOnEarth222: RT @SaferStone: @dunvirkin @Thiakadavra @MartinBrampton @benson_karras @no2wind @PeaceOnEarth222 @AltGreen2 @KCTaz @portun81 @Tangomittecke… - 5 years ago

@PaulButler999: @thegwpfcom @IPCC_CH @JPvanYpersele “People facing a humanitarian crisis”. Do you mean us? Pretty ironic really wh… - 5 years ago

@TheDalaiLamaCon: RT @JWSpry: “KEVIN and I will keep [skeptic papers] out [of IPCC] somehow – even if we have to redefine what peer-review literature is.” –… - 5 years ago

@GRMcKen: RT @JWSpry: ❄️“RESORTS could lose up to 40% of snow by 2020” @CSIRO (2003) ❄️SNOW “will become a very rare & exciting event. Children just… - 5 years ago

@T_Dashe: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@gunnvald1966: @MagneBjella Du sier fornekter , vær litt spesifikk . Hva fornektes ? Vil du si att polområdene eller isbjørnbestan… - 5 years ago

@BarryJWoods: RT @thegwpfcom: The @IPCC_CH vice-chairman @JPvanYpersele is gloating that Covid-19 will punish Britons for their Brexit vote. The @IPCC_CH… - 5 years ago

@katariinalajune: @Tutkija5 Oletetaan, että tämä pitää paikkansa, tulee tarkastella ajanjaksoa 1950-2017. Tämä kuvastaa yhteiskunnan… - 5 years ago

@SylviaD32911201: RT @r_rebuild: @tan123 24/3/20, 9:53 pm @SylviaD32911201 - 5 years ago

@tigerzntl: @thegwpfcom @IPCC_CH @JPvanYpersele This truly exposes the corrupted mentality of the UN & IPCC. - 5 years ago

@MocarskiTomasz: Czy histeria extinction rebellion zwiastuje zmierzch kultu? Bunt w szeregach ekspertów IPCC. „Nauka o klimacie” ro… - 5 years ago

@GeraldKutney: RT @Raffy_Roma: Steve offends Greta and the Science of Climate Change WITHOUT GIVING EVEN ONE SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT! On the contrary Greta in… - 5 years ago

@rdejonge62: RT @the_ecofeminist: The shrinking of #LakeChad represent one of the world's worst humanitarian crises of 7.2 million people displaced. Thi… - 5 years ago

@Kl_Stone: RT @the_ecofeminist: The shrinking of #LakeChad represent one of the world's worst humanitarian crises of 7.2 million people displaced. Thi… - 5 years ago

@Raffy_Roma: Steve offends Greta and the Science of Climate Change WITHOUT GIVING EVEN ONE SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT! On the contrary… - 5 years ago

@lind_ake: @ClimateCollapse @b_granlund ...se tex IPCCs text från år 2001. För bara 19 år sedan menade de att den globala med… - 5 years ago

@instant_mint: RT @GretaThunberg: Today a court hearing starts that will decide if @PreemSverige will be allowed to expand their oil refinery in Lysekil,… - 5 years ago

@richjohnsonwx: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@RoyL_VC: IPCC - Mehleng Ya Bofelo. Back to back to back to back!!! - 5 years ago

@RoyL_VC: IPCC - Ya Itshepelang. O tseba se re se hlokang🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 - 5 years ago

@londiwe_ta2: @Noma_star hale phirimile ... nothing brings my mood at ease like this song, sang by @lebosekgobela and another version by @ipcc - 5 years ago

@poi999poi: RT @SMT_CENTER: التقارير الأخيرة الصادرة عن الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير #المناخ "IPCC" تشير إلى تأثيرات واسعة النطاق لتغير المناخ… - 5 years ago

@guahuc: RT @the_ecofeminist: The shrinking of #LakeChad represent one of the world's worst humanitarian crises of 7.2 million people displaced. Thi… - 5 years ago

