I. N. Murthy

Indian film director.
Died on Monday June 23rd 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to I. N. Murthy:

@MadihaSobtian: RT @TanviArshi: @alaka_murthy @MadihaSobtian @NaziaNaq @mrhegde hahha you bet I met him 6 times n Gautam is his close frnd he indeed does s…

@TanviArshi: @alaka_murthy @MadihaSobtian @NaziaNaq @mrhegde hahha you bet I met him 6 times n Gautam is his close frnd he indeed does stay away from us

@namewhatm: @sathames2 @iam_vinoth @jannathulrahmat @sivasisnandy @Moni_Murthy I wouldn't leave bt its12:30 n I still haven't anything since last night😭

@twitpartha: @Ajayvirjakhar I agree Sustainable Farming should be the vision of the govt , even N Murthy says take low tech manufacturing to the villages


@AjayAapka: RT @tinucherian: Like K V Kamath, Mr N R Narayana Murthy fully deserves the role that he got. But all I am asking is ..Is this sycophancy …

@AloysiusXDiaz: RT @tinucherian: Like K V Kamath, Mr N R Narayana Murthy fully deserves the role that he got. But all I am asking is ..Is this sycophancy …

@AAPlogical: RT @tinucherian: Like K V Kamath, Mr N R Narayana Murthy fully deserves the role that he got. But all I am asking is ..Is this sycophancy …

@shaqueelsinai: RT @tinucherian: Like K V Kamath, Mr N R Narayana Murthy fully deserves the role that he got. But all I am asking is ..Is this sycophancy …

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