@the_ecofeminist: The shrinking of #LakeChad represent one of the world's worst humanitarian crises of 7.2 million people displaced.… - 5 years ago

@LeonardoMissiat: Governments were forced to confine social activities and cut off commercial sectors within a few weeks due to… - 5 years ago

@MelHorrocks19: @OwainAlty @HudsonKerry @metpoliceuk @TheLawSociety It amazed me when I worked for the IPCC how few criminal lawyer… - 5 years ago

@wylde_andrew: RT @LittleBirdSteph: @Ebilover33 @Chinchillazllla @billgirard @DanielDenvir You have got to be kidding. He is literally taking money from t… - 5 years ago

@SandeOlav: @GauteNilsen @MagneBjella @Kai1962K Dette kan ikke diskuteres på twitter. Gå til - 5 years ago

@MelHorrocks19: @OwainAlty @HudsonKerry @metpoliceuk @TheLawSociety That needs to be immediately reported to the DPS of the Met, an… - 5 years ago

@YacobiGuillaume: @Anit10432231 with the help of the WHO who had aan backroom chat with the IPCC they saw their change - 5 years ago

@olivier_75018: RT @IPCC_CH: Outline of #AR6 Synthesis Report, due in 2022, was agreed at the 52nd Session of the #IPCC and is now available to read online… - 5 years ago

@HF33235741: RT @HenriB09024086: Let u even op welk vies trucje @RobJetten toepast. Hij heeft het voortdurend over "de wetenschap", maar in werkelijkhei… - 5 years ago

@sabhlok: The bigger a government's size, the bigger its internal politics. Inevitably, group think wins. Basically, whatever… - 5 years ago

@TheStatesmanLtd: Retreat of #Gangotri glacier will not have a drastic influence on the flow of the #Ganga #IPCC #Himalayan - 5 years ago

@Michell55125993: is resolving the @CSASpeakers_UK @CSE_matters but is only focusing on blaming @MuslimsMatters ignoring the real… - 5 years ago

@olivia_recchi: @theJeremyVine Booked for protecting people . . . ? Complain to the IPCC . . . - 5 years ago

@KelvinBSP: @JWSpry @ralphbalexander @lucydoggo @IanMacK09017816 @Psycho_Thrills @GretaThunberg 3. strongest drying, with a sig… - 5 years ago

@KelvinBSP: @JWSpry @ralphbalexander @lucydoggo @IanMacK09017816 @Psycho_Thrills @GretaThunberg 1. Global warming: severe conse… - 5 years ago

@dunvirkin: @chrisgsimon1971 @FasherMichael @YouTube It has started and puts paid to all the money grabbing scare mongering fro… - 5 years ago

@mortenalver: @perjoste1 @MagneBjella Det er ikke IPCC sine modeller, de vare sammenfatter forskningen. Hvis modeller utelater be… - 5 years ago

@KelvinBSP: @ladyspat1 @Over400ppm @tomgoldman8 @Dan55645 @BubbasRanch @JosephsEddy @TheDisproof @jwickers @Nc1908Neil… - 5 years ago

@KelvinBSP: @JustChris2018 @BillyEinstein @WWhitbread3 @EcoSenseNow 1. The IPCC stated with 95% confidence that most of the glo… - 5 years ago

@perjoste1: @mortenalver @MagneBjella Problemet er at IPCC ikke tar hensyn til Solens virkning i deres modeller, og dermed blir… - 5 years ago

@amccoull: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @apulehti @IlmaTiede @mikarantane @JuhaniDamski Lisäksi mm. Petteri Taalas maalailee äärisäiden lisääntyneen, vaikk… - 5 years ago

@1hllll: RT @SMT_CENTER: التقارير الأخيرة الصادرة عن الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير #المناخ "IPCC" تشير إلى تأثيرات واسعة النطاق لتغير المناخ… - 5 years ago

@Galinkie: @KMalatji Barorisi ba Morena matla Sona Joyous Celebration Phindukhulume Ipcc joko ya hao - 5 years ago

@Yolanda33086702: RT @Michell55125993: with the ipcc aka @policeconduct Jennifer Gillian joining in with the evil trolling to set up a @Twitter account using… - 5 years ago

@Michell55125993: with the ipcc aka @policeconduct Jennifer Gillian joining in with the evil trolling to set up a @Twitter account us… - 5 years ago

@Europakonzept: @olivergorus Es gibt so viele Klimathesen und Gegenthesen, dass man endlich zugeben müsste, dass schon die Rekonstr… - 5 years ago

@_WorldSolutions: RT @WSjp_insight: Calif🇺🇸Caltech,Beavers harveymudd/scrippscollege,Stags&Athenas pitzercollege,Sagehens Occidental,Tigers - 5 years ago

@wstrzelecki: RT @wstrzelecki: Interesting analysis of differences between France & Germany in terms of their approach towards nuclear. Hard to disagree… - 5 years ago

@RingoSt96374813: @Luegendetektor @menosgadion IPCC-Berichte lesen. - 5 years ago

@brenda_murban: @_Jason_Dean_ Biden says he values the science, but doesn't have programs designed to meet IPCC climate goals. Mai… - 5 years ago

@MarlenRonald: Opwarming van de aarde doet IPCC rapport titels wegsmelten.... - 5 years ago

@GOENRI: . BECOME A CLIMATIST ! BORED "listening" and "believing" to other Climatists brainwash (IPCC or its Deniers) ?… - 5 years ago

@juheja: RT @wstrzelecki: Interesting analysis of differences between France & Germany in terms of their approach towards nuclear. Hard to disagree… - 5 years ago

@CarlAll28905667: .@JayBall73951874 without any intervention whatsoever from #BorisJohnson the 3rd @10DowningStreet to just act as if… - 5 years ago

@CarlAll28905667: ipcc/iopc the internal investigations unit to find all their complaints totally ignored to the point we are in fear… - 5 years ago

@dwilliams_2020: @BuckSexton All of James Hansens predictions have thus far been proven correct; indeed they are conservative compar… - 5 years ago

@Trinidreadful: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@Neo_Mvundla: IPCC - Nyakallang ❤️ - 5 years ago

@_dishooza: Ipcc - 5 years ago

@theJKshow: RT @fishyfish67: @DieterFrikadell @AanthanurDC @JamesRider3 @DawnTJ90 @PaprikaLady @wlbeeton @GillesnFio @ammocrypta @aSinister @Matt_Cloug… - 5 years ago

@eo_services: retweet @ GEOSEC2025: RT GEO_Mountains: On this #WorldMetDay, we recall the need to improve #EO4Mountains & monitor… - 5 years ago

@RSShettyMumbai: @sultaneranveer Mine - 5 years ago

@mantubora41: Delhi then and Delhi now. #thehindu #coronavirus #epidemic #delhi #climate #greenpeace #earthjustice #teri #wwf… - 5 years ago

@pall336: RT @pall336: IPCC第5次報告書(AR5)第一部会政策決定者向け要約(SMP)/気象庁訳☛ D.2.気候モデルの応答の定量化 P14但書き 一連の証拠や調査を評価したところ値の一致をみないことから、今回は平衡気候… - 5 years ago

@D6plus: RT @cLiMaT3AlaRmIsM: @FairQuestions @SchemppShawn @v12farmcat @LeslynLewis All one needs to see is the conduct of the WHO, the UNHRC member… - 5 years ago

@Hugomannnn: @hkpoliceforce What?!!? Are you talking about IPCC? - 5 years ago

@dunvirkin: RT @SaferStone: @dunvirkin @Thiakadavra @MartinBrampton @benson_karras @no2wind @PeaceOnEarth222 @AltGreen2 @KCTaz @portun81 @Tangomittecke… - 5 years ago

@GWarming_bot: IPCC에 의하면 열파는 늘고 한파는 줄어들며, 생육기간이 늘어날 것. 그러나 한파 감소로인한 사망자 수 감소와 생육기간 증가로 인한 식량생산량 증대 등은 거의 알려지지 않았다 #기후변화 #지구온난화 - 5 years ago

@sysyx: RT @SMT_CENTER: التقارير الأخيرة الصادرة عن الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير #المناخ "IPCC" تشير إلى تأثيرات واسعة النطاق لتغير المناخ… - 5 years ago

@icaashu: @kdhiraj123 Sir June 2020 is the last attempt for IPCC or @theicai will further increase it?? Plz Tell sir🙏 - 5 years ago

@Pete_Viitala_: @Tutkija5 @drevnyjmedved @SakariM14 @TommiPalve @UjuniAhmed Eikös ipcc ole sinun mielestäsi se mikkihiiriraportti?… - 5 years ago

@bulb_w: RT @MLatikainen: @HKWORLDCITY @WHO @rthk_news The WHO is part of the same United Nations Mafia family as the IPCC liars that brought you CO… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @Pete_Viitala_ @drevnyjmedved @SakariM14 @TommiPalve @UjuniAhmed Eivät ole. Katso, mitä IPCC sanoo. Vastustat tutkijoiden konsensusta. - 5 years ago

@nikkudix: RT @MLatikainen: Did you vote for the UN: Global Compact for Migration Agenda 21\2030 Global Media Compact UNDRIP UNEP Do you actually be… - 5 years ago

@nikkudix: RT @MLatikainen: Canada can also expect that our oil & gas industry will be eliminated because the federal government will listen to the li… - 5 years ago

@Kulvind15605739: @ADITI65133197 Hi are u in ca ipcc or final - 5 years ago

@laxman_xy: RT @MLatikainen: @HKWORLDCITY @WHO @rthk_news The WHO is part of the same United Nations Mafia family as the IPCC liars that brought you CO… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @Pete_Viitala_ @drevnyjmedved @SakariM14 @TommiPalve @UjuniAhmed Nuokin ovat valeuutisia. Oxfam vastustaa IPCC:n k… - 5 years ago

@dakotaboybrian: RT @MLatikainen: Canada can also expect that our oil & gas industry will be eliminated because the federal government will listen to the li… - 5 years ago

@7__LM12: RT @SMT_CENTER: التقارير الأخيرة الصادرة عن الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير #المناخ "IPCC" تشير إلى تأثيرات واسعة النطاق لتغير المناخ… - 5 years ago

@EnronChairman: @dreamspay747 @blackrock @landg_uk @UN @IPCC_CH @SASB @GretaThunberg - 5 years ago

@FedUpCdn: RT @MLatikainen: Did you vote for the UN: Global Compact for Migration Agenda 21\2030 Global Media Compact UNDRIP UNEP Do you actually be… - 5 years ago

@FedUpCdn: RT @MLatikainen: Canada can also expect that our oil & gas industry will be eliminated because the federal government will listen to the li… - 5 years ago

@NickdeCusa: @JMKapp @WHO the whole UN, IPCC, all departments, the lot - 5 years ago

@kiertrad: RT @GlobalFire123: When the Earths heating system (The Sun) is dialed down (No Sun Spots) guess what happens to the temperature of the Eart… - 5 years ago

@cLiMaT3AlaRmIsM: @FairQuestions @SchemppShawn @v12farmcat @LeslynLewis All one needs to see is the conduct of the WHO, the UNHRC mem… - 5 years ago

@Over400ppm: @BillWeirCNN Wow.. what a load of Shit. Bill, you're spreading Fear about #ClimateChange just like CNN Lies about… - 5 years ago

@Tonnypalenciac: @Ipcc_Cartagena Son barrios de Cartagena. - 5 years ago

@OtagoGrad: @alan_poirier You just may be talking to a #cpcldr candidate : "The existential debate over #ClimateChange seems t… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @Pete_Viitala_ @drevnyjmedved @SakariM14 @TommiPalve @UjuniAhmed Nuo väitteet ovat ristiriidassa IPCC:n edustaman t… - 5 years ago

@darren_nell: RT @fishyfish67: @DieterFrikadell @AanthanurDC @JamesRider3 @DawnTJ90 @PaprikaLady @wlbeeton @GillesnFio @ammocrypta @aSinister @Matt_Cloug… - 5 years ago

@jjliit: RT @SMT_CENTER: التقارير الأخيرة الصادرة عن الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير #المناخ "IPCC" تشير إلى تأثيرات واسعة النطاق لتغير المناخ… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @Pete_Viitala_ @drevnyjmedved @SakariM14 @TommiPalve @UjuniAhmed Ilmastonmuutos ei ole aiheuttanut luonnonkatastrof… - 5 years ago

@SlagKogel: RT @fishyfish67: @DieterFrikadell @AanthanurDC @JamesRider3 @DawnTJ90 @PaprikaLady @wlbeeton @GillesnFio @ammocrypta @aSinister @Matt_Cloug… - 5 years ago

@LittleBirdSteph: @Ebilover33 @Chinchillazllla @billgirard @DanielDenvir You have got to be kidding. He is literally taking money fro… - 5 years ago

@GESANDA: RT @MLatikainen: @HKWORLDCITY @WHO @rthk_news The WHO is part of the same United Nations Mafia family as the IPCC liars that brought you CO… - 5 years ago

@001roc: RT @SMT_CENTER: التقارير الأخيرة الصادرة عن الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير #المناخ "IPCC" تشير إلى تأثيرات واسعة النطاق لتغير المناخ… - 5 years ago

@GOENRI: RT @socratesccost: This series of short lectures is brilliant. They are easy to understand and are completely free of IPCC climate change m… - 5 years ago

@0ut0fmany0ne: RT @fishyfish67: @DieterFrikadell @AanthanurDC @JamesRider3 @DawnTJ90 @PaprikaLady @wlbeeton @GillesnFio @ammocrypta @aSinister @Matt_Cloug… - 5 years ago

@COTUSRogue: @EricRWeinstein @WHO Trump should have booted UN 2017 Corrupt and useless with corrupt and useless WHO UNHRC IPCC - 5 years ago

@RaineyAlan: @ClarkeMicah @LeeSmithDC If only Mann and the IPCC would take a hint - 5 years ago

@FlashdriveTech: RT @MLatikainen: @ElizabethMay Spoken like a true UN Globalist & traitor to the Canadian people. The United Nations & all the federal parti… - 5 years ago

@StaceyOIrish: RT @MLatikainen: @ElizabethMay Spoken like a true UN Globalist & traitor to the Canadian people. The United Nations & all the federal parti… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @StephenCorrySvl @Ayla_chata @Survival @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben… - 5 years ago

@redmayne_robert: RT @Seringueiro2: @redmayne_robert @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 - @MikeHudema - @Geor… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @katariinalajune Lue siitä IPCC SREX. - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @chaotic_good3 @MakichyanA @FFFRussia @fff_digital @Fridays4future @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe -… - 5 years ago

@Alistair1911x: RT @r_rebuild: @FriendsOScience @WeWhoDieSaluteU 24/3/20, 9:53 pm @SylviaD32911201 - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @FFFRussia @MakichyanA @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 -… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @LeoOni1 @MakichyanA @FFFRussia @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 -… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @essennique @MakichyanA @FFFRussia @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @CevikusHB @MakichyanA @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 -… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @AdityaDubey2003 @PoojaMe58793433 @earthhour @Siyabhatia2 @AmanBanka00 @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @IshanRussell @AdityaDubey2003 @goacm @DrPramodPSawant @narendramodi @visrane @vinay1011 @GretaThunberg/… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @AdityaDubey2003 @ShashiTharoor @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 -… - 5 years ago

@klwinkel: @Klimaatzuster @Scapeler @IPCC_CH Stel je niet zo aan, er zijn nu andere problemen dan jouw olie obsessie... - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @redmayne_robert @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 - @MikeHudema -… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @patriciakombo @YouthNet4CC @SaleemulHuq @GretaThunberg @Fridays4future @WWF @WWF_Kenya @GretaThunberg/… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @KaoHua3 @Remy_Zahiga @UNCCD @UNEP @UN @unhabitatyouth @BakerLackey @Andrew88820142 @D_T_Bailey @ElmGrace… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @Dexsupertramp @vanessa_vash @e_thunter @NolanQ13 @Remy_Zahiga @PatsyIP4 @ElmGrace @KaoHua3 @mulindwa_guy… - 5 years ago

@SCanopee: RT @valmasdel: La définition du jour liée au climat : #facteursdeforçageclimatiqueàcourteduréedevie Source : glossaire du rapport #SR15 d… - 5 years ago

@cbultel_agence: RT @valmasdel: La définition du jour liée au climat : #facteursdeforçageclimatiqueàcourteduréedevie Source : glossaire du rapport #SR15 d… - 5 years ago

@wodens1: RT @GlobalFire123: When the Earths heating system (The Sun) is dialed down (No Sun Spots) guess what happens to the temperature of the Eart… - 5 years ago

@kskinnervan: RT @Beccabluesky: I always believed rapid transformative action on climate was possible, but now I *know* it is. #ClimateEmergency #Climat… - 5 years ago

@Carbongate: RT @GlobalFire123: When the Earths heating system (The Sun) is dialed down (No Sun Spots) guess what happens to the temperature of the Eart… - 5 years ago

@MiyabiGion: @Luna_Yaksni 国連の下にIPCCっていう科学風詐欺組織があるんですが、これのデータセンターNOAAは中国に浸透されてると感じます。理由はデータ改ざんがストレートすぎて中国風なんですよね。幸いなことにこれに気づいた科学者… - 5 years ago

@vedraven: RT @Beccabluesky: I always believed rapid transformative action on climate was possible, but now I *know* it is. #ClimateEmergency #Climat… - 5 years ago

@konradvoelkel: RT @Beccabluesky: I always believed rapid transformative action on climate was possible, but now I *know* it is. #ClimateEmergency #Climat… - 5 years ago

@therilesyouknow: RT @Beccabluesky: I always believed rapid transformative action on climate was possible, but now I *know* it is. #ClimateEmergency #Climat… - 5 years ago

@AngholichiGoli: More to come . Let's be prepared for #ClimateChange . It would kill 250000 humans every year. @WHO @UN @POTUS… - 5 years ago

@OurFutureBot: RT @Seringueiro2: @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 - @MikeHudema - @GeorgeMonbiot - @Kevi… - 5 years ago

@Beccabluesky: I always believed rapid transformative action on climate was possible, but now I *know* it is. #ClimateEmergency… - 5 years ago

@trevor4016: Anybody who tries to say Climate change is caused by CO2 or Humans is straight out Lying and the IPCC's own scienti… - 5 years ago

@Seringueiro2: @GretaThunberg/#FridaysForFuture - @KHayhoe - @MichaelEMann - @billmckibben/@350 - @MikeHudema - @GeorgeMonbiot -… - 5 years ago

@tracemetalclean: Honestly, are they surprised when we check the references? If someone claims the IPCC says X, you best believe I'm going to check. - 5 years ago

@JohnPolomny: RT @GlobalFire123: When the Earths heating system (The Sun) is dialed down (No Sun Spots) guess what happens to the temperature of the Eart… - 5 years ago

@PaulSan56345114: @Cris_Paunescu @Tony__Heller @sachin_udupa @andrewcuomo No point in covering first point is you are still don’t acc… - 5 years ago

@yuggy52: @DDonsmith007 @HyltonRobin They’re using IPCC modelling, no wonder. - 5 years ago

@BohnFriedrich: RT @IPCC_CH: The world’s attention is now on #COVID-19, but the threat of #ClimateChange has not gone away. The #IPCC Special Reports cov… - 5 years ago

@TheDisproof: @Tim8the8Plumber @Climatehope2 @KelvinBSP @redforged42 @StormSignalSA @FriendsOScience @tracemetalclean @jpgcrowley… - 5 years ago

@JimHigham: @NorthernGather2 @MattyJudge @alexjellicoe @TonyJuniper You need to read proper papers with full details, and admis… - 5 years ago

@mountkidd: RT @socratesccost: IPCC scientists' projections are based on 15-micron wavelength surface radiation reaching the troposphere ( 7 Km up), ca… - 5 years ago

@HJ85405413: RT @valmasdel: Today's definition related to climate change: #shortlivedclimateforcers Source: @IPCC_CH #SR15 glossary. More: - 5 years ago

@seandburke: @cynicalbroad @pdz_domain @salemo5111 @BorisJohnson Nah. The IPCC, and other scientists disagree. Plant based food… - 5 years ago

@NohpalliNapoli: RT @canncr: @TruthJr4 @GeraldKutney That information is all available here: Solutions are are here: - 5 years ago

@GeraldKutney: RT @canncr: @TruthJr4 @GeraldKutney That information is all available here: Solutions are are here: - 5 years ago

@Ipcc_Cartagena: ¡Tenemos un nuevo #RetoIPCC! | Queremos celebrar el #DíaMundialDelTeatro conociendo el talento y creatividad en cas… - 5 years ago

@fedupCdian: RT @OtagoGrad: The view of #cpcldr @LeslynLewis "The existential debate over #ClimateChange seems to be settled The #IPCC has identified… - 5 years ago

@canncr: @TruthJr4 @GeraldKutney That information is all available here: Solutions are are here:… - 5 years ago

@DestroyPolitics: #ClimateChange = #SolarForcing 👇👇👇 The datasets are available from the IPCC and NASA, its become official. The… - 5 years ago

@Ipcc_Cartagena: Santiago García es una referencia del teatro de Colombia ante el mundo, como actor, director teatral, dramaturgo, t… - 5 years ago

@PierreTherrie14: @TyotoRiffle @stargrazzer @JamesRider3 @aSinister @BulldogLoyalty @ammocrypta @insane_voice @CymaticWave… - 5 years ago

@EUtopean: RT @gold123win: I sincerely request the @cheshirepolice & @PoliceEport & @IPCC_CH go to Derbyhaven IOM 🇮🇲&see this luxury 7 bed luxury on-s… - 5 years ago

@Tim8the8Plumber: @NakabuyeHildaF @Greenpeace @Fridays4future @GretaThunberg What bad thing do you think will happen where you are du… - 5 years ago

@GS76154352: RT @IPCC_CH: Nice to see @IPCC_CH finding new ways to work. - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @janne_maijala @AriJLaaksonen @ShhSami @JarSeal @Jarska96 @MinkkinenSimo @Trollitarkastus @kirsi_koo @Pakuja… - 5 years ago

@Tutkija5: @janne_maijala @AriJLaaksonen @ShhSami @JarSeal @Jarska96 @MinkkinenSimo @Trollitarkastus @kirsi_koo @Pakuja… - 5 years ago

@ahosmikko: 46 STATEMENTS By IPCC Experts Against The IPCC - 5 years ago

@stargrazzer: @DawnTJ90 I like that #ClimateClairvoyant (or #ClimateAstrology or #ClimateTarot #ClimateTeaLeaves… - 5 years ago

@_Distel_: RT @IPCC_CH: The world’s attention is now on #COVID19, but the threat of #ClimateChange has not gone away. The #IPCC Special Reports cover… - 5 years ago

